FF8_BUTTONS ver0.2FF8 buttons is a patch for FF8 that replaces the "B1,B2....,B10" with the original PSX buttons.
Basically it waits for the commands to show "B1", "B2",etc... then instead of printing B1 it prints the icon. I replace the "print text" function by the "print icon" function.
To apply this patch you must use one of these tools:
option 1)
This first option is preferred because it is more simple to use. Just download the lite version ( no music files included, no interface), put the Raw folder, bass.dll and ddraw.dll in the same folder as your FF8_**.exe .
option 2)
HEXTLAUNCH from here :
Hext tools created by DLPB.
Instructions:Please find here the hext file to use with hextlaunch or RaW:
FF8_Buttons_FR (VER 0.2)FF8_EN:
FF8_Buttons_ENFF8_IT :
FF8_Buttons_DE(NEW)Additional button configuration tool:If you don't have the icons matching your controller buttons, use this tool to associate any PSX icon to the button.
FF8 Buttons config tool (Ver 0.1)You must not change the name of this file.
option 1)If you use Raw:1)After you have installed RaW, copy the RaW folder, bass.dll and ddraw.dll in your FF8 game folder ( the same location as your FF8.exe).
2)Copy FF8_Buttons_(your language).txt and FF8_Buttons{config}.txt in [FF8 game folder]/RaW/GLOBAL/Hext/
3)Run the game.And that's it !
Just to make sure everything worked, open the Log.txt file located in RaW folder. It should show the following:
FF8_buttons_(your language).txt
Changed: 451
Replaced: 0
Permissions: 1
No errors.
Changed: 12
Replaced: 0
Permissions: 0
No errors.
option 2)If you use HextLaunch ( old method but works):1) Put hextlaunch.exe and the folder HL_FILES in the same directory as FF8_launcher.exe
2) Put FF8_BUTTONS_(your language).txt and the additional FF8_Buttons{config}.txt in HL_FILES/Hext_in/
3) Configure HL_FILES/settings.ini as follows:
File=FF8_FR.exe //Your version of FF8
Process=FF8_FR.exe //Your version of FF8
Failed=Failed. Continuing to scan...
4)Launch FF8 with the default FF8_launcher.exe
5)Execute hextlaunch.exe .
Just to check that it worked, you should see the following in the cmd window:
"FF8_buttons_XX.txt 451 byte changed, 0 replaced, 1 permission."
"FF8_buttons{config}.txt 12 byte changed, 0 replaced, 0 permission."
Other mods recommended:For HD icons use Mcindus texture set :
FF8 HD iconsHe made a wonderful work on all icons for FF8.
Release notes:-ver0.1: For the moment it works with my FF8_FR.exe. I request the help of people here on qhimm to test the code on different versions of the game. Please give me feedback so that i can improve the patch.
-ver0.2 : FF8_EN, FF8_IT , FF8_ES,FF8_DE version released. FF8_FR updated to ver0.2.
-2018-23-10 :additionnal config tool. If you want to remap the icons to your controller buttons i created an additional tool.