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Final Fantasy 8 => FF8 Tools => Topic started by: myst6re on 2012-04-27 22:31:32

Title: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (1.0)
Post by: myst6re on 2012-04-27 22:31:32
Since I created Makou Reactor (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=9658.msg133843#msg133843), I always wanted to do the same for Final Fantasy VIII. There is much less documentation than Final Fantasy VII, but finally I did. It will soon be two years that I develop it, here: Deling!

Download: https://github.com/myst6re/deling/releases


GitHub page: https://github.com/myst6re/deling
SourceForge page (legacy): https://sourceforge.net/projects/deling/

An old presentation: http://youtu.be/6BAEWxNkIDw



Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Aali on 2012-04-27 22:38:58
C'est génial!

If you need some info on FF8 script or backgrounds just hit me up on the IRC.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-04-27 22:50:12
If you need some info on FF8 script or backgrounds just hit me up on the IRC.

Okay! But as you can see, I already know a lot :roll:
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-04-27 22:59:29
Finally, some light on my favorite ff game!
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Asa on 2012-04-28 02:50:15
Thank you very much for release.
But, it cannot start Deling.exe.
It seems libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll & mingwm10.dll are required in same folder.
I copied them from Makou Reactor.
Solved, thank you.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Vehek on 2012-04-28 04:00:28
(Removed because advice given wasn't necessary)
Please delete.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-04-28 12:56:48
Thank you very much for release.
But, it cannot start Deling.exe.
It seems libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll & mingwm10.dll are required in same folder.
I copied them from Makou Reactor.

Arf, I'll put them in the archive.

Edit: Hey you already doing the translation of Deling? Haha thank you ;D
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: DLPB_ on 2012-04-28 18:21:12

How does FF8 differ to 7 in terms of programming and design?
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shuffle on 2012-04-28 20:29:21
What about support for custom font?
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-04-28 20:38:34
Which version? Open menu.fs and send me the c:\ff8\data\*\menu\sysfnt.tdw file.


How does FF8 differ to 7 in terms of programming and design?

I can't really tell you, I know only the data structure.
Data from Final Fantasy VIII are cleaner, more logical. Scripting language is more advanced and like stack languages like the bytecode java. There are less unnecessary informations... though.
Also there are few differences between PC and PlayStation version.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: savage-xp on 2012-04-28 21:24:59
I am interessed in extracting all backgrounds and rework  in high resolution, but i tried several tools without sucess. I got FF8 original, so if someone can handle a hand i can do somework.

Seens can extract backgrounds! Good tool! Ah the data is only stored in CD....
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: demeterf on 2012-04-30 17:12:10
This program is great. In the latest version maybe possible, the psx disc write, not just read?
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-04-30 21:54:07
This program is great. In the latest version maybe possible, the psx disc write, not just read?

Unfortunately, this is not an easy thing to do.

Seens can extract backgrounds! Good tool! Ah the data is only stored in CD....

In PC version? You can do a full installation to move data in the hdd.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: savage-xp on 2012-05-01 21:19:54
Hi, doing in the HDD, Dealing freezes...

Ah, re-installed FF8 and now works! Starting work.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-05-01 23:48:42
Starting work.

Cannot hide my enthusiasm! Thank you!
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: sithlord48 on 2012-05-02 17:12:07
oh nice i see you have finally released it. Very Nice!
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: gledson999 on 2012-05-09 12:44:17
congratulations on your excellent tool myst6re
will be possible to write the texts of the *.bin and *.iso files? now I thank you for the answer
and as I said before ... my translation project of the psx will be a reality
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-05-09 13:12:15
Is it possible to support Greek characters... I'm interested in beginning a translation. Thank you. :)
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-05-09 15:44:24
congratulations on your excellent tool myst6re


will be possible to write the texts of the *.bin and *.iso files?


Is it possible to support Greek characters... I'm interested in beginning a translation. Thank you. :)

Maybe. Can you create a texture like this:
If yes, I can create an editor to generate this texture... This is the first step.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-05-10 02:13:26
I'm not an expert but I'll try. Which program should I have to use to create such a texture? Can't I just use already created fonts from windows?

I think I found a font creating tool...
I'm not sure if this will help but it contains Greek characters too times.ttf (http://www.mediafire.com/?ryy4yt6l6cxy9z2)
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-05-10 08:53:56
I'm not an expert but I'll try. Which program should i have to use to create such a texture? Can't I just use already created fonts from windows?

You can create just an image with Photoshop like the one I showed you in my last post, not a Windows font.
Each character is 12*12 px.
This is the part a little difficult because you have to create your own characters.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-05-10 12:18:49
You can create just an image with Photoshop like the one I showed you in my last post, not a Windows font.
Each character is 12*12 px.
This is the part a little difficult because you have to create your own characters.

Ok... I have already someone to help me with that and will do it faster and better than me.Thank you very much for the instructions! :)

In the meantime I'm trying to edit your png on (don't laugh) paint :D. Capital letter characters are 24. If what I've started doing is right... there are 2 letters left blank in the end of the 3rd line with the capital letters so do I go on with the small letters or I have to leave it blank and start with the 4rth line replacing the characters like in your png. I include this image (http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/7413/ff8greekfonts.png) to understand what I'm doing.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: gledson999 on 2012-05-11 18:40:27
I'm here with some source code in the Final Fantasy VIII romhacking tools written by Darkl0rd...
I'm not able to compile this tool :-[, Myst6re you can build this tool for me, I would be grateful, you are the legend of romhacking congratulation :lol:
link= http://www.mediafire.com/?1mjfawwzz9jdodt
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Corigne on 2012-05-12 00:57:49
While I don't know Greek, I'd be happy to look into this for you.  As far as I know all you'd have to do is find someone willing to translate the script, or find a translated script. Then you could change the character set to match the script, or something along those lines.

I imagine changing the character set is something that's been done before around here, especially considering the Team Avalanche mod does an entire overhaul on the game's interface.


Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-05-12 03:23:05
I'm waiting for a friend to make this png he is a professional in photoshop and this is something easy for him. I know I do not follow a valid path here. But if you want to help I can send you all Greek characters.

~edit~@myst6re Ok I have pm you with the png file you need.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: gledson999 on 2012-05-15 18:05:19
error while open psx iso from Final Fantasy VIII NTSC SLUS  eaiting for fix it, but in the pc version are awesome congratulation
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: falkTX on 2012-06-02 01:56:36
very nice tool, congrats!
(just tested here on a linux 64bit system, svn checkout).

I see some unused backgrounds...  8-)
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-06-02 09:42:24
very nice tool, congrats!
(just tested here on a linux 64bit system, svn checkout).

I see some unused backgrounds...  8-)

Thanks, I think when I finish with character tables, I'll release a new version! (after exams)
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: falkTX on 2012-06-04 22:36:24
btw, is the ff8 script stuff documented somewhere?

I'm actually wondering now if it would be possible to add new 2d scenes...
For example, modify one background a bit so a new path becomes available (probably need to modify 3d walk-path as well), then when the user walks over the new area trigger a change to some new scene.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: KiakaKyle on 2012-06-06 18:23:43
OMG! You people are awesome. Thank you for the Deling software it's been exactly what i'm looking for. Now that I can see and extract the files, can someone point me in the right direction for software for editing these files then putting them back? Mainly said I'm looking at remove the backgrounds, text files, Character images etc etc and replaceing them with better quality ones. So if anyones still reading this any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: gledson999 on 2012-06-08 17:19:37
before I forget this great Tool will be edit Kernel.bin in the future version?
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-06-14 20:40:54
btw, is the ff8 script stuff documented somewhere?

I'm actually wondering now if it would be possible to add new 2d scenes...
For example, modify one background a bit so a new path becomes available (probably need to modify 3d walk-path as well), then when the user walks over the new area trigger a change to some new scene.

http://wiki.qhimm.com/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes It's little, but it's a start.

before I forget this great Tool will be edit Kernel.bin in the future version?

No, or in a distant future.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: volvania on 2012-07-04 19:38:46
mystre if you can start with the battle editor asap i wil support you wth all what u need thanks

regards from volvania.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: TheJolly on 2012-07-06 14:10:13
I can add a new script?
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-07-06 16:57:47
I can add a new script?

It is not yet implemented.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: gledson999 on 2012-07-14 16:31:01
myst6re the psx format of text are in lzss(compressed) and i'm uncompress to *.dec but an editor don't recognize this format ...can you add this formats i'will be grateful ...thanks guy
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Colly on 2012-07-22 21:09:21
Congrats :) Very good program, but saving is not working for me (probably it's because I have FS files modified by another program, FF8AC, maybe something is not compatible).
Are you planning to do editor for whole menu, with SeeD tests etc.?

myst6re the psx format of text are in lzss(compressed) and i'm uncompress to *.dec but an editor don't recognize this format ...can you add this formats i'will be grateful ...thanks guy

"DEC" is just an extension, not "file format". All decompressed files by lzs.exe have *.dec extension.

before I forget this great Tool will be edit Kernel.bin in the future version?

I'm creating tool just for editing kernel.bin, namedic.bin and changing DTE. It's not done yet, but I have to do it in next 2-3 weeks. :P It'll be very simple tool.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: gledson999 on 2012-07-29 17:58:44
thank you Colly i'll waiting
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-08-02 15:36:49
Deling 0.7b is almost ready.

Current Changelog:

What Deling 0.7b can't do:

About custom fonts:

I finally made an integrated editor in Deling to add fonts. For now, it is not possible to import an image to make his characters, you must do it manually. To integrate the new font to Final Fantasy VIII you must make the changes yourself, ie put sysfnt.tex and sysfnt.tdw (which you can create from Deling) in your archives (menu.fs <= sysfnt.tex & main.fs <= sysfnt.tdw).

Unknown data:

As you may have noticed, I edited the wiki with my knowledge of the data. I still have some unknown data:
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Kostas on 2012-08-03 16:02:58
Brilliant piece of software! Congratulations. I tried today the beta version, I made some changes in the very beginning in the infirmary scene, but when I saved it said that an error occured, probably because I used more than seven characters in the name of Squall, or some other change that I made which exceeded the limit of the text. Anyway I restored after the original fsi file in the directory of the game, but what happened next was that my pc didn't recognize the cd roms of the game. It said that the cds are empty. I restarted windows but the problem persisted, until I put some another cd in the tray which it did recognize, and after that it was able to recognize the FF VIII cds again. That seemed to me strange so I thought to let you know, if you are still working in this project.
Title: Re: [0.6b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-08-03 17:42:45
Brilliant piece of software! Congratulations. I tried today the beta version, I made some changes in the very beginning in the infirmary scene, but when I saved it said that an error occured, probably because I used more than seven characters in the name of Squall, or some other change that I made which exceeded the limit of the text. Anyway I restored after the original fsi file in the directory of the game, but what happened next was that my pc didn't recognize the cd roms of the game. It said that the cds are empty. I restarted windows but the problem persisted, until I put some another cd in the tray which it did recognize, and after that it was able to recognize the FF VIII cds again. That seemed to me strange so I thought to let you know, if you are still working in this project.

