Edit: Sorry for wall of text, I don't know why spoiler or code wont work.
Shinra HQ, Hojo's lab: (field blin67_3) if party gets into random battle in that field right after Jenova scene, there will be no battle music playing and the in-battle sfx will sound broken.
Shinra HQ: (field sinbil_1) as you enter this field, helicopter (?) noise can be heard, it goes away after touching the save point.
During the Kalm flashback game randomly freezes, a black screen appears while music still plays in the background. Replayed the flashback a few times now and it occurs every time, most likely to happen in the Nibelheim caves or in the Mako Reactor.
Also, it's odd that after discovering President Shinra's body, Tifa questions if Sephiroth wants to 'save' the promised land from Shinra. She knows he killed her father and burned down her village...why would she think he suddenly had good intentions?