Author Topic: [FF7PC-98/Steam] Multiple mods and Modding Framework-The Reunion [R06f]  (Read 3084775 times)


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I wondered, as I walked home from work, how best to approach this.  And you all know I'm likely to fail at being diplomatic, so let's not try.

Rather than dwell on the [insert insult here] who came into this thread with the most appalling feedback and ignorance I've seen for a long while, I first want to clarify a few things and also say thanks to those of you who DID provide feedback correctly and who want to help - and who appreciate the slave labour that went into getting the mod this far.

My only gripe so far is that app.log, Reunion.log, and crash.dmp [when there is a crash and this is generated] need to be uploaded whenever you have an issue - along with if it's Steam or 1998 version - graphic card info - operating system.  It's no use posting "crashed" or "won't load". 

1.  As I said in my initial post, some major (and a lot of minor) issues were EXPECTED.  Anticipated.  And unavoidable - unless I delayed this another 3 months.  Ironing out the major problems will be a first step; better help files and tutorials for modders and the end user will be the next.  I will be working with TrueOdin, Extapathy, Maki, NFITC1, and Sega Chief in the coming weeks to perfect things even further.

2. This is a FRAMEWORK which also includes my core mods.  It is not a compilation of other people's mods that I have spent ages making work in a mish-mash, vegetable soup type fashion.  No professional modding solution does that.  The MODDER is the one who does the donkey work for the end user.  And if the end user doesn't like it, they can provide feedback to the MODDER - unless it's an issue the framework can remedy (within reason). If the end user is still not satisfied, they either learn to mod themselves to make edits to existing mods - or they don't use a mod/my framework. 

I know in today's age, kids grow up expecting to stay breast fed like Robin Arryn from Game of Thrones until they're 45, but listen up:  I don't belong to this self entitled, useless generation - and I despise it more than you could ever fathom.  So, if you want to be self sufficient, provide constructive feedback, read the help file and main post, and act like an adult - I am here for you.  If you want to throw your toys out of the pram and demand stuff... well, you really don't know me too well. And at close to 10000 posts, you really should.  Nor do I care one iota that some people take offence at my approach.  I get offended when people get offended.  Whinging and demanding and acting like a tit isn't going to cut any mustard with me whatsoever.  Either you grow up -- or you disappear on my ignore list forever. I am from the hang 'em and flog 'em, right wing political side of things, in case you're in any doubt.

3. A above - this framework is never going to do everything 7th Heaven does, and that's by design.  There are no gimmicks.  No "Hey, shove this model in the game with an option". That would require work from MY side.  And this is a FRAMEWORK that also happens to include my mods by default.

With that said, let's dissect what we have so far:

Cheers sir. Congrats.

You're welcome.

I can't believe you managed this.  Congrats.  I'll help seed.

And congrats to you with your interpolated 60fps updates :)   I dunno how hard it is to do it, but my guess is it's a ball-ache.

I downloaded and installed R06, but when I launch FF7 through Steam it does not launch The Reunion. And I get this error in the log file:

Warning: No valid registry entry was found.
Are you sure Final Fantasy VII is installed properly and that this is a legitimate copy?

My steam copy is indeed legit and I installed The Reunion in the same directory as ff7_en.exe. I reinstalled both FF7 and The Reunion and this error still comes up.

On another note, I don't know how to enable the worldmap retexturing.

It's always on.  The only question is... are the png files present in The_Reunion\Global\Texture\World ?  If you delete those, the mod is disabled.

The 3D models are horribly aliased for some reason. GPU settings don't seem to affect it.

Probably post.psx.  Can disable from Reunion.log.  Doesn't look bad at all if using scanlines - especially by ReShade.


I'm not sure what animal you are trying to replicate here... but it certainly isn't feedback. And after hours of bug fixing and other enhancements, I can assure you the only feelings I had towards you were violent ones.

Quick review after toying with it for 15 minutes:

Yeah.  kalathi said it best. Not sure why they were rounded on but I applaud their balls to simply tell you it as it is. What planet are you actually on that you think "toying" with a huge framework for 15 minutes is normal?  Or that you can fairly judge it on that basis?  I wouldn't mind if your feedback was helpful or accurate... but it isn't.

