
your thoughts on areas to focus on next...

New Boss Combinations?
Beast Sidekicks for Bosses?
Humanoid Sidekicks for Bosses?
AI mods for boring enemies?
New Enemy - AI + Texture Mod ideas (like my Neo Bahamut)?

Author Topic: [FF8PC-Steam] KLITLIKA'S Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger FF8 - V33  (Read 48567 times)


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disc 4 is still very much broken, i fought a couple of the sorcess battles fine until your mod crashed when it tried to load the newer sorcess to come down to battle squall party members, after the snowy field socress battles

and the sorcess ulimitea battle as soon as she done doing mega flare, softlocks the game but the charcaters are still moving but nothing happens

Ok good know...  so Mega Flare... seems to break her... i guess that's an idea i'll retire...


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V19 - spent about 5 hours testing various end-game phases etc... i can't promise it's bug free but it's feeling pretty solid... Link in first post...

Lion Heart - (FF8's Omnislash) might be scaled down a bit soon... likewise Armor Shot since afaik both ignore Vit...

« Last Edit: 2018-07-21 09:15:05 by qotsaninsoadkorn »


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the sorcess battles after you fight adel on the start of disc 4 is still broken, after you fight them on the snowy field background, the game still softlocks and not continue at all

and when the third to final form of ulimitea did the unlimte spell without the anmition playing it softlock the game again
« Last Edit: 2018-07-21 12:44:14 by Zara9 »


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the sorcess battles after you fight adel on the start of disc 4 is still broken, after you fight them on the snowy field background, the game still softlocks and not continue at all

and when the third to final form of ulimitea did the unlimte spell without the anmition playing it softlock the game again
ohk it must be problem with the 2nd sorceress then i think and not the 3rd in fact... since the 3rd was reverted back to un-modified...


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i am back from my good well nap, and i just tested out the fight with the third to almost last form of ulimitea without the tail, and it softlocks when she casts the ulimite spell without animation playing on it

i can still pause the game and stuff but the battle softlocks without anymore movement
« Last Edit: 2018-07-21 20:02:36 by Zara9 »


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qotsaninsoadkorn a little question, how do you made Catastrophe hit all enemies/party withou using Ifrit AI mod?


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qotsaninsoadkorn a little question, how do you made Catastrophe hit all enemies/party withou using Ifrit AI mod?

nice question you have there... i realized gradually that some slots are already marked for single target or multi / enemy as target or self-cast...
so i could only use a buff or #23 = Curaga when they were already casting something like reflect on themselves...
likewise i didn't know i'd get Single target Ultima's sometimes... etc
some mods of the kernel did happen... but apocalypse for eg is still meant to be multi-target... i didn't tick single on it...
so once i realized i tried to make sure i was replacing single target spells with single usually... but i think a little mix could be fun...
for the eg you wanted to know about, i must of replaced something like Meteor with it... :P

MAGIC (some Examples) for IFRIT #
20-apocalypse       >>> SEXY... :P

51-full-cure --- OP AS F*CK...
52-wall             >>> SEXY... now does regen too ..................  --- Enemies seem to cast it on the party LOL
53-rapture          >>> SEXY... HolyGA Group Attack?? - Gave this move to Griever/Ult
54-percent          >>> SEXY... Holy Max Single Target DMG
55-catastrophe      >>> SEXY... Most Powerful Group DMG - ULTI FINAL FORM MOVE

few examples of Enemy MOVEs + IFRIT codes...
(use CUSTOM + Anim 12 seems to work ok)

84 = Angel Wing (M-Berserk in my mod?)

108 = T-REX TAIL ATTACK... When 3 People are alive...
109 = T-REX Magic Counter

120 = Magma Breath - ignuion special move

156 = Seifer etc, Physical Attack 29 Attack Power (used by Ulti-Griever - anim 14)


222 = Chef's Knife
223 = Everyone's Grudge

226 = Junk
227 = It's Sharp

230 = 10,000 Needles
231 = Ker Plunk

233 = Storm Breath

257/309- Gravija
262/295- Mighty Guard
263- Doom

307 = SOUL CRUSH... Hp goes to 1... + 96/255 DOOM
308 = Light Pillar - Single Target - Huge DMG
309 = Gravija
310 = Megiddo Flame - Huge DMG to ALL

314 = Seifer's Special - DEMON SLICE (22ap)- 34 Attack Power...
315 = Seifer's Special - BloodFest (20ap)- 31 Attack Power...