Did you open the FIELD.FS archive located on your disks? If not, there is no reason Deling affects your disk, moreover it cannot save read-only files.
Title: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-08-04 13:14:14
The new release is out!

Download! (https://sourceforge.net/projects/deling/)


Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2012-08-04 21:05:15
Thank you myst6re!
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: falsomail on 2012-08-05 15:07:37
Hello myst6re, what is the tool I need to translate text files. QM?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-08-05 15:18:46
I wrote a tiny tutorial about this on the Hyne wiki: https://sourceforge.net/p/hyne/wiki/Translate%20Hyne/
You can find the needed ts file here (https://sourceforge.net/p/deling/code/) in the trunk directory (trunk/deling_en.ts).
In which language you want to translate?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: falsomail on 2012-08-05 18:20:22
Thanks for the info, I want to provide a translation in Spanish.

Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Mendelevium on 2012-08-19 18:42:48
This editor is both intriguing in design and in make; do you ever plan on releasing a source code as you did for Makou Reactor, because as of now I am quite curious to root around and see how you made all this :).

I was also discussing with a friend how we both appreciated how you showed dialogue tid bits in game, in real-time through the editor itself. Which is rather invaluable. So a big thank you!

Also, I do not think your first post is fully up to date; your to-do list matches the change log of the latest release, if I am not fully mistaken. Which I might be.
Where do you plan on taking this next, if I may ask? :).
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-08-19 20:15:36
This editor is both intriguing in design and in make; do you ever plan on releasing a source code as you did for Makou Reactor, because as of now I am quite curious to root around and see how you made all this :).

I was also discussing with a friend how we both appreciated how you showed dialogue tid bits in game, in real-time through the editor itself. Which is rather invaluable. So a big thank you!

Well, the source code is of course in SourceForge, here (https://sourceforge.net/p/deling/code/). If you want I can create for you an archive of the latest version.

Also, I do not think your first post is fully up to date; your to-do list matches the change log of the latest release, if I am not fully mistaken. Which I might be.
Where do you plan on taking this next, if I may ask? :).

I've updated my post, but for now I focus on Makou Reactor. If you have any suggestions, I will add it to my (private :P) TODO list.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Mendelevium on 2012-08-19 22:31:39
Thank you muchly! Well I'll take a peak at the source code you linked me too when I get on my big computer. If you are willing to archive a more up to date version that would be great! However, I do not want to be a big bother. :).

And suggestions? Hm... Would be a texture viewer and exporter/importer be feasible? I know the models themselves would be more complicated to import and export, but an all in one tool for the 2D aspects would be immensely great.

Also I am not sure if you did this for either Makou reactor, or Deling here; but would it be possible to open up the raw code of FF7, much like the way Meteor does. At times I find it easier just to alter the base code. Or use the alternative base FF7 scripting engine to alter events. It'd be nice I could view that as well as your new more user friendly methods :).

I enjoy the ability to script events, really. :). So thank you for the tool!


Another thought occurred to me. I know this goes beyond the bounds of the editor, but how difficult would it be to edit battle and world map text? And what about the shadow textures that appear about the players or boss fights in battle? Just a few things that popped into my head. This is mostly for Makou Reactor though, but could somehow be relative to Deling too :3.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: conx on 2012-08-23 23:51:51
Thank you for this awesome program.
How can I export font into an image format and re-import  in to .tdw? because I want to localize ff8.
Thank you.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-08-24 10:26:33
Thank you for this awesome program.
How can I export font into an image format and re-import  in to .tdw? because I want to localize ff8.
Thank you.

As I say, it's not possible for now, because I was not able to program it. After a while, I decided to release Deling without this feature. So maybe for next version.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: conx on 2012-08-24 14:31:03
Thanks myst6re for replay
I have one more question^^.
What is the function of the tdw file is it used for character declaration and character width?
If I want to edit the texture of the font should I edit sysfnt.tex in menu.fs?
Sorry, Can't reply your pm because my account doesn't allow me that.
I think you can translate ff8 after modding the drawing of font file also modding the character declaration file, Then you can translate the text using myst6re's program.
that's all what I know^_^!
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-08-24 15:53:49
What is the function of the tdw file is it used for character declaration and character width?
If I want to edit the texture of the font should I edit sysfnt.tex in menu.fs?

The tdw file contains character widths and a tim texture, but this texture is unused by FF8 PC, who uses sysfnt.tex in menu.fs instead. Then, if you want to edit the texture of the font, you must edit sysfnt.tex (in menu.fs) for the texture data and sysfnt.tdw (in main.fs) for character widths only. (Note that the sysfnt.tdw file in menu.fs appears to be unused.)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: conx on 2012-08-24 16:03:01
Thanks myst6re again.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Vehek on 2012-10-13 01:47:24
I'm not yet sure of the exact conditions, but I can't seem to get Deling to replace some files. The Replace progress window pops up, but nothing changes when it's done. I'm noticing this problem when trying to replace files in main_chr.fs, and when trying to insert my modified main_chr.fs back into field.fs. I'm currently working over this by deleting the files from the archive and adding my files in their place.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: kaspar01 on 2012-10-21 11:04:44
This looks really great!


Just a question maybe someone here can help me..

I'm looking for a tool (or a method) that let me extract G.F. models (not enemy but G.F. you don't fight like Shiva Quetzal Carbuncle etc..), NPC models, 3D world and/or 3D battle enviroments.

It doesn't matter "how" i obtain these things so even a "3d-Screen-Like" method is ok for me (if it works).

Sorry for my bad english


I know this maybe could sound like a sort of weird request but.. it's possible to extract the walk mesh in any 3D format (.obj?)..
They could be really usefull for my project..
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Softtm17 on 2012-10-25 13:34:03
There is no way to save XXXX.png (for example rinoa's texture)....and after some "mods" (with photoshop for example) re-insert it?
because the original file is .dat...and if i replace it with a bmp/png/or i dont know what.....when i start a battle -> ff8 Crash.
(sorry 4 my english hope you understand)

In short..i need a converter  dat -> png/bmp/jpg/ppm -> dat....
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2012-10-25 18:25:57
[Some question about 3D models]

[Some questions about dat files]

I do not think you are in the right topic to talk about that ???.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Softtm17 on 2012-10-25 18:56:10
I do not think you are in the right topic to talk about that ???.

In deling 0.7b if you open Battle.fs...you have a complete list of all the elements of battle (including textures)
If i want EXTRACT "that" texture...you're program save that file in .dat.......and i can't open it with photoshop..or gimp...or any other program.
But i can save that texture/backgroundbattle if i clic over the preview; and deling save it png/bmp/jpg/ppm.
My problem is re-insert it....i have already my modded texture but i can't replace it because i have for example d4c009.png and NOT d4c009.dat....in that file (.dat) there is also the 3d model of rinoa and not only the texture....in fact if i replace it with that simple file .png...during the game, ff8 crash when there is rinoa (for example).

Can you help me? if isn't the right thread..please give me some link or any suggest to help me ç___ç i want make a lot of mod in ff8...and try to do a sort of new FF8-2 in HD of course >_<
In this moment i want only change the texture of monster/weapon/and charachters.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: lowena on 2013-01-12 16:15:43
Hey! I've translated your program into Basque, and would love if you could add it. :) I tried to build the project myself using Qt, but couldn't figure it out... so I'll send you the file.

It's on my SkyDrive:

Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2013-01-12 16:34:10
Hello! It's great to see new translations, even the most surprising :).
Here is the compiled translation file: https://sourceforge.net/projects/deling/files/ (on a separate archive for now, if you want to change something, pm me).

Thank you for your contribution
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: lowena on 2013-01-12 16:47:06
Awesome! I'm very glad to see another program in Basque, even if it's of a very specific use. :) Is it easy to compile the .ts myself? I can't really figure out how to... There shouldn't be a lot of errors, but in case there are, it would be nice to be able to compile it myself.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2013-01-12 17:40:18
You need the Qt Linguist software, I think you can find it in this package (http://releases.qt-project.org/qt4/source/qt-win-opensource-4.8.4-mingw.exe), but it installs some other softwares you don't need >:(.
To compile the ts File, go to "File" -> "Release" / "Release As...".
In fact you have two typos in your file, here is the corrected one: deling_eu.ts (save target as...) (http://wikisquare.ffdream.com/public/Deling/deling_eu.ts)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: lowena on 2013-01-12 17:51:34
Cool! I got it to compile. :)

I have a question about your program: When i click the down arrow for dialogs that have more than one window, nothing happens. is this intentional?

Also, what's the difference between the light grey and dark grey next to "Text##" in the dialog tree?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2013-01-12 19:08:42
I have a question about your program: When i click the down arrow for dialogs that have more than one window, nothing happens. is this intentional?

A text can be shown several times in different positions, but it can also have always the same position. If nothing happen, it means the position is the same.
Look at fhpara11 > text 3 ;)

Also, what's the difference between the light grey and dark grey next to "Text##" in the dialog tree?

It's dark when the text is found in scripts. So when it's the light grey, the text can be unused.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: lowena on 2013-01-12 22:10:20
It's dark when the text is found in scripts. So when it's the light grey, the text can be unused.
OK, I figured it was something like that. SO there are cases where it's light grey and it appears in the game, or are you just unsure?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2013-01-12 22:58:40
Hmmm, I'm unsure, but in theory there is no case where it's the bad color.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: kaspar01 on 2013-03-10 12:05:47
Maybe the work I'm doing could help you whith the Walkmesh/Texture-Overlay function we talked about..

