Author Topic: [FF8PC-2000/Steam] Small Metal/Rock Audio Add-on for Roses and Wine  (Read 5220 times)


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Long time lurker here.

I've played with mods from this site for years and thought that I would make my own minor contribution.

These songs are all rock/metal versions of songs found in the game.

I didn't do very many songs but I made some minor edits and looped a few tracks that can be found on YouTube. I thought maybe someone around here might get some enjoyment out of these. I edited these for personal use so the looping and/or the volume is not perfect but it's good enough for me. Also I used FF7's victory fanfare because I couldn't find a rock/metal remix of the fanfare from FF8. I thought it sounded pretty good in game though.

You can download the new songs here.

Requires Roses and Wine to be installed.

Back up the original songs in "FINAL FANTASY VIII\RaW\GLOBAL\Music" and then just drag and drop the new songs into the folder. (Your mileage may vary here. I've seen multiple different versions of instructions most likely due to different versions of RaW or my errors. It works for me though.)

Click on the links below to give these wonderful artists some views.

Final Fantasy VII - Victory Fanfare by SideQuest

Final Fantasy VIII - Don't Be Afraid by Martín Maroni "etinchox"

Final Fantasy VIII - The Man with the Machine Gun by  Michał Sokołowski "FalKKonE"

Final Fantasy VIII - Starting Up by Enrico Deiana (This one is not looped because it didn't need to be.)