
your thoughts on areas to focus on next...

New Boss Combinations?
Beast Sidekicks for Bosses?
Humanoid Sidekicks for Bosses?
AI mods for boring enemies?
New Enemy - AI + Texture Mod ideas (like my Neo Bahamut)?

Author Topic: [FF8PC-Steam] KLITLIKA'S Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger FF8 - V33  (Read 51965 times)


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Here are the files to fix RED BAT & BAHAMUT in v26 using DELING to replace them inside the battle.fs file...


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I've since found a problem with Neo Bahamut... here is the latest file for it... also limited how hard it is, it was casting Catastrohpe a little too often...
Some Feedback would be great...


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how much longer until v27 of this mod is out, and what new features is v27 on this mod gonna have
« Last Edit: 2018-09-29 16:37:08 by Zara9 »


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is there anyone that can fix this mod please


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is there anyone that can fix this mod please

Zara, you need to realize that this modder put more work into that you ever will playing it.  Relax, he owes you nothing, and by asking for someone else other than the modder to finish this mod, you're being extremely rude to the creator.  learn some patience.


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Zara, you need to realize that this modder put more work into that you ever will playing it.  Relax, he owes you nothing, and by asking for someone else other than the modder to finish this mod, you're being extremely rude to the creator.  learn some patience.

THANKS MCINDUS... i can't even any more aye...


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I am very sorry for being so mean about your mod all the time, it just very hard for me to understand modder talk sometimes, so if i do not understand something, i get out of control and lose my temper when i do not understand anything

and the odin boss battle is still 100% broken on your mod, when there is monster beside odin the game softlocks after that normal monster is dead
« Last Edit: 2018-10-04 03:58:22 by Zara9 »


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what did he fix on this mod for v27 of this mod


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what did he fix on this mod for v27 of this mod

v27 had allot of small fixes that had been shared through the qhimm discord page "KLIT's MODS" mainly with the people helping me test specific enemies etc...

there is still allot to do / more hours of retesting certain things ...
and more experimenting with AI... if i want to improve fights like ODIN for eg...
atm he is reported to be broken... i did succeed in giving him real Battle AI but when i did that his textures broke...
so one of the tools needs an update before i can that again...
otherwise we're limited to him SPAMMING 1 move after a certain amount of time...
(or freezing after doing it once maybe if it doesn't wipe the party)  if i change it at all...
so maybe just stock Odin AI + boosted stats... i guess for now would be ideal...
« Last Edit: 2018-10-05 02:06:04 by qotsaninsoadkorn »


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how is the mod fixing coming along so far on this mod


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2019 update... been slowly getting making some progress as some of you have seen on the qhimm discord...
here is V31 https://mega.nz/#F!IyhiWSiL!fZMSojA4YVtAUzIDjAwmVw  :evil:

i need more testers + feedback to give opinions on balancing for many fights...
https://discord.gg/szMMs4D < link to join my area on Qhimm's discord...


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On the way to Galbadia Garden (forest Encounter after getting off the train) - Mobs: Cockatrice , fungar, fungar battle  causes time to stop using a soft item on petrify, prevents the battle from progressing and cannot run.


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thanks for letting me know...


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On the way to Galbadia Garden (forest Encounter after getting off the train) - Mobs: Cockatrice , fungar, fungar battle  causes time to stop using a soft item on petrify, prevents the battle from progressing and cannot run.
v32 is uploading, but now i realize your bug report was the main one i haven't yet done... so i'll test the Funguar's out asap for v33 soon hopefully...


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--------------------JULY 2019-------------------
new version v32... includes pics showing some of the changes... (new BATTLE ITEMS)


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Able to use Hell's Judgement, no complaints here.


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is this hack done being worked on now, or is there gonna be any new versions soon of this ff8 mod

and keep up the great work my friend


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had fun watching this, thanks so much for all the feedback, reactions were hilarious!
and keen as for another episode...


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FF8 2013 - Harder Better Faster Stronger - V32 + Debug ROOMS via Training Center
essentially the same as v32... but now if you visit the water are in the training center... there is a shortcut to all the debug rooms... they are also connected between them... and the main room has a shortcut to end-game in the bottom-right corner... (beware) this has mainly been included for testing reasons... as we need more testers checking battles... the game has like 800+ battles... cap is probably 2000 or so though, but we'd probably run out of fields before then, since there is a limit of 4 diff battles per field... if that makes sense...
and i can't adjust world map battles atm...


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Could you explain again the field thing?


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the world map is diff...
but for every field map... you can have up to 4 different battle #... sometimes they reuse them though... so you'd fight the same battle twice in one room/field map and then once again in the next field/room for eg...
means i can create even more diversity if i replace all the duplicates... so every field battle is unique to that field...

if you're wanting to try out every battle... i suggest using the Battle Scene Test in the debug rooms... alternatively just knowing that after 4 battles in one field map, you can move on to the next is helpful...
« Last Edit: 2020-06-03 00:33:11 by qotsaninsoadkorn »


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thanks for the explanation


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so i've spend some time fixing the Dollet Tower battle... afaik should be all good... i think it's been tested enough ways... but who knows... hit me up on discord if anyone of you do manage to crash it (& how?) ...
V33 Update... check first post...


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V35 Spanish special test version
(first attempt to support Spanish... likely to have bugs so make sure original files are backed up)
(primer intento de admitir español ... es probable que tenga errores, así que asegúrese de hacer una copia de seguridad de los archivos originales)
(this should be very similar to v34/v35 on the 2019 Gameplay mod atm... if this works as intended i'll try to do more languages asap)
(esto debería ser muy similar a v34 / v35 en el mod de juego 2019 atm ... si esto funciona según lo previsto, intentaré hacer más idiomas lo antes posible)
« Last Edit: 2020-07-27 13:20:59 by qotsaninsoadkorn »


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Expect the author to update!!! thank you