how hard did you make omega weapon on this mod
heya... the gameplay feels a bit different now
(for eg GF spamming the SPR ignore moves, won;t ignore SPR anymore finally) ... especially if you are using both this multimodpack + the hard mode launcher
(exclude the HP.dll imo if you do, so you keep 9999 cap on u)i been focused on non-optional bosses until v9 where i've just added a couple small tweaks to Omega... HP is not what it was... and it should be a bit faster... but i haven't tested that part yet... i might of also added a cast or two... but although i found almost complete magic list...
eg ultima 19, apocalypse 20, Wall 52... etc... it only has a few of the many Unique boss moves listed... so i think for v10 i'll start trying to identify the magic/abilities after #55 Catastrophe...
The End for eg isn't in the list yet... despite WALL 52 + FULL-CURE 51 + RAPTURE 53 etc... being there...
i mean if you really wanted we could have OMEGA casting THE END 16x or so on repeat... with max haste... keen to read some ideas on here or the Discord page for my mods...
i post more images there since it's easy too btw... (link valid 24 hours...
using pretty much all the FF8 Tools...
Hyne for some teleporting etc to test areas...i'll be uploading v9 tonight i think, just trying to fix one of the 3 Sorceress Battles... which got corrupted... in v8 or v9wip i think...