316 = ADEL's ENERGY BOMBER - anim 16

318 = ADEL'S DRAIN - anim 12

335 = Ultimecia Final Form - fixed Damage Attack...???? (might be un-used copy?)
337 = BLOW AWAY MAGIC (Ultimecia-Griever Move)

357 = Draw Apocalypse (tried to add Regen Effect)
358 = Hell´s Judgment ... all targets drop to 1 Hp

359 = DRAIN?

360 = Ultimecia - Great Attractor - was 64 now 77
362 = Ultimecia's Shockwave Pulsar ... 184 Attack Power... Magic Attack

363 = Ultimecia final Form - skipped Turn??? Looks empty :(

364 = Esuna
365 = Maelstrom ... 12 Attack Power... % Magic DMG... to all targets (added 96/255 chance to slow)

373 = Ultimecia Final Form - Apocalypse 200 Default now 216 Attack Power

377 = Seifer Physical Attack... was 16 now 39 Attack Power - Seifer all Forms

378 = Ultima ...
379 = Holy ...
380 = Quake ... (anim 12)
381 = Tornado ... (anim 12)

---------------------Skipped Turns are fun to replace :P---------------------
for eg
74 = SKIP TURN (used by ULTI-Griever)
186 = Seifer - SKIP TURN?
196 = Seifer ETC - SKIP TURN
197 = Seifer ETC - SKIP TURN
198 = Seifer ETC - SKIP TURN
331 = Seifer ETC, Skip Turn?
332 = Seifer ETC, Skip Turn?
333 = Seifer ETC, Skip Turn?
334 = Seifer ETC, Skip Turn?
340 = Seifer ETC, Skip Turn?
341 = Seifer ETC, Skip Turn?
342 = Seifer ETC, Skip Turn?
344 = Seifer ETC, Skip Turn?
345 = Seifer ETC, Skip Turn?
376 = SKIP TURN... EW!
« Last Edit: 2018-07-28 19:35:38 by qotsaninsoadkorn »


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Wow a awesome and complete info there XD
Well let me understand, single magic can´t hit all party like fire right?

What i trying to do is use the catastrophe magic, or replace a firaga magic to another one that should hit all enemies in stead of one, fro exe:

Edea firaga: replace firaga for ultima (but if you do that in IFRIT, ultima will still damage ONE party member)

I need to change some stats from the magic on doomtrain or in ifrit? My test subject is Diablos, im trying to replace DEMI for catastrophe or ultima, but i want that the magic hit all party not only one.


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Wow a awesome and complete info there XD
Well let me understand, single magic can´t hit all party like fire right?

What i trying to do is use the catastrophe magic, or replace a firaga magic to another one that should hit all enemies in stead of one, fro exe:

Edea firaga: replace firaga for ultima (but if you do that in IFRIT, ultima will still damage ONE party member)

I need to change some stats from the magic on doomtrain or in ifrit? My test subject is Diablos, im trying to replace DEMI for catastrophe or ultima, but i want that the magic hit all party not only one.

i'm suggesting to me it seems that if a boss uses all single target magic for eg... Flare...
replacing FLARE with Ultima still gives it Single target condition somewhere in the AI code, which i've barely looked at with the beta...

BUT... if you replace GRAVIJA / METEOR / TORNADO for eg, with ULTIMA (or other multi target)...
 I'm pretty sure it works against the whole party...

also noticed a certain boss seems to target a certain character slot more... would be good to balance it out with some AI changes...
keen to gradually experiment more so anything else i can try to help with will probs also teach me something else in the process...


try replacing GRAVIJA with Apocalypse instead...
Custom 257 - 11  >>> Magic 55 - 11... try that...
since the Demi Magic = 13 ... can be swapped with Flare or something but anything you choose with be 1 target only... AFAIK...

