Author Topic: [FF7PC-98] Beacause - FF7 Retranslation (Merged into Reunion, use that instead)  (Read 377504 times)


  • Covarr-Let
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“……Let's give it a shot.”
Really? There's gotta be a better way to phrase this.


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Perhaps... but it is cloud talking to himself :P

"Let's give it a try"


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Except the context makes it pretty clear that Cloud has no clue that he's talking to himself. In fact, he asks "who are you?" before he's opened his eyes, and before Aerith speaks.


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He does know he is talking to someone who is trying to help him though.,  The lit. is "Let's give it a try".  It doesn't have to be that let's" means "the 2 of us"  it can be used just for 1 person talking to himself with another in the room.  He is being urged to see if he can move.

oh yeah, should note {CLOUD}
“……Let's give it a shot.”


I changed the line to "I'll give it a shot", but I do worry sometimes about being too obviously correct to every sentence.  People don't talk perfectly all the time.  In this case though perhaps clarity is more important.
« Last Edit: 2011-11-21 09:54:29 by DLPB »


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"Let's give it a try." or "Let's give it a shot." makes sense to me, although "I'll give it a shot." is ok I suppose.


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yeah I think at end of the day sometimes, it is possible to over analyze it.  I do it too.. but people don;t always speak 100% perfect.  In his case though I don't see an issue clarifying it still further because it is a very complicated part of the game if you don't understand the story.


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I think I may place this ad back in.

Translated by Luksy, District 5 Slums

A fun drive with your girlfriend. least it WAS,until...
   sudden engine trouble ruined your date!{NEW}
Has this ever happened to you?
   Well,now there's no need to worry!{NEW}
With the new model
   "Shin-Ra V-3000" engine,
   you can enjoy your car to its fullest! {H 2}

And now the news   

62 maps done, 499 to go.

These parts are used but you have to go to the TV at the right times.  Except the tyre one, which can never be seen thanks to mistake with the game progress var given at this point.  I will correct this.  Thanks Shademp.

Code: [Select]
“Presenting the new tyre…
"Pizza 2000"”{NEW}
“That's right,with "Pizza 2000",
everyone can improve
their driving experience!!”
“From can openers to Mako Reactors,
we at the Shin-Ra company provide
you with a true life of comfort.”
“…Continuing our report on today's events…{NEW}
“In spite of the worst accident in Midgar's history,
no civilian casualties have been reported.
Shin-Ra's city management staff are being
credited for their prompt response.”{NEW}
“The cause of the accident is still unknown,
however there are reports that a statement
has been made by the terrorist group Avalanche,
claiming responsibility…”
Under the Mako light!”{NEW}
“Power is truth,
Shin-Ra is the future!”{NEW}
“Obedience to the company,
the key to your happiness!”
« Last Edit: 2011-11-22 16:38:38 by DLPB »


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Still truckin'

Code: [Select]
“What rank were you?”
“You know, in SOLDIER.”
“Oh, I was…”
“First Class.”
“Just the same as him.”
“The same as who?”
“My first boyfriend.”
“Were you…serious?”
“No. But I liked
him for a while.”
“I probably knew him.
What was his name?”
“It doesn't
really matter.”

Code: [Select]
“What class were you?”
“Soldier class.”
“Oh,I was…”
First class.”
“Hmm. The same.”
“The same as who?”
“First person I was really fond of.”
“…were you together?”
“It wasn't like that…
I just thought he was kinda nice.”
“I might know him.
What's the guy's name?”
“It doesn't matter anymore.”


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Almost ready now for M005 and up to wallmarket.  I will finish this off and await latest ts stable.  Then release it.

A few small things that need to be sorted first.


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{CHOICE}You're a slum drunk

I think the original "the" works better than "a".  "Slum drunk" is like "town drunk", right?  As in, one specific and notorious person.

Also see multiple commas without spaces after them; assume that'll be changed in the final?

Other'n that not noticing anything I'd change.  So far so good.


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The commas are separated by the menu overhaul from values placed in window.bin.  Like : the space is automatically added :)  so don't worry.  Any commas that do have a space will be corrected by a text parser at the end.

And yeah, maybe "the" is correct in this case since he is being specific. 

At the end I go through it one more time, and Covarr also goes through it and gives any recommendations so this isn't 100% final.  Still, with people like you too it makes it all the better.