Installer is not high DPI friendly,

Known issue.  Guess what?  I didn't code inno. Stop putting your dpi settings on stupid numbers and invest in a proper monitor.

nor is it clear in the options what you're installing or not installing

Options.ini is as clear as it comes.  Needless to say, I don't believe for one single second you read the help file or main post - or you'd know it.

(do I check it or NOT check it to get what I want?). 

You think ticking something means you don't get it?   ;D

Runs in a 640x480 small ugly box until editing text file.

Guess why that is?  It's because not everyone is playing this on a high res monitor.  640 * 480 is the normal resolution. You're complaining that you had to do what is normal?  Edit the options.ini file.  Is there anyone on Qhimm who thinks this is a constructive and sane piece of feedback?  Please tell me, so I can add you to ignore list.

BSOD'd my PC first time I ran it and got into a battle

Considering it's you, I am gonna think of it as a feature and not a bug.  Nevertheless, no-one else has fed this back, so the likelihood is you are clueless.  Bad drivers, bad install, bad graphic card, bad memory that my mod exposes.  Could be a bug.  'Course... Could be that you're out to sabotage this project, you little menace.

(that really pissed me off 'cause I had some unsaved things open).

My give-a-shit meter remains on 0.

60fps is buttery smooth (when it works) but does weird speedups and slowdowns (not my PC performance).

Any chance of us knowing your PC specs?  Any evidence?  Anything that can help me diagnose it?  An app.log? A Reunion.log?  A video? Anything?  Nah.

Cloud's limit break is broken.

Not on my install it isn't.  And again, I am not a mind reader.  What is broken? How is it broken?

Menus are ugly and boring

Then the original game is ugly and boring.  You are criticizing the ORIGINAL game.

and IDK why the Quit menu was removed just because there are now alternate controls

Repeated many times.  Holding Start Select or pressing Alt + F4 does the same thing.  And it looks neater on the menu.  You know, that thing you called Ugly.

(which are not immediately known unless you RTFM...most people won't).

My fault people don't read help files? 

Audio engine, only audio modders will care.

I highly doubt this.

Speaking of, looks like I'll have to rename all my oggs to long and different file names if I want to mod them (would have been nice if the original file names were kept).

Guess again.  It works by the ID number now.  Not the name. Know why?  Coz that way you can add up to 255 musics or 65535 SFX by adding a number to the start of any name.  Called good design.  But you have found a major plus and turned it into a negative.

No frontend yet.

You were one of the ones that wanted this releasing ASAP.  There was a reason I have held off...  That will take time, you self-entitled POS. Do you think apps, mods, and code are whipped into existence by John De Lancie?

Only 1 mod can be active at a time (voiding the whole value of the modding framework).

Again, no.  The global folder allows global stuff on top of BASE stuff - and Custom folder supersedes.  That's 3 layers. And, as I keep telling you, this framework is designed for self contained mods.  There aren't any yet.  Guess why?  Coz this is a framework and modders have to... you know... make those mods.

Won't be spending my time trying to get all my mods that I like to work in one folder.

Sleep lost tonight: 0 seconds.

  Not a fan of all the bundled stuff when only the translation is of interest to me.

Ever tried doing a re-translation project and not changing the box sixes etc?  Ever tried it?

That's unfortunate because I won't run this just to have some updated dialog (and only that, because I HATE the towns, item names, equipment, materia, spells, etc. being changed).

Don't know how many times people have to tell you this...  names are ... optional.  Exe text is external.  Wallmarket and Makou and toupScript exist.  You seem to think the world revolves around you.  That I should suddenly cater to your every whim.  What exactly are you smoking?

Additionally, you want a re-translation project that... doesn't edit text?

Big download, lots of disk space used for little reward.

That's your opinion.  You clearly don't like this framework, so... delete The Reunion and kindly... FUCK OFF.

It's not all bad.  Kaldarasha's models look great.


Not sure why they're not on by default.

Because the original game is what most people want to play - and the options.ini is called options.ini.

I'm not trying to be mean or rude,

Yes you are.  Yes you did.  And yes I am better at it than you.  Again, fuck off.

as I know you put a lot of work into this but I just don't see what all the hype was about. 