What I actually did was:
-Open the fire Cavern entrance file
-Copy each f*kin* vertices coordinates of each point of the walkmesh one by one and placing them in 3Ds Max
-Rebuild the walkmesh Plane
-Created a camera and alligned it to the camera position showed by the editor (but seems wrong or I didn't actually understood something..)
-Created another camera and now I'm tryng to use a custom texture (positioned in front of the camera) and try to get the right position and angle for the camera manually..

here's a screen that could help to understand my method

If anyone could tell me how to export the walkmesh coordinates into a single text file (or better how to export the walkmesh to a 3D file format) I'd be very thankful to him/her..
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2013-03-11 22:12:40
I'm making Greek fonts with your editor. Can you please support both Latin and my fonts when I'm done so as I don't need to swap between Latin and Greek while I'm doing the translation? Thanks! When I'm done with my translation do I need to  place my font files in the game too or just click save?Will the new text be saved  automatically? Thanks!
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2013-03-13 05:29:18
Ok take a look at these fonts http://filetrip.net/dl?L4xHtZV36U
The guy who is helping me is complaining that he creates the fonts and after finishing a few characters he imports them in the program and they are missing. Like it's a bug with the program. Test them please so as we can continue. Thank you! :)

Ok they worked for the editor but there were some issues with the spacing and it seems really unstable. It keeps reseting the space limiter. And have difficulties inserting the characters in the game. This is an example of the new characters my friend created http://filetrip.net/dl?lggdhFh47M . I hope this helps you. I also noticed that there are sysfnt.tdw and sysfnt.tex in the menu.fs (not just sysfnt.tex like you say in the read me file). I'm looking forward for your reply. Thanks!
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Husky on 2013-03-13 22:46:49
Hey guys, are we at the stage of being able to replace the textures on any of the character models yet? If so, can someone please explain how to do it? And if not, can someone tell me how I can help? I'm a software engineer and this project really interests me!  :D
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2013-03-13 23:55:43
@Husky Can you help with the font integration?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: kaspar01 on 2013-03-14 10:42:01
Hey guys, are we at the stage of being able to replace the textures on any of the character models yet? If so, can someone please explain how to do it? And if not, can someone tell me how I can help? I'm a software engineer and this project really interests me!  :D
When replacement of textures and model of city/gardens will be avaiable I'd be glad to make new ones and share them :)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shuffle on 2013-05-13 12:37:55
What's up with hi-res fonts? Is there a specific tdw-table for them?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2013-05-13 12:48:02
I'm still waiting for a reply to begin translation. I'm at wits end with the font integration. Have tried some things but seems to be doing something wrong or the editor or game is unstable with the change of fonts.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Cmishima on 2013-05-17 19:16:48
Hi there, there is a way to extract field files ( and other files ) from psx iso ?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: ZackNeji on 2013-07-02 12:26:33
Can you tell me what is the game momento function?

Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: demeterf on 2013-08-08 16:58:05
Somethings news about psx version  fs/fl/fi archive (read/write)?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Colly on 2013-08-08 17:20:40
Somethings news about psx version  fs/fl/fi archive (read/write)?
PSX version of the game doesn't have FS/FL/FI archives ;)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: demeterf on 2013-08-09 15:25:09
PSX version of the game doesn't have FS/FL/FI archives ;)

Ok, but this program can read the dialogi.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: andreasaspenberg on 2013-08-13 17:27:05
i have tried it and i must say that this tool is very good. it can edit the text in the game completely. that means that custom dialogue can be created. that enables modding of the game. i tested it some more by trying to add encounters in trabia garden and that worked well. i am still learning how it works however. i just found a bug. the main_chr.fs file inside the field.fs file can be exported but not edited. this tool is very good as a modding tool however so i hope that work on it continues.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Gine on 2013-08-24 17:17:05
I see that Japanese font has 4 tables.

Can I add second, third, ..., tables for my font.

Thanks.  :)


I can do it now.  :D
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Gine on 2013-08-29 20:06:42
Can I use additional character of each files to translate to my language in PC English version?

I tried to use it but it do not show character when I copy variable likes {Jp001} to text field.

Thanks.  :)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: meesbaker on 2013-09-30 22:49:33
Wow this is absolutely great! Ive seen that this is online for quite a while but I must have somewhat missed it until now. I have to say I like the interface even more than the one of MR - looks like you put more effort into this one ?

One question though - in MR we can export the music files from the fields and extract the akao frames that way. I wonder how the music files are stored on FF8 ? Seems the sound files in the fields are really just sounds not tracks. Do you have any information on that ? Would be cool if ffviii used a similar kind of akao music as ffvii so we could actually swap the files using MR and Deling and listen how they sound inside the other game :D
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Mischievousboy on 2013-12-19 22:24:02
This editor is fantastic. I'm currently having a blast going through the game and editing some of the dialog to make the characters sound less childish (except Selphie, of course). Seifer, for example, now calls Zell Chicken-shit instead of Chicken-wuss. I thought about adding a bit here and there to the script as well, but I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet without screwing up the timing of animations etc.

Is this still being actively worked on? Would love to see the added functionality to replace the backgrounds. Great work so far though!  :-D
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2013-12-20 01:41:03
I think "Chicken-wuss" is a classic quote... I'd never change that though! :D
Seifer was meant to be immature and childish... ;)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-01-02 12:47:48
Please can someone tell me how to modify the start screen letters (New Game, Continue, Memory card...)? Thanks!
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Aavock on 2014-01-02 15:01:41
"NEW GAME", "Continue" and "Credits" are stored in the main *.exe. I haven't looked for the memory cards texts but I'm pretty sure they are included in the "FF8_EN.exe/FF8.exe" as well.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2014-01-02 16:25:22
I think LeonhartGR wanted to change the font, not the text.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Aavock on 2014-01-02 16:51:29
Oh ok, those are the same textures as the regular in-game dialogue letters so c:\ff8\data\eng\menu\hires\ and files are sysfld00.tex and sysfld01.tex, you'll need to hexedit the main exe after that.

By the way myst6re, did you have any chance to take a look at this thread (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=14870.0) (about re-importing resized *.tex files) ? I'm pretty sure is no big deal but I'm really stuck at this point so I can't work on improving the textures yet.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-01-03 03:45:34
I want to change the text. We are making fonts with Agahnim and testing them.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2014-01-03 07:44:20
So like 5way say, I think you can find these texts in FF8.exe. There are encoded in FF8 encoding.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-01-20 01:38:42
I have a request for your next release, and it seems simple enough:
Can we add sounds to areas that have no sounds?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Vehek on 2014-01-21 04:05:48
Can we add sounds to areas that have no sounds?
Well, for now, you could extract the archives for those areas from field.fs, add .sfx files (with the appropriate names I assume) to them, and then reinsert them back into field.fs.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-01-21 04:18:39
I know that I could do that, but I'd rather just click one button. It's a feature request. The project I'm working on has a pretty long time table, so I can wait patiently :)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: K43SJ on 2014-02-05 08:18:34
This project still alive ?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Yugisokubodai on 2014-02-10 12:09:17
Please can someone tell me how to modify the start screen letters (New Game, Continue, Memory card...)? Thanks!

These text locate in mngrp.bin
Here is my screen shoot.

By the way, I dumped the text out here, in case you need it.

Code: [Select]
#WRITE(MyPtr, $DD6)


I dumped with Catographer, and you can modify the text and re-insert it to mngrp.bin with Atlas.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-02-10 15:53:27
Thank you Yugisokubodai! I'll look into that as soon as I return home!  :)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Aavock on 2014-02-11 01:28:45
These text locate in mngrp.bin

How weird, the mngrp.bin does includes the in-game menu text but I found and edit (just to be sure) "New Game", "Continue" and "Credits" in the main FF8.exe...
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Yugisokubodai on 2014-02-11 14:02:14
The one does affect the screen title's text is in mngrp.bin.
Exactly, it locates at $101A for "NEW GAME" and $1023 for "Continue". Screw the text with an hex editor and you'll see the change.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: MarcP on 2014-04-22 00:06:45
That is one amazing software, wow !
Grand merci à toi myst6re, super boulot
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-05-12 22:31:24
Hey myst6re! When I open gpbigin4 in field.fs text0 Selfie says "Faux pas!" I'm not sure why this is in French... does it mean "Right on!"? because google translator translates it as "false step", or "slip", "trip". It from the "prison" scene in FFVIII.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Kaldarasha on 2014-05-12 23:03:11
It is a French word which was taken over into English (in German too), at the time where speaking French was 'très chic' in the royal circle.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-05-12 23:04:53
FF8 has a LOT of unused dialogue in it. That's just one of them.

Strangely, a lot of the unused dialogue was very well written, so IDK why Square didn't use it. I'm using some of it for my VO project.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-05-12 23:10:25
Oh gosh... :D :D and I was pretty sure it was some dialogue left by myst6re as a French translation... but how would that be possible... lol

So there's no way to use any unused text with the "Deling" editor? That would be neat if there was some tool like DLPB's for 7... (*wishes DLPB reads that post* :P :P )

P.S.: Agahnim had a FFVIII fan-creativity crisis and I actually might have those long anticipated Greek fonts to begin my translation with all letters this time... I'm feeling #ecstatic!
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-05-13 00:38:32
You can use the unused text in Deling. Use the script editor.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-05-13 00:50:34
I know about that but I was thinking if it was possible to use it in the actual game.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-05-13 01:51:56
It is. Use the script editor. About half the script opcodes for ff8 are documented now (thanks to yours truly :))
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Agahnim on 2014-05-13 08:34:10
i cant find the "script editor". where it is?

now we have a greek font but i think the only way to show them ingame is to write english in deling...so if i write in deling "L", it would become "Λ" in game.

is there a way to change the table in deling? when i click "Λ" in deling, i want to show "Λ"¨but i want a hidden autoconvert to "L" (i dont know how to describe that :lol: my english iz poor)

anyone can help with that somehow?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-05-13 13:08:20
Do you mean the "scripts" tab in Deling


or the "manage" button in "configuration"?


Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-05-13 13:51:59
What do I need to edit to make a dialogue active in the game?

Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Yugisokubodai on 2014-05-13 15:19:41
The diaglogue with pale grey rectangle with it is the unactived one. I think you must rewrite the event code to active these.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-05-13 16:08:20
I knew about the inactive dialogue, I didn't know I need to re-write the code though. I lack of knowledge to do that. Thanks!
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-05-13 19:19:34
It's all on the wiki (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes). To show dialogue, you just need the AMESW command preceeded by other functions that place values on the stack (typically PSHN_L). To show the "Faux Pas!" dialogue in that field, you'd just insert this where you want it (without the commented parts):
Code: [Select]
PSHN_L      0       ;message channel (0 is most common)
PSHN_L      0       ;dialogue box ID (ie the text# in the dialogue list)
PSHN_L      30      ;X position of window
PSHN_L      30      ;Y position of window
This might look very foreign if you have no experience with assembly language, and even with exposure, it's hard to wrap your head around sometimes because the only control structures are jumps (especially since you can't use comments in Deling to remember things)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2014-05-13 19:46:16
I know that my script editor is hard to use. If one day I have time, I'll make it better. Meanwhile everything is feasible, but with much pain.
Like Shard say you can look at the wiki, and if you find mistakes or new things, you can post here (or in "Scripting and Reverse Engineering" section).
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-05-13 20:03:44
I check the forum every day, and I have a debug room that I use to figure out what all the opcodes do, so if there's an opcode missing that you might use, feel free to PM me about it and I'll try to document it ASAP. I know what most of the missing functions do, I just haven't gotten to documenting them. There are only a small handful of opcodes I'm clueless about.

I was going to release my debug room about a month ago, but it's not done because I haven't found the Diablos, Tonberry King, or Jumbo Cactaur battles yet (they're not called from field scripts, so I can't find them with Deling). I've been going through every encounter one by one and I'm only in the 300s (there are over 1000 battle encounters in the game).
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-05-13 20:31:28
It's all on the wiki (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes). To show dialogue, you just need the AMESW command preceeded by other functions that place values on the stack (typically PSHN_L). To show the "Faux Pas!" dialogue in that field, you'd just insert this where you want it (without the commented parts):
Code: [Select]
PSHN_L      0       ;message channel (0 is most common)
PSHN_L      0       ;dialogue box ID (ie the text# in the dialogue list)
PSHN_L      30      ;X position of window
PSHN_L      30      ;Y position of window
This might look very foreign if you have no experience with assembly language, and even with exposure, it's hard to wrap your head around sometimes because the only control structures are jumps (especially since you can't use comments in Deling to remember things)

I could try but I'm not sure where this or other unused dialogue was initially  supposed to be...
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-05-13 20:53:37
Nobody does. The unused dialogue was left in because the text indeces are needed in order to call up a dialogue box in the scripts. Deleting a single textID breaks the rest of your field dialogue.

