Disclaimer!See newest BS software:
http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=17064.0Born from here:
http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=15906.0FFVIII Battle stage .X to OBJ converter is intended to analyze, dump and convert data from FF8 .X battle stage files to OBJ with texture coordinates.
Current version: 1.1 (1.1)
Last updated: 25.03.2015
Features- GUI
- Automatically searches for models in two modes: strict and extended (description below)
- Shows model offset, vertices, triangles and quad count, shows offset for each one
- Resolves TIM texture size + TPage'ing.
- Converts model data to OBJ
- Automatically creates MTL and OBJ needed info
- And something more I forgot about. :*
List of changes in 1.1- Added Magic RIP Button (The most awaited
) - Redone debug info. Shows now full path
- Redesigned. Deleted unused progress bar and stuff
- Software now checks if obj is already ripped, if so, overwrites it. No more endless stream.
List of changes in 1.0- Changed icon to the one made by LionHartGR. Thanks!
- Fixed triangle UV. Thanks to Kaspar01 for providing screenshots. Correct order was ABC> BCA
- Extremely optimized file. Now it's ~300 KB
- Built with .NET Framework 4.5 instead of 4.5.1
List of changes in 0.9e- Added auto texture resolve
- Added auto MTL generator
- Injected quad/triangle algorithm as a one operation
- Made it less ugly (deleted unused options and stuff)
INSTRUCTION1.Load file by File>Open
2.Click on one of preferred search modes
3.Select model offset from list on left (or click Magic RIP button - rips all valid meshes)
4.Click RIP
5.Generated MTL and OBJ is in your directory where .X file was. Software generates files named by this: (stageFilename)_(offsetOfModel)_(t or q).obj
ModesStrict mode - Is most stable option to search for models, but it
mostly misses many models (segments). This mode takes the models from generic model set as I wrote on wiki (and it's probably not true [what I wrote on wiki], as we can see now there're models before generic object header [will edit this later])
Extended mode - It searches from beginning. This CAN produce offset of models, that
ARE NOT a models itself. There's where my model checker comes in action. Before RIP button is going to be available, my
validator checks it for conditions:
Triangle count < 10000
Quad count < 10000
Vertices count < 10000
Vertices != 0
However, it's not 100% of possibilities, so there's still 1% of chance, that the wrong model will pass thru my validator. Ripping bad model passing my validator shouldn't crash the software itself, however the mesh would be complete mess.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/n7vao6448jtse5v/VIII_x_to_obj_11.zip?dl=0You will need .NET Framework 4.5 to run this.FAQ