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Messages - DLPB_

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There is no seriousness here, QP.  What there is is you - coming into this thread like a lunatic - when the mods have already asked you not to do.  This issue is closed.  I've complied with what the moderators have asked. Go get your lawyer and make all your reports - it will be a good laugh when you discover you have no legal basis for any of that diarrhoea you keep spouting.

ddraw.dll is 100% my code, written in Borland Delphi - it does not constitute ANY violation.  It is completely separate and can even be used separately if needed to work without aali.dll - this is why it isn't in breech of gpl.  Please understand that and learn that.

Again, I want to stress this - as it keeps getting missed.  The code that QP and True Odin are using is based on a build that Luksy created from aali's original code. That code was supplied to them - with fixes from me, Luksy, and Maki - openly.  It has NEVER been closed source.

The source that is closed - and which QP is demanding / threatening all sorts that doesn't make sense - is ddraw.dll.  His argument has nothing to do with aali source - it has to do with 2 external functions from aali.dll that are called from ddraw.dll. 

Again - plainly - I have never withheld aali code.

That isn't remotely the issue here.  The source code for aali.dll has always been free and open - but will now also be public.  That isn't why this mod is removed.  It's removed because a member here believes calling a function from my dll to aali.dll also breaches gpl and it doesn't - because there is wild debate online about that - AND on the wiki page about it.

I am more than happy to upload aali.dll code - which is being done.  That isn't the issue here - so please stop getting involved and causing trouble.  This does not concern you and you have absolutely no idea what you're on about.

Also, respectfully, I believe there is ample evidence that there are no licensing issues with R06e, but a complaint was raised and I have to obey the ruling of the moderators of this forum.

Long term, I will be looking at my own website to host The Reunion as the current situation is intolerable and unjust.  The moderators have acted in what they believe to be the best interest of the forum based on the complaint raised by a member of this forum, and I have made it absolutely clear that I am complying with their ruling on it.

I thank every fan of The Reunion for their patience in this matter and I'm sorry that we find ourselves in this position.


Priority is getting the new update released - and I'll look into sound card option side of it don't worry :)

The torrent is removed awaiting R06f and an end to this circus. I also need an edit button :)

@lizardp  It will take time to program and isn't a priority.

Exactly... you've already changed the name and then changed option - so they are mismatched ;)

you shouldn't use fixed length names unless you've read readme and have are starting a new game and are not changing default names.  it's intended only for very specific usage

Oof, guess I'll just decide between this and New Threat for now and replay when they work together.

Do both - ;)  New Threat is more fun - New Translation is to experience original game as it was intended.

Oh and you'll need to revisit options.ini so maybe copy it somewhere.  Don't do that when upgrading though :P

Yup, just reinstall.  Nothing will be touched apart from BASE folder.  Anything in there will go.

It's a good 6 months off for sure.

It's best to leave it Salk :)  Until my last days on this forum, I'm going to hold my end of the bargain and stay here and do what I like doing - mod for the betterment of FF7 players.  The mods already agreed with me yesterday that I have 3 days to remove the "offending code".

let's get this train back on the track ;)

Also, to the members of this forum and thread.  As has been pointed our persistently to the mods and with documentation - no law breaking is taking place.  This crazy vendetta by Quantumpencil must stop and I ask that the mods please stop this awful and obvious bullying.

Will you please leave this forum and stop harrassing me.

On the subject of looping, I seem to recall running into other pieces of music that didn't work with Reunion, because they used 'LoopStart' instead of 'LOOPSTART'.

No longer an issue for me, but if you could tweak that [remove the case sensitivity] it might make music interoperability easier for some folks?

It's already case insensitive according to my source code ;)

As for looping - you'll need to google ogg LOOPSTART

It is possible but it's difficult and requires some more thought as I've made game over totally brutal.  You're using Weapon mode 2.  Change to 1.

Perfect. I think that explains my issue fully. Really appreciate your help and, more importantly, your mod.

It will only get better.  I'm more determined now than ever :)


It's not clear.

Calling 2 external functions does not satisfy the criteria you think it is.  Regardless, the "offending code" will be removed in two days because the mods have - in my view completely unjustly - agreed with your position.  It won't change anything - the links won't affect the mod.  The source still isn't ever going to be released.

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