You have to guess where unused dialogue is supposed to be used and add it to a cutscene manually. There isn't a "switch" to turn it on.

Oh, one thing I will say is that Deling isn't 100% accurate about which dialogues are unused. It only detects MES calls that are preceeded by only PSHN_L functions. There are some (not many, but some) dialogues that are preceeded by other functions. For example, some fields control where a dialogue box appears based on which side you enter the area, and that information is pushed from a variable instead. Deling thinks those are unused, even though they aren't. There are also some dialogues that are called in scripts, but those scripts are never actually run in the game. Deling thinks they're used, even though they aren't. Just be careful when you see a grayed out textID.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-05-13 23:46:34
Nah... I'm not messing with anything I'm a noob on...
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-06-09 00:31:00
Myst6re, would it be possible to have an import feature that imports multiple partial field files (like jsm, msd, etc.) from a directory, rather than having to do them by hand? I'm going to need a program that does this (and so might other future mods), and it makes more sense to have Deling support it than to make another separate tool.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Yugisokubodai on 2014-06-25 09:21:14
Deling is a great tool, I must say.
There's many lzs image in the main.fs file, is there any way to convert these to image file with Deling?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Vgr on 2014-06-25 12:50:40
You can open them in Noesis if I'm not mistaken.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2014-06-25 22:18:05
Deling is a great tool, I must say.
There's many lzs image in the main.fs file, is there any way to convert these to image file with Deling?

That's simple,
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Yugisokubodai on 2014-06-25 23:50:34
Oh, I mean, then how to compress that image ito lzs again?
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2014-06-26 19:14:54
There is no way with Deling for now. But the file format is simple, it is LZS compressed (you can use FiceLZS (http://mirror.mypage.sk/ficedula/php/programs3a9a.html) to compress/uncompress it). The uncompressed file begins with:

Image data contain colors in a standard PlayStation format:

That's all!
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Yugisokubodai on 2014-06-27 15:46:32
Thank you very much. I'm done with the lsz now. :-D :-D
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-14 21:04:51
I tried to release Deling 0.8b today, but there is a bug...
I am quite surprised by all the work I've done since 0.7b

Here is the changelog:
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-07-14 22:10:32
Here is the changelog:
  • When a file is missing in a field, you can edit it anyway, it will be automatically added
Does it also add it to the file list? I'm assuming yes, but just want to make sure.
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-14 22:16:08
Does it also add it to the file list? I'm assuming yes, but just want to make sure.

You can't add a new field yet if this is the question. ::)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: Shard on 2014-07-15 22:12:30
No, I meant if you add a particular file to a field that doesn't have one, does the file list (FL) for that field get updated to include it? (I think it already did this for MSDs)

Is there a specific structure needed for the directory import?

Also, when can we expect this new version to be available? I'm really excited to get my hands on it :)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: shikulja on 2014-07-16 22:53:22
add seed rebirth (tonberry) font aligiment (hd font)
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-07-17 12:36:55
Is the new version compatible with the Steam re-release and if yes can we edit the text with this tool and change the fonts for my translation? Thanks!
Title: Re: [FF8] Field editor - Deling (0.7b)
Post by: JeMaCheHi on 2014-07-18 11:07:13
Wow, that's a big job Myst6re! I love it! I started to use it yesterday and discovered the script editor. I couldn't stop until 4 AM xDDDD I really love that script editor! But I was wondering, if it's possible adding more actors or entities to the scenarios. Also have a little feedback  :)

When you create a new text box, you can't stablish it's parameters trough the GUI, you need to use it in a script, and give it that parameters ( by parameters I mean X-Y position). After that you won't still be able to modify it or see the preview correctly. You'll have to save the work and reopen the field.fs

Pretty much the same for the asking boxes. You won't be able to see in the preview the hand cursor or the indented lines (the choices) until you stablish the parameters in the script, save, and reopen.

But as said, I love it :D I started to play with the opcodes and even did a little menu where you can choose to fight with ultimecia, griever, ultima weapon, or not to fight.

Oh and for last, I had a suggestion. Is there any posibility to enhace the walkmesh editor in a way that we can edit the points by dragging with the mouse? It's a real pain doing exclusively with coordinates. Doing a mesh only with that tool would take an absurd amount of time so the ideal would be to edit with the mouse and then make the fine adjustements with the parameters. Oh, I almost forgot it! Deling didn't allow me to change any coordinate of the point number 3. It's read-only or something.

Thanks again for your work, and thanks for your wiki contributions too, I found them very useful! Cheers!
Title: Re: [FF8] Field editor - Deling (0.7b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-18 19:58:22
No, I meant if you add a particular file to a field that doesn't have one, does the file list (FL) for that field get updated to include it? (I think it already did this for MSDs)

If you add a text to a field that didn't have msd file in, the msd will be added to the FS/FL/FI archive in the field.fs/l/i.

Is there a specific structure needed for the directory import?

No, you can add a new directory from your file system into the current directory, or replace the selected directory by the content of one from your fs.

Also, when can we expect this new version to be available? I'm really excited to get my hands on it :)

In one week I guess, I couldn't do anything this week :(

Is the new version compatible with the Steam re-release and if yes can we edit the text with this tool and change the fonts for my translation? Thanks!

Compatible, yes, but Deling 0.7b was already compatible, no? (I will check)

[...] I was wondering, if it's possible adding more actors or entities to the scenarios.

No, I want to clarify that Deling is still in beta.

Oh and for last, I had a suggestion. Is there any posibility to enhace the walkmesh editor in a way that we can edit the points by dragging with the mouse?

That's a recurring demand, for Makou Reactor (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=9658.0) too.

Oh, I almost forgot it! Deling didn't allow me to change any coordinate of the point number 3. It's read-only or something.

Look more closely at the changelog I post ;)
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.7b)
Post by: JeMaCheHi on 2014-07-18 21:51:02
Ok thanks for your kindness. I didn't notice you was working in a new release, it's a good new indeed :D

Also want to clarify something. When I say "is it possible adding more actors or entities to the scenarios?" I'm not referring to Deling capabilities but if it's feasible or will be in the future. Imagine... to be able to add more actors... We could do a complete rework of the game! New situations and interactions! Could be pretty revolutionary :D
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.7b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-18 22:00:45
Also want to clarify something. When I say "is it possible adding more actors or entities to the scenarios?" I'm not referring to Deling capabilities but if it's feasible or will be in the future. Imagine... to be able to add more actors... We could do a complete rework of the game! New situations and interactions! Could be pretty revolutionary :D

Feasible in the future, I just need time, or someone who has time. It is not very difficult if that's what you ask :).
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.7b)
Post by: JeMaCheHi on 2014-07-18 23:23:03
Feasible in the future, I just need time, or someone who has time. It is not very difficult if that's what you ask :).

Oh, count on me in that case. I don't know where to start but you know a lot. You'll surely know :D
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.7b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-07-19 10:41:14
One more question for the Steam release... If we edit the text with the Deling editor will this affect the HD mods installed (Eden, Tripod, Seed Reborn etc.)? I remember reading that we must not have used the Deling editor before for the mods to work. And what if we just edit the palette created in Seed Reborn mod. Do we need to edit the game files with the Deling as well?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.7b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-19 11:10:16
Tonberry doesn't change the FF8 archives. So if you have incompatibility problems please let me know because I do not see how this is possible.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.7b)
Post by: JeMaCheHi on 2014-07-19 11:19:29
One more question for the Steam release... If we edit the text with the Deling editor will this affect the HD mods installed (Eden, Tripod, Seed Reborn etc.)? I remember reading that we must not have used the Deling editor before for the mods to work. And what if we just edit the palette created in Seed Reborn mod. Do we need to edit the game files with the Deling as well?

No, you won't have any incompatibility. I changed a lot of text and the mods are still working.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.7b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-19 16:02:14
Ok finally I fixed the bug, and there are new entries for the changelog:

I build the release now.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.7b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-19 16:55:14
Download Deling 0.8b (https://sourceforge.net/projects/deling/files/0.8b/)



Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: JeMaCheHi on 2014-07-19 17:03:54
Testing Time!!!

Thanks alot myst! That's gonna be awesome hehehe...
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-19 20:31:43
The project has moved from svn to git, it is now available on GitHub at https://github.com/myst6re/deling (https://github.com/myst6re/deling).
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: Aavock on 2014-07-19 20:34:26
Thanks a lot for this new release myst6re, the palette selection feature is extremely useful!
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-07-20 01:23:08
Thanks for replying! This is a wonderful release! :)
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: wishfire on 2014-07-20 01:25:44
This is a wonderful update, thank you!
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-07-20 02:50:49
That's so freaking cool!!! I can finally edit and map my fonts with the font editor!!! I can save them and alter between the Latin characters and my fonts while translating so as I watch the original text! Oh my gosh! I'm so fuzzing excited!

Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: Kaldarasha on 2014-07-20 15:38:24
Oh my gosh! I'm so fuzzing excited!

Until you realize how huge this project is (normally when 12 -17% of the work is done) and doing this alone looks almost impossible. But that's not true, you can do it. Read it again: You can do it. YOU CAN DO IT!
Make a proof of concept mod maybe you will got some help (possibly not, but who knows maybe the right person will see it).
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: sithlord48 on 2014-07-20 16:40:15
I have updated the following:

debian build stuff : version 0.08b , shorted change log (a few lines were to long i think 80 char is the limit)
Deling now will detect target name for !win32 and use programResourceDir to find resources.
PPA now set to import from github repository .

the bad news is that launchpad does not support submodules (yet?) so importing fails. and as a result autobuilds are broken.

i will manually add 0.08 to the stable and daily ppa. 

Edit: on the mac os build my mac is currently broken so i can't build for mac os. if anyone has mac os and would like to know how to build its pretty easy todo .
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-20 17:12:12
the bad news is that launchpad does not support submodules (yet?) so importing fails. and as a result autobuilds are broken. 

