Do NOT use this older version with 7th Heaven.
Download the 7th Heaven version from STEP 1 of the Tutorial. This mod convert FF7 (all Versions) that it works with the English FF7.exe V1.02 (including all the needed registry entries).
This makes it possible to install other mod's (eg DLPB&Kranmer's Menu Overhaul or gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod), which manipulate the FF7.exe.
English, German, French and Spanish are supported! 1NOW WORKS WITH XP, WIN 7 AND WIN 8, 32 or 64 Bit,
with or without
UAC Now also work with Steam Release 2013 (see EDIT 2013-07-07)
Please report if it works for you!
Special thanks goes to EQ2Alyza, who has corrected many English sentences and other things has inserted.
I uploadet the two files in a mirror too. The links:
(Version 0.10)
So have fun with this awesome creation
Great thanks for that
You will lose Achievements, Cloud Saves, and the Trainer after it is converted.
(Updated on 05-may-2013 07:50 GMT)
(Updated on 21-jun-2013 15:45 GMT)
(Updated on 07-jul-2013 02:32 GMT)
(Updated on 09-jul-2013 06:53 GMT)
(Updated on 31-jul-2013 05:20 GMT)
(Updated on 01-feb-2014 07:36 GMT)
(Updated on 13-feb-2014 03:12 GMT)
(Updated on 11-apr-2014 17:58 GMT)
FF7 Game Converter is still BETA, using at your own risk.
FF7 Game Converter requires an
unmodified version of FF7 (new or old release).
If you have a Re- or Steam-Release and have used Bootleg before, it is maybe necessary to
rid the registry of unnecessary keys.
Before using FF7 Game Converter you need a volume labeled "FF7DISC1", "FF7DISC2" or "FF7DISC3" (for the Re- or Steam-Release it is enough to relabel a USB stick)
Start the FF7 Game Converter with an
unmodified FF7 installation.
You don't need to install the Patch 1.02
DO NOT USE Kranmers NewToOld patch! (A better version is already included)
UNZIP NOT Aalis driver 0.8.1b into the game folder. (already included)
also included:
DLPB's Multi.DLL
2DLPB's Hext.DLL
Kranmer's FF7anyCDv2.DLL
After installing the FF7_GameConverter you should run the game at least once before you install other mod's or
Bootleg040 3.
Note: Some mod's use English words. If the game will show up English words that is (probably) the cause.
Menu Overhaul from DLPB&Kranmer may spend some error messages during installation.
The reason is that MO uses old touphscript and this program is absolutely unfit for exotic data.
Nevertheless, the main point of MO seems to be working
We (Red Xell, Kaldarasha and I) have for MO already translated some things back into German. Extract and copy useful into the game folder. Also included are pictures of the Battle of Fort Condor.
(The images Kaldarasha reworked, thanks a lot)
Thanks to DLPB and Kranmer for their DLLs and for MO
Also Thank to Aali for his OpenGL-Driver
Thanks to EQ2Alyza for working on the Script
VERY VERY special thanks goes to Red Xell and Kaldarasha, they were so brave FF7 Game Converter to test first.
Edit 2013-05-05 BugFix:
don't recognized FF7-Disk on spanish Windows, fixed (hopefully for all languages ) (thanks to cloud15)
Floppydisk now also accept as FF7-Disc
little Registrykeys fixing
Edit 2013-06-21 BugFix:
major Registrykeys fixing
Detection integrated, under which environment the script works
integrated compatibility for XP and Win8 (!!!!)
Disk recognition modified
EDIT 2013-07-07 :
Added possibility to manually enter the path to FF7, if he was not found in the registry.
This now allows the Steam version, but it works only if no old registry keys are there!
Was a bootleg or "new to old converter" previously used before, it is necessary to rid the registry of thereby created keys.
Thanks for the testing goes to EQ2Alyza
EDIT 2013-07-09 :
Added automatic recognition of the Steam release
EDIT 2013-07-31:
Added possibility to manually enter the path to FF7 (again!) for moved FF7-Folder.
Fixed some errors.
Fixed languagedetection for Steam Release, thanks Template for reporting
EDIT 2014-02-01:
If Destination is inside a Systemfolder GC will copy all to "C:\Games\FF7"
FF7Config is now calling up.
Fixes some small issues.
EDIT 2014-02-13:
If Destination is inside a Systemfolder GC will ask to copy all to "C:\Games\FF7"
Instert small Piracy protection.
Laptop Key Patch added if needed.
Fixes some small issues.
EDIT 2014-04-11:
Update Aali's Custom Driver Version 0.8.1b
Create a Batch for FF7Config
Fix an error with Icons
1 The French and Spanish version of the file "FF7exe-[lang]-translation.txt" probably contains some errors.
Since I can not these languages, I can not change it much.
If someone can do better, I'll add this here.
2 Kranmers Multi.dll seems to cause mistakes in connection with FF7Music.
Unfortunately, this DLL is re-installed by Bootleg.
If you want to use DLPBs Multi.dll, remember to copy all the DLLs out of the sub-folder "LOADR" into the sub-folder "DLL_in".
3 Bootleg040 is not designed for XP, but can still be used.
After the Bootleg040 Omzy's FFVII Field Pack should be manually inserted into the mods\Bootleg folder.
You must also edit the "Run FFVII-Bootleg.bat", remove all "/AFFINITY F" (XP dont know about this).