Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3286888 times)


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I didn't want to return to this - but I think you all should know that sl1982 is currently trying (on behalf of True Odin and Quantum Pencil) to force me into releasing my source for ddraw.dll - which they've been after since the very start.

The charge is that aali.dll "links" to ddraw or vice versa.  It does not. Aali.dll is a completely separate entity and is called from ff7.exe loadlibrary - which is easy to prove.

Rest assured that even if this were not the case, I'd rather burn my eye balls out with a white hot poker than give my source to bandits that want to pass it off as their own.  Which would mean I'd be forced to leave Qhimm's.

This is the latest evidence I have of how those two have acted with absolute contempt from the beginning and will stop at nothing.  I've got better things to be doing than this rubbish - I actually give a damn about the game and improving it.  If True Odin and QP want to create a proper community that will have one modding solution we can all enjoy, I invite them to work with The Reunion and not against it.  Attempts to get away with doing large chunks by forcing me to release my source are not going to work.

Aali.dll source will be uploaded as sl1982 has requested - within 3 days.

I provided proof that you are in fact linking to Aali.dll from DDraw.dll. I uploaded visual proof that anyone can easily check, and described exactly how any interested party could check. Set a breakpoint on loadlibraryW and inspect the argument when running the game with reunion or just use software such as and inspect the dependencies (this intercepts import calls)

This is not a matter of debate, it's unbelievably clear that you are linking Aali.dll from DDraw.dll as part of R06e that you have distributed.

I have contributed to this driver during its lifetime as GPL'd software, which makes me a copyright holder. Release the source, or remove the offending code (which is not just Aali.dll), without a reupload until you have a version of DDraw.dll version that does not link with the driver (I will be able to check) or I will file a strike. I have warned you.


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True.  Global is just for things that should be universal.  Custom is for things that are limited to one mod package.  Either way, I need to get on top of a proper vid tutorial and I will.

Thanks. This helps. I installed Satsuki's package, which had an option for installing with Reunion. Seemed to make sense, but I think it may have put the files in GLOBAL, which confused me. So I started manually putting files in there, as well. And, well, now I don't know what I have where or which models/textures I'm actually using.

Is there an order of operations? CUSTOM (if configured in Options.ini) > GLOBAL > BASE?


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It's not clear.

Calling 2 external functions does not satisfy the criteria you think it is.  Regardless, the "offending code" will be removed in two days because the mods have - in my view completely unjustly - agreed with your position.  It won't change anything - the links won't affect the mod.  The source still isn't ever going to be released.


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Also uninstalling the mod should be documented in the help file.

You're right. I guess my question was more around understanding the folders, which you've answered, as well. Thank you!


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Perfect. I think that explains my issue fully. Really appreciate your help and, more importantly, your mod.


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Perfect. I think that explains my issue fully. Really appreciate your help and, more importantly, your mod.

It will only get better.  I'm more determined now than ever :)


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I have two questions.

1.I am currently trying to administer CRP to Priscilla, but for some reason there is a 30 second timer on this terrible minigame. I'm fairly certain that it is literally not possible to complete this in 30 seconds. Is there some setting I need to change in Reunion to prevent this from happening?

2.I tried to customize the soundtrack by replacing some of the included .ogg files with remixes that had the same name as the original file. They play, but do not loop. Is there something special I need to do to the file to make it loop properly?


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It is possible but it's difficult and requires some more thought as I've made game over totally brutal.  You're using Weapon mode 2.  Change to 1.


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As for looping - you'll need to google ogg LOOPSTART


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As for looping - you'll need to google ogg LOOPSTART
On the subject of looping, I seem to recall running into other pieces of music that didn't work with Reunion, because they used 'LoopStart' instead of 'LOOPSTART'.

No longer an issue for me, but if you could tweak that [remove the case sensitivity] it might make music interoperability easier for some folks?


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first let me apologize in advance for talking about the issue you are having with two other developers but I just wanted to voice my personal opinion about one thing that was mentioned in the now locked thread.

I'm quoting quantumpencil here (taken from the locked thread):

"I don't care about minor graphical bugs, half of which your "framework" caused, I want new battle mechanics -- so that's what I spend my time on. Users who care about different things will have options. That's fine."

I personally share DLPB's view completely when it comes to what priorities should be. The game needs bugfixing first and foremost and DLPB and aali have contributed, to my knowledge, the most in this sense with the help of some other talented individuals.

I'm really, really sorry to know there is not at the moment one unified community behind a common project that should make the original game playable in its best possible state. DLPB's vision is one I embrace completely although I do wish for every one of the talented modders here (including of course quantumpencil himself and True Odin) to try and work together, even if the priorities are not the same.

With all due respect and thanks to everyone working and sharing their work in order to improve a game that we ALL have loved and still love, I believe DLPB's work and The Reunion project deserve both what I would simply call as respect. Everyone who can should be glad to do something to make The Reunion better because it is obvious it is a labor of love.

