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Messages - WolfOkami

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / ff7 hostoi remake reupload?
« on: 2015-10-22 08:40:36 »
Even though it was c/d by se does anyone have a copy on their harddrive? I'd love to play it

I cant find a link anywhere...

If you dont want to post a public link please pm me

General Discussion / The Latest FF7 Rejuvenation Overhaul
« on: 2011-06-15 13:23:03 »
I havent been on Qhimm in awhile, and i was wondering what is the best overhaul to download

is it ff7prp
or ff7 reunion patch?

OR is there something better??

Ok well what about texture editing that could be simple right or maybe some sort of hack to keep young zacks hairstyle???

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Ff7CC model switching?
« on: 2010-11-29 16:26:05 »
Hello I was wondering if it would be possible to hex edit the crisis core models and replace Zacks hair with clouds or his head with clouds. a simpler solution that I have in mind would be to retex zacks hair blond and also to make him keep young Zacks hair style

Completely Unrelated / Re: FF7 Remake Project
« on: 2009-05-23 11:31:41 »
the only reason i don't want to do it before crisis is because then i'd have to make sephiroth,angeal or genesis the main char. Hate me later but im Die hard Cloud and Zack fan.

Completely Unrelated / Re: FF7 Remake Project
« on: 2009-05-21 22:29:58 »
Yeah all im saying is don't change ff7 at all but make it exactly like crisis core except that you can switch party members by pausing and  selecting change party member and then changing back and forth. Also the battle system would not have the slot machine based summons and skills they would also be in the pause menu. also the map from ff7 would be the same but updated graphix and so would the environment. it would also be in 3rd person view.

Completely Unrelated / Re: How many of us are students?
« on: 2009-05-17 23:39:59 »
Im in highschool 10th grade and im already in the process of making my own 3D sonic game. All i need to do is get the ring collision right, add a homing attack action/animation, add a few AI enemies with attacks and master the spring thing. I may also add a better running animation if i get around to it.

Completely Unrelated / FF7 Remake Project
« on: 2009-05-17 23:38:02 »
I found a Really good game engine the other day and i think it would suit the whole crisis core game play. I think if we implemented ff7 with crisis core taking the story and the characters from ff7 and putting a crisis core game style to it we would have something really cool.

-The Game engines name is : Torque game Engine

Anybody who's interested in starting something PM Me. BTW take a look at the game engine on if you're a developer that is. It may be a little pricey but you can torrent it if you know the coding well and don't need in depth tutorials.

It's really awesome im making a sonic game off of it right now i'll post pic's if i get the chance.

But yeah i think it would be perfect for making ff7 over again with crisis core gameplay.


I was able to convert  the models into the field model format. All of the textures were left blank why would this happen?
also the individual battle model files wont open, only the battle skeleton or hierarchy.

I want to use the APZ cloud as a field model, can somebody help? I really want the textures too because i spent 4 hours trying to re texture the head and it still didn't  look right.

Also if there is an ff7 texture editor like kimera only edits textures that is needed also.

General Discussion / Re: FAN MADE REMAKE OF FF7?
« on: 2008-11-18 21:34:00 »
sounds interesting ill check it out

General Discussion / Re: FAN MADE REMAKE OF FF7?
« on: 2008-11-17 23:13:01 »
good2 hear it i recently started on this project. Right now the thing im looking for is a good model for all of the characters and some enemy models if i can figure out how to rip them and then use max to make them better that should take care of that. But i cant get that right now i still haven't figured out how to open the file formats i think they're a codex and not an actual file type.

Another thing i need help on which i am researching now is adding AI and how to implement situation based story lines in this game engine.

If anybody has experience in Torque it would be really appreciated...
Also i cant do all of this by myself so feel free to lend support.

