Hey DLPB, I see you've decided to try and continue your slanderous behavior in this thread. Please stop lying to your users and the rest of the community. The screenshot I posted comes from an import tracer. Aali.dll is a (forward-linked) dependency of your DLL, and this is in violation of the GPL. You are not using it as a module, you are linking with it. Since GPL propagates through linking and is a contaminating license, this means that DDraw.dll, and all future versions of DDraw.dll, are GPL'd software and any copyright holder (myself, Nax, TO) among others can easily have the source seized by the court and made public at any time. Again, let me reiterate, Due to GPL being a contaminating license, all future versions of this project are GPL'd and by not releasing them under the terms of the license, you are in violation of the GPL.
So, DLPB, You must remove all code in violation of the GPL (which includes DDraw.dll, both in its current an all future versions) from any distribution channel to remain in compliance with the GPL. This is the position you are in and it is a serious one. I advise you treat it as such.
This is my peace-offering: Publicly apologize to the people in this community that you have wrongfully slandered. Immediately (in accordance with moderator judgment) remove Reunion from distribution as currently implemented. Then, out of respect for the people who love your work, I will not strike you (although I very clearly could) for future versions of your code provided that when you repost your code, it includes a link to the full source for your fork of the Aali driver, and that any other DLL's included on it have no static or dynamic linking, or otherwise prohibited relationships with a modification of Aali's source, which I will verify.
The next time you mention me or TrueOdin, or any other member of this community in a slanderous way, I will copyright strike you, and have your code force-ably seized by law enforcement and any references to it scrubbed as a copyright holder.
Consider this a notice.