Author Topic: [FF8PC-2000/Steam] FFNx FF8Music (original files from PS1) (1.5)  (Read 46442 times)


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  • Light King of the Savegame - Field Master -
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(upscale by MCINDUS)

Original MIDIs from PS1, a light alternative to Roses And Wine.


For FFNx 1.8.x+: (only 14.1 MB!)
For FFNx 1.7.x: (only 11.8 MB!)

Junction-VIII: FFNx-FF8Music-v1.05.iroj

Installation (FFNx 1.8.x+)

1. You need to install FFNx 1.8.x+ first.
2. Copy the psf directory next to ff8.exe
3. Open FFNx.toml with a text editor
4. Set use_external_music to true (remove the # from the beginning of the line if any)
5. Set external_music_path to 'psf' (remove the # from the beginning of the line if any)
6. Set external_music_ext to 'minipsf' (remove the # from the beginning of the line if any)
7. Set he_bios_path to 'psf/hebios.bin' (remove the # from the beginning of the line if any)

Spoiler: Obsolete FFNx 1.7.x • show
Installation (FFNx 1.7.x Obsolete!)

1. You need to install FFNx 1.7.0 first.
2. Copy the psf directory next to ff8.exe
3. Open FFNx.cfg with a text editor
4. Set use_external_music to yes (remove the # from the beginning of the line if any)
5. Set external_music_path to psf (remove the # from the beginning of the line if any)
6. Set external_music_ext to minipsf (remove the # from the beginning of the line if any)
7. Set winamp_in_plugin to psf/in_psf.dll (remove the # from the beginning of the line if any)


Packed by myst6re.
FFNx uses the OpenPSF project to play PSF files.
Thanks to Neil Corlett for in_psf.dll and PSF files.
Thanks to Christopher Snowhill for its implementation of foo_psf.
concert-* tracks were created and converted to minipsf by myst6re from Neil Corlett PSFs.

Notable improvements (thanks to FFNx)

  • A music is now paused before a battle (or a Triple Triad card game) and resumed after to the right time
  • Music pause/resume is also implemented in field maps
  • Music intro is skipped the second time
  • Better volume changes

Solved issues

  • [Fixed in FFNx 1.11.x] The intro of the landing is playing on GGU battle
  • [Fixed in FFNx 1.11.x] Horizon Concert does not work properly, remove "concert-" prefix from "concert-*.minipsf" files to fix this
  • [Fixed in FFNx 1.9.x] Volume changes and music stops are sometimes a little abrupt, track the issue here
  • [Fixed in FFNx 1.9.x] FFNx 1.8.x have performances issues when external_music is on
  • FFNx 1.7.2 currently crashes when use_external_music is enabled in FF8. Use FFNx 1.8+ instead.
  • [only FFNx 1.7.x] The Landing always starts with the intro. Workaround: replace psf/joriku2.minipsf by a OGG file
  • [only FFNx 1.7.x] Instruments in the Horizon concert are currently not replaced. Native Midis will be used for all possible combination
  • [only FFNx 1.7.x] Resuming music after battle can take few seconds sometimes


  • v1.5: Removing files for FFNx 1.7.x, adding F.H. concert files, adding music skip configuration
  • v1.4: Adding required file for FFNx 1.8.x+.
  • v1.3: Renaming gargade.minipsf (Galbadia Garden University, with intro) to gargarde.minipsf.
  • v1.2: Easier installation. Adding french README.
  • v1.1: Official release
  • v1.0: Beta release


  • Roses And Wine: Original Music (OGG format). The best alternative so far, but you need to download a bigger archive
  • PlayStation Music Mod from Biggs: MIDIs recreated more closely to the original sound

See Also
« Last Edit: 2024-12-03 14:34:06 by myst6re »


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is this ff8 music mod bug free at all yet


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  • Light King of the Savegame - Field Master -
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See the list of known issues in the first post.


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FFNx currently crashes when use_external_music is enabled in FF8. A fix is already available in the last canary.


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I can't seem to be able to use FFNx at the moment because of some weird "incompatibility" (i saved near Esthar in the World Map with the vanilla game, but when i load it with the latest Canary version of FFNx and this mod, it loads at the center of the map, in the ocean lol), i don't want to try again for now to check myself so i'm going to ask if these other things have been fixed...

