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Messages - sithlord48

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 65
Yes you can enable the full range of items and materia in the setting under editing enable the "Show placeholders in Materia and Items Lists" option. While you will not be able to see the names you will be able to pick the unused ids and add them to your materia / item "inventory"

I have done a few adjustments to the code that should fix the crashing and allow you to edit those materia if found in your file

FireWire280 Please try the newest blackchocobo build from and lmk how it goes.

I'm going to put this here for anyone who has been having issues loading their New Threat 2.0 (my version is 2.099994) saves: download version 1.14.0 of Black Chocobo. For whatever reason, this build does not crash on opening the saves I had issues with on 1.16.0 and 1.15.0(1).

Sithlord48, You can download the save in question for testing here:

The issue is that new threat creates materia above the value that the game uses (i.e id above 90 ) bc dont' know what todo with that id

#1 you can try to edit your achievements and remove them using the achievement editor
#2 you can make try making a new cloud save folder and that should replace your previous one.

Hi there!
Great tool, does it support PS5 save editing now/future?
It will support the PS4 format (also playable on the ps5) when i get around to doing the file support and implementing the decryption parts. (help is welcome i have a draft on the ff7tk repo for some time).  Also Idk that you can copy saves off of  a ps5 anymore.

Crashing when opening a New Threat 2.0 save. An earlier save file loads, but my endgame save file crashes the program whenever I try to open it

If you send me your save ill take a look. Depending on what things the mod is changing i might be able to fix it.

Is it possible to use this outside of 7th? I'd like to use direct mode if possible

Playing ff7 on steam and almost done with the game. Got the final attack materia, and noticed later that my counter materia was erased. Will this program help me get it back?

Would be a pretty shitty save editor if you were not able to.

Since its no longer sold Ebay is your best bet.

My guess would be the mod.

try the newest unstable and see if it works better.

Some other info that could be useful
What os ?
what version of makoureactor ?

Yes it works, but we can't help you unless you tell us what the error says.

1. I lost my submarine. It just isn't on the map. I heard that there is some underwater stuff I'll need it for. Where do I add it?
Not sure we don't have all of the progression stuff worked out
2. After taking last Huge Materia it disappears. Cloud takes it, but I don't have it in my Key Items.
Check the locations where you would pick them up and be sure they are collected ( this is in the location tab)

Is there any way to fix this? Am I just stupid? Please tell me, I just want to finish this game.
Your best bet is to get a save that is close to the progression you want and modify that.

So hopefully this isn't too stupid a question.
I lost my save a bit ago and now I'm trying to rebuild it. I am wondering in Game Progress how can I advance the discs to change the settings in Event Progress to show the switch over and select what I need. It just seems to give me selection to Sector 7 Pillar. So I was just curious if it can go beyond, or I just need to kind of get to each point and rebuild it that way? I've run the program normal and as "Administrator" otherwise I'm at a bit of a loss to change those things. Thanks for any help provided.

There is very little done in terms of mapping the progress, you can change the disc number its not related to progress and the main progression variable but we are far from all events with their variables being mapped.

Makou Reactor is now also now on flathub

Black Chocobo is now available as a  Flatpak from Flathub.
 Steam Deck users should have a much easier time installing now

General Discussion / Re: Switch modding
« on: 2023-02-11 10:34:41 »
You need to replace things in the lgp files.

General Discussion / Re: Do you think it's pointless?
« on: 2023-01-20 18:44:22 »
Ahh see i don't use 7th heaven and use direct mode for most of the mods .. that might work for you depending on what your trying to change

General Discussion / Re: Do you think it's pointless?
« on: 2023-01-15 14:08:14 »
There is really no reason to have the steam version if you already have the disc version. If you want to have a modded and vanilla copy on your computer it not to hard todo since . Either way you need to have ffnx installed. All my mods are installed as "direct" mods so you only have to change the mode in the config to get back to vanilla. Im guessing you would want to use something like 7thHeaven and im not mistaken you can just toggle mods on and off before running with that tool.

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2022-12-18 12:57:47 »
It seams the above links for mds7st32 are not working

I think without knowing what changes you made the only answers you will get will be guesses

New Release
 v 1.13.0  (Changes and ff7tk changes)
Most of the work is in ff7tk some more GUI polish and a fixed a possible crash .

General Progress:
 v 1.12.1  (Changes and ff7tk changes)
Biggest features
  - Update to new ff7tk
  - Bug fix to ensure '.' is included when a file has an extension
  - Adjust How save names are working
  - Show Drives in side bar (for non native box)
  - Portable Windows release now includes a settings.ini (so its settings go with it )

WIP / Re: Two Mod sugestions for OG VII
« on: 2022-06-23 18:19:54 »
Well I could not find an "ask for mod" subforum anywhere so this was the best second.
Makes sense since people here usually make their own mods.
I think FF7 General Discussion would be the place for this.

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