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Messages - ff7maniac

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me personally I don't mind downloading and installing mods separately. donations etc I have no paypal and I don't really like the money business etc on the internet but all the updates you have on your discord will you also put them on qhimm? sorry if sometimes i seem to misunderstand i'm not great in english ^^

sorry mcindus i couldn't know. you did not reply to my messages and no one was talking about the mods for the 2013 version :S thanks for the clarification and your work. the novelties will be available separately for free like the old versions? or with donation as with your lunatic pandora program?

sorry but modifying a texture to make it compatible is very easy i already do it for ff7 and ff8 and am just an amateur using gimp, so for professionals it should be extremely easy ... and if you want to be a pigeon to pay the same game 3 and 4 times go it hard and ruin yourself ... as I said I have the impression that the novelties are only for the person having a computer of 2500 $ ... and by the way giving an opinion it's not being immature it is freedom of expression, personally I do not see the interest of making a mod if it is just to do it for a minority of the population and not at the largest scale possible that's all. it's just my opinion. my intention wasn't to be upset people's sorry

I'm not just talking about this mod, in general every thing that comes out these days it's mods for the remastered version or mods updates for the remastered version, and nothing for the original steam version. as if all the modders had made the decision to drop this version once and for all. I wanted to contact mcindus by the topic and private message, on the fact of if he was going to make the new textures of these mods for the normal steam version. he never answered me. long time ago in 2018 he told me he was going to do the tripod mod in French and that would only take it some days. it's been two years. I find that if a person asks a question and we ignore it is to be disrespectful. many people can't play the remastered version because they don't have a 1500$ gaming computer or 300$ graphic card or a recent processor or just don't want to pay a second or third time if they have an original playstation version or steam version. as if the latest mods were just for rich people. while the remastered version has new textures redone from a to z more beautiful with new colors etc the original eats strawberries. basically what I mean this is if modders don't want to work on the original steam version anymore, that them say it clearly rather than ignoring these people and leaving them in nothingness

I believe that this mod will never see the light of day. I have the impression that the modders are now devoted just to the remastered version... -.-

It's been a long time  you said that it would take 1 or 2 days to make a French version :(

sorry for the double post I click reply by habit

the mods continues to be updated ? or everything was abandoned to work only on the remastered version...

mcindus you're still working on the 1.3 and other languages ?

is this mod better than apocalypse 1.2, lunar cry 1.5 and hellfire 1.2 ?

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-05-26 20:13:22 »
me personally I like the waves. I find it brings realism, seen that the mako gets pumped in big pipes it's normal for it to move but that's just my opinion ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Faulked's backgrounds
« on: 2020-05-26 20:09:31 »
when i was talking about the original models i was talking about the video models like earithdd.avi, funeral.avi, ending 1 2 3.avi, NIVLSFS.avi etc in these videos the models of the mod chaos of kaldarasha is closer to these. I didn't want to talk about the videos with square chibi models :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-05-26 19:13:46 »
shampignon, jusete gives you a lot of work this time  with all these new scene :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-05-25 21:21:24 »
but I don't think a lot of people would have noticed this detail :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Faulked's backgrounds
« on: 2020-05-25 19:14:18 »
small suggestion for remade videos like this . I would see more 3d models like kaldarasha chaos mod  this way we will be closer to the original models already more beautiful, videos like the death of aerith, the end etc. personally the models in this video are great, but too far from the original ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-05-25 18:44:19 »
just a little detail it's not S-3 but S-4 ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-05-24 21:57:12 »
I am only modifying the colors and the detail of M-3 in S-4 but I took the image nmkin_4 made by jusete to make smkin_4 but if it can be used it's nice. What do you think, I did success? ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-05-24 20:41:01 »
good then the only difference that there is between nmkin_4 and smkin_4 its the colors of course and these two details


so I had a little fun with gimp and I would like to have the opinion of people especially of jusete, shampignon and faulked ^^ I would like to contribute even if it is only one scene. and if not maybe jusete, shampignon or faulked could bring the last modifications, details etc :) here is the image of smkin_4 made from nmkin_4 made by jusete ^^
nmkin_4 by jusete

smkin_4 modification by me

Team Avalanche / Re: Faulked's backgrounds
« on: 2020-05-22 19:21:03 »
its a pity :( jusete maybe could help you?

Team Avalanche / Re: Faulked's backgrounds
« on: 2020-05-22 19:09:38 »
awsome, only tin_4 is missing :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-05-19 18:45:49 »
jusete I noticed the walls have be placed in the same way on the 2 scenes but that the camera is placed differently on smkin_1 compared nmkin_1

so I guess you won't need to remodel smkin_1 from zero ? ^^
same thing for smkin_4 with nmkin_3 finished. for smkin_4 should  it just apply some 3d and color modification?

mcindus Can I use these textures to try to improve the weapons of the ff8 original steam rebirth flame pack? ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Bombing Mission, first scene
« on: 2020-04-09 06:51:08 »
ok then this is to follow ^^ thanks

Team Avalanche / Re: Bombing Mission, first scene
« on: 2020-04-07 23:53:09 »
faulked did you think to fix the details on this scene etc ? ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Faulked's backgrounds
« on: 2020-03-27 06:30:03 »
super faulked. you and jusete you should formed a team ^^

Team Avalanche / Re: Project Edge (Jusete's field scenes)
« on: 2020-02-13 20:08:14 »
ok sorry i'm not great in english ^^

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