Please send me your save file

- About the Horizon concert instruments, does it work like the latest version of RaW where only the two "correct" versions could be played in the Shumi Village or is it improved to play all possible combinations of instruments, including the wrong ones?

All possible combinations :) but in midi. I hope I could improve that in the future, and replace them by psfs

- In Balamb (the town, not the Garden) there are two areas (outside of the hotel, and the harbor) where two tracks play at the same time (this is intended): the Balamb theme, and another one that i cannot remember (i mean the actual name of the file, it's a "ambient" track with the sound of the ocean and seagulls or something). Anyway when you play a game of Triple Triad in one of these two areas, the "ambient" track keeps playing along with "Shuffle or Boogie", and when you leave Triple Triad, the Balamb theme stops playing until you leave the town.

Okay I will investigate this issue, thanks!

ps: the link to the RaW thread should be removed as it's no more.

Yeah maybe
« Last Edit: 2020-06-27 18:39:30 by myst6re »


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For me, the Galbadia Garden music doesn't play. I have confirmed that the file (gargade.minipsf) does exist. I've also left Galbadia Garden and re-entered. World map music plays, but G-Garden doesn't.
Disabling external music allows G-Garden music to play.

Using Steam version, with FFNx Canary version


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  • Posts: 650
  • Light King of the Savegame - Field Master -
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My bad, the real name of the file is "gargarde.minipsf", please rename it. I will publish an update soon. Thanks for the report!

Edit: Update (v1.3) published!
« Last Edit: 2020-07-20 07:50:36 by myst6re »


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  • Posts: 650
  • Light King of the Savegame - Field Master -
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On my installation Eyes On Me does not play, I don't know yet if it is because of this mod or not.


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  • Posts: 650
  • Light King of the Savegame - Field Master -
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thanks a lot for your help

I have a problem with your second link

1- I downloaded these two files


2- I copy the "psf folder" from the "FFNx-FF8Music-v1.3" archive to the root of my steam games folder like this

3- I edited the FFNx.cfg like this

Code: [Select]
#use_external_music = yes
external_music_path = psf
external_music_ext = minipsf
winamp_in_plugin = psf/in_psf.dll
#winamp_out_plugin =

### HOW TO: ###################################################################
# Options may be commented by default with an initial # character.
# Remove the initial # character to set the configuration flag.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Unless options are specified, you can either disable or enable a flag.
# Enable: yes
# Disable: no

# =============================================================================



# Available choices are:
# - OpenGL ( default )
# - Direct3D11 ( valid alternative for OpenGL)
# - Vulkan ( Tech Preview: Not Recommended )
# - Direct3D12 ( Tech Preview: Not Recommended )
#renderer_backend = OpenGL

# If off, it will run in window mode.
#fullscreen = no

# Resolution of the game.
# Default (value = 0):
# - Window mode will use 640x480
# - Fullscreen mode will use your desktop resolution
#window_size_x = 0
#window_size_y = 0

# The scale is in multiples of 640x480
# The scale factor is used to render internally at a larger size then the display, this will then be downscaled to the games current resolution
# This is required to avoid visual glitches that may happen when the game is not rendered in a 4:3 aspect ratio
# Default = 4
# NOTE: Scaling starts always from 2. If you set a lower number, this will be automatically reset to 2.
#internal_resolution_scale = 4

# Preserve original game aspect ratio of (4:3) by adding black bars on the left and right side (if needed)
# When off the game will be stretched to fit the window's aspect ratio; Be aware the game may look wrong though.
#preserve_aspect = yes

#enable_vsync = yes

# Screen refresh rate.
# Default is 0 = use current screen refresh rate
#refresh_rate = 0

# Allow the usage of linear filtering for textures.
# Please note: some things look slightly better with this option on, but alot of textures just lose their detail.
# This option only affects low-res textures, high-res replacements will still be filtered where appropriate.
#linear_filter = no

# Enable antialiasing filtering, this is done in the last pass when downsampling from the current supersampled rendering ( based on internal_resolution_scale logic )
# Available choices are:
# - 0: Disabled ( Default )
# - 2: 2x
# - 4: 4x
# - 8: 8x
# - 16: 16x
# If you set any value that is different than those, it will pick the higher option ( eg. if you pick 6 it will be 8, if you pick 1 it will be 2, and so on ).
#enable_antialiasing = 0

