Hello everyone,
I'm new to this forum, my name is Shunsq. I'm working on FF8 backgrounds for several monthes. As i started doing HD renders of FF8, i wanted to integrate them into the game. It is not a easy trick but thanks to some great tools like Translhextion, Deling, mimsAll,Pupu,Unmass or FF8 archiver, and also many hours of reflexion and "programming" i've succeeded in doing what i wanted.
My program is a excel sheet that ease creation of field .MAP and converts 3-bytes palettes to 2-bytes palettes. I use GIMP to generate 3-bytes palettes from each background layers. In a hexeditor i combine all the palettes and export the hexdump to my program.The converted 2-bytes palette, after text treatment, is then pasted into the field .MIM file. The entire process is a bit long to explain so i will do it on several posts. The bghoke_1 background i show below is 544x416 pixels, whereas the original was 320x240 pixels. I did the animations for the curtain(10 frames) and the door(5 frames). There is 4 layers, each one matching "caracteristic" planes ( 1 for the foreground behind Kadowaki, 1 for the middle plane in front of Kadowaki, 1 for the right wall masking the character when he exits the field, and 1 for the background). Within the excel sheet i can see if i use all the space available on the .MIM file. So the resolution of 544x416 is the maximum i can do on THIS background. If i hadn't any layers, nor animations the maximum multiple of 320x240 would be 752x564.
BGHOKE_1Here is the link to download the bghoke_1 archive:
bghoke_1To use it you need the Deling program:
http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=13050.01-FIRST OF ALL, copy the field .fi/.fl/.fs that you have in your game folder and put it in a new folder . It is REALLY IMPORTANT if you want to go back to the original state.
2-Decompress the ZIP
3-Open field.fs( the one located in your game installation folder, NOT the back up copy) with Deling. Clic on the import/export section, located at the top right corner.Then go to fre/field/mapdata/bg. There you have the list of fi/fl/fs archives for each field file.
4-Scroll down to the 3 archives (fi/fl/fs) concerning bghoke_1. Select them then clic on the "replace" button located in the upper toolbar. Search for the new bghoke_1 archives you've just downloaded. Once it's done, go back to the field viewer and search for bghoke_1. Normally you will see the thumbnail and all the top right sections are filled ( Texts, Scripts,3D models,Walkmesh, and so on....).
Now you can restart your game to test the Infirmary level. To test it quickly use Hyne save editor and select the bghoke_1 level.