If you're saying what I think you're saying, it does not work like that. Were Recently discovered the death animations. The boss death animation causes all enemies to die like a boss if the current boss dies (Sample: H0512 does this along with His "options"). The battle ends as soon as the boss enemy dies UNLESS there's a link in Their script to move to a new battle.
Thanks for answering!
Previously looking in Sample: H0512 (and Gi Natakk) but not luck, the enemies needs to wait end turn off (and finish battle).
In the image can see the battle, based in special event of my mod (yuffie stolen in Kalm), in this moment you have 5 players in character party, and I thought it might put the 5 characters in battle, although two are really enemies (Barret and Red, not target xD), if you kill Yuffie then Barret and Red cant attack and end of turn is "desactive" and declared victory (all, the real problem is mentioned earlier) if it interferes the "real" players before then enemies turn to run, although visually the combat is over, I try several solutions with no luck.
For off Barret / Red use the condition (based in the some code H0512):
(these in respective main)
0x00D Self.Flag: Unknown (00000001) <- 0
0x017 Self.Flag: Enabled? <- 0
0x021 Self.Flag: Unknown (00000004) <- 0
0x02B Self.Flag: MainScriptActive <- 0
The condition for this is activated from death counter of "Yuffie", but same problem, if allies perform action before then make red and barret, although visually the battle be terminated, this case also if Yuffie escapes T.T
Coming soon post event and battle in youtube, but I think now you understand better.
In reference to that fight (and others) I have also another question, there is some value that allows attack "no animation"? Mean escape yuffie example, the animation is "empaler" (animation magic), not like, preferring only make animation model (Yuffie) without animation magic (to escape), ID attack animation is something not show anything?
Other example is my friend has battle with Turks and they go at the end, but besides animation to escape self needs to put magic animation (requires attack) to escape, you need to specify to not display animation or need any opcode to ignore? (In this battle same problem with turn of allies in moment death boss, need wait false allies to desactive and finish battle).
For finally, ask if this topic (and qhimm wiki), but information specific of opcodes not exist?
I search all over the internet but did not find any information do not have database with "opcodes" identified, documentation?
Sorry for the annoying, and thanks again.