Author Topic: Trump president now!  (Read 38862 times)


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #50 on: 2017-01-30 00:15:49 »
Realistically, do you think a blanket ban is going to fix anything? I don't think so. A blanket ban is implying that everyone originating from the middle east is inherently evil.

Hey, give the Fearless Leader benefit of a doubt, this obviously ain't no blanket ban.

No citizen of the countries currently banned has ever performed a terrorist action on US soil, while every Middle Eastern country whose citizens have done such things President Little Hands has business interest in, is not on the list.

See?  ;D


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #51 on: 2017-01-30 08:44:38 »
Considering what's happened in France, Germany, Belgium, and Sweden - I think the answer is that long term his policies will do far more good than bad. There are a few hundred families there (that are now missing members) wishing he had been their president. That I can promise you.

We've done things the Left way for the last few decades and it isn't working. We're doing things differently now. Good.  And it's clear to see that people made the right decision when all you see from the Left is rioting, threats, insults, and violent "protests".

= The game is up for emotional lies from the Left and their media allies.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-30 11:15:04 by DLPB »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #52 on: 2017-01-30 14:22:13 »
Isn't it great how so many people keep shouting that not all Muslims/Refugees/Middle Eastern people are terrorists... WE KNOW! The peaceful people are NOT the problem, the problem is that a portion (and we can even argue that it's a large portion) of them ARE indeed terrorists who have and will eventually kill dozens of people. People like to compare Trump to Hitler which is hilarious but since we're on that comparison, I'll leave you with a question.

Were all Germans Nazis? And when the time came, who had the biggest relevance in history? The peaceful, non-nazi civilians or the much, much smaller group of Nazis?

I wonder how each and everyone of the people defending the mass refugee immigration would feel if one of their loves ones had died in one of the very recent terrorist attacks that have been taking place all over the world... Probably you wouldn't be as welcoming huh.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #53 on: 2017-01-30 18:13:46 »
There are a few hundred families there (that are now missing members) wishing he had been their president. That I can promise you.

Pretty big promises there. I certainly wouldn't want to be presidented - or even unpresidented - by a seriously narcissistic person, who either lies constantly or is actually... you know, not right in the head. Not to mention seems to lack both, experience in governing and understanding of how a (US, in this case) government works.

We've done things the Left way for the last few decades and it isn't working.

I'm bit curious about this; first of all, who is this "we" you speak of? In any case, both US and UK have had conservative governments fairly recently - I take it that they weren't Right enough for you? If so, what was? I mean, when has there been a time when the way has been Right enough for you?

...there's of course the obvious answer - which was several decades ago - and I doubt you'd go very "we" with that government, or country. So, I doubt it's that.

And it's clear to see that people made the right decision when all you see from the Left is rioting, threats, insults, and violent "protests".

Yes, I've heard that some people reserve threats for serious business only, like getting humiliated on the internets. BTW, the offer still stands. :P

= The game is up for emotional lies from the Left and their media allies.

Yes. The Great Media Conspiracy. That's quite a global phenomena, it seems. Supposedly there's one in Finland too, I just haven't noticed it.

Anyway, would you answer these  for me - for shits and giggles;

Trump's inauguration audience - do you think it was

a) largest ever
  • if so, how do you explain the photographs and DC public transport numbers?

b) quite okay, but considerably smaller than for example Obama's first inauguration and very likely smaller than the Women's march participation
  • if so, do you think that
  • Trump repeatedly and vehemently lies about it?
  • Trump actually believes that it was the largest ever?

The peaceful people are NOT the problem, the problem is that a portion (and we can even argue that it's a large portion) of them ARE indeed terrorists who have and will eventually kill dozens of people.

Oh, bollocks. If that was true, your "problem" would have fixed itself a long time ago - there wouldn't be anyone left there. They seem quite as adapt at killing each other, if not more so than killing infidels, after all.

I could quote big statistics here, but no dude, just no.

I wonder how each and everyone of the people defending the mass refugee immigration would feel if one of their loves ones had died in one of the very recent terrorist attacks that have been taking place all over the world... Probably you wouldn't be as welcoming huh.

I wouldn't know, but I certainly hope that I would be. Two wrongs don't make a right.