DISCORD LINK (24 hour expiry) - i can respond faster for more help with any of my mods / tech questions :P

couple more examples of things i tried... for now:

« Last Edit: 2018-07-28 20:11:07 by qotsaninsoadkorn »


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Ok then XD now i get it, in ifrit i know how to change the AI to in this case hit all party (you need do change the number stats 201,202,203 for 204) but when you do that in IFRIT, some bug will happen in the battle, some grafics will be messy or something like that =/ for ex:

Edea woulnd´t appear, Seifer gunblade will turn into a green line, Diablos magic animation will crash.


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The red Gaint boss battle works now, but his death animation is 100% broken

and almost all of the opticail boss are fixed but dark timat, since that boss softlocked the game since there was a enemy beside him
« Last Edit: 2018-08-05 14:36:28 by Zara9 »


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here is a TIAMAT original file to fix him for now in v21...
i'm have to try out both again and reattempt some fixes..
making progress...
using DELING to inject into battle.fs


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how is the fix coming along so far on this mod


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how is the fix coming along so far on this mod

well ... i'm Culling some of my mods...
this will be the exception ...
more coming soon...
the qhimm discord page... "Klitlika's MODs" has screenshots often as i make progress with the testing / new versions...

« Last Edit: 2018-08-18 09:52:38 by qotsaninsoadkorn »


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Hey I'm new to all of this, I used the deling app to replace the files inside of the /data folder, but how can I know for sure if the mod has been applied? I just finished getting Ifrit but i honestly can't notice any difference so far


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Mod is working great but fire cavern enemies are giving graphic glitches and bats that use dark mist cause a soft lock

Edit: I'm also getting random soft locks in the dream world with laguna right before getting to galbadia garden. It happens with random encounters and  comes back with "an unkown exception has occured"

Edit(2): Random soft locks in Tomb of the Unknown King in battles with Death Claw and Blobra, not sure what causes it yet.
« Last Edit: 2018-08-27 02:19:35 by adj998 »


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Also just started in the Fire Cavern, had the same graphical glitch and soft lock as the user above. Looking forward to trying this more in the future.


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You could always load up the v23 mod play through the cavern, then load up the v24 mod. If you're worried about the bahamut twins, they show up in the training center for some reason, at least after the dance scene when Quistis asks you to go there with her

(sorry, meant to quote the above user)


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Mod is working great but fire cavern enemies are giving graphic glitches and bats that use dark mist cause a soft lock

Edit: I'm also getting random soft locks in the dream world with laguna right before getting to galbadia garden. It happens with random encounters and  comes back with "an unkown exception has occured"

Edit(2): Random soft locks in Tomb of the Unknown King in battles with Death Claw and Blobra, not sure what causes it yet.

oh heya...
yeah i found out at least one of the TotUK battles isn't ok... and the RED BAT extra moves...
thanks for the info that it's DARK MIST that has an issue...
the texture issue i'm not sure about there... i think my RED BAT file might of gotten Corrupted... so i'll revert that one and re-do some changes...

here is c0m018.dat Red Bat 3.0 needs testing...
install with DELING (battle.fs)
« Last Edit: 2018-08-27 09:54:07 by qotsaninsoadkorn »


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You could always load up the v23 mod play through the cavern, then load up the v24 mod. If you're worried about the bahamut twins, they show up in the training center for some reason, at least after the dance scene when Quistis asks you to go there with her

(sorry, meant to quote the above user)

yeah it's just one room / field... of the Training Center... temp mod... Battle 91 got put in to replace one of the repeat battle scenes...
i'll be switching that in the next update too...