Your expectations don't concern me, little man.

Take one person's opinions with a grain of salt.

I did just that. Only thing I agreed with you on.

Will be uninstalling.

Good.  Don't let the BSOD smack you on the arse on your way out. No point replying here or in Discord.  You're a goner.  I also think you're a sock-puppet.  Your post is genuinely the worst I have seen in my entire time here.

Thanks Sega Chief for the feedback here and in PMs.  I'll address other comments later.
« Last Edit: 2019-11-22 00:39:31 by DLPB »


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Thanks DLPB for this. Having read your long response, I would gladly append an app.log for the "missing registry entry" problem on the Steam version, but App.log is blank. Reunion.log asks if the version of Final Fantasy VII is legitimate, which it is.

Is there anything else I can pass your way? I am on Windows 10 version 1909, latest NVIDIA drivers.

Sent from my Pixel 4 using Tapatalk


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Good lord. What an arrogant, egotistical crybaby.


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that's so weird.  Do you happen to have access to discord? May need to do a webcam look at it?


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Just so I'm clear: If I get this launcher when I launch the game from Steam, does this mean I have the Square-Enix version of the game?

If so, I'll have to use the game converter. It says Steam v.109 when I go into the settings too.


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that's so weird.  Do you happen to have access to discord? May need to do a webcam look at it?

I can get on discord, for sure. I am happy to help, it will just need to be in the morning. Thank you for any future help.


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Made an account because I wanted to say congratulations on releasing R06!  I've been following your progress for awhile and the hard work and dedication you've put into this project are both admirable and inspirational.  FF7 was my favorite RPG as a kid, and I've always wanted to see it done justice both in terms of the translation and the gameplay, so I can't wait to really start digging into The Reunion.  :)


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Just so I'm clear: If I get this launcher when I launch the game from Steam, does this mean I have the Square-Enix version of the game?

If so, I'll have to use the game converter. It says Steam v.109 when I go into the settings too.

Just so I'm clear: If I get this launcher when I launch the game from Steam, does this mean I have the Square-Enix version of the game?

If so, I'll have to use the game converter. It says Steam v.109 when I go into the settings too.

The launcher is standard on the Steam version, I am sure. I don't think you need to convert.

Sega Chief

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Update on the registry issue.

It's been discovered that the Steam registry check may be off as it can differ between machines. The 1998 registry check though is working; that means users who have used Game Converter for 7h (or who use an original 1998 install) are able to use R06 (even with Steam version) whereas 'pure' steam users can't.

So as a workaround for now, if you run Game Converter and target the Steam FF7 files this'll produce the 1998 regkeys needed to pass the functioning part of R06's registry check. After that, you can run R06 either through ff7.exe or ff7_en.exe (steam).


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My Reunion.log says "Warning: No valid registry entry was found. Are you sure Final Fantasy VII is installed properly and that this is a legitimate copy?" The other people reporting such are also using the Steam version. That's all it says. I wanted to report properly since I'm sure whether my last comment was understood.
Also, the Help.rtf refers to a document called Additional.rtf, which is nowhere to be found.

So as a workaround for now, if you run Game Converter and target the Steam FF7 files this'll produce the 1998 regkeys needed to pass the functioning part of R06's registry check. After that, you can run R06 either through ff7.exe or ff7_en.exe (steam).
I will give that a shot, Sega Chief.
Which version of the converter are you using? The one for 7th Heaven?
« Last Edit: 2019-11-22 01:27:38 by Wiseman »


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Update on the registry issue.

It's been discovered that the Steam registry check may be off as it can differ between machines. The 1998 registry check though is working; that means users who have used Game Converter for 7h (or who use an original 1998 install) are able to use R06 (even with Steam version) whereas 'pure' steam users can't.

So as a workaround for now, if you run Game Converter and target the Steam FF7 files this'll produce the 1998 regkeys needed to pass the functioning part of R06's registry check. After that, you can run R06 either through ff7.exe or ff7_en.exe (steam).

This is true. I just ran the converter and now R06 works when I launch via Steam.


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Update on the registry issue.