# Enable anisotropic filtering, for high-res textures and overall rendering
#enable_anisotropic = yes


# This flag will enable/disable the support of an enhanced music layer to reproduce music in-game.
# If you leave out the default configuration
# FFNx will autodetect your environment and will set it to the best available option.
#use_external_music = no

# Path of the external music files
# Will try to load from this path before using the default for your Version of the game
# Defaults:
# - FF7 1998: music/vgmstream ( 7h-era compatibility )
# - FF7 eStore: data/music_ogg
# - FF7 Steam: data/music_ogg
#external_music_path =

# The type of file to search for. By default is ogg.
# Supported extensions:
# -
# - Any additional or any type supported by your loaded winamp_in_plugin
#external_music_ext = ogg

# These flags will allow you to make use of compatible in_* and out_* DLL plugins you were used to load on Winamp itself.
# Through these flags you can for example decide to use an input plugin to play something FFNx never though about ( like MINIPSF files )
# and output the sound data to your custom plugin which may add custom reverb and much more.
# By default winamp_in_plugin will use the built-in VGMStream layer.
# By default winamp_out_plugin will use the built-in output layer.
#winamp_in_plugin =
#winamp_out_plugin =

# Video Player Options

# This flag will enable/disable the support of FFMpeg layer to reproduce movies in-game.
# Default Value depends on game version.
# - FF7 1998 - yes
# - FF7/FF8 Steam - yes
# - FF8 2000 - no
# It is suggested to keep the default behavior unless you really know what are you doing.
#enable_ffmpeg_videos = yes

# The type of file that the ffmpeg layer will search for. Default is avi.
#ffmpeg_video_ext = avi

# FF7 2012   FF7 STEAM
# FF8 2013   FF8 STEAM
# The folder name in your game Documents path ( for eg. for FF7 is "C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\Square Enix\FINAL FANTASY VII Steam\user_XXXXXXX")
# Use this only if you have MORE THAN ONE user_* directories. If not, just leave this commented as the driver will autodetect the directory.
#steam_game_userdata = user_12345678


# Mod directory where textures will be loaded from
#mod_path = mods/Textures

# Show every failed attempt at loading a .png or .dds texture
#show_missing_textures = no

# Dump internal textures to PNG files in the mod_path
#save_textures = no

# This path is where the Hext patching layer will look for txt files.
# The path will ALWAYS have appended:
# 1. The game name ( if FF7 it will be "ff7/", if FF8 will be "ff8/")
# 2. The game language ( for eg. if ff7_en it will be "en" )
# The resulting path will then be "<hext_patching_path>/ff7/en", if you run for eg. FF7 English
#hext_patching_path = hext

# This path will define where the driver will look first, allowing you to override core game files, if needed
#override_path = override

# These options are mostly useful for developers or people reporting crashes.
# Please do enable them only when required.

# Display the verion of FFNx in upper right corner ( when fullscreen ) or in the title bar ( when windowed )
#show_version = yes

# Display frames per second counter in upper right corner ( when fullscreen ) or in the title bar ( when windowed )
#show_fps = no

# Display Rendering backend in upper right corner ( when fullscreen ) or in the title bar ( when windowed )
#show_renderer_backend = yes

# Display some real-time debug information
#show_stats = no

# Enable logging
#show_applog = yes

# Show on screen error messages ( only on fullscreen )
#show_error_popup = no

# Enable this flag if you want to see more verbose output from the backend renderer.
# Usually useful for debug pruposes. Do not enable otherwise.
#renderer_debug = no

# Creates a full crashdump file if the game crashes. Useful to be analyzed with WinDbg when reporting issues.
#create_crash_dump = no

# Various flags which will help in further debugging the game engine logics.
# Some flags may not generate any output depending on the game you play.

# trace_all - Dump in the logs whatever APIs is being called from the Engine in FFNx. Overrides all the others below.
#trace_all = no

# trace_movies - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with movie playback
#trace_movies = no

# trace_music - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with music playback
#trace_music = no

# trace_fake_dx - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with directdraw emulation
#trace_fake_dx = no

# trace_direct - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with LGP loading
#trace_direct = no

# trace_files - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with filesystem operations
#trace_files = no

# trace_loaders - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with internal textures overrides
#trace_loaders = no

