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Releases / gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2009-08-19 23:52:54 »
I had no reason to suspect that those were current. If a mod replaces 4 files, and it turns out 2 small ones from it were "bad," creating a 2nd link with just the 2 small files is a temporary fix until the whole pack is reuploaded. To leave it as such is both confusing and makes it look (to those seeing it for the first time) like it was abandoned. Or at least that's why I personally wasn't clear that those links are in fact current.

Releases / gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2009-08-19 22:36:58 »
Forgive me if my first glance decieves me, but it appears that in order to play the most current version of this mod, I'd have to comb this thread (every page) and pick and choose files, and hope I don't choose the outdated ones.

Might I suggest continuously updating first post to contain links to either a current unified package, or current links for every file in the mod? Would make newcomers be able to get in the game quicker and can actually make bookkeeping on the end of the author simpler.

This mod's come highly recommended and I'd like to try it. But at first glance, it looks like I'd have to put more effort into hunting down all the links than I'm prepared to do.  :-D

General Discussion / Re: looking for hard mode
« on: 2009-08-19 22:31:30 »
Well, can't everybody be wrong I suppose. I'll give it a try. However...

On the first page, there's a download link, and then a note saying that's wrong, to then go ahead and replace 2 files from a different link. That's fine and dandy in the interim while a new, unified package is uploaded. So I started skimming over thead page 2, 3, etc... I see a bunch of little update links.

So is there a "final," unified relase? Or at least final links for each file the mod alters? If I'm tearing my hair out before the mod is even in place, I highly doubt I will be giving it a fair shot when I go to play it :P

Since this thread is now essentially about that thread, I'll just post in that thread. Thanks for everybody's feedback.

General Discussion / Re: looking for hard mode
« on: 2009-08-19 20:29:34 »
I did. And then I sawthis. A game overhaul is cool. I've made my own in the past (different games), so I know they're fun to do. I especially liked the idea of chars starting off as level 1. But I'm not really looking for a different game. Just a more challenging one. Is that my only option?

General Discussion / looking for hard mode
« on: 2009-08-19 20:24:45 »
Hello, all. Haven't posted in a very long time. Wanted to start playing FF VII again. I must say that it is MUCH easier to install on XP than 2000 :-D

Anyways, to give an old game new spice, I decide to try a single character game. Thanks to limit breaks, it really wasn't that much more challenging than having three chars in your party :-( I figured there'd be a hard mode mod, but...

I used the search feature. All I've found is "MSN me," broken links, or comments suggesting the mod makes the game buggy. This makes me a sad panda.

Even something as simple as upping all enemies' stats by a fixed amount would be better. I'm just going to play vanilla to reacquiant myself with the game. But I'd like a more realistic version my next time through. Is there any hope? Thank you for your time.

Archive / Re: Now this is a Cheatsave!
« on: 2007-11-20 20:42:13 »
@dziugo: Can you list examples of some points in the story line where you'd anticipate that to be the case? Could always make it a "use at your own risk" release. I'd probably use it, if only in Midgar. I always disliked too that there was no save point in the Cave of Gi.

Archive / Re: Now this is a Cheatsave!
« on: 2007-11-20 03:24:33 »
Yeah, if it's not for you, don't use it.

"God mode" can be fun at first, but can get boring fast. Though the save anywhere part is intriguing. Is it possible to have just that as a standalone?

I'm curious as to why not Rude instead of Rufus? Also, do you have intentions of going further? Like, say, including Tseng and Reeve? Or perhaps Scarlet as one of the other girls?

Good work. You should release what you have here. I'm assuming it's to patch the standard game and not Saint's 1280, eh?
So... I guess these fall into the "too stupid to dignify" column, eh?  :|

That's looks gorgeous! A few questions if I may...

I'm curious as to why not Rude instead of Rufus? Also, do you have intentions of going further? Like, say, including Tseng and Reeve? Or perhaps Scarlet as one of the other girls?

Good work. You should release what you have here. I'm assuming it's to patch the standard game and not Saint's 1280, eh?

I would recommend employing dziugo's BattleSwirlFix. It, and many other useful patches, can be found here:

Archive / Re: Copy & Play :P(aplied patches)
« on: 2007-11-11 22:53:09 »
I think the forum already has rules against sharing out actual game files anyways. I know I personally would rather pick and choose which patches I use. Besides, what few minutes I would have to spend with a fresh install is nothing compared to the hours of improved enjoyment I would get from the patches. Especially Gypt, which will save me at least that much time just on Disc 1.

Archive / Re: swapping Chocobo models/colors?
« on: 2007-11-03 19:57:03 »
Many views, few replies. Perhaps I should elaborate; I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I just need to know first that it's possible and second about how to go about it. The only modding I've done myself was modifying the map files so that I wouldn't get zapped while going through the Whirlwind Maze. Even then, I was told how to go about doing it. I wouldn't even know where the chocobo models are stored, let alone how to go about swapping them. With as many mods as there are that swap/replace models in the game, SOMEBODY has to know, eh? I appreciate any effort offered.

Archive / Re: [Request] Blank movies info
« on: 2007-11-02 07:41:08 »
Bump. Thanks for the link. When I try playing that video straightaway, WMP says it can't locate a codec. Keep in mind that I can play the game's AVI's straightaway without issue. I replace eidoslogo and sqlogo with the one you just linked to and I get a black screen. As soon as I hit a key, the menu fades in. Which is faster than having to wait for the EIDOS logo to fade out first. But is there a file/way to just launch FFVII and have it go straight to menu? (NEW GAME/Continue)

Archive / swapping Chocobo models/colors?
« on: 2007-11-02 06:30:18 »
The short: Is it possible to swap the gold and purple chocobos?