Please, I beg you all (including DLPB), to set aside differences and try to understand and help each other.

Thank you very much.
« Last Edit: 2020-05-05 06:44:43 by Salk »


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On the subject of looping, I seem to recall running into other pieces of music that didn't work with Reunion, because they used 'LoopStart' instead of 'LOOPSTART'.

No longer an issue for me, but if you could tweak that [remove the case sensitivity] it might make music interoperability easier for some folks?

It's already case insensitive according to my source code ;)


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And thanks, Salk! :)


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First of all, I'd like to thank you for making this incredible mod available to us.

Long story short: I'm and old FFVII fan, played it several times on the PSX since it came out, and I just purchased the game on Steam a couple of days ago after hearing about this mod.

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, and I would appreciate ANY help I could get on this matter.

I've been trying to make sense of how the game files and mods work, and I'm starting to get a general idea.

Anyway... I tried using the Avalanche GUI with reunion v06 and noticed that the PS controller button prompts went missing.

I found button positions inside BASE\New_Translation\menu\ usfont_a_*.tex and added the buttons at those same positions in the usfont_a_* files in Avalanche GUI.

When I check the keybind config ingame, I now get the proper PS controller buttons. But I still get a blank prompt in dialog boxes, like the Junon parade button prompts.

I've tried a lot of stuff and couldn't get this working.

Again, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!
Hello, I've actually just found the solution. You need to add the buttons to their respective color files i.e. red colored file for the "circle" button, etc. If anyone is having problems, let me know and I can maybe post in more detail to help out.

Been having a great time with FF7 modding and with the Reunion mod.

Thank you guys for this great community!

Hi frneo,
Can you please tell me more on how you added the buttons? I can't find the respective color files you mentioned.
A more detailed post is much appreciated.


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Hey DLPB, I see you've decided to try and continue your slanderous behavior in this thread. Please stop lying to your users and the rest of the community. The screenshot I posted comes from an import tracer. Aali.dll is a (forward-linked) dependency of your DLL, and this is in violation of the GPL. You are not using it as a module, you are linking with it. Since GPL propagates through linking and is a contaminating license, this means that DDraw.dll, and all future versions of DDraw.dll, are GPL'd software and any copyright holder (myself, Nax, TO) among others can easily have the source seized by the court and made public at any time. Again, let me reiterate, Due to GPL being a contaminating license, all future versions of this project are GPL'd and by not releasing them under the terms of the license, you are in violation of the GPL.

So, DLPB, You must remove all code in violation of the GPL (which includes DDraw.dll, both in its current an all future versions) from any distribution channel to remain in compliance with the GPL. This is the position you are in and it is a serious one. I advise you treat it as such.

This is my peace-offering: Publicly apologize to the people in this community that you have wrongfully slandered. Immediately (in accordance with moderator judgment) remove Reunion from distribution as currently implemented. Then, out of respect for the people who love your work, I will not strike you (although I very clearly could) for future versions of your code provided that when you repost your code, it includes a link to the full source for your fork of the Aali driver, and that any other DLL's included on it have no static or dynamic linking, or otherwise prohibited relationships with a modification of  Aali's source, which I will verify.

The next time you mention me or TrueOdin, or any other member of this community in a slanderous way, I will copyright strike you, and have your code force-ably seized by law enforcement and any references to it scrubbed as a copyright holder.

Consider this a notice.


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Will you please leave this forum and stop harrassing me.


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Also, to the members of this forum and thread.  As has been pointed our persistently to the mods and with documentation - no law breaking is taking place.  This crazy vendetta by Quantumpencil must stop and I ask that the mods please stop this awful and obvious bullying.


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Forgive (again) the intrusion.

If what DLPB has done is clearly a copyright infringement, I would advise the accusers to bring their proof to the appropriate institution so that the matter is resolved super partes in the interest of justice and legal compliance.

Otherwise the unpleasant sensation is that we are witnessing a rather vicious attack to a popular and well established modification to discredit both. Even if a breach of contract is confirmed, I'm quite positive DLPB was moved by no malicious intent. He's always credited every source and contributor since the very beginning of his project and that should suggest good faith.

I urge everyone involved to consider taking a step back and try to coexist inside this community because no good is going to come out of this and we end users will all be affected negatively one way or the other.

« Last Edit: 2020-05-05 16:28:28 by Salk »


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It's best to leave it Salk :)  Until my last days on this forum, I'm going to hold my end of the bargain and stay here and do what I like doing - mod for the betterment of FF7 players.  The mods already agreed with me yesterday that I have 3 days to remove the "offending code".

let's get this train back on the track ;)


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Any ETA on merging Beacause with New Threat? Just curious cause I would absolutely love to play using both. New Threat's gameplay changes are amazing, and Beacause does so much more for the script...


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It's a good 6 months off for sure.


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It's a good 6 months off for sure.
Oof, guess I'll just decide between this and New Threat for now and replay when they work together.


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Any further off topic discussion needs to be handled via private message