Author Topic: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.63]  (Read 70291 times)


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #75 on: 2021-03-24 07:23:28 »
Thanks for this new release, Caledor.


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #76 on: 2021-04-11 21:26:07 »
Hi Caledor.

I'm using your italian translation with 7th Heaven. I'm loving it. I wanted to ask you, when you changed the User Interface, by chance did you also rise the max playtime after 99 hours? I'm using your High Res Texture IRO, but if I try to use the Enhanced stock UI mod (that rises max playtime from 99 to 999 hours) it's creating a conflict.



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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #77 on: 2021-04-11 21:55:22 »
Hi Onizuka, I honestly don't remember that point specifically because i might have inherited it from DLPB's R05 but using another UI mod on top of my own it's bound to cause conflicts because both will try to alter the same regions in the executable.


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #78 on: 2021-04-11 22:14:28 »
So if I disable the Enanched Stock UI mod and leave on only your Italian High Res Texture IRO, will I remain at 99 hours of max possible playtime in the game menu? Sorry if I didn't understand!


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #79 on: 2021-04-11 22:45:13 »
Hours from 99 up to 999 will be displayed correctly in the menu. I just tested it.

The important part is not adding any UI mod on top of this one (aside from something very simple like avatars only).


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #80 on: 2021-04-12 16:50:28 »
Hello, Caledor!

One question Two questions. 1: The Reunion is going to update its translation and finalize it sometimes this year. Are you going to update the Italian one accordingly as well when the time comes?

2: In the past I created a mod that replaced the original scene.bin and kernel.bin files with my own modified versions. Would it be compatible with the Italian ReTranslation?

« Last Edit: 2021-04-16 05:59:36 by Salk »


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #81 on: 2021-04-16 22:22:11 »
1. Yes, I'm following the progress that's being made

2. Probably yes since those are mostly gameplay related files. scene.bin has all enemy-related text though, as you probably already know.


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #82 on: 2021-04-20 12:06:47 »
Hello again, Caledor.
I made a post in this thread:
About a crash I'm having when trying to go over the W-Item/Multioggetto Materia.
After a bit of testing, I discovered that if I disable the Italian Retranslation's Texture Mod, the game no longer crashes and I can select the Multioggetto Materia.
Since disabling this mod messes up some of the dialogue boxes, for the time being I put the Materia on a character I'm not using and then re-enabled your mod.
This is the error log I got.
Do you know any other fix for this?

[00000700] TRACE: 5E5A202C (FFNx): (filename not available): EAXDirectSoundCreate
[00000700] TRACE: 00419738 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 00913C60 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 00913C94 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 0070B807 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 0070CBDE (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 0070CFDA (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 006CB872 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 006CDB72 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 006CC73A (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 0067DD90 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 0040B832 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 75DA336A (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
[00000700] TRACE: 779E9902 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[00000700] TRACE: 779E98D5 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[00000700] ERROR: Unhandled Exception. See dumped information above.


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #83 on: 2021-04-21 18:10:52 »
Hi Onizuka, I've confirmed the bug, which likely involves all the "Multi-" materia. I'll have to work on a fix for this.

EDIT: Found the culprit, as i suspected it's the custom function i wrote to change the ability names for these materia.

For everyone with direct access to the hext files here's a temporary fix: find my all.txt file.

Line 1481 of the file should read "30B803 = 5E 84 20 00". Comment the line so it won't be loaded by the game by adding a # before it, like so:

"#30B803 = 5E 84 20 00"

« Last Edit: 2021-04-21 18:55:31 by Caledor »


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #84 on: 2021-04-21 19:45:14 »
Thanks for checking! I still have to get W-Magic and W-Summon, I'll be sure not to check them without saving my game first.

Is there a way to access this hext file so I could fix it?


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #85 on: 2021-04-21 20:04:23 »
For 7th Heaven users i'm just uploading a new version of the IRO as i type, cause it's the safest solution. I'll update the iro again when the issue it's fixed.

The temp iro is up


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #86 on: 2021-04-21 20:33:36 »
Oh Great! Is it downloaded automatically by 7th Heaven? I didn't see any download/update as I closed and exit the program.


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #87 on: 2021-04-21 20:35:16 »
No you need to redownload from here just like you did the first time. Remove the current one from the library and reimport


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #88 on: 2021-04-21 21:33:31 »
Sorry, did I get the right file? The one in Google Drive. In 7th Heaven it says it's the 1.0 version, not anymore 1.2. Is it correct?


