Author Topic: Crash after 10 hours of playtime at Shinra HQ  (Read 2925 times)


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Crash after 10 hours of playtime at Shinra HQ
« on: 2021-04-04 19:45:25 »
[SOLVED! The solution was to turn OFF the Resize Project in Field Models.]

I apologize for opening a new topic for this, I didn't want to resume very old threads.
After 10 hours of great gameplay and being very emotional for playing this game after over 20 years in such beautiful new graphics thanks to 7th Heaven, I keep getting this error while in the Shinra Building.

After my party members
Spoiler: show
break from jail cells, I speak to Tifa and I should regain control of Cloud, Tifa and Aerith
, but that doesn't happen and the game crashes.
A new file appeared in the Save folder called "crash.ff7", but I don't know what I should do with that.
I've the Steam version, but 7th Heaven (I've the latest version) created a copy of the game in the "Games" folder.

There, the APP.log file is empty, so I don't know how I could post more details.

I read that this error usually happened when launching the game and that you could fix it by having all ten save blocks with at least 1 save file in them. I tried that, but it didn't fix it.

These are the mods that I'm using:

I know it's very limited info, but anyone here has any idea what could cause this? I don't understand why it happens only at that point in the Shinra HQ... I was having a blast playing the game with the mods.
Thanks in advance if anyone could assist.
« Last Edit: 2021-04-20 00:02:21 by Onizuka »


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Re: Crash after 10 hours of playtime at Shinra HQ
« Reply #1 on: 2021-04-06 16:45:40 »
please attach ffnx.log from your game directory.  Grab it right after a crash as it is overwritten when the game is relaunched.


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Re: Crash after 10 hours of playtime at Shinra HQ
« Reply #2 on: 2021-04-07 10:49:22 »
Thank you for answering, Chrysalis. Just a couple of hours ago, I found a solution! I'll post it here in case someone else will run into this problem.

I had to turn OFF the Resize Project in Field Models. I liked that mod, it made characters look better. I hope they'll improve it one day to solve this issue, as it's really a beautiful mod. I think it crashed during the Shinra HQ because when
Spoiler: show
the NPCs were dead and lying on the ground
it was causing some confict.


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Re: Crash after 10 hours of playtime at Shinra HQ
« Reply #3 on: 2021-04-07 21:01:18 »
Thank you for answering, Chrysalis. Just a couple of hours ago, I found a solution! I'll post it here in case someone else will run into this problem.

I had to turn OFF the Resize Project in Field Models. I liked that mod, it made characters look better. I hope they'll improve it one day to solve this issue, as it's really a beautiful mod. I think it crashed during the Shinra HQ because when
Spoiler: show
the NPCs were dead and lying on the ground
it was causing some confict.

The good news is as of right now I am converting parts of the qhimm catalog to DDS, these newer type of textures improve stability so this may fix your problem, I will post on the forum when this is done.


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Re: New crash
« Reply #4 on: 2021-04-20 00:22:37 »
Hello again.

I'm writing again on this Topic as I'm getting the same error shown in the picture above with the same mods I'm using (plus Caledor Italian HD Texture), just on a different situation.

I'm near the end of Part 2 and in the tunnel I got the W-Item Materia. But when I go to the Materia screen to equip it, when I scroll down, I'm one Materia close to the W-Item one and when I press Down to select it, I get that "Oops" error.

The APP Log is empty, but I'm reading something on the FFNx Log, that I don't understand. I'll post the last few lines of the document, in case anyone has any idea on what's happening. I can post more lines if needed.
So far I could only solve this issue by playing without mods. Or I should either put the Materia to the very botton and not use it... and remember not to sort the Materia list...

Thanks in advance.

[00000700] TRACE: 5E5A202C (FFNx): (filename not available): EAXDirectSoundCreate
[00000700] TRACE: 00419738 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 00913C60 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 00913C94 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 0070B807 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 0070CBDE (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 0070CFDA (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 006CB872 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 006CDB72 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 006CC73A (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 0067DD90 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 0040B832 (FF7): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
[00000700] TRACE: 75DA336A (kernel32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
[00000700] TRACE: 779E9902 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[00000700] TRACE: 779E98D5 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[00000700] ERROR: Unhandled Exception. See dumped information above.

[EDIT: It's caused by the Italian Translation Texture Mod. Caledor is working on a fix: ]
« Last Edit: 2021-04-21 19:47:39 by Onizuka »