It's been discovered that the Steam registry check may be off as it can differ between machines. The 1998 registry check though is working; that means users who have used Game Converter for 7h (or who use an original 1998 install) are able to use R06 (even with Steam version) whereas 'pure' steam users can't.

So as a workaround for now, if you run Game Converter and target the Steam FF7 files this'll produce the 1998 regkeys needed to pass the functioning part of R06's registry check. After that, you can run R06 either through ff7.exe or ff7_en.exe (steam).

Using the game converter always ended with a crash to desktop at any battle you encounter for me. Steam version runs, but many SFXs aren't working (the alarm sound before the first boss, the jumps on ladders, the actual sound of the bomb being rigged just before the first boss...) All theses could be on my end, I'm still trying things.

Any hints to make other mods work with this? I managed to run Satsuki's upscaled fields but nothing else seems to register.

The 60Fps battles are great, by the way ^^


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Which version of game converter are you people using? Seems like there is one specific to 7th Heaven.
« Last Edit: 2019-11-22 01:37:11 by Wiseman »


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The one linked in The Reunion - Help.rtf,


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ah that's not needed anymore either. 

Bottom line is steam issue needs fixing.


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There is a known issue with a pure Steam install for Win 10.  This is caused by Microsoft being dumb and will be looked at tomorrow.


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Fixed my audio issue by setting Load_SFX_To_Memory = n in the options.

SFX were cut out (the sound when you load a save file, the sound a save point makes when you touch it) or didn't play (most likely cut as soon as they start I guess? ) like the ones I mentionned before.
Setting that line to n fixed every sound.

Again that could be from my own system setup, no "weird" hardware or setup here but since I seem to be the only one with the issue... ;)


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Hi! I found a minor-ish bug I think. Red XIII's weapon Silver Barrette (the one bought in Cosmo Canyon) seems to make all of his normal attacks miss. Limit breaks and such still hit. I've had him in my active party since I recruited him and have used all his weapons so far -- this is the only one up to this point that does it. The Seraph Comb you obtain after completing the Gi Caverns area once again allows his attacks to land. I'm not sure where to add the log files. The "attachments and other options" section doesn't actually have the ability to attach files -- I suspect because I'm still a new user. I hope I'm posting this in the right place.

Cert Serth

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I've found another oddity - Vanilla field models aren't in sync with the background when the screen pans for any reason. I'm at resolution 1280x960 in windowed mode.


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Using the game converter always ended with a crash to desktop at any battle you encounter for me. Steam version runs, but many SFXs aren't working (the alarm sound before the first boss, the jumps on ladders, the actual sound of the bomb being rigged just before the first boss...) All theses could be on my end, I'm still trying things.

Any hints to make other mods work with this? I managed to run Satsuki's upscaled fields but nothing else seems to register.

The 60Fps battles are great, by the way ^^

Where do you put Satsuki's upscaled textures? Are they supposed to be unpacked, or in iro format?

DLPB: Many thanks for this, just started tinkering with it, have never used Reunion before, can't wait to do a playthrough with this! The amount of time you've put into this is staggering! You mentioned something about scanlines, preferably with Reshade, you wouldn't happen to have nice preset to share?

Oh, and one last thing, is it possible to boot straight into the game with going through the "Steam Menu" it's not very couch friendly. I know this has nothing to do with Reunion, it's steam thing, just wondering if it's possible :)

Edit1: Managed to get scanlines working by editing and enabling #define USE_SCANLINES               1
Edit2: Managed to get satsuki's textures working as well! I extracted the iro files to png files and put them all in E:\Spel\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\Texture\
In separate folders, battle, char, field etc.

If only I could launch FF7 directly now, instead of going through the Menu, it would be perfect! Many thanks for this!
With the new models, textures and scanlines, it really looks amazing! I so far I really dig the new translation!

« Last Edit: 2019-11-22 10:20:29 by e2zippo »


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Where do you put Satsuki's upscaled textures? Are they supposed to be unpacked, or in iro format?

Unpack iro in 7H etc, copy the field folders to the reunion/global/texture/field/ or move them to reunion/custom/EXAMPLE/texture/field and activate EXAMPLE as custom mod folder in options.ini

I too would like a way to launch steam ff7 directly, afaik it's only through the launcher for now.

tom servo

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Where do you put Satsuki's upscaled textures? Are they supposed to be unpacked, or in iro format?

