In the wiki.qhimm: it says: Element types (8 records):
00h - Fire, 01h - Ice, 02h - Bolt, 03h - Earth, 04h - Bio, 05h - Gravity, 06h - Water,
07h - Wind, 08h - Holy, 09h - Health, 0Ah - Cut, 0Bh - Hit, 0Ch - Punch,
0Dh - Shoot,
0Eh - Scream
10h-1Fh - No Effect
20h-3Fh - Statuses (Damage done by actions that inflict these statuses will be modified)
FFh - No element.
It seems that in the application you wrote statuses: 0x10 - Death, 0x11 - Near-Death, 0x12 - Sleep, 0x13 - Poison, 0x14 - Sadness, 0x15 - Fury,
0x16 - Confusion, 0x17 - Silence, . . . , 0x1F - Regen, 0x20 - Barrier, . . .
But statuses had to be written like this: 0x20 - Death, 0x21 - Near-Death, 0x22 - Sleep, 0x23 - Poison, 0x24 - Sadness, 0x25 - Fury,
0x26 - Confusion, 0x27 - Silence, . . . , 0x2F - Regen, 0x30 - Barrier, . . .
So, they are off to the forward by 16 positions. When we see Manip status in application, then by the 16 positions in the backward direction is located Confusion status. Because instead of Manip status, right status will be Confusion, as wiki.qhimm says. Or in other words, when supposed to be Confusion status, we see in application Manip status, which is located in the forward direction by 16 positions.