# vertex_log - Dump in the logs current engine vertex data being passed to the GPU for drawing
#vertex_log = no

# uniform_log - Dump in the logs current engine uniform data being passed to the GPU shaders
#uniform_log = no

# Show debug info regarding movie synchronization.
#movie_sync_debug = no



# Make all dialog boxes transparent.
#transparent_dialogs = no

# Include armor in magic defense calculation
#mdef_fix = yes

## ADVANCED OPTIONS - Don't fiddle with these unless you know what you're doing.

# Enable alpha blending for textures without an existing blending effect
#fancy_transparency = no

# Skip movie frames if necessary.
#skip_frames = no

## MODDER OPTIONS - These options are mostly useful to modders and should not be enabled during normal play.

# This is the path where files where be read directly, instead then reading them inside the LGP archives.
# For example: if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd first,
# If this file doesn't exist it will look for the original in the LGP archive
#direct_mode_path = direct

## DEBUGGING OPTIONS - These options are mostly useful for developers or people reporting crashes. Please do enable them only when required.

# Dump in the logs more verbose error messages coming directly from the engine
#ff7_more_debug = no

4- and I have copy the files from the archive "FFNx-Steam-v1.7.2.0" that I have modified in the same directory

and I have that

there is no sound modification in the game nor data extraction

You need to remove the # from the line "#use_external_music = yes"


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thanks a lot for your help

I have remove this  "#" from my Line like this

Code: [Select]
use_external_music = yes

and I have these error has it


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Please download a beta version of FFNx, the 1.7.2 will always crash


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thanks a lot for your help

I have use this version = FFNx-v1.7.2.134

but I have this problem


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Well... :-D
Maybe you'll have more luck with version 1.7.0
I will report your issue to the author of FFNx :)


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thanks a lot for your help

It doesn't work anymore I click on Play and the window blinks and nothing happens


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Okay I will investigate more on my installation tonight, I hope we will release a new canary really soon :)


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Alright, new version that fixes music intro bugs and replaces F.H. concert instruments!

Only available for FFNx 1.8 (not released yet) for now.
Please try the canary build and send me feedbacks!


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FFNx 1.8 is now officially available:

I removed almost every known issues of FF8 Music, thanks to FFNx improvements. Feel free to try!


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Hi there.
So, i'm new to modding and new to FF8, played others but 8 is my first time.
I got de 2013 release of Steam, and i want to AT LEAST mod the game with the PSX soundtrack and the "music restarts after each battle" problem.
I installed your mod, version 1.8.0, and the music problem is gone, however, the game now runs at a sluggish 20~21 FPS on field and 10 FPS in battles, making it unplayable.

Did i did something wrong?
My machine isn't powerfull, but it's most than enough to run that game (the FPS problem didn't exist when the mod wasn't installed).

I use Windows 10 64x.


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  • Posts: 650
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Is it still slow when you run without FF8Music, but with FFNx?
Set use_external_music to false in FFNx.toml and restart the game to check :)


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When i switch use_external_music to false the game runs with the correct speeds: 30FPS field and 15 battle.


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Okay thanks, I will try to reproduce the issue on my Steam installation.

Unrelated, but I try to add cross music volume fading to FFNx, because currently the game does not implement it, and volume changes can be abrupt sometimes. More soon :)


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Hey so, i don't know if you're aware (and again, i don't know if there's any correlation between), but i've read that the FF8 Remastered on Steam is broken right now due to a windows update, i guess of May 2020, and it haven't been fixed.
The "broken" thing is similar to what happend to me: game runs at something like 20FPS making it very bad to play.
I haven't tested it myself since i don't have the Remaster, but i read a lot of comments about this on the Steam reviews.

It's really a straight guess: if those problems are somehow correlated, maybe windows is to blame...

Thanks for the attention btw. :)


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Okay I'm able to reproduce the issue, I think I have already a fix for that :)

I reworked the external_music plugin for FF8 entierely. Now ambients sounds (rain, wind, sea...) can be modded with any music format. FF8Music pack already contains replacements for choirs.
Also now FFNx take care of volume changes completely, because the game does not handle this correctly (bad timings, no sync...). Also crossfade will be correctly implemented with volume changes.
It is ready soon...


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The fix is available in the last Canary:

@adrianoct please let me know if this fixes your issue :)


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The FPS is now stable and the game is playable with the music working as it should!
Thanks a lot for your effort! I saved the archives and write a tutorial for myself for the time to play the game.
I'm a little busy right now but anyway, you helped a lot.
FF8 port on PC seems kinda bad, but i can deal with it now that at least the music it's fixed!  ;)