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #89 on: 2021-04-21 21:36:51 »
I just forgot to update the iro descriptor in a rush, it should be totally fine.


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #90 on: 2021-04-22 09:37:15 »
Yes! I got the W-Magic Materia and no crashes! Thanks for quick help!


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #91 on: 2021-07-25 09:08:17 »
Innanzitutto ciao. Non ho capito bene se devo commentare in inglese per forza oppure in italiano va bene lo stesso, nel caso modifico il messaggio.

Io ho installato una versione pulita di steam del gioco e successivamente ho installato la mod di Satsuki (SYWV5) NON tramite 7th Heaven, ho usato il suo installer. Successivamente ho installato la tua mod. Riscontro dei problemi con i font: si accavallano in alcune parti del menu e le finestre di dialogo dove devo scegliere un'opzione non vengono visualizzate correttamente (manca la seconda opzione). Non ho capito se ho sbagliato a installare qualcosa o devo fare qualche modifica.


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #92 on: 2021-07-26 00:39:34 »
Ciao Raiu, being this an international forum better stick to english.

Probably an update from Satsuki changed something again and that broke compatibility with my own patch. I guess I can't keep chasing that though, so i plan to switch to 7th Heaven for those that want to mix mods in a controlled environment, and i'll release my textures separately for those that want to mix mods manually.

ITA: è probabilmente un problema di compatibilità venuto fuori dopo l'aggiornamento della mod di Satsuki. Non posso continuare a inseguire ogni cambiamento del genere però, così conto di passare su 7th heaven. Rilascerò pure un zip contenente le texture separate, in caso qualcuno volesse unire le mod manualmente
« Last Edit: 2021-07-26 07:47:54 by Caledor »


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #93 on: 2021-07-26 11:21:32 »
Oh, i get it. I'll wait for future release. Thanks for all and good job!


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #94 on: 2021-08-11 00:15:35 »

  • Removed AIO installer compatible with SYWV5
  • Added Full IRO (translation + texture)
  • Added separate Italian Texture RAR (for modders)

For those who were using the Italian AIO installer compatible with SYWV5, I recommend moving to 7th heaven + IROs. I listed the IROs from Satsuki you need to install in the first post. Let me know if there's any kind of problem with instructions or the files.


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #95 on: 2022-05-03 07:41:25 »
  thanks for your hard work.
I used your mod since you started a lot of years ago on Rinoa forum and with the old way to mod I mixed yours with others but now I'm old and I prefer to use 7th heaven. Many of the mods I used are now in the
"[Tsunamods] Enhanced Stock UI" but with 7th Heaven seems impossible to mix with your mod, can you know a way? Maybe have I to use the exe and not the iro? Or can you think to make a version with options to choose to mix better with other mods?



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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #96 on: 2022-05-06 18:46:52 »
I think the main issue with ESUI (and any other UI mod) is that changes to character size (the letters displayed on screen) are integral to the mod and used to determine the size of dialogue boxes, so compatibility out of the box with any UI mod is very unlikely.

On the bright side, I know that some are trying to make specifically ESUI work with my mod so your best bet is to wait for them.


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #97 on: 2022-05-15 11:52:03 »
  thanks for your hard work.
I used your mod since you started a lot of years ago on Rinoa forum and with the old way to mod I mixed yours with others but now I'm old and I prefer to use 7th heaven. Many of the mods I used are now in the
"[Tsunamods] Enhanced Stock UI" but with 7th Heaven seems impossible to mix with your mod, can you know a way? Maybe have I to use the exe and not the iro? Or can you think to make a version with options to choose to mix better with other mods?


It is possible, but right now as Caledor said it is a little more trickier than it should. As a critical update in 7th Heaven is needed in order for the process to become way easier we're waiting on that. In the meantime I'm trying to streamline the "tricky" process.


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #98 on: 2022-05-20 09:25:49 »
Me...I have problem with compatibility between Esui menu mod and the translation....what can I do ??


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Re: [FF7-Steam] Final Fantasy VII Italian ReTranslation [v1.5]
« Reply #99 on: 2022-05-20 10:36:47 »
Me...I have problem with compatibility between Esui menu mod and the translation....what can I do ??
Please read the last 3 posts above yours