The good news is you do not need the submodule to build Deling on Linux. Can you force the compilation if the git repository has an unitialized submodule?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-07-20 17:19:23
Yeah! Tested it and it works! Widths and all... well I wish we could just import a .ttf file but that seems merely impossible. I have some awesome fonts in mind like: http://porcupine.gr/journal/post/best-greek-web-fonts1. I wish I could create those...
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: sithlord48 on 2014-07-20 17:25:46
The good news is you do not need the submodule to build Deling on Linux. Can you force the compilation if the git repository has an unitialized submodule?

yeah i relaize that i do not need the submodule. im not sure if that can be done i will look into it.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: JeMaCheHi on 2014-07-20 19:31:02
Cool! You moved the code to git! I've taken a look and this is SO HUGE project. I'd really like to contribute but I know nothing about Qt program ( actually, I just know some basic C++ programming, basic structures, classes, pointers, iostreams... nothing to do with GUIs) I was looking in the files if there was some kind of documentation like doxygen, but didn't found something. Is there some kind of documentation available?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-21 17:54:25
I was looking in the files if there was some kind of documentation like doxygen, but didn't found something. Is there some kind of documentation available?

There is no documentation, is that it makes you afraid? ;D
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: sithlord48 on 2014-07-21 19:42:48
for launchpad building we are basicly stuck untill submodules are supported. Even removing the submodule now we will still fail import as versions in the changelog contain submodules. ill see if i can find some kind of window for support so we have an idea when dailys will start again.

for now i have uploaded the stable 0.08b to both of my ppas
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: JeMaCheHi on 2014-07-21 21:47:17
There is no documentation, is that it makes you afraid? ;D

Afraid? I'd better say LAZY.  But don't be bad with me man, this is a big project and anyone could be a little lost  :-[
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-07-21 22:02:52
Afraid? I'd better say LAZY.  But don't be bad with me man, this is a big project and anyone could be a little lost  :-[

Yes, yes... there is a documentation for some file formats here (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8). Hum... I know there should be more. This is MY lazy side :)
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: JeMaCheHi on 2014-07-21 22:38:44
Yes, yes... there is a documentation for some file formats here (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8). Hum... I know there should be more. This is MY lazy side :)

Hahaha, documentation is the worst part of programming, nobody will blame you for being lazy at it. And I've actually read most of that wiki docs, you've written a lot of them and I'm very grateful to you for doing it ;D I've read the opcodes docs too, I really enjoyed extending some scripts with that docs hehehe... And that's why I asked you if there was a posibility of adding more actors  ;)
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: fawazxh on 2014-07-28 21:36:42
Hi myst6re thank you for creating Deling 0.8b ...
I wonder can you create a new tool for tdw ...
I mean tdw editor ( Edit multi-language for Deling 0.8b )  :)
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-07-29 01:20:04
You can edit the fonts with the font editor and you can export as tdw and other formats.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-03 03:06:51
Do we translate text like "{Squall}" or is it programming?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: Shard on 2014-08-03 04:14:01
{Squall} gets replaced by whatever the player chose as Squall's name at the beginning of the game. The same is true for Rinoa, Griever, and Angelo.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-03 04:20:53
Oh thank you Shard! Highly appreciated! Can you please tell me what are the last words in the font table mean as well?


I'm nearly finishing with the Infirmary translation (scene 180)! :)
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-03 05:54:12
Can you please guide me through? I'm not sure what I'm missing...  >:(



Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-03 12:24:48
I have found the tdw files in main fs but they are in different colors. I don't know how to edit them. Please help! Already spent many days and nights to do this.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-03 13:13:27
ok I'm at wits end here. Already tried many things. I'm willing to pay to get some decent support and get over with this thing as quick as possible. Just name me a price... but make it work... darn it!

Here are my files http://filetrip.net/dl?eUbRH5AYSM

I also tried to replace sysfont.tdw and sysfont.tex but it won't replace the file.

Ok removed the files and added mine. but I don't know how to cut the high res font neither do I have any...
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-08-03 14:24:31
I tested and I found a bug with Deling.

Code: [Select]
Replace file does not work, use remove and add instead
Now explications: there are two files for the high res font: sysfld00.tex and sysfld01.tex (in menu.fs/highres) (sysfnt00.tex seems unused).
Deling does not edit high res font for now, but you can use the Vincent Tim (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=15404.0) project for this.

And there are one file for the low res font: sysfont.tex (in menu.fs), editable with Deling.

If I remember well, to change the width of characters, it is in the sysfont.tdw in main.fs (not in menu.fs), Deling can edit it.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-03 15:08:02
I replaced all those files. Except for the high res. Neither works in game. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm using the old version of FFVIII.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-03 17:11:23
Aavock helped me with converting to high res. This is how it looks now. It's terrible! I replaced the ingame files with Deling. http://www.twitch.tv/leonhartgr/c/4811441




Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: Mcindus on 2014-08-03 17:59:44
Your fonts look too wide. They bleed into each other.  I don't know if this is the only problem but each letter must be contained in a 12x12 pixel block.  Also- some letters have very thin widths like "i" and "l" that must be edited in the tdw file.  I would set everything to 12x12 and go from there, making them thinner only if you need to.  Btw the hi res files are 24x24 pixel blocks.

It looks like the leftmost pixel of each letter is bleeding into the previous letter in the sequence.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-03 19:25:12
look guys! I don't understand any of that! I used the Deling font editor, spent days and nights and now they are not working. I'm an amateur. I don't even know photoshop.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-03 19:48:05
Aavock is a cool dude!
Title: Re: [0.7b] Deling - a FF8 field editor
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-07 00:34:35
The one does affect the screen title's text is in mngrp.bin.
Exactly, it locates at $101A for "NEW GAME" and $1023 for "Continue". Screw the text with an hex editor and you'll see the change.

I opened mngrp.bin with XVI hex editor and went to this address $101A but couldn't find the NEW GAME text. Can someone please explain to me, in a better way, how this works, because when I'm using 4v3r's ff8msg tool, the tiny edit to mngrp.bin corrupts the file. So i tried to use the XVI editor. But can't understand how it works. I even tried to search text but came up with no results. Please do not ignore my message! I'm trying to edit the start screen text. Thanks!
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: Yugisokubodai on 2014-08-07 08:41:17
Is your file the original one?
As you see below, the NEW GAME locates at the $101A, if you can't find it, properly you are using a hacked one and the text moved some where.


Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-07 15:44:28
I don't know what I'm doing wrong:

Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: myst6re on 2014-08-07 17:51:38
That is the same values, not the same encoding, look at values on the left.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-07 18:03:11
I don't understand! What about encoding! I sent you my skype. please guide me through. This is a torture!!!
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-07 19:06:55
And yes I'm using the original mngrp.bin file of course! From the old pc release. So anyone...? What do I have to do to see the text?

So there's no solution about this...??? I'm desperate now... watching the start screen like this for eternity...
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: Yugisokubodai on 2014-08-08 00:40:15
Winhex display text in the right panel based on your value in the table file.

For example, if you definite as below in the table


then in the right panel, it's displayed as "open"....

The text in the right panel is not that so important, because it varies based on your table file.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-08 01:53:22
Ok I got your message and only thing I can say is that all this is out of my league! If I could work with this knowledge I would become a programmer... seriously... How much for you to do this for me. I can send you the words translated. I can only buy paysafe cards and send money as a donation through a bank account... I have already been dealing with so many things i don't understand lately and trying hard to solve so many riddles...

edit: ok Yugisokubodai is god! I just hope I can find him everytime!
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-08 06:51:01
Alright Rcolly sent me the ff8 tables and I managed to read it! i'm on a good way now! But everytime I type on the right filed the text is being replaced... how can I just type and the text not being replaced? Thanks!

edit: Yugisokubodai sit patiently and taught me how to edit the pointers and such but it's way off my abilities... I will need about a month to learn how to do this I think... it would be great if there was a tool to edit the mngrp.bin text like Carbuncle for kernel.bin which is awesome! I never thought it would be so hard to translate this file!
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: LeonhartGR on 2014-08-09 10:29:46
Hey myst6re! Is there a way to export to sysfld00.tex and sysfld01.tex automatically through the font editor? And the color palette I think doesn't match the original. I think that's why my original fonts without the Seed mod are looking kinda blurred. Also is there a tool to convert a png image to tex? Ok found Omega (bmp to tex). Thanks!
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: RichterB on 2014-09-22 19:58:08
Does anyone know where to find Option menu text? I opened some files with Deling, and find many text with Playstation button icons :/ Why in the game there are generic names for buttons?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: DanTsukasa on 2015-07-09 12:00:10
Are there any plans to add an obj export for the walkmeshes at all?
Or perhaps a bulk export for the backgrounds?

This is great stuff, not sure how I never noticed it before.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: Boojak on 2015-12-21 16:06:17
There's a field that's filled with unused dialogues (nothing else...)
It's impossible to "show" these dialogues in a field via script editor because you can't make new scripts in it...
Dunno why the creator didn't add this feature.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: myst6re on 2016-03-29 22:09:36
Hey folks, I worked to a new feature last week!


Wow! Even card game scripts are readable now:

Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: DLPB_ on 2016-03-29 22:48:04

I was tired and made a message that makes no sense haha.  ;D

Good work!
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: Maki on 2016-03-30 08:55:20
Damn, you're a God myst6re! :O
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: Shunsq on 2016-03-30 10:07:26
Nice feature Myst6re!
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: myst6re on 2016-03-30 19:50:03
To be clear (and because I saw your question DLPB :) ):
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: DLPB_ on 2016-03-30 19:53:13
How does FF7 differ to FF8 code?  I'm interested.  Did they just use FF7's method? Or recreate this from scratch - because a lot of it seems very similar.  And text works the same way too?

[I actually asked this question at the start of this thread, but forgot :P ]
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: myst6re on 2016-03-30 22:16:58
Recreate this from scratch. It's a stack-based language, each opcode is 4-bytes long, that's easier to parse. For structures, there is no "if" opcodes, only jumps, pushs and pops. For calculation, there is only one opcode: CAL, combined with pushs and pops.

You have some infos on the wiki (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes) if you want to know more about it.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: DLPB_ on 2016-03-30 22:27:04
That's a bit crazy... that they redid it this way rather than just using what they already had.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.8b)
Post by: myst6re on 2016-04-03 11:16:27
Download Deling 0.9b (https://github.com/myst6re/deling/releases/tag/0.9b)


Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: gledson999 on 2016-04-30 12:21:36
Congratulation Myst6re for you tool, maybe in future this can write PSX disc like a Makou Reactor?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: myst6re on 2016-04-30 12:31:41
Maybe a partial save feature, which would be limited by the output size of the files. For the full save, I don't have enough time to write an algorithm which rellocate files when their size grows.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: DanTsukasa on 2016-05-01 14:17:54
I love this tool.

i haev a minor request.

I'm trying to create gifs from the FF8 animated backgrounds but its difficult because I can only save 1 layer at a time, theres no way to play animations or export all layers in the tool it seems.

Additionally, I can export walkmeshes and cameras to FF8 formats, but from there there seems to be no way to actually open them.

Would it be possible to export them as obj and FBX files at all so they can be opened in other 3D Software, useful for those of us remodelling areas of the game in HD, or whatever else people might want to do with the meshes.

