Thats right, you heard it, a full FF7Inst.exe remake! Now released!
Introduction;This is a completely new, non InstallShield based installer, yet remains 1:1 identical to the original installer.
Windows 10 users are able to *finnaly* install ff7 on their computers without having to downgrade to Windows 7 or 8!
And best of all, mod support can be included, however I need your opinions on this part.
Features:- Compatible with Windows 10
Install movies to hard drive automatically- 1:1 Identical Emulation of original FF7Inst.exe
- Installs the game quite
faster than the original installer
- Built in updater to easily update your game to 1.02 while installing, no hastle later trying to find files!
- Built in patcher to automatically Chocobo-Crash fix your game without the need for external patchers.
- Compatible with any Windows NT5 or higher OS capable or running the .NET framework 4.0
Download:Update News! Massive update, 1.5.0 uses Installer Coordinator II and supports configs and install movies to hard drive automatically! You can download the latest version (1.5.0) here: Please open FF7Config AFTER installing and SET THE AUDIO DRIVER to something, the game will not start if the box is blank!Support questions that have missed this critical step will be ignored!
You can still download the previous version (1.4.2) here if you encounter problems: Administrator permissions!Requires .NET Framework 4.0
The ability to run 32 bit programs
Change the install path only if you know what you are doing what the consequences of doing so are! (Some mods won't work if you change it!)
If your Program Files directory is on D:\ or E:\ it WILL autodetect it, no need to change any settings.
When it starts up at first and asks your for a folder point it to your CD-ROM drive where you have your install disc! (Not game disc 1-3)
Keep both DLLs and Data ZIPs in the same folder as the installer .exe it
is required!Please do not remove discs from the CD tray unless instructed on the screen to do so.Changelog:Version 1.5.0 - Installer Coordinator II after about a year with no updates! (Last Edit: 2015-12-14 19:03:10)
+Installer Coordinator II
CONFIG.INI configuration file lets you change the default options on your installer and create custom setup scripts that automatically install the game (Good for network installations?)
Install Movies to hard drive option, called Maximum install! (Not selected by default)
+Variable Editor, lets you edit the variables of the program and create your own config.ini files
+If you select the wrong drive on a disc selection menu you can retry instead of being forced to quit
+A dialog before the final window asking you to restart or not was missing (forgotten perhaps?), it was added
*Graphical update, new graphical buttons and more exact text on the IC dialogs
*On the final window, clicking on the text next to the radio buttons changes the selection like in the original, previously you would have to click exactly on the radio button circle.
*Changes in internal code so less copy paste and more common shared modules
-Old style debug mode removed, its now a variable editor.
Version 1.4.2 - Sweeping the mess under the rug...
*Fixes a registry bug that could prevent the game from running
*Path select dialog now lets you select folders outside of Program Files (x86)
Version 1.4.1 - The second biggest Installer Coordinator update! (I really gotta come up with some more creative titles...)
+Program Folder listing in the window with Yuffie on it
+Program Folder name changing (on the window with Yuffie on it)
+More error handling via Installer Coordinator engine.
*Changed methods ChangeBackgroundImage(id) and RefreshCoordinatorButtons() to Subs since they don't return values (Could prevent a crash or two maybe?)
*The progress bar on the Vincent Install screen is *always* in front of the window now. (Prevents it from being hidden without a way to get it back!)
Version 1.4.0 - The biggest coordinated release yet!
*Major Change: Installer now uses my new Installer Coordinator (IC) install engine!+Installer Coordinator (Fixes all WINE bugs)
+First time users get access to the tools I use to make the installer (Installer Coordinator)
+Robust Kernel and Variable Manager (Installer Coordinator)
+Robust Error handling (With custom icons via Installer Coordinator)
+Debug Mode lets you ignore errors that would otherwise halt the installer (Very dangerous but useful for Power Users!)
+Custom icon sets for buttons (Look for that Ignore error button, its pretty funny!)
+InstallShield Emulation (Hooking into actual installer scripts and functions!)
*Fixed Font in buttons so it no longer smooths the edges of the text. (To mimic the original text feel)
*Fixed a path error that would cause a Win32 error (File Not Found)
Version 1.3.4 - Ghost buster
*Fixes ghost installers remaining in memory after exit
Version 1.3.3 - Fine Wine
+Adds suport to run on Wine
+Console output
*Fixes a bug in the autodetection
Version 1.3.0 - The stable one!
+Adds automatic 1.02 updating
+Adds automatic chocobo-crash patching
+Cait Sith's picture frame appears when patching/updating
+You can now install the Yamaha SoftSynth
*Fixes crash when installing on an already existing install
*Fixes issue on last frame where it would appear on the taskbar
Version 1.2.0 - The professional one!
+Adds shortcuts to the Start menu!
+Standard and Maximum install work (Previously installed Max no matter what you selected)
*Fixes registry bugs
*UI has been polished
*Current Operation: While installing reports the correct operation
Version 1.1.0 - The amateur one!
+Ask for Administrator when run
+Working cancel buttons!
*Changing path now works however you do so
at your own risk and some mods and other installers don't like altered paths!
*Closing the Setup window now closes the big window in the background
*Minor Changes to prevent DLL errors in the first place
*Changed version formatting to something more familiar and used by other tools
Version 1.01
*Fixes a CustomControls DLL error
Version 1.00
+Techicnal Test Release
+GUI,Installer,Registry modules added
Screenshots:Welcome Screen:

Select Components Screen:

Select Setup Type Screen:

(It does also have that progressbar/loader thingy on startup if you were wondering about that...)
(Also, the image in the background *does* change, as BackgroundID has been implemented)
Support - Questions: Moved to a next post, scroll down a bit!
Mod Compatibility:All mods that work on 1998 version will work on this as the install is practically identical.
Aali's OpenGL Driver:
This is compatible with Aali's Mod however the driver must be installed AFTER you install the game using Tom's Installer and you MUST have update game to 1.02 selected on the components screen (Its selected by default).
NT Mod (New Threat):
If you changed the install path during setup the Installer for New Threat will have to be pointed to that path. This also applies to any other mods with GUI installers.
Chocobo Patcher:
If you selected to install the chocobo races patch (Its selected by default), do not run the chocobo patcher as it is already installed.
FF7 1.02 Update:
If you selected to update your game to 1.02 don't use any other tools or methods to re update your game as they might break something.
I would like to hear any feedback about it, features you would want added or how your mod can work with this if you are a mod creator.