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Messages - piccolo113

Pages: [1] 2
Misc. Graphical Releases / Re: PSX Button Images
« on: 2014-01-29 05:23:29 »
I really wish there were a way to get these, and the rest of the button prompts, to appear in FF8. The train sequence is quite frustrating....

Gameplay / Re: FF8 PC - analog movement?
« on: 2013-12-29 02:19:19 »
So, wait...SCPDriver requires me to sacrifice a Bluetooth dongle to exclusive DS3 emulation? I HAVE to use a bluetooth dongle to use that particular method of playing PC games with a DS3?

Yeah, no thanks. I'll keep taking my chances with DS3 Tool/Motionjoy. I don't know what it is people do to have it break their computers, but all I do is select the controller type I want the DS3 to be, enter the advanced setup to test it, then run the game I want to play with it.

Gameplay / Re: FF8 PC - analog movement?
« on: 2013-12-28 18:02:05 »
Don't use Ds3tool/motioninjoy trojan crap highly recommend you use scpdriver, much much better, likely to remove this problem of yours too and not a nasty virus like crappy motioninjoy

DS3Tool isn't a trojan. Calm your tits.

It works perfectly fine for the purpose it's intended.

If you'd have read the (very short)thread, you'd see that this isn't an issue with the DS3 emulation. This is an issue with the game itself.

Gameplay / Re: FF8 PC - analog movement?
« on: 2013-12-28 00:20:18 »
I wouldn't think it's too far-fetched to assume the code is in there. After all, this IS a Playstation game ported to PC. They had to have completed code to work with and then translate over to PC, and I wouldn't think they'd just go and delete code that wasn't necessary to mess with. After all, look how lazy the port was to begin with!

Gameplay / Re: FF8 PC - analog movement?
« on: 2013-12-27 04:43:51 »
I'm not talking about the ability to use the stick and d-pad, I'm talking about the use of the d-pad being actual analog control where you can move the character in every direction instead of the 8 pre-determined directions you would get if you used the d-pad for movement.

Gameplay / FF8 PC - analog movement?
« on: 2013-12-27 03:08:58 »
I'm currently using DS3 Tool/MotionJoy to play the recently Steam-released version of Final Fantasy 8, and I can't seem to get true analog movement to work at all. The game allows me to use the left stick to move and change menu selections, but it's done in digital fashion. Movement is always-run and is only 8-directional. Is there any way to tweak the game, or a setting to change in MotionJoy I haven't found, that will make the game function like it does on the PS1? D-pad for menus and the analog stick for omni-directional movement?

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-09-14 21:37:21 »
Ahh, I see what you guys are saying. I suppose it's just my natural reaction to reading something so completely different to what is ingrained into my mind from playing the playstation version so many times (and yet, some other details from the game never stick).

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-09-14 19:00:08 »

Code: [Select]
like those
  that once ruled the hearts of men.”{NEW}
“Something this miserable world has
  been absent of for far too long.”

I don't understand the purpose of this addition. Sephiroth never struck me as the god-worshiping kind of guy, so why would he ever say something like this? I realize he's speaking about himself, but never in the entirety of the game was there a mention of gods ruling over men, so why would he be referencing something of the (presumably)ancient past like that?

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-09-05 05:02:09 »
I'd go with the second, as well. Eliminates ambiguity and repetition and keeps meaning.

I agree! Your re-wording of suggestion I made not only keeps the flow going, but loses none of the information in the process. Awesome!

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-09-04 05:09:03 »
Code: [Select]
“As a specimen,she is inferior to her mother.
  She's still being evaluated against her mother,
  Ifalna,but for now the discrepancy is 18%.”

Might I suggest removing the word "mother" from the second sentence in this line? Instead, make it look like this?

Code: [Select]
"As a specimen, she is inferior to her mother.
  She's still being evaluated against Ifalna,
  but for now the discrepancy is 18%."

The re-use of "mother" sounds repetitive, and it kind of kills the flow of the line. I don't mean to sound rude, just trying to be helpful :D

Releases / Re: The Reunion [IN PROGRESS]
« on: 2013-08-04 05:24:19 »
Call it what you will, the 2012 and Steam versions are still not the 1998 version. This only works with the original 1998 PC release; not the 2012 rerelease, not the Steam release, not the PlayStation version.

That's not true at all, though. Bootleg converts the game's files to a compatible form and therefore the mods ARE compatible with all versions. You just have to follow the necessary steps first.

Releases / Re: [REL] Anxious Heart (for FF7)
« on: 2013-07-22 05:20:35 »
Do you have a folder in your game install directory called ficedula? Do you have another folder called ff7music? If you have both try deleting the ff7music folder. Run ff7music.exe from the ficedula folder after and make sure the profile in the files tab is set to OSTRemastered.

I see you didn't notice my edit. I figured that out just about 20 seconds before your post :D

As for the profile, I'm not using OSTRemastered music, I'm using the AnxiousHeart music. Thanks for the little kickstart I needed to figure it out, though :D

Releases / Re: [REL] Anxious Heart (for FF7)
« on: 2013-07-22 05:03:00 »
Sound test works fine. The sound effects work fine in the game, just not the music.

I also tried running the game after doing the sound test. Still no music.

