Yeah, really happy for the American people that they've chosen to leave the policies of Obama behind and not follow Europe into the dust. Putting your own people's safety and prosperity first is what all good leaders do. America gets no thanks when it does things right and a lot of hate when it does things wrong.
Trump is pulling the plug. It's so refreshing to see a population stand up against the blatant Leftist propaganda in the media too. Meanwhile, the tolerant left continue to burn and wreck and riot.
As the strongest country in the world, I'd say it's a clear signal for the rest of the world about where the future is heading. Trump's support is far higher than being reported, I would compare those tolerant protestors to um, dying gasps...
I guess other than a portion of countries in the Middle East (funding the leftists) and the Chinese (who perhaps just realized the left put them on easy street to world domination), the RoW is mostly with Trump.
The left can only rule by subversion and deceit (i.e. distortion of the truth), and they've been busted on that.. I'm sure those people protesting will quickly become the dregs of society. The question is if we should put the screw on them like they tried to put the screw on us the last 30 years, just to make sure it doesn't ever happen again..
And of course the title of this thread is a play on Anthony Cumia's hilarious "Obama president now!" rant.

Now we can say.. "Trump president nao!"