I don't know how complicated that second request might be howeve.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Shard on 2016-05-01 21:42:28
Hey folks, I worked to a new feature last week!
Yay! Now I don't have to finish mine!

edit: Well, mine is editable and lets the user define the opcode names. Maybe I'll finish it, convert it to c, and give Myst6re the code.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Annie on 2016-05-29 00:03:41
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: DLPB_ on 2016-06-04 01:54:50
I'm liking the debug messages:

Code: [Select]


Defeat Ifrit
Raise flag


[I don't recognize any of this stuff on this map and it looks cool!
Perhaps I just never used computer terminal - DLPB]


Event in the works!!!


That's it for today's CD.
Thank you.


This is it for today's CD.
This is the end of DISC 3.


Map is not connected.
Go to control room where Seifer is waiting.


”Originally, the game was supposed to go to
 where the lifter is stationed but it will
 jump straight to the lab.“


Remove items for debugging


Temporary dialogue


”The master fisherman's motions
 are all temporary.  They're not connected.“


After events,
go to Party setup menu.


Rinoa's proud pose.


We know that the sound
is not timed well.
No need to report it as a bug.

[Was this ever fixed? - DLPB]


Motion, placement are temporary


Loud noise


Loud gunfire


In development
Character not in motion with movie
Please wait

[This was obviously fixed. In the final game, the camera pans and squall's position is correct. - DLPB]


Movie&event in development.
Test movie
What to do in the parking lot
Go to the desert
Do not return to prison.  It crashes.

810 and 811:

Electric shock


No motion


No motions are included.
They are floating.

[Instructing that Rinoa and Squall are floating at this point - DLPB]


Event in development
No lift implemented
Match character with sound
Report only bugs for this scene


Thank you, all QA personnel.
That's all for today.

947 and 950:

Dragon's roar


Searching for opcodes and so on does not work backwards properly.

Any chance also of a pseudo-code search too?  And a search that can search for 2 opcodes at a time and not one?  Finding a music load was difficult because the value is pushed beforehand.

Really good job with this!

Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: myst6re on 2016-06-12 21:08:15
Any chance also of a pseudo-code search too?  And a search that can search for 2 opcodes at a time and not one?  Finding a music load was difficult because the value is pushed beforehand.

This bother me too, but for now... I need to made a new search type for the pseudo-code, that's not the easier part.

Also to answer Annie (I saw your message), I made a little user manual here: https://github.com/myst6re/deling/wiki/Custom-Fonts
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: zkshd on 2016-08-10 20:12:31
Well you have done a hell of a job here myst6re. And thanks for it.

Although I have some questions, if someone has patience to answer them (from simple to harder):
1) In the encounter section, formations, what are they? monster types? is there an option to edit the those? (by export? or can I access to the binary code?)

2) Can I change the magic type of a draw point? (with the last version of Deling) if posible how?

3) Can I edit the starting exp points of Squall from 6500 to 6000?

4) And last one, can I edit some GF special abilites like Str Bonus (so instead of given 1 pt per level it gives 2 or 3)?

Yeah I know that most of these questions are just finding the correct byte in the bin and then replace the value, the tough part is finding it.

Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Maki on 2016-08-10 20:48:10
1) In the encounter section, formations, what are they? monster types? is there an option to edit the those? (by export? or can I access to the binary code?)

Encounter IDs. You can edit them via this:

2) Can I change the magic type of a draw point? (with the last version of Deling) if posible how?
This is the hardest one if you want to edit the magic drawn from magic ID.
All the lecture is here: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=16980.0
If you don't want to replace magic but just replace drawpoints, then edit the variable pushed before DRAWPOINT in field script with Deling.

3) Can I edit the starting exp points of Squall from 6500 to 6000?

4) And last one, can I edit some GF special abilites like Str Bonus (so instead of given 1 pt per level it gives 2 or 3)?
Use Kernel editor: https://github.com/alexfilth/doomtrain
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: zkshd on 2016-08-10 20:51:37
ok, I will try them. Thanks for the quick reply.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: JWP on 2016-08-10 22:33:16
Maki is correct but with one clarification, if you want to just edit the initial exp points of Squall, you need to edit the init.out file - you can change the exp formula with kernel.bin but it'd give a different result, it's basically the initial save file and it's in this format: http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/GameSaveFormat (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/GameSaveFormat).
If I remember correctly, the init.out file doesn't contain the preview stuff listed in the wiki and starts at the GF data.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: zkshd on 2016-08-11 02:48:44
Maki is correct but with one clarification, if you want to just edit the initial exp points of Squall, you need to edit the init.out file - you can change the exp formula with kernel.bin but it'd give a different result, it's basically the initial save file and it's in this format: http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/GameSaveFormat (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/GameSaveFormat).
If I remember correctly, the init.out file doesn't contain the preview stuff listed in the wiki and starts at the GF data.
Indeed I didn't found starting exp in kernel.bin with doomtrain, I was overwhelmed by the things that I can edit with it, and start playing like a child with the enemy attacks, the devour results... But i want to keep it simple, so thanks for this tip of init.out it will help me to make my desired mod.

I found it at (by comparing the saves in the mcr) 0x0BF9D800, first disc us version. I hate LE and BE cuz 08FF is FF08.

More exactly at 0x0BF9DC404-05 holding 6419

At least that seems to work, see pic: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ejl8i6afxvh6v56/6k-exp.jpg?dl=0
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: JWP on 2016-08-11 12:57:27
Heh, there is quite a lot of stuff to edit in Doomtrain. Me, alex and Maki have been working on it quite a lot. I think it's only the Duel stuff that's left to code before an initial release.
There's still a bunch of unknown bytes in the kernel.bin and I'm still working on reverse engineering it, so there might be a couple more things to edit in future releases but the bulk of stuff is there.
If I recall, you can't actually change the amount with Str Bonus in Doomtrain, I think you can only edit if an ability has that effect or not - I think the actual ability stuff is done in the game code.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: zkshd on 2016-08-11 13:17:25
If I recall, you can't actually change the amount with Str Bonus in Doomtrain, I think you can only edit if an ability has that effect or not - I think the actual ability stuff is done in the game code.
Yes the only bonus that can be changed (from what i found), is the amount of HP gained with Devour. The rest is fixed.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Girl next door on 2016-09-20 06:11:46
Hi there !

I'm looking for the code which determines the disabling of magic command in Ultimecia's castle. I want to use it in another field in the game. It seems that it's hardcoded and I can't see it in the script. Does anyone know how it works ?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: JWP on 2016-09-20 10:43:21
The opcode for enabling abilities is here:
http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes/159_SEALEDOFF (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes/159_SEALEDOFF)

see field 98 (testbl9) - the bosses call this field after defeating them.
For an example of this, see fehall2->boss->push (Ultimecia Castle- Hall)

The toggle to enable/disable locking are probably the LASTIN opcodes in ffbrdg1 and LASTOUT opcodes in fehall1.

I'd make sure you set field byte 334 back to its original value once you're done with it, otherwise you might get some abilities already unsealed when you enter Ultimecia Castle.

I think SEALEDOFF only removes the seal immediately and temporarily. Changing field byte 334 adds the flag to the save for save game loading and LASTIN/LASTOUT toggles.
LASTIN/LASTOUT probably set a flag in the save game and activate/deactivate seals - there's probably exe code that deals with the game loading case.

I'm not 100% sure on all that lot since I've not tested it but it should give you a good starting point.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Girl next door on 2016-09-20 13:47:46
Thanks, I've put this in the script and it works fine, magic is disabled:

Code: [Select]
PSHN_L      1
PSHN_L      1
PSHN_L      4
PSHN_L      8
PSHN_L      16
PSHN_L      32
PSHN_L      64
PSHN_L      128

Just one thing I'm not sure: how do I set byte 334 back to its original ?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: JWP on 2016-09-20 13:51:50
http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes)
at a guess:
Code: [Select]
PSHN_L     0
POPM_B     VAR334

also SEALEDOFF doesn't change byte 334, so saving/loading or calling LASTIN/LASTOUT would probably reset the seals - you have to edit this byte manually, see field 98 (testbl9)
What you should really do is set field byte 334 to 253 (enables everything aside from magic) before calling LASTIN, you wouldn't need all those SEALEDOFF calls then.

so for entering the area:
Code: [Select]
PSHN_L     253
POPM_B     VAR334
PSHN_L     1

and leaving the area:
Code: [Select]
PSHN_L     0
POPM_B     VAR334

note that this way only works if you do not intend to remove the magic seal. If you need to remove the magic seal in the area, you'd need conditionals on some of the code.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Girl next door on 2016-09-20 14:05:35
OK, thanks ! :D

(HS: you didn't see my post on Ifrit thread or you don't know how to do it ? ^^)
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Girl next door on 2016-09-26 22:20:36

I'm trying to put a new timer at the end of CD1 during the Edea's parade, it works well but when I enter the battle against the two Iguion, the timer stops. I've tried tu put a DISPTIMER and a GETTIMER but no, that doesn't work... any idea ?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: JWP on 2016-09-26 22:44:00
I believe you need to edit the flags for the encounter in scene.out:
see here (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/BattleStructure) and here (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=15816.0)
Code: [Select]
+0x04: Shows the timer on battle. Like in dollet withdraw combats, or missile base.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Girl next door on 2016-09-27 14:30:12
Oh yes, of course. I use this tool but I forgot this flag. Thanks !
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: resinate on 2016-09-28 03:56:05
im sry for being newb but i searched around, how do we use these tools on this forum for the iso files
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: volvania on 2016-10-06 12:32:01
Is it me or dieling doesn't save my changes guys, when i change the script like Girl Next Door did in the disabling magic code or fiddling with the codes and try to save my changes doesn't seem to be saved can anyone explain to me what am i doing wrong  :-(
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Girl next door on 2016-10-06 17:45:48
Do you compile your changings before saving ?

Also, it could be the fact that you have the field.fs opened in 2 tools in the same time.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: volvania on 2016-10-07 07:38:47
i cant seem to find compile function in dieling or is it done with other tool? :|
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Girl next door on 2016-10-07 15:56:05
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: volvania on 2016-10-07 22:45:40
omfg im kappa ty girl next door   :-D
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: fawazxh on 2016-10-12 17:01:00
Hello myst6re I have a question about your program...
I edited the font in my language in font manager (Arabic.tex & Arabic.tdw)
in Deling-0.9b and then rename Arabic.tex to sysfnt.tex & Arabic.tdw to sysfnt.tdw and replace the file sysfnt.tex in menu.fs & sysfnt.tdw in main.fs
But I don't know how to edit the file sysfld00 & sysfld01 & sysfnt00
Using photoshop BMP or PNG Or etc... and replace them again in tex...!
is there a tool to convert tex to tdw to edit the font in font manager not on photoshop and then convert them in tex to replace them in menu.fs
c:\ff8\data\eng\menu\hires\ ...
1- sysfld00.tex
2- sysfld01.tex
3- sysfnt00.tex
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Question on 2016-10-12 18:27:09
How do you use this editor to edit the encounter rates on the world map?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: myst6re on 2016-10-12 19:00:58
Hello myst6re I have a question about your program...
I edited the font in my language in font manager (Arabic.tex & Arabic.tdw)
in Deling-0.9b and then rename Arabic.tex to sysfnt.tex & Arabic.tdw to sysfnt.tdw and replace the file sysfnt.tex in menu.fs & sysfnt.tdw in main.fs
But I don't know how to edit the file sysfld00 & sysfld01 & sysfnt00
Using photoshop BMP or PNG Or etc... and replace them again in tex...!
is there a tool to convert tex to tdw to edit the font in font manager not on photoshop and then convert them in tex to replace them in menu.fs
c:\ff8\data\eng\menu\hires\ ...
1- sysfld00.tex
2- sysfld01.tex
3- sysfnt00.tex

As I know, there is no tool to edit high res font files like Deling does with low res.