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Mod is working great but fire cavern enemies are giving graphic glitches and bats that use dark mist cause a soft lock

Edit: I'm also getting random soft locks in the dream world with laguna right before getting to galbadia garden. It happens with random encounters and  comes back with "an unkown exception has occured"

Edit(2): Random soft locks in Tomb of the Unknown King in battles with Death Claw and Blobra, not sure what causes it yet.
"bats that use dark mist cause a soft lock" i've put up a link to another enemy .dat file for RED BAT... where i replaced DARK MIST with something that is more likely to work... needs testing... https://nofile.io/f/vXbhtsmMpMK/c0m018.dat

yeah in the recent updates...
i'm retesting many parts of disc 1 again... Quality Assurance :P
regarding laguna Dreams... i've fixed 1-2 battles that were a problem a while ago... mainly the 2nd dream seq i tihnk it was...
make sure you have updated.. and let me know if it's still there...

likewise i realized that DEATH CLAW doesn't seem to work alongside any other enemies AFAIK... so it's being removed/replaced from some areas where i had placed it... i already think i've removed it from the TOMB in v23/24...
« Last Edit: 2018-08-27 15:04:00 by qotsaninsoadkorn »


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"bats that use dark mist cause a soft lock" i've put up a link to another enemy .dat file for RED BAT... where i replaced DARK MIST with something that is more likely to work... needs testing... https://nofile.io/f/vXbhtsmMpMK/c0m018.dat

yeah in the recent updates...
i'm retesting many parts of disc 1 again... Quality Assurance :P
regarding laguna Dreams... i've fixed 1-2 battles that were a problem a while ago... mainly the 2nd dream seq i tihnk it was...
make sure you have updated.. and let me know if it's still there...

likewise i realized that DEATH CLAW doesn't seem to work alongside any other enemies AFAIK... so it's being removed/replaced from some areas where i had placed it... i already think i've removed it from the TOMB in v23/24...

Well like I mentioned earlier I'm not too worried about the red bats and the fire cave because you can go into the training center and the bahamut twins will randomly appear.

The Laguna dream issue, when you first fight the esthar soldiers, I took the right path and went down the ladder instead of going all the way straight where the draw point is. I still had one soft lock, but I changed my settings to "original graphic gameplay" in the FF8 launcher and idk if that was the fix, but I didn't have anymore soft locks.

As for the Tomb, I just ran away anytime I ran into them and no issues so far. Currently I'm doing the edea mission so I'll let you know if something comes up, it's my day off so I'll be playing this pretty much all day lol so I'll be able to give you some decent feedback on your update

I'll apply the patch once I'm able to get back to the Balamb area to see how it works.

Edit: Lol I'll take advantage of the temp mod before the next update then regarding the training center :p

Edit(2): So I ended having to apply the patch because I forgot there are bats in the sewers -_- the bats don't have icons anymore but use heartbreak instead of dark mist

« Last Edit: 2018-08-27 16:27:47 by adj998 »


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« Last Edit: 2018-09-07 11:44:47 by qotsaninsoadkorn »


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So V26 is up... I've fixed about 4-5 Corrupted Enemy Data Files...
many other battle scene changes... added some more test battles...
Tweaked some more things... and re-reading the posts here i think the only bug i forgot about the was invisible Red Bats...
so they all need re-testing officially, but we're definetly getting there...
WENDIGO, ABYSS WORM, TIAMAT & a couple other Enemies have been reverted to Stock Stats / Moves for now...
those were some of the Corrupted files... in the recent versions...
Odin should also work again... needs testing & Feedback though...
i gave up for now trying to give him real moves for his battle...
so it's simply a small stat boost and 1 small other change they may work as intended if/when the timer runs out... ;)

New 24 hour link to join the discord...
makes it easier to report any bugs / crashes you find...

the NEO BAHAMUT battles (4 different - Battle Scenes/Backgrounds) is in Zell's Kitchen (at his MOM's HOUSE)... Disc 1-3 (i should add it to disc 4 too soon)
DISC 4 has lvl 100 IFRIT + ADEL + FUJIN & RAIJIN + ODIN + many more new battles in parts of the Castle...
« Last Edit: 2018-09-07 12:05:12 by qotsaninsoadkorn »