The long: After going through the trouble of creating a gold chocobo, it just looks like a more saturated yellow chocobo. Meanwhile, my 3000:1 LCD makes the purple chocobo look SO gorgeous. I'd really like to swap the two so that joe average chocobo jockey gets the gold and I get to romp around the world (and on the track) with a purple one. Possible? I only ask because there are several mods that seem to replace one model with another. I'm only talking two models that are already in game. Like maybe it's as simple as swapping two pointers in a text file. Wishing thinking, I know.

Thank you for your time.

If you're talking about the tiling, try turning off your video card's anti-aliasing (AA) and anisotropic filtering (AF). I know this is a sure fix for ATI users.

FF7 Tools / Re: Yet Another Multi-Patcher
« on: 2007-10-29 18:17:22 »
Kruci made a version of this patch which (AFAIK) runs without any problems, so I just linked to that thread.
I wasn't aware that yours had any problems. I know of the way it can "interfere" with things like doing power squats in the Wall Market gym and such. Each one is easily worked around.

I was going to make such a patch, but there was no need for it at the time. And now I can't do it. Sorry.

Second thought. There was a demo of FF7 which included only battle square, and that should be enough to mod it. I'll be a bit busy for the next 2 days, but after that... Can't promise anything, but I'll see what I can do.
I had read that you were without FF VII, but not how/why. Care to elaborate?

FF7 Tools / Re: Yet Another Multi-Patcher
« on: 2007-10-28 21:28:22 »
Still loving these. Thanks again, dziugo.

I'm curious: Why does the front page say Always Run has been discontinued? The only time it was a real problem was when Tifa is captured in Junon and you need her to get the key. I've completed it three times now with the patch installed. Not as easy, but still very doable. I can see no reason why this patch should be discontinued.

Now, for the reason I'm posting. There's a patch to control Cait Sith's slots. Any way of similarly controlling the battle square's slots? I'd like to be able to pick my handicaps to intentionally give me harsh one I can handle but avoid ones that my setup would find to be critical. I've tried watching the wheel and guessing. I've tried the tap SWITCH method of strobing it for a better idea. I can't seem to master either.

I think he means is it as simple as if you take 10% of your maxHP as damage, does your limit bar fill 10%. If so, does level two halve that and so on?

To answer the question, I don't know specific numbers. Though I THINK that Fury is x2 and Sadness is /2.

How do you do it?

At any rate, search this forum for the word Whirlwind and you'll see what I mean. If I repeated false information, I apologize. But steady wind is what I see and that's what at least a few other people have seen as well.

I have an ATI Radeon 9700 Pro and Windows 2000. My FFVII has the Saint high res and chocobo patch, the Saint x1024 overpatch, Window's AppFix's fix, then YAMP with Gypt, Lucky Tifa, Always Run, and mini-games patch applied.

Followed your instructions to the letter. Loaded up one of the saves I had just before having to run that gauntlet. Success! Tried all three points just to be sure. Now I can pass that part in high res, and with all the time saving features of Gypt.

Thanks once again for writing all that out for me. And uploading the program. Would you like me to mirror that for you? You'd be able to use my hosting for it indefinitely.

This place is great. I really wish I would've been around at the front of the curve so I could've contributed more and wouldn't have to waste everybody's time with these questions I would've been able to figure out on my own. Thanks for taking the time to help us latecomers.

  • Open up Meteor. If you haven't got it... I'll upload it somewhere, since my webspace is down at the moment.
That would be great. And thank you for the fast, specific help :)

No, when I was playing on a Voodoo3, getting through them was no issue. If I alt+tabbed out of the game and back in or went into the menu, sometimes the visuals didn't match up with what was actually going on. Leaving the screen and coming right back always fixed it though. That was the only issue I ever experienced.

But apparently, there's a known issue with the 1.02 EXE that makes the wind appear full blast all the time. When I ran into this my last time through, I did a search. It was fairly common and the only solution I read was to go into software rendering mode. Well I'm using the saint patch among other things and this meant reverting to the original 1.02 EXE. Since I'm on 2000, I had my modified EXE psuedo-patched using Windows AppFix. Well using a different EXE, I had to use AppFix to launch the game. So the next time I went to start a new game, I had to have AppFix recreate the fix. A process that doesn't always take for some reason. In the end, what you're describing will be less hassle believe it or not. And since others have expressed the same issue, I'm sure you description will help more than just me in the long run.

Look forward to grabbing Meteor so I can get this sorted before I get there (almost there!).

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / hacking field position
« on: 2007-04-29 14:38:26 »
Hello. I distinctly remember reading a post/thread somewhere that touched base on the values in memory that store your current field position. The context of the conversation led me to believe that what was being discussed was NOT world map position, but where you actually were on any given field map. Yet searching, I was unable to find this thread again.

Basically, I'm looking to get into memory and edit my field position to bypass the Whirlwind Maze's three points of wind without having to resort to software rendering. Is this possible? Would somebody be so kind as to point me in the right direction as to how to go about doing this? If there's an easier way to accomlish this goal, I'm all ears. Though it's still a talent I'd like to learn.

Thank you for your time.

Archive / Re: Game Editing Tutorials?
« on: 2007-04-29 14:17:28 »
At this point, I'd settle for a "tutorial" explaining how to export TEX files as BMP, but properly palletized. As seen here

Archive / Re: Game Editing Tutorials?
« on: 2007-04-29 12:22:22 »
Wouldn't it be better for the community if the tutorials were public so that more than one person can beneft?

Rather than start a new topic, I'll ask a similar question here:

When a party member casts the Remove spell, does that count towards kills for new limit break levels? It grants you Exp and AP, but not Gil and items, so I was unsure.

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