This thread is to log all current bugs of Bootleg, to give us a better chance of fixing them. Please make sure the bug currently exists, and is caused by Bootleg and not a mod.
When reporting a bug, please precise what it is and how to reproduce it.
Current known bugs:
Bug: HQ Highwind always installs, regardless of the option chosen.
Cause knownNote: Code doesn't return after simple highwind install, so HQ always installs last.
Bug: Field Cloud Without Sword (Bloodshot) will install Field Cloud With Masamune on the world map.
Not looked into
Bug: Red XIII Avatar doesn't display correctly (seen in Wutai). -reported by shockmanz

Not looked intoNote: Probably mixed texture with save point's "red.tex". Does renaming fix it? To check.
Bug: Aeris Revival [compatibility issue]
Not looked into
05.24.2014: Added Red XIII avatar bug.
05.27.2014: Aeris Revival compatibility issue