As for this "mass refugee immigration" you speak of, here are some figures for you;

US, aboutish 320 - 325 million people. Resettled 69 933 refugees in fiscal year 2015.

UK, aboutish 64 - 65 million people. Received 38 878 asylum applications in 2015.

Finland. bit over 5 million people. Received 32 476 asylum applications in 2015.

Holy fuck, dudes. Holy fuck. And you know what? We could take more.

Do you little dipshits really have the nerve to cry about the refugee crisis? Really? Honestly?

PS. Not to mention that Germany accepts more than you could ever imagine


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #54 on: 2017-01-30 18:26:32 »
lol You're going on as if we are all imagining the 49 people killed in a gay club by a Muslim, or virtually all Muslim countries being undemocratic, or all 10 countries that support death for gays being Muslim, or the 100s dead in France, or the dead in Belgium, or the mass rapes in Sweden and Germany, or the terror attacks in Germany—and everything else that is going on... all perpetrated by Muslims.

It doesn't matter what you think (if you aren't just back to your old trolling ways, which would be so sad), the electorate have spoken. America doesn't want what the left is selling, which is mass rape and death at the hands of a brutal and intolerant religious ideology called Islam. It isn't listening to you :P

It's not a good time to believe what you do, because your way is on the way out. All across the West, we're going back to the Right. There is nothing you can do about it. And insulting people won't work anymore.  Got anything else?
« Last Edit: 2017-01-31 00:43:47 by DLPB »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #55 on: 2017-01-30 18:34:12 »

Were all Germans Nazis? And when the time came, who had the biggest relevance in history? The peaceful, non-nazi civilians or the much, much smaller group of Nazis?

That's a fundamental point that gets dodged by Leftists again and again. It didn't take a majority of Germans to believe in Nazi ideology. It took a minority. And the number of Muslims who advocate for Sharia or against homosexuality, to name a few things, is alarmingly high (check Pew Research). Even if 1% of Muslims were crazy killers it still would mean a massive problem, but the research indicates it's upwards of 20% and even 40%. And those are the ones who answered honestly.

Shapiro's figures aren't perfect, but they aren't far out.  Even if you take the safe side of the research, it's bad.

But Jari and those who share his views do not have any counter argument that relies on logic or facts; they just have insults and ridicule and emotion.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #56 on: 2017-01-30 18:37:27 »
you little dipstrawberriess really have the nerve to cry about the refugee crisis?
Keep personal attacks out of this thread. I'm impressed we've made it this far before the first one, but this is the only warning I'm giving, and it applies to everyone. Next one from anyone at all and I'm locking the thread. Y'all can disagree with each other as much as you want, but please remain civil. ~Covarr

But Jari and those who share his views do not have any counter argument that relies on logic or facts; they just have insults and ridicule and emotion.
I wasn't going to get directly involved in this thread, but you do realize you are saying this directly after Jari quoted some statistics re: refugee numbers, right? I'm pretty sure that counts as facts.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #57 on: 2017-01-30 18:39:31 »
How does his argument counter ours? He just dodged it.

No-one is even arguing about the number of refugees. It's irrelevant. The number of terror attacks by those arrivals is important - and the religious ideology they share.  I await his rebuttal to Shapiro (It won't happen).  If even one mass murder occurs because we let in 100,000 asylum seekers, it is one too many.

Also, he does not cite a source.

Furthermore, it isn't just "asylum seekers" - it's the immigration policy too. The UK voted for Brexit largely because it is fed up of mass immigration (largely from Muslim countries).  So, Jari just conveniently cuts out the millions that have been allowed into Europe by ignoring immigration.


And looking at his list again, he deliberately dodges Germany and other countries that have taken in a net of over 1.5 million Syrian refugees. Way to go on the selective use of stats to bolster a non existent argument.

I am discussing Europe as a whole, not just the UK or Finland.  So why he's even using a few countries as some sort of argument is beyond me. I think it's just to push his own narrative rather than look at the wider scope of things.  Trump didn't formulate his travel ban based on the goings-on of Britain and Finland. He did so looking at the whole of the Middle East, Europe, and Israel.

More power to him.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-30 18:50:48 by DLPB »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #58 on: 2017-01-30 19:03:35 »
Also, as stated on a video I posted, the list of terror linked countries was compiled by the Obama administration.  Obama banned Iraqi refugees for 6 months.  I didn't see anyone jumping around waving their hands in hysteria then. It's just a ludicrous attempt by the Left to sow discord and create havoc.

