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Messages - Yagami Light

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Well done Maki, this will lead to great things in the future, I'm not sure about the dat files source code better off asking the noesis author

Ok here is the byte data I reversed to get the top image, gfs,particle effects and spell effects all seem to be affected as well

Maki you are making amazing progress, even though I know very little about hex editing, I tried using reverse bytes to help you find UV/face vertices for a0stg101 do these pictures mean I'm near the UV since you said the texture data goes crazy or is that something else? 

How did you get different hash codes for the world map? Berry just gives me the same codes..

Also heres original textures for world map and a battle scene separated and x4 res for artists all you gotta do is put a new texture on top. If you want to upres them differently I only used nearest neighbor so you can just downscale them and upscale however you want.

Been messing with battle scene textures, if anyone wants to make a mountain texture that doesn't look out of place feel free, the top halfs of the battle chara textures are tied to the weapon, so I need to finish getting the rest of those in. Looking at the world map textures a lot of them keep getting hashed the same, and the ones I did manage to replace ended up making some of the world map original textures to disappear  so gotta wait till Omzy updates his algorithm.

I only did it with Squall modified, there is probably more glitches out there, depending on what part of the game you are on. For example that glitch doesn't happen during beginning of game when Squalls alone, there's too many variables a full playthrough is needed.

Shunsq I got the high poly model working but like Vehek said it will cause graphical glitches heres an example I found going to the infirmarys bed area and coming back out, selphies textures gets put onto the Dr's model.

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-11-07 10:28:51 »
So how do we find out what to name the files after they have been hashed

EDIT: Ok got it working the obj map gave me 2 sets of hashes, I used one of them and it seems to work. To get the names all I did was use deling to extract the relevant files and use psicture to find out the names by saving each palette.

EDIT2: Ok seems they use the same name for every palette, dont know what to do now

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-11-06 16:41:33 »
Shunsq are you going to share your hash program, so we can help find them. Only having 1 person do it will take forever

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-30 23:03:59 »
Of course! I just didn't know if someone could easily slap them in or not hehe. I did see, on one of the squall textures, that you provided, a gun blade texture on its top part. I merged my revolver texture over that portion of the map and it seemed to work. I just couldn't get a good shot of it because I'm guessing its for one of rare occasions Squall pulls his weapon out not in battle.

But for anyone else message me if you want the models and their original base textures to rip apart yourselves I have most of them. With any luck, we might need to make a new thread for texture critiques soon!

Tested your metal knuckle texture it works, had to edit it a bit so it fit properly. If you want suggestions to improve it I would say round the metal corners and use a shiny metal texture to make it look more realistic. Good job so far though  8)

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-30 13:54:56 »

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-28 09:36:20 »
I know, I mean go into Balamb and enter the first house on the right and you'll see that the textures don't load.

Loads fine for me, did you update the hash files Shunsq posted on Sunday

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-28 08:33:00 »
magechoco already made squall textures for the field version in his texture thread, I fixed the hair and really like the result, apparently he did the field textures for sephie and quistis as well but I can't find them.

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-27 11:10:39 »
I can fix that. :P

I prefer the filtering on because it hides the pixelated look.

The thing is, I want accurate textures faithful to the original artist's intentions, like the Resident Evil 4 project.
When HD texture developers begin doing things that begin changing the original look too much, it turns me off.

Squall's neck in the original is also very one pixelly. But Magochocobo's neck looks WAY too tense and muscular. It looks too flexed and unrealistic.

Here's my current progress. If anyone has suggestions, let me know.



Now just imagine this, but for all characters, world map and battle scenes. It'd look amazing.

Squall looks possessed in the first picture, prefer chocos eyes to yours, I agree with trying to keep to the original but sometimes keeping it too similar makes them look weird especially when it comes to very outdated models. Anyway got first selphie model and zells head working, zells body wont load maybe it needs more hash files?


Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-26 19:52:59 »
I really dislike some aspects of the texture that I feel are unfaithful to the original, so I changed a few things.

- Made the necklace higher so it doesn't have that black pixel near the bottom
- Desaturated the jacket from brown to black
- Made the jacket and pants darker. This fixes the weird line on the thigh.
- Made the hair darker

Left = original
middle = original HD
right = my version


If you can retexture all the other models, I'd be happy to collaborate on an HD texture project.

Also, any idea about retexturing the world map and battle backgrounds? The grass and stuff looks bad.
It would be great to put in HD grass and clouds.


I think it looks better, but your versions neck looks like 1 giant pixel though lol I'd recommend turning off linear filtering since all it does is blur the image. still keep in mind chocos textures were made for the battle models, I have extracted the battle scene backgrounds etc and made them tonberry ready I'll pm you the files. As for the world map, Ill start on that after, the problem with the world map though is there's a lot of messed up mesh areas that nobody knows how to fix but we can still try new textures to see what it looks like.

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-24 13:37:57 »
Make sure theres only 1 sq folder with 3 files inside that one, it actually works at most places just try balamb garden to be sure.

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-23 16:35:17 »
And one more thing, i change the "objfile" to "objmap" and he says to copy the text on it at the end , but for me the file doesn't have anything when i first open it. Is it supposed to be like that?

Yes the objmap should be empty just copy the names and hash numbers using notepad and save, then copy the sq folder into the textures folder, keep in mind only certain parts of balamb garden work and only with Squall

Graphical / Re: [FF8-steam] Character texture replacement
« on: 2014-10-23 14:44:02 »
Awesome start, can you give a tutorial for finding out which textures you need from the texture dump, because Omzys explanation doesn't really help, and I'd like to help also how did you know what to name the files for the new textures etc. Also when I was looking at the textures it looked like every scene has them differently if thats the case doing all characters is gonna take a while

Graphical / Re: FF8 World Map Texture Update
« on: 2014-07-27 13:08:17 »
I've been unable to find balamb towns textures, I found part of garden texture mixed with completely different textures, but that was without having ragnarok maybe certain actions trigger them I'm not sure

Releases / Re: [REL] Tripod - FF8 Triple Triad HQ
« on: 2014-07-15 16:38:54 »
Hey Thanks for your hard work, I really like this mod, the borders of the cards in the menu are not all alligned the same will this be fixed in the future? Also when playing the game itself I find the borders of the cards low res compared to everything else do you plan on updating them in the future? Thanks again

EDIT: Also I found that when choosing cards during a game or simple moving the cursor up and down at certain points, the background card map will flicker/change shape slightly in certain areas. some parts of the card map will get thinner while others get thicker.

Great work omzy, however I keep getting exceptional error crash after a few mins playing forcing me to alt tab and force close, I notice the ff8.exe reaching up to 1.6gigs of memory which is most likely related to this crash, this is with project eden installed, uninstalling both resolves the crashes and memory stays at around 52,000k, looking forward to future updates

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