I am pretty happy with the job so far.
« Last Edit: 2011-12-02 18:55:54 by DLPB »


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I have finished reviewing recommendations and information on this thread.  The following are changed:

Bottoms Well > Bottom Swell [Ragnarok]

Bajighandi > Basigandhi [Gemini]

Hairpin > Kanzashi  [Ragnarok]

Ogrenyx > Ogrenix [dlpb/Ragnarok]

Pasahna Greens > Pashana Greens [Ragnarok]

Cappa Wire > Kyappa Wire [Luksy]

Sciessor Scissor > Schezar Scissor [Luksy]

Reigen Greens > Miracle Greens [Ragnarok]

Nolthpol > Knoll's Pol [Ragnarok/dlpb]

I have also changed Yuffie's "Lightning Speed" to something sounding a little better "Flash Lightning"

« Last Edit: 2011-12-14 05:35:04 by DLPB »


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Ragnarok may also have been right about Semzealot.  and Simon the Zealot


Semzealot.  I will go with this unless there is clear evidence to the contrary.  I am not confident of it...  but I am less confident of Zemzelett
« Last Edit: 2011-12-17 17:45:06 by DLPB »


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I am pleased how this part went, both translation and localisation.  The thing to remember is that cloud's inner self is talking to him about the time he fell off the Nibl bridge. 

Compare the 2 scenes

Code: [Select]
church in the slums
{GRAY}What about now?
Can you get up?{GRAY}

Code: [Select]
Church in the Slums
{GRAY}What about this time?
Do you think can you get up?{GRAY}
Hello there!

I’m not a native speaker, so I’m not really sure if I’m right with this, but that double question in the translation sounds really weird: “Do you think can you get up?”. Is this form alright?

Keep it up! I’m looking forward for the first release!


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Well spotted...  An error by me :)  Hence why the proof checker, Covarr, is needed at the end  8-)


  • Covarr-Let
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You didn't send me this scene yet, did you? I'd really hate to think I could've overlooked something like this. :/


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No, you haven't had any of these yet.  Reason is I haven't decided to finalise any of em yet...  so it is tricky for me to send things which may again be altered... still, they are like... mostly done.  I guess the changes made now will be small.

I have no idea how I missed that tbh....   possibly when editing line by line and having to go back delete 1 word here and there to make it flow right.  Meh it happens.

edit, yeah I know where that went wrong.  I didn't like the sentence "Do you think you can get up?"  so I changed it but forgot to check over it.  Now it is {GRAY}What about this time?
Think you can get up?{GRAY}

{GRAY}What about this time?
Think you can get up?{GRAY}
“……back then?
   ……this time?”
{GRAY}Worry about your body for now.{GRAY}
« Last Edit: 2011-12-22 21:45:51 by DLPB »


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Translation has picked up speed and I am almost ready to release M005...  so might be soon now :)  Roughly 1/5 of the game is now localised.
« Last Edit: 2011-12-29 08:57:59 by DLPB »


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The game dialogue is now at the one quarter mark.  :)  25% done.
378 of 706 maps done.  See first post.

It will need a run through from me, and proof checking, but it is going to plan.  I will release it with next menu update which should be within 1 week.
« Last Edit: 2012-01-03 04:52:17 by DLPB »


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Great new, DLPB!

Thanks for your hard work!


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Aye, I have just had a quick walk through the game, and some parts need minor alterations too due to context.  Very annoying really, can only feel for how Baskett was treated.


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Hmm not too sure if this makes sense at all
Barret talking to Cait Sith on disk 2 when trying to save Tifa:
 "You damn cat!
    What the hell are you gonna do now?

    "They all be comiBarret
"Yo, bet  a

First the speech mark on the 1st sentence doesn't have an ending speech mark anywhere

and also the 3rd and 4th sentence is what confused me alot not sure if it's some spelling mistakes
"Yo, bet  a"
What is that meant to mean lol and on "Yo bet  a  doesn't also have an ending speech mark and "a" has 2 spaces forward

Uploaded some pics

By joyrul at 2012-01-04

By joyrul at 2012-01-04
« Last Edit: 2012-01-04 16:52:52 by e1sunz »


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I havent touched that dialogue in the release yet.  Nothing has been released much in R001.  We are 25% way through but you are using the installer.  The dialogue you mention is the original. Not ours :)

Actually, I am thinking that dialogue has been ruined by Touphscript.  I will tell luksy.

Remember that the installer you are using is from when the game was like 2% completed, not 25%  If you look at the first page you can see that over half the maps have not been translated even now.
« Last Edit: 2012-01-04 16:52:30 by DLPB »


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Ah ok i found many more weird stuff like that elsewhere but lost it. meh I'll live with that.
So will the more updated retranslation be included in m005?
« Last Edit: 2012-01-04 16:58:40 by e1sunz »


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Yeah, the M005 will have the second revision of the translation project which will be 25-30% of the game.

“Yo! You sure this' the right way?
   It's a dead end!”
   Did ah make a wrong turn?”
“You idiot!
   What the hell're we gonna do now?
   They'll be stompin' at us any minute!”
“Watch my back to the very end… partner!”

That is the translated one.