They are anarchists - and they've overplayed their hand. Everyone around the world has seen how they have behaved compared to how the Republicans  behaved when Obama was elected. It's night and day.

I'll take the Left more seriously when they are defending gays against Muslim ideology - instead of blaming "mental illness" and "lone wolf" for the deaths of 49 people - and the hundreds all over Europe.

With very few exceptions, I don't hear a peep out of the Left about women's rights in Saudi, or gays being thrown off buildings.  It's largely the so-called "racist right" that's refusing to sweep it under the rug. Well, calling people racist worked for 30 years, but I'm afraid it's a really lousy argument against Muslims wielding AK-47s, driving trucks into crowds, or raping and abusing women all over Europe.  There's only so much shit that people will take.

Good luck keeping the moral highground and vote against all that.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-30 19:07:53 by DLPB »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #59 on: 2017-01-30 19:07:52 »
Well now, Washington State is suing Trump for putting out the order for the ban.

At least they backed down on Green Card holders being denied entry.

He still thinks Nieto's gonna pay for the wall though, what's he gonna do, mail him the invoice for the construction work?


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #62 on: 2017-01-30 22:18:59 »
Riddle me this, where did 'the USA' come from?

Hint: Immigrants fleeing oppressive governments.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #63 on: 2017-01-30 23:30:09 »
Isn't it great how so many people keep shouting that not all Muslims/Refugees/Middle Eastern people are terrorists... WE KNOW! The peaceful people are NOT the problem, the problem is that a portion (and we can even argue that it's a large portion) of them ARE indeed terrorists who have and will eventually kill dozens of people. People like to compare Trump to Hitler which is hilarious but since we're on that comparison, I'll leave you with a question.

Were all Germans Nazis? And when the time came, who had the biggest relevance in history? The peaceful, non-nazi civilians or the much, much smaller group of Nazis?

I wonder how each and everyone of the people defending the mass refugee immigration would feel if one of their loves ones had died in one of the very recent terrorist attacks that have been taking place all over the world... Probably you wouldn't be as welcoming huh.
It's not even all about terrorism, it's about the less brighter ones not integrating properly due to 3rd world culture, carving out ghettos due to excessively high numbers, committing "casual" crimes that get covered up and always voting for dickheads so the rest of us get brought down. The last reason being why they are brought in in the first place.

And luckily. with Trump, we no longer need the consent of the left to get things done. Right now they are making a yuuuge mistake in their tactics and turning off even non-political people.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #64 on: 2017-01-31 16:10:56 »
Bearing in mind that nationals of the seven countries banned by Trump have killed exactly zero people in US based terror attacks between 1975 and 2015, compared to the 4323 deaths caused by terrorists from other countries in the same timeframe


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #65 on: 2017-01-31 17:15:00 »
Bearing in mind that nationals of the seven countries banned by Trump have killed exactly zero people in US based terror attacks between 1975 and 2015, compared to the 4323 deaths caused by terrorists from other countries in the same timeframe
I just covered that argument in literally the post before yours as someone else regurgitated it (from Twitter I presume). I imagine more of those people will be banned after proper procedure is set up during the temporary ban..

I saw some liberals are actually getting scared because they spotted a military convoy with Trump flag:

It's strange how it literally just dawned on them the military isn't on their side. They honestly thought that women's march was a real show of power and resistance - I don't think they have an understanding of who or what the silent majority is and what kind of integrity/skills they possess.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #66 on: 2017-01-31 17:22:20 »
Bearing in mind that nationals of the seven countries banned by Trump have killed exactly zero people in US based terror attacks between 1975 and 2015, compared to the 4323 deaths caused by terrorists from other countries in the same timeframe

And we don't want them to either.  More need banning. The whole system needs to be improved. It won't stop all terrorism, but at least it will be massively reduced in the long run and you won't end up looking like Europe - the laughing stock of the Milky Way.
« Last Edit: 2017-01-31 18:05:56 by DLPB »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #67 on: 2017-01-31 20:21:59 »
lol You're going on as if we are all imagining the 49 people killed in a gay club by a Muslim,

Ahem, I assume you have read stories by real news sources too, not just the alternative ones?