How do you use this editor to edit the encounter rates on the world map?

Deling does not edit world map things, sorry
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Maki on 2016-10-12 21:23:49
How do you use this editor to edit the encounter rates on the world map?


I see the world map encounter subject is quite hot now.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: volvania on 2016-10-13 11:02:05
indeed it makes farming crafting and level+junction game to make your characters strong by doing a special monsters encounter instead of random vanilla worldmap monsters we would like to do something like the island closest to heaven and hell concept
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9b)
Post by: Question on 2016-10-15 06:13:56

I see the world map encounter subject is quite hot now.

Thanks, does that mean there is no tool to edit world map encounters at the moment?

Field map encounters : Deling just shows formations, do all formations have an equal chance of appearing? The game doesn't seem to do that (e.g. Elnoyles and Iron Giants are extremely rare in Estahr city after the lunar cry, while imps, turtapods and toramas are really common). Is there a way to edit the formations themselves, to change which enemies are in the formations?
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2016-10-20 18:50:06
New minor update available on GitHub (https://github.com/myst6re/deling/releases).
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: ZidaneFF9 on 2017-01-23 10:44:43
Hello myst6re I have a question for you Can Deling (0.9.1b) read any character when I write on Edit text Final Fantasy 8
from left to right like HadesWorkshop program for Final Fantasy 9
I need it because I want to edit (New) Character without drawing any letters
I can write Arabic on HadesWorkshop for FF9 on Edit text using
Tool: Reverse Text Generator (from left to right)
See Pictures :
http://i.imgur.com/2Pegg0J.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/2Pegg0J.jpg)
http://i.imgur.com/WfVYakN.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/WfVYakN.jpg)
http://i.imgur.com/n51XhEC.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/n51XhEC.jpg)
http://i.imgur.com/ULATc05.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/ULATc05.jpg)
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: Froudou on 2017-02-21 01:35:39
Hi, i just found this PC/PSX editor, and it looks to be exactly what i would need, but there's things i'm unable to do.

I play French version of FF8 on PSX. I load the .bin file of the second CD of the game, because there's some things i would like to fix in the dialogues. I found that to change the text, i can only change characters one by one, not like a text editor. So i have to click on "Caractères spéciaux" (special characters), and a small windows with keys appear, but i can only enter one letter and that small windows close itself, then i have to open it again to enter another letter (one by one). I guess it is normal that i have to enter one by one all characters? Or maybe there's a faster way to do it?

After changing the sentence, i want to save the changes, but the save option is gray, i can't click on it. However i found that i can extract, but the only thing i'm able to extract is a small file of about 2ko of size. I can't find how to save the changes to the .bin file of the CD.

Any help would be appreciate :)

Since years i want to fix things in the French version because it contain many errors. I have 0 knowledge about C# and other way to create patch for games, so thanks for making this tool, it will get really useful, i just need to know how to save the changes and i'm going to finally be able to fix FF8.
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: resinate on 2017-11-03 20:46:35
can this tool actually edit anything? cuz i cant find any field bin files on pc ff8 and psx iso are read-only. if someone has a CLEAN field bin that loads with this can someone pm me a link pls

btw i was looking around and old ff8 cannot be obtainable anymore. soo any updates to these tools or place dl each file aka field.fs or field.bin?

ive looked around and there is no guide on how to use this tool or obtain the files needed....
Title: Re: [FF8PC/PSX] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: Sega Chief on 2017-11-27 13:12:07
can this tool actually edit anything? cuz i cant find any field bin files on pc ff8 and psx iso are read-only. if someone has a CLEAN field bin that loads with this can someone pm me a link pls

btw i was looking around and old ff8 cannot be obtainable anymore. soo any updates to these tools or place dl each file aka field.fs or field.bin?

ive looked around and there is no guide on how to use this tool or obtain the files needed....

You should be able to just open the files of the Steam version directly: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII\Data\lang-en

In lang-en (differs if you have a different language installed), the .fs archives can be opened directly with Deling (no unpacking, etc. necessary). Deling can edit the field.fs which should contain all the field screens; when opening the others like Battle.fs it can handle archive stuff like extracting/replacing/removing files.

Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: Meph on 2019-03-02 15:33:19
Hey, your Editor is awesome and I have been using it to tweak some dialogue (bringing it closer to the japanese meaning) for two friends of mine who are playing FF8 for the first time. :)
Maybe I am a bit dumb, but is there a way to edit what certain cahracters "say" in the battles?
I am currently looking for Ultimecia's Battle Dialogue but can't seem to find it. :/
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: JWP on 2019-03-04 10:07:38
The dialog for the characters in battle is in a different set of files (.dat files) and there isn't currently a tool to edit them as far as I'm aware.
I'm currently modifying Ifrit to be able to edit them along with the battle AI.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: Meph on 2019-03-16 12:11:10
Oh wow, that would be really cool.
I hope you are successful in editing it.
Thanks for all the hard work and the reply. :)
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: brucy on 2019-06-07 15:18:14
sometimes if you use the "Replace" function the result is that the new modded file doesn't get injected at all , so you try to delete and inject the modded file , but sometimes if you do this the modded file get corrupted , this happen with the fine called init.out contained in the "main.fs" archivie
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: FilthyJack on 2019-06-08 02:48:57
Thank you for this tool, awesome work!

So we can view and edit scripts and dialogues, now all we need is to make it possible to add characters to a scene, and maybe add scenes.
I understand this is a beta and you may have lost some motivation, but I would like to ask a few questions on fields if you don't mind helping!

How to add a new character to a scene:

-Extract field.fs  (done)
-Extract map.fs/.fl/.fi (done)
-Copy a model header+data from chara.one and insert it as npc with a new name (done)
-Apply chara.one header modifications (done)
-Add sym/jsm entries?
-repack map.fs ?
-Adjust map.fl/.fi ?
-repack field.fs ?

Can you give more details about these steps? Is there more involved?
I'm so grateful for this tool but I wish it had that Add/Remove/Repack option for everything!

Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: Kitsune on 2019-09-08 00:48:37

how to translate the names of items from Final Fantasy VIII is there a way with Deling? Wich file to edit for the Steam version of the game?

I want to customize the name. Thank
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.9.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2019-09-08 15:41:22
You need a kernel.bin editor, like this: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=17090.0
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: myst6re on 2019-09-09 12:37:54
Download Deling 0.10b (https://github.com/myst6re/deling/releases/tag/0.10b)


Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: myst6re on 2019-09-09 12:40:24
Please note that ZZZ archives are not supported yet. Try one of theses tools:
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: rick on 2019-09-09 17:42:16
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: shikulja on 2019-09-09 21:04:09
Is it possible to add Omega functionality, for example, by dragging and dropping images (png, bmp) for import into the archive, while preserving the palette?
It would be both easier and more convenient.

and add a large preview with a grid so that you can track (whether letters or menu labels come out)
(it’s still hard to precisely adjust the eye
hand-drawn text in the image)

and ideally, a preview of these menus (like in a game, that is, the way it was done in delling for dialogs) so that you don’t have to load the game.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: Mcindus on 2019-09-10 00:17:15
You are amazing!  I've just exported all .fs/.fi/.fl from the remaster, but was -not- able to open/export field2.fs -- it gives me an error.
this is located in /main.zzz/data/disk/
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: Sebanisu on 2019-09-10 00:54:05
I wonder what that file is. field2.fs doesn't have a fi or fl file. So I don't think you can open it. Possible the fi and fl files are elseware.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: myst6re on 2019-09-10 08:27:02
If you change the extension of field2.fs to .wav, you obtain the introduction of "The extreme".
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: qotsaninsoadkorn on 2019-09-11 13:46:26
great work guys, didn't know if this had been done this quickly... but yeah great to see... just trying to figure out file differences with the other files changing a little size wise....
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: J.Fox on 2019-09-11 20:27:54
Sorry for the stupid question, but how to open tvglen1.fs or mapdata.fs ? Deling 0.10.0b don't opens them. =(
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: myst6re on 2019-09-12 08:07:27
Do you have tvglen1.fi and tvglen1.fl files next too the fs?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: shikulja on 2019-09-12 14:18:26
add image size pls
already tired, manually slide the sliders to count the pixels
(https://i.ibb.co/QfvyxV7/image.jpg) (https://ibb.co/6m0jqSc)

and yet, it’s very important to add so that you can edit (align) the width to
sysfld00 sysfld01 font
it would greatly facilitate life.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: J.Fox on 2019-09-12 16:35:03
Do you have tvglen1.fi and tvglen1.fl files next too the fs?
Yes, the files(tvglen1.fi tvglen1.fl tvglen1.fs) are next. I put them in a separate folder, but get an error:

"Unable to open the archive."
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: shikulja on 2019-09-13 20:28:27
found a couple of mistakes that I repeated with a friend
1. When save the .tdw file, the widths are reset to 0. If you simply edit and close the program, the .tdw file will be correctly saved in the program folder
2. with a small change to sysfld00 (shift characters in photoshop) .tex file was inserted back normally.
after full editing, with an ideal palette, the file could not be inserted.
My friend found a solution.
need to remove sysfld00 from field, add the edited sysfld00 to the field, and replace it again. Then he will finally be replaced normally

both tex files to check:
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: Nabby on 2019-09-14 15:55:20
I'm interested in getting a look at changing out the backgrounds if that's possible. Since you've got Deling able to display them and extract them as standard image formats, could you provide a little insight into what the deal is with the actual mim files I'm seeing when delving into the smaller fs files in mapdata? Is this some proprietary image format?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: shikulja on 2019-09-14 19:02:35
Suggestion for improvement.
Since I wrote above the normal save (export) .tdw file does not work (does not save the width)
Then I propose to immediately refine another function
Export to deling translation file .txt
1. add width to it
2. sorting characters and widths for convenient pasting into exel, or saving to .xls format
(where one column is symbols, the second is widths)
3. Add export from this file, now it is not there for obvious reasons
It will all look like this:
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: J.Fox on 2019-09-15 16:21:11
Yes, the files(tvglen1.fi tvglen1.fl tvglen1.fs) are next. I put them in a separate folder, but get an error:

"Unable to open the archive."
Question withdrawn. sometimes deareator zzz unzip with an error. =)
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: lyokoffx on 2019-12-08 12:32:36
Hello everyone

it's a very good tool for Final Fantasy 8

I have a problem I can not access to export to export the sound and model3D

this function is gray I can not make it work I'm under the version "deling-0.9b-win32-xp.zip"

like this exemple

(https://zupimages.net/up/19/50/fcti.png) (https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=19/50/fcti.png)

(https://zupimages.net/up/19/50/9z11.png) (https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=19/50/9z11.png)

is there anything I miss?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: myst6re on 2019-12-22 13:54:42
Bonjour lyokoffx,

Import/Export tab is only for FS archives, not PS ISOs.
Currently you can't make changes on PS ISOs, but I confirm a bug with the sound export button (which shouldn't be disabled).
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: lyokoffx on 2019-12-23 15:35:39
thank you for your reply

I'm interested in resources FF8 OK for the PSX version

1) tell me what resources are available that I can export in the PC version?

