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Messages - myst6re

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Awesome kruci, this is easier than I thought


*pardon my C++ - I'm not into that language
anyway if someone wants to help/rebuild the algorithm so it's not dirty as now, then much appreciated

That's great, I will make PR to this!

4ZL is LZ4 backward, could it be it ? (

Seems not, I forced the magic number, it doesn't work with LZ4 implementation. But it could be very similar.

Thanks for trying! I wonder if it's a homemade compression format, or a known algorithm.

Now you can repack ZZZ files with my tool. The CLI interface slightly changed, please run zzz --help for a complete help.

Note: An alternative program was released at the same time

Repacking ZZZ archives will be possible in v0.1.0, it won't be too long to do.

Hi, file formats in FF8 Remaster have changed a little. First step: open *.zzz archives wich contains data and movies.
For that I already coded a tool

Next step, try to open field.fs/fl/fi with Deling. Unfortunately it does not work, because now files are compressed.
Example: bccent12.fl should contains a list of filenames, like this:

Code: [Select]

On remastered version:

Filenames are still present, but several times, it seems that the file is now with multiple sections (starting with the size of the section). And each section is compressed.
The compression format always start with the magic code 4ZL_, followed by an unknown 32-bit integer, and followed by compressed data.

Is someone know about this 4ZL format?

FF8 Tools / Re: [PSX/PC] Save editor - Hyne (1.9.3)
« on: 2019-09-03 21:13:17 »
Hyne works fine with FF8 Remaster, files are in [...]\Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered\Steam\[...]\game_data\user\saves directory.
I don't know yet how cloud saves work with this version.

FF8 Tools / [PC Remaster] ZZZ extractor - qt-zzz (0.1.0)
« on: 2019-09-03 20:42:56 »
Hello, I looked at FF8 Remaster files today, and it looks like all data is packed in strange *.zzz archives.

Okay, Deling can't open that, it's time to be back!

I wrote a tiny tool to extract/pack files from theses archives. This is the first step to make the game moddable again.

Here it is:


FF8 Tools / Re: [PSX/PC] Save editor - Hyne (1.9.3)
« on: 2019-09-03 20:23:29 »
I will look into that

FF8 Tools / Re: [PSX/PC] Save editor - Hyne (1.9.3)
« on: 2018-10-13 22:49:35 »

FF8 Tools / Re: [PSX/PC] Save editor - Hyne (1.9.2)
« on: 2018-07-30 18:43:58 »
Follow this guide:
This should be the same for Hyne.

FF8 Tools / Re: [PSX/PC] Save editor - Hyne (1.9.2)
« on: 2018-06-09 19:28:53 »
If this is true, this bug is here for years :-o

FF8 Tools / Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Save editor - Hyne (1.9.2)
« on: 2018-03-24 23:02:07 »
For attitude, you can enable advanced mode of Hyne and go to HexaEdit > Field Tab then change the value at address 0x1D8 to 00.

Is there any way you can increase the amount of texts aloud in a certain area?
I've hit 255 and cant add any more. It's crucial for my project

Nope, there is a fixed limit of one byte in MESSAGE opcode.

Would it be possible to add a way to save a field script at a text file with the opcodes and arguments/parameters in text like

With time, anything is possible :) Hum... I don't have this resource right now...

This is a want-to-do feature, here is the issue:

Critical issue here, I will take a look.

Hello all, thanks for all your suggestions! And thanks to you DLPB for poking me on Github.

You may have noticed that I'm less present on the forum, I cannot manage updates of Makou as well as before  :-( . If someone want to contribute to Makou, I will accept pull requests on Github.

It's described here:

Yup I written this page

Is the resize all windows feature in now as well or did that have to be scrapped?

I've completely forgot, sorry, for the next release :)

Ok, new minor release, the light preview isn't ready yet.

  • New editor to modify model light positions (preview not ready yet) (thanks to Kaldarasha)
  • Adding descriptions in MENU opcode (thanks to DLPB)
  • Adding descriptions in AKAO opcode (thanks to DLPB)
  • Fixing an error on parsing bad KAWAI opcode
  • Adding a button "Disable/Enable tree" in the script editor toolbar

Is it possible to get an export all music option?  Since we know what the battle music is in and how to change it and add it would save a lot of time exporting it all one at a time.

There is an "export all sounds" in AKAO format. Go to "File -> Mass Export...". You want an option to export only sounds used as battle music?

And here is my request.

At first change the light section to the color groups and their directions. Second add to the model viewer the three lights to see the effect immediately (also add a way to rotated around the model.

I assume that the ambient light can change the 3 lights and the light shader the global color of the model.

I'm working to your request, I found a different structure:

  • Color - direction A - direction B - direction C
  • Color - direction A - direction B - direction C
  • Color - direction A - direction B - direction C
  • Global color

(two colors of 3 bytes each => three directions of 2 bytes each)

I'm not sure about direction for now, but I think it is the source point of each light.

FF8 Tools / Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
« on: 2016-10-20 18:50:06 »
New minor update available on GitHub.

FF8 Tools / Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Save editor - Hyne (1.9.2)
« on: 2016-10-20 18:41:53 »
New minor update available on GitHub.

If you have troubles with the Abilities page in the Characters Editor, this release fixes that.

Wow thanks DLPB for these contributions!


When scripts change or are deleted, Makou defaults to a script that exists. This makes debugging very difficult and leads to issues.  If a called script no longer exists, it should stop Makou from saving and warn user.

This should also be the case when a script is called but is totally empty (i.e., no ret).

There is no way to delete a script, so I assume you mean group script?
Yeah when a group script is removed, I update opcodes with greater group ID, but I don't warn user about opcodes that still reference the deleted group.
This is the same mechanism as when a text or a akao/tutorial is deleted.

Also warn the user about completely empty scripts is a good idea, but I remember that somewhere in the original game data there is at least one reference to an empty script, and that's not really an issue.

FF8 Tools / Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
« on: 2016-10-12 19:00:58 »
Hello myst6re I have a question about your program...
I edited the font in my language in font manager (Arabic.tex & Arabic.tdw)
in Deling-0.9b and then rename Arabic.tex to sysfnt.tex & Arabic.tdw to sysfnt.tdw and replace the file sysfnt.tex in menu.fs & sysfnt.tdw in main.fs
But I don't know how to edit the file sysfld00 & sysfld01 & sysfnt00
Using photoshop BMP or PNG Or etc... and replace them again in tex...!
is there a tool to convert tex to tdw to edit the font in font manager not on photoshop and then convert them in tex to replace them in menu.fs
c:\ff8\data\eng\menu\hires\ ...
1- sysfld00.tex
2- sysfld01.tex
3- sysfnt00.tex

As I know, there is no tool to edit high res font files like Deling does with low res.

How do you use this editor to edit the encounter rates on the world map?

Deling does not edit world map things, sorry

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