To me it seems more like it was done either by a jilted lover, or someone with really fucking serious issues. BTW, I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure that these deadly-serious-foaming-at-the-mouth-jihadists actually can't be gays. You do understand that the perpetrator is believed to be a semi-regular patron of the said club?

or virtually all Muslim countries being undemocratic,

And do you know what is going to fix them? Same thing that fixed Christian countries; time and secularism. It will take time. A lot of time - we are talking about 100 to 200 years. And no, you can't make it faster.

But you can make it hell of a lot slower by antagonizing them.

You know what? I don't care for American Exceptionalism, nor for Manifest Destiny. But there is one really, insanely good thing US has done for the whole world. Their entertainment. It will slowly but surely take over the entire world. Do you understand how commonplace satellite dishes are in Iran? Do you understand that you are not supposed to own one there? Do you understand that just about every Best Korean with means watches South Korean TV - something that is probably punishable by having your testimacles cut off, and fed to you?

or all 10 countries that support death for gays being Muslim,

I think I just told you the same thing, didn't I?

or the 100s dead in France, or the dead in Belgium, or the mass rapes in Sweden and Germany, or the terror attacks in Germany—and everything else that is going on... all perpetrated by Muslims.

Mass rapes you mention of seem to be mostly figment of sick right wing imagination AFAIK, as for the terror attacks; that is very unfortunate, but what you want is not going to fix them. It is going to escalate them, instead. Maybe you have noticed that ISIS is celebrating Trump's decisions. Maybe you haven't. Maybe the alternative news haven't carried that fact. As they say in CS; Terrorists win. Trump just gave them what they wanted - leader, or "leader", of the free world, yielding to their terror.


It doesn't matter what you think (if you aren't just back to your old trolling ways, which would be so sad),

No! Your punctuation is all wrong, you have to say it like this; You are trolling, SO SAD! :P There, now it sounds like something out of Trump's Twitterfeed. :D

the electorate have spoken. America doesn't want what the left is selling, which is mass rape and death at the hands of a brutal and intolerant religious ideology called Islam. It isn't listening to you :P

It's not a good time to believe what you do, because your way is on the way out. All across the West, we're going back to the Right. There is nothing you can do about it. And insulting people won't work anymore.  Got anything else?

Hahah. You have no idea. No idea at all. :P

Keep personal attacks out of this thread. I'm impressed we've made it this far before the first one, but this is the only warning I'm giving, and it applies to everyone. Next one from anyone at all and I'm locking the thread. Y'all can disagree with each other as much as you want, but please remain civil. ~Covarr

Pffft, Covarr. :P It was just a figure of speech, if I want to insult, I'm way more capable than that. :P

Nah, seriously, sorry, sorry. :)

No-one is even arguing about the number of refugees. It's irrelevant. The number of terror attacks by those arrivals is important - and the religious ideology they share.  I await his rebuttal to Shapiro (It won't happen).  If even one mass murder occurs because we let in 100,000 asylum seekers, it is one too many.

One too many? So... if a native Englishman - a single one - commits a mass murder, you are going to ban them all? Well, I actually think that has happened, but you might not remember it, or maybe you are just in denial. How about the ban? You could all run into the ocean, or something, I guess.

Surely you are not applying different standards to different people? I think you claimed not to be a racist... I think.

Also, he does not cite a source.

Oh, for fucks' sake, dude. How often do you recall me making claims that I can't back up? (can't read that? Well, that's too tough, ain't it?)

Furthermore, it isn't just "asylum seekers" - it's the immigration policy too. The UK voted for Brexit largely because it is fed up of mass immigration (largely from Muslim countries).  So, Jari just conveniently cuts out the millions that have been allowed into Europe by ignoring immigration.

By all means, find the numbers. I really can't be arsed to. But I'd bet that Germany has most of them.

And looking at his list again, he deliberately dodges Germany and other countries that have taken in a net of over 1.5 million Syrian refugees. Way to go on the selective use of stats to bolster a non existent argument.

Dude. Can't you read? You are not that much like Trump, surely?

PS. Not to mention that Germany accepts more than you could ever imagine

That's just "Holy fuck, I'm arguing with idiots, I can't be bothered to find the actual figures", if you didn't understand it the first time.

I am discussing Europe as a whole, not just the UK or Finland.  So why he's even using a few countries as some sort of argument is beyond me. I think it's just to push his own narrative rather than look at the wider scope of things.  Trump didn't formulate his travel ban based on the goings-on of Britain and Finland. He did so looking at the whole of the Middle East, Europe, and Israel.

HAHAH. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Dude. Bannon. Dude, seriously. And he formulated it just by looking at his own, deepest, darkest desires.

Also, as stated on a video I posted, the list of terror linked countries was compiled by the Obama administration.  Obama banned Iraqi refugees for 6 months.  I didn't see anyone jumping around waving their hands in hysteria then. It's just a ludicrous attempt by the Left to sow discord and create havoc.

There are several sources that will explain the difference between Obama's "ban" and Trump's ban. Feel free to find them. Hint; actual, actionable threat is one of them. Other might be not asking your advisors "How do I ban muslims, and make it look legal?"... and then having the said advisor blurt that out on live TV. I seriously think that Rudy just might really be demented - as in actually really, not just as in liberal joke. Just a word of warning; they are actualy facts, not the alternative ones.

Is this enough, or do we want more?

What do you think, am I going to read Jihad Watch or Breitbart? Take a guess. While you are doing that, I'd suggest finding an actual, at least remotely respectable sources.

It's not even all about terrorism, it's about the less brighter ones not integrating properly due to 3rd world culture, carving out ghettos due to excessively high numbers, committing "casual" crimes that get covered up and always voting for d*ckheads so the rest of us get brought down. The last reason being why they are brought in in the first place.

Right. Now that you have stated that the refugees/immigrants/whatever are less brighter, please produce proof of your own brightness. I consider that highly relevant for making such a judgment. I'll post a scan of my Mensa membership-card right after that, if you want.

And we don't want them to either.  More need banning. The whole system needs to be improved. It won't stop all terrorism, but at least it will be massively reduced in the long run and you won't end up looking like Europe - the laughing stock of the Milky Way.

Would you like to ban Norwegians while you are at it? They have a beautiful country, and they are annoyingly well off, there's a reason enough. Ah, they also have this dude called Breivik, killed 77 people, most of them kids. Surely enough reason to ban them. Or... not? He's one of your kind, after all.

Or all Americans, perhaps? Maybe just Timothy McVeigh? Or are you too young to remember? 168 killed, over 680 injured. He wasn't one of your kind, but a terrorist he was.


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #68 on: 2017-01-31 22:43:00 »
I do believe Breivik murdered because of mass immigration too.  His reasoning was that he was targeting the people who were turning (or would turn) his country into a Sharia junk yard - so his motivations were directly linked to mass immigration. No mass immigration = no Breivik.  That isn't excusing what he did (which was horrific); it's a simple fact. What's also a simple fact is that liberal Norway actually put him up in a prison that's 100x better than living on the streets, like many of their own citizens do. He actually took Norway to court for "violating his human rights" haha. And won. He gets to play computer games and all sorts—all courtesy, I might add, of Leftist thinking like yours. I'd have him executed immediately.

Seriously, these same silly arguments keep coming and coming. False equivalency after false equivalency.  Finding the odd non-Muslim out of thousands of attacks a year, as if that is somehow a valid counter argument to not having mass immigration or not allowing "asylum seekers". It isn't.  Less death, rape, and trouble is preferable to more.

This site documents each and every attack by a Muslim that is due to the Islamic ideology. 30222 Islam motivated attacks since 9/11. Please just quit it with your false equivalencies, appeasements, cherry picking, and excuses.

The majority don't want that ideology in the West. No-one asked for it. We were forced it by successive liberal minded governments.  And what you have to deal with now is that people are rejecting those policies and those politicians.  So, we can go round and round all day, with you bringing up the odd non-Muslim attack, but it isn't going to change the fact that the huge majority of religiously motivated murders are coming from Muslims.'s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany

I can't wrap my mind around why anyone would want to carry on a policy that invites more of this.  This was just one day of the year there. Huge numbers of attacks and molestations are being ignored by the MSM. Sweden is now the rape capital of Europe.