2) Can I fix this export of audio bugs and how?

especially the models used in the background

so far i have access to the following resources

1. background
2-Model3D of combat terrain
3-Model3D of the world map
4- UI
5- special effects sprite
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.0b)
Post by: kaspar01 on 2020-01-03 22:58:34
hi myst6re!

in the fields camera info, by any chance, could it be the displayed vector for the camera position is wrong?
I made many tests with deling 0.9b and it looks like the position doesn't match the walkmeshes like it should.. (didn't tested with the latest version since I can't find a compiled 0.10.0b one and I'm not sure I'm able to compile it by myself  :roll:)

Nevermind..the data is correct but I missed the formula to get the actual camera position
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-01-07 11:39:00
It should be correct :) I used it to match locations in Chocobo Forests: https://www.ff8.fr/quetes/forets-chocobos#foret_fun
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-01-07 11:41:32
Recent update: https://github.com/myst6re/deling/releases

 -  [Image Preview] Force png extension when saving image
 -  [Image Preview] Show palettes menu more often
 -  [Export] Adding export all menu
 -  [FS/FL/FI Archive] Fixing bug when adding directory with subdirectories
 -  [Script viewer] Renaming "char_n" to "model_n". Adding "item_n", "magic_n" and key names.
 -  [Script viewer] Exec syntax can be foo#n.bar where n is the real group id.
 -  [Script viewer] Adding a color preview on hover
 -  [Script] UNKNOWN1 opcode is renamed to ANGELODISABLE and UNKNOWN5 to HASITEM
 -  [Sounds] Fixing export button disabled with read only archives
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Darziak on 2020-01-07 13:18:43
I'm only seeing French only for language options.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-01-07 13:41:25
You can use qm files from previous release, I will redeploy a new archive later. Thanks
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: kaspar01 on 2020-01-08 09:28:18
It should be correct :) I used it to match locations in Chocobo Forests: https://www.ff8.fr/quetes/forets-chocobos#foret_fun

Thanks for the answer!

I'm working on 3D camera reconstruction in Maya and I'm tryn' to solve the zoom / focal formula.

If want to give a look I'm posting my progress here:


After that I'd like to move to the camera animation files.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Shuffle on 2020-01-10 07:18:12
Deling breaks .tdw files if you add them by import function. All letters become completley black with 0 width. Not a big problem though cause overwriting Deling's .tdw with original file fixes the problem but it's rather annoying.


Also letters added after the ® symbol (E4, E5, E6 etc) are not appearing in Deling dialog boxes. Alphabet of my language simply won't fit (already added letters from À to œ and D3-E1).


Another bug: sometimes if you are adding files into .fs archive (*. tex, for example) some of them become corrupted - game crashes after intro videos. You can tell that they're corrupted by viewing them in the preview window, it's just blank. I'm not entirely sure, but if I click on every texture right after adding them seems to be working solution by now. As far as I know this bug is not limited to texture files, some time ago I tried to replace one of the models, didn't work, crashed. FF8 Archive commander works fine, but it's very slow and inconvenient.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: darknesshah66 on 2020-03-16 21:37:33
Thank you very much for this tool myst6re. And not just for this tool, you are awesome for all the work you have done. I'm working on to get my desired enemy changes to steam remaster of FF8. Thanks again ^^
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Lev-Lion on 2020-05-30 16:09:17
Hi myst6re.  :)
Recently I’ve downloaded and tried your field editor - Deling (0.10.1b). I want to say this is very powerful and convenient tool for FF8. I like this very much. However, the text encoder (Encodage des textes) is only Latin and Japanese. Right now I’m working on my version of FF8 Russian translation. The current Russian localization is terrible. I have tried to open Cyrillic field.fs and I’ve found that it’s not readable. It shows the strange symbols instead of normal text. I understand that this is because of the text encoder. Could you please help me to obtain Cyrillic encoder for this program?

The second question – is it possible to regulate the game balance through this program? For instance, I want to change refine quantity for Wizard Stone to Curaga 1-3. Or refine Laguna card to 10 heroes instead of 100…

Thank you very much for your program. I hope it will continue to grow and will be translated to English and hopefully Russian.  :)

(https://ibb.co/pXbLC7b) (https://ibb.co/Tw8Yjcb) (https://ibb.co/K2R3PpY)
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-05-30 16:24:00
Is the Russian version uses the low-res font? If yes you can do something about it with Deling.
- Open main.fs with Deling and extract sysfnt.tdw (it should be the font texture used by your version, hopefully).
- Go to Configuration > Text Encoding > Manage
- Add a new font and name it whenever you want. Click on Import... and select the extracted sysfnt.tdw file

Now you have a new font, you can select each character of the font and fill the text box on the right (below the character preview)

For your second question, sorry Deling edits field levels only (for now).
Use Doomtrain for this (I think): http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=17090.0
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Lev-Lion on 2020-05-30 18:26:59
Unfortunately my version uses hi res fonts located in folders sysfld00.tex and sysfld01.tex. Each folder contains 8 files (0.png - 7.png).  :-\
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Lev-Lion on 2020-06-06 20:47:04
How to convert tex format to tdw? Tdw is only format that can be imported to program. Or how 8 png files (colored fonts) from folders sysfld00.tex and sysfld01.tex can be converted to tdw? I did not found any material on web. 
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: shikulja on 2020-06-07 19:55:55
How to convert tex format to tdw? Tdw is only format that can be imported to program. Or how 8 png files (colored fonts) from folders sysfld00.tex and sysfld01.tex can be converted to tdw? I did not found any material on web. 
tdw используется только для настройки ширин и вроде бы как, deling привязывает ее к таблице символов.
Изображение умеет сохранять, но не умеет вставлять обратно, поэтому его можно просто рисовать в программе, изображение tdw используется только в psx. Поэтому это хороший и старый вопрос, и вроде бы его уже обсуждали. Хорошо если deling будет использовать sysfnt.tdw\sysfnt.tex\sysfld0-1 на выбор, для более удобной настройки ширины, так как изображение tdw обычно отличается от остальных, так как его обычно никто не перерисовывает, и не умеет менять изображение .tdw

tdw is only used to adjust the widths and, like, deling binds it to the character table.
The image is able to save, but can not stick back, so it can simply be drawn in the program, the image tdw is used only in psx. Therefore, this is a good and old question, and it seems to have already been discussed. It is good if deling will use sysfnt.tdw\sysfnt.tex\sysfld0-1 to choose from, for a more convenient width setting, as the tdw image is usually different from the rest, as it is usually no one redraws it, and can not change the image .tdw

Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: rartart on 2020-06-08 02:21:38
@myst6re thanks for the updated version :D
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Lev-Lion on 2020-06-10 02:40:36
Спасибо большое за подсказку. Я не обратил внимание, что шрифты можно рисовать самому. Нарисовал вполне годные шрифты. Программа начала читать русские тексты только в окошках диалогов. В самом редакционном поле твориться таже конитель с беспорядочными латинскими символами. Видимо программа не умеет напрямую переносить кириллический текст в игру. Приходилось через верхнюю кнопку (Characteres speciaux) вставлять русские символы вручную, что сущий гемор сам по себе. Но другого выхода видимо пока нет. Выкладываю русскую таблицу в помощь разработчику программы. С шириной для букв возиться не стал, ибо в принципе места для них хватало.  :)

Thank you very much for the hint. I've not paid attention to the fact that I can draw program fonts myself. I've drawn very nice fonts, and the program begun to recognize Russian texts only in the game dialog windows. However, there is still a problem with reading a text in the editor’s field. It seems like the program does not transit Cyrillic fonts directly to the game. I had to use Characteres speciaux button to insert Russian symbols manually which is a true hell. I don't see another choice. Anyway it is better than nothing. I’m sending my version of Russian table if the developer decides to use it for a multilingual extension. I did not change the letter width as I had enough space for them.  :)

Cyrillic fonts link: https://mega.co.nz/#!vQQiVCqL!AAAAAAAAAACGa2U63-oysAAAAAAAAAAAhmtlOt_qMrA
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: shikulja on 2020-06-11 14:48:05
Спасибо большое за подсказку. Я не обратил внимание, что шрифты можно рисовать самому.

ты не сделал таблицу символов под шрифт, тдв я не смотрел, но по .txt это так и есть.
должно быть так:
you didn’t make a character table for the font, I didn’t look, but on .txt it is.
should be like this:
Spoiler: show
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Lev-Lion on 2020-06-11 16:43:16
Наконец-то теперь все в полном поряде! 8) Сделал таблицу txt и заодно сделал некоторые правки к самим шрифтам в tdw, в том числе и ширину букв. Теперь кажется все идеально работает. Русский кодер для программы готов. Еще раз спасибо за помощь. Выкладываю финальную версию кодера для Deling.

Finally, now everything is in perfect order! 8) I've made a table in txt and made few final corrections in tdw, including the letter width change. Russian text coder for Deling is ready. Here is the link to the final version https://mega.co.nz/#!fAA2VA4Q!AAAAAAAAAAAj_C4o14MrEwAAAAAAAAAAI_wuKNeDKxM

Shikulja, myst6re - Thank you very much. Now I can start working on my version of Russian translation of FF8 Remaster.  ::)
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-06-15 16:41:23
Good I'm glad you did it 8-)
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Takigan on 2020-07-10 05:24:36
So I was editing field.fs for a potential mod, and put in a code that didn't agree with another code and it crashed the game.  When I located the area of the field where the game crashed I couldn't remember 100% how to revert it back to the original script. I'd made a backup of the og 'field.fs' thinking that I could swap the two out inside of 'lang-en' if need be, take a look it at the original in Deling to figure out what I did, and then swap the 'field.fs' I was working on back in and go from there.  When I tried loading up the original field.fs I was surprised to find that Deling couldn't open it.  Well, it opened but it could only show the file list under Import/Export. It wouldn't actually show me any of the texts, scripts etc.

I suppose I don't fully understand the nature of the program.  I tried opening up the original(backup) in the folder where I have it stored and it wouldn't open it at all (that tells me the location of the files inside the folder structