Sorry for the stupid question:
So after you edit the AI in IFRIT, you open the hex editor with the monster file, and "find" the line 10, and "find" the number divisible by 4 to put 00?
Hi Divatox, I don't really understand what you mean by line 10, but find a detailed explanation below:
This is how the start of the dat file (header) looks like:
Name HexNumber of Sections 0b000000
Section 1 - Offset 34000000
Section 2 - Offset a4000000
Section 3 - Offset cc070000
Section 4 - Offset 3c240000
Section 5 - Offset 80250000
Section 6 - Offset 90260000
Section 7 - Offset 98270000
Section 8 - Offset 14290000 - Contains AI
Section 9 - Offset 482a0000 - If you change the AI, theese offsets are adjusted by Ifrit automatically
Section 10 - Offset 842a0000 - If you change the AI, this offsets are adjusted by Ifrit automatically
Section 11 - Offset 644f0000 - If you change the AI, this offsets are adjusted by Ifrit automatically
End of File - Offset 90910000Ifrit editor adjust theese offsets because you might extended the AI or make it more simple, but the point is you changed the size of the data which is fine. The important thing is you have to check the offsets to section 10.
Section 10 - Offset 842a0000
The byte i pointed out should be 0/4/8/C
If it's not then what you should do is jump to section 10 offset, in this case
Add some "padding" bytes. For example it it would be x2A83 - you insert 1 byte to make the section start az x2A84 (so it's then go back to the start of the file and add this 1 byte to the section 10 offset, and the offsets after section 10.
Section 10 - Offset
Section 11 - Offset
End of File - Offset