The left has had a huge monopoly over universities, schools, and the media.  But, like I said before, people can't be fooled when this is going on all over Europe relentlessly. Nothing you can say here is going to stop the tide of change.  Sorry :)

I will also note, once again, that Japan and various other countries don't have this problem... because they weren't daft enough to let this backward belief system into their country en masse. In Europe, we are suffering a rape epidemic, towns and villages turned into ghettos, murders, mass murders, riots, drugs, and other problems that are all self inflicted.

I live in a town with a high Muslim population. The only time you don't see a Muslim here is when it's Remembrance Sunday.

Gee, why do we want Brexit hahahahaha!?  ;D

And, with that, it's back to modding for me.  I'm just happy Trump is in and that Europe is going back Right.  8)
« Last Edit: 2017-02-01 00:34:27 by DLPB »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #69 on: 2017-02-02 02:06:07 »
I have a simple request for any neutral people browsing this thread - this is going pretty viral now (was just recorded today): Joe Rogan, Eddie Bravo and Alex Jones - it's basically a really fun 3 and a half hour discussion about everything over whiskey and weed! Alex Jones uncut! Haha, I've never seem him like this even on election night (he must be in good spirits). You get Trump, Clinton, private Trump stuff, space/aliens, 9/11, taxes, and the need for humanity to have a discussion about its evolution (rather than the elites deciding). I really recommend it as the hosts keep Alex restrained a bit, they (at least Joe) voted for Gary Johnson and not Trump... and notice how receptive they are to Trump when Alex redpills them!

DLPB: I'd be skeptical of debating with any person that uses sources like redcross website. No data from places like that can be trusted. It's like that global happiness report by the UN which has Japan ranked in the 50s and Saudi Arabia ranked way above it - it's a method of control (had a lot of questions from Japanese about this who were quite distressed about it, luckily I could explain it to them how fraudulent it was).


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #70 on: 2017-02-04 06:02:29 »
Roden and DLPB I don't know why you guys bother with these people. Only 10% of people can be convinced by logic and facts. If the state and decay of the western world since the left came into power after WW2 hasn't woken them up by now nothing will, the sheep won't wake up until they are thrown in a gulag themselves.  They are nothing more than useful idiots for the people in power destroying our nations and the world. Welcome to the Animal Farm. I believe some of them aren't just useful idiots though, some of them know exactly what they are doing, they've replaced good and wholesome ideas and things with ways to feel better about their own shitty souls. In other words they're evil, and they lie to themselves to convince themselves that black is white, that evil is good.

    Brothers will fight
    and kill each other,
    sisters' children
    will defile kinship.
    It is harsh in the world,
    whoredom rife
    —an axe age, a sword age
    —shields are riven—
    a wind age, a wolf age—
    before the world goes headlong.
    No man will have
    mercy on another.

12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.

13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

19 For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.
« Last Edit: 2017-02-04 06:21:37 by olearyf2525 »


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Re: Trump president now!
« Reply #71 on: 2017-02-05 14:55:31 »
Roden and DLPB I don't know why you guys bother with these people. Only 10% of people can be convinced by logic and facts. If the state and decay of the western world since the left came into power after WW2 hasn't woken them up by now nothing will, the sheep won't wake up until they are thrown in a gulag themselves.  They are nothing more than useful idiots for the people in power destroying our nations and the world. Welcome to the Animal Farm. I believe some of them aren't just useful idiots though, some of them know exactly what they are doing, they've replaced good and wholesome ideas and things with ways to feel better about their own strawberriesty souls. In other words they're evil, and they lie to themselves to convince themselves that black is white, that evil is good.

    Brothers will fight
    and kill each other,
    sisters' children
    will defile kinship.
    It is harsh in the world,
    whoredom rife
    —an axe age, a sword age
    —shields are riven—
    a wind age, a wolf age—
    before the world goes headlong.
    No man will have
    mercy on another.

12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.

13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

19 For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.
Yeah I'm not really bothered about them.

Personally I'm really optimistic these days.. One of the things I disagree with Alex Jones on (which I think he may already know but wants to hype up a bit) is that the globalists are in any way competent. Everything suggests they're entirely incompetent, the only power they have over us is our own compliance. If you look away from the garbage MSM comments sections and twitter/fB - you will generally find a lot of "woke", or at least honest ordinary people who are waiting for things to change. Trump is that change, or at least, the next 4 years will be that change..