Edit: Okay, I think I may have fixed it, maybe.....I went into the FF7 root directory and moved the FF7music folder out of it so that the only FF7Music installed is the one in the Ficedula folder. I'm thinking maybe I was supposed to uninstall FF7Music before installing a new one, eh?

Releases / Re: [REL] Anxious Heart (for FF7)
« on: 2013-07-22 04:47:17 »
In the Plugins tab, Music Plugin is checked and the path is plugins/FF7music.fgp

External Library is checked as well, with it's "path" being Multi.dll

Releases / Re: [REL] Anxious Heart (for FF7)
« on: 2013-07-22 04:29:10 »
Awesome. Done and done.

Edit: Ah crap, now the music isn't playing in-game lol.

What do I need to do to fix that?

Releases / Re: [REL] Anxious Heart (for FF7)
« on: 2013-07-22 03:18:00 »
Pardon me for asking what may be a stupid question, but after having installed a fresh redo of FF7 on Steam, then using the Mover, then installing the series of mods I wish to use with BFE, I discovered Anxious Heart. I actually have the PSF version of the OST installed, but I'd very much like to use Anxious Heart, as it is much higher quality (obviously). My question is, having used BFE already, when I go to install the Anxious Heart set of music with AH.exe, do I choose Old PC (1998) or New PC (2012 cash-in)? All I want to install is the OST from the master files, none of the Fan Made tracks.

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2013-07-21 05:00:36 »
Actually yes, you have to install with ReTranslation to fix the counters window. It's a rather unfortunate bug that PitBrat says is fixed for the 040.1 patch. Until then, this is the only annoying way  :| That or wait for the final MO release, which very well could happen before the patch is even released.

Since I'm going for a fresh install of everything, I'll just play the game without Retranslation up till I get to the Mansion and have the ability to open the safe. I'll worry about the counter, then. I'm only at ShinRa HQ at the moment. Got a little bit to go, and I've got someone watching me play who reads a tad slower than I. There's a bit of time before I have to worry about waiting for patches and whatnot :D

Edit: [CleverNameHere] said that the final ReTranslation may be as little as a few weeks there an ETA on Bootleg 040.1?

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2013-07-21 03:36:02 »
No, but you need to reinstall Menu Overhaul by itself to fix it. And even then, there's still a couple of the non-essential ones that it won't fix. Some weird problem with ToughScript that I wouldn't be able to understand if I studied it for the rest of my life. Guessing Luksy fixed it already tho.

I'm going to do a clean install of FF7 and then use BFE only once this time around. I'll wait for the Re-Translation till they get the full-blown one finished. [CleverNameHere] pointed out that it's soon in the coming, so I can wait it out. If I finish my playthrough before the new translation comes out, then I'll just re-play the game :D

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2013-07-21 02:45:56 »
One more question in regards to the re-translation usage specifically for fixing the counter. Is the counter always broken without the re-translation installed?

Thanks much appreciated, just was more trying to point out the confusion about the Romeo14 Advent Materia, which, unless I'm seriously just getting senile early are field models you'll see out in the wild, but not in the menu. I definitely could be wrong, but it would make me kinda question my memory skills. Perhaps at one point they were also adapted for menu graphics? We miss you Romeo14, wherever you are... (I didn't know him, lol).  ::)

blargh double post.

I think you're right about them being textures for the field-found materia. The Steal and Sense materias did kind of look like the ones in the installer.

Well, that settles that, then. Now it's time to see about editing in some materias into the .png's....I am curious, though. are the files "btl_win_b_l_02.png", "btl_win_b_l_03.png", "btl_win_b_l_04.png", "btl_win_b_l_05.png", and "btl_win_b_l_06.png" the only relevant files that need to be edited to change all instances of the Materia in the menus? Or should I go through all of the files and replace every single one?

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2013-07-21 01:05:37 »
Piccolo113, anywhere from a couple weeks to a month and a half. There are always new mods.

I honestly had no idea that people were still making mods. That's awesome!

I always played FF7 on console, so the entirety of the modding community for FF7 is new to me. I didn't even know about this forum until Kotaku pointed it out in a bit about modding FF7.

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2013-07-20 09:31:15 »
Piccolo113, that retranslation is very old and unfinished. There will be a new release soon that is three years in the making.

Oh, what? There IS a new wave of mods incoming? I thought everyone was just satisfied with the status quo and weren't going to bother. Do you know how soon "soon" is?

You are awesome for diggin those up for me, PitBrat. Sorry to put you through so much trouble, I seem to be lacking in my searching and skimming skills.

Sadly, Romeo14's download is invalid as Megaupload was killed last year. Those other ones, though....I could copy those and edit them into the relevant png files manually, huh?

Template: I didn't mean to sound like I was puttin' your designs down, I just want to pop in a bunch of different ones and compare. I haven't settled on which ones I want to use for good quite yet. Yours are awesome, though :D

Bootleg Questions / Re: [Tutorial] Tifa's Bootleg
« on: 2013-07-20 07:09:09 »
So, just to be clear, there is no way to have ALL "canon" names work even with Canon Names checked when Retranslation is installed to fix the counters? Marlene will permanently be changed to Marin, and so on? Is there a specific file I can edit manually to change these myself? :?

Are you sure? I found an old closed thread started by romeo14 talking about his materias and he had screenshots of the menus.

Said thread:

Megaupload doesn't exist anymore, though, so I can't even download the materias that he was showing off there, let alone the ones that are in bootleg front end.

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