Its supposed to be unpacked. I got a bunch of texture mods mixed in and a movie upscale mod working in the custom folder. Also running it with reshade. The interpolated animations are a breath of fresh air and im enjoying the mod so far.


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Hello, I have really enjoyed Reunion in the past. Linking a video to a something that I don't know is a known issue or an oddity that is affecting my setup, I'm really happy for the audio.dll recode as previously when I played reunion I got super stuck at corel from an audio file not loading issue that to this day I have no idea how to get past but that's not really here nor there anymore, Anyway, The link to the video is , Spec's and changed options are in the description. Hopefully it's something I messed up and is just a buggy thing with my computer setup.

Sega Chief

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Fixed my audio issue by setting Load_SFX_To_Memory = n in the options.

SFX were cut out (the sound when you load a save file, the sound a save point makes when you touch it) or didn't play (most likely cut as soon as they start I guess? ) like the ones I mentionned before.
Setting that line to n fixed every sound.

Again that could be from my own system setup, no "weird" hardware or setup here but since I seem to be the only one with the issue... ;)

I had an audio issue when using the elevator to get to the observatory in Cosmo Canyon; I tried different settings but it seems to be persist. In default, the music behaviour is you talk to Bugenhagen and he flips a lever; the music then fades out and the elevator SFX plays just as it hits silence:

What's instead happening is: the music cuts off, a small distorted clip of the BGM plays and the elevator comes in at the wrong volume, increases in volume, then goes to normal volume. Another small clip of BGM audio then plays at the end.

Hi! I found a minor-ish bug I think. Red XIII's weapon Silver Barrette (the one bought in Cosmo Canyon) seems to make all of his normal attacks miss. Limit breaks and such still hit. I've had him in my active party since I recruited him and have used all his weapons so far -- this is the only one up to this point that does it. The Seraph Comb you obtain after completing the Gi Caverns area once again allows his attacks to land. I'm not sure where to add the log files. The "attachments and other options" section doesn't actually have the ability to attach files -- I suspect because I'm still a new user. I hope I'm posting this in the right place.

I checked Silver Barette and it has the 'Miss if not dead' flag ticked, which is typically used for KO-restoring items like Phoenix Down. I'll change it and send it to Dan over discord.

I've found another oddity - Vanilla field models aren't in sync with the background when the screen pans for any reason. I'm at resolution 1280x960 in windowed mode.

That seems to be across the board. On screens where there is panning, it's slightly off and can leave characters looking like they're floating slightly.

Where do you put Satsuki's upscaled textures? Are they supposed to be unpacked, or in iro format?

DLPB: Many thanks for this, just started tinkering with it, have never used Reunion before, can't wait to do a playthrough with this! The amount of time you've put into this is staggering! You mentioned something about scanlines, preferably with Reshade, you wouldn't happen to have nice preset to share?

Oh, and one last thing, is it possible to boot straight into the game with going through the "Steam Menu" it's not very couch friendly. I know this has nothing to do with Reunion, it's steam thing, just wondering if it's possible :)

Edit1: Managed to get scanlines working by editing and enabling #define USE_SCANLINES               1
Edit2: Managed to get satsuki's textures working as well! I extracted the iro files to png files and put them all in E:\Spel\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\The_Reunion\GLOBAL\Texture\
In separate folders, battle, char, field etc.

If only I could launch FF7 directly now, instead of going through the Menu, it would be perfect! Many thanks for this!
With the new models, textures and scanlines, it really looks amazing! I so far I really dig the new translation!


Got a post here about the layout for field textures:
I think it needs to go in a specific file structure. So in either Global, Custom, or Base (I went with Global for example but should be same in all 3 cases):


And then subfolders for each field with the background files in those subfolders. 'games' there is the name of a gold saucer field.


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I just had my first crash with R06. I was in the basement of Seventh Heaven at the beginning of the game, and the game crashed to the steam launcher while I was walking around. I can't find the crash.dmp file anywhere though. I'm pretty sure I wasn't holding start+select by accident either.