General Discussion / Re: FAN MADE REMAKE OF FF7?
« on: 2008-11-03 21:10:17 »

General Discussion / Re: FAN MADE REMAKE OF FF7?
« on: 2008-11-01 17:17:17 »
not confusing at all i like that idea the only reason i said menu based controls was because the original ff7 fans who might get really pissed if we chnaged that it was one of the best things about ff7 but i totally agree i think that combos and moves should be used like you said i was going for arena combat 3rd person view so yeah kinda like tekken only in 3 dimensions all around and you can run anywhere in the arena to dodge the enemys attacks and attack any where you want some points do more damage than others

as far as limit breaks and materias there would be A frozen cutscene so that the enemy couldnt move and then the attack you summoned would follow.

As far as combos it wouldnt be a problem with only 15 combos because it still depends on what materia you have equipped and what your limit break level is

So yeah to clarify, we would have a free for all arena type battle based on dodging others attacks and striking at the right moment the only problem with that is party member control. Now im thinking during the battle you can switch to any of the three characters that are on your team with a button.  That could eliminate the problem and then AI can work out what you dont accomplish.

but still there is a lot of things to deal with especially how to implement a better combat system thats probably the most confusing part cause you dont wanna eFF up what square did but you want it a little different than what they did.

OH AND YES THIS IS FOR PC so no need to worry im not used to 360 or PS3 coding its alittle more complex what i know in C++

uhm the main thing i need right now is collaboration and modellers and really some coders to work with the engine and who knows the engine well. someone to implement more than basic controls, and also someone who has situation based experience with game making.

This project could take years but it would be worth it, i think even if enix came out with another ff7 that blew us outta the water we'd still be proud of what we did. This is an experiment that has come up into the hearts of all ff7 lovers and has immediately shot down by the thought "dont fix whats not broken", but you cant tell me that in todays technology 1998's tech aint primitive.


 :lol: :lol: :lol: :-D :-D :-D

lol i knw XD but its soo cool man he should work for square i bet hed get a sweet deal
 :-P :-D

General Discussion / Re: FAN MADE REMAKE OF FF7?
« on: 2008-10-31 15:53:39 »
to keep the originality of it all i would go on contact based random battles like ff7

but instead of waiting for turns you have to enter combos faster than the enemy

or maybe even we keep the original contact but make it a free for all melee between you and the enemy
like an arena no turns just survival?

any suggestions?

BTW good question

General Discussion / FAN MADE REMAKE OF FF7?
« on: 2008-10-30 21:30:15 »
I have this idea about making another ff7 game based on the first one. Everything is in 3rd person view and not isometric, meaning that when you go through all the tunnels and everything you can see things from clods P.O.V. or behind his back at least

the playablility would be similar to fable  wherein you run in wide open terrain. And in the worlds the levels are massive as massive as the first one. In fable you run around town in that P.O.V which is awesome, i totally wanna adapt that to ff7 without the isometric stuff. I think if a few developers and me got together we could make something like this. maybe if i got endorsed and Square-Enix approved of it i think it would be a good idea.

As far as the player models go they would be similar to that kid who made the buster sword but cant release the mod cuz of legal reasons. BTW whoever that is its amazing truly amazing, you deserve credit.

I however have 3ds max and could make them from scratch, like i said i could do square's dirty work for them.

If i can get an approval i would like some people to help me program and some modelers to help with the worlds.
I have a great game engine already. I would be using torque which is incredible if any of you have seen it.

So any feedback questions or help would be appreciated.

 :roll: why do you torture us with such beauty NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!

seriuosly you're not selling the files and technically the game is obsolete no-one buys it anymore everyone torrents basically i dont see any legal problems coming up what are they gonna sue you for your own hard work i mean comon like i said its only illegal if you sell it not distribute or host free.

Archive / Re: Any mods for ff8 for cloud strife
« on: 2008-10-04 18:55:03 »
Sorry for the double post, but 122 views and no response? What the hell is that! Come on u guys must have some answer.

Archive / Any mods for ff8 for cloud strife
« on: 2008-09-25 22:22:57 »
I just got done ff7 beat it in 2 days without jenova Xp uhm i just wanted some more of cloud strife so do u guys have any mods that allow you to play in ff8 as cloud or a squall mod that looks like cloud.

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