FF7 Tools / [PC] Ultima - Real-Time game hacking tool / trainer
« on: 2024-12-23 00:04:24 »

Ultima - Real-Time FF7 PC Editor
If you've ever wanted to edit/hack Final Fantasy VII PC while playing the game then Ultima is the app for you. Its goal is to aid programmers, modders, challenge runners and people in general learning about FF7 internals, or if you just want to goof around and kill Emerald in one hit.
It can, among others, do the following things:
General stuff
- Display and edit basic game information (game moment, Gil, GP, battle count, escapes, etc.)
- Edit PHS status and Menu locks/visibility
- Change game speed
- Auto-skip intro videos (Squaresoft/Eidos logos)
- Option to not pause the game when unfocused
- Disable random encounters or make them happen constantly (both field and world)
- Add/remove items and materia, including custom modded ones
- Change party members (or set party slots as empty)
- Common actions are accessible via global shortcuts (which are re-mappable)
- View and edit Field/World variables as raw decimal, hex or binary values
- And more...
- Start an arbitrary battle both from the field and the world map
- End a battle immediately (resulting in an escape or a win)
- Toggle invincibility for allies
- Instant ATB - no waiting for commands
- Set the limit bars to full/empty
- EXP / AP multipliers (also possible setting them to 0 to disable the level ups)
- show and edit ally and enemy information (HP, MP, statuses, ATB), instant kill button
- show enemy stats, elemental affinities and item drop/steal rates (basically built-in basic version of the FF7 wiki)
- view chocobo rating during battle
- show current field ID, step ID, step fraction, danger value
- warp to any field and pick valid destination coordinates from a list of destinations
- enable/disable character movement
- display a list of field models with their coordinates
- save state manager - works even across different fields!
- show current model's position and triangle information, and current region name
- show an indicator when walking over chocobo tracks
- view the world map with all relevant models marked on it
- ability to click on the world map to teleport to that position
- view a list of all loaded world models and edit the coordinates
- custom zoom/tilt camera controls
The app also comes with an auto-updater so when I release a new version it will get updated automatically.
I've spent a bunch of time working on this app and I really hope you will like it. Also, I have a lot of plans going forward with it, it's not by any means finished, I've just felt it's at a point where I can confidently call it a 1.0 release and show it to everyone.
Note: I am of course aware of the existence of Ochu, which was a big inspiration in making this app. While Ochu is great and I used it extensively, I've also noticed where it was lacking. It sometimes failed to connect to the game. Sometimes it hanged and required a force quit. The UI was something almost no one could understand without reading the manual (some people *still* don't know you can actually edit values with Ochu and not just view them). Finally it was lacking few features that I really wanted, like the ability to start any battle at any time (also on the world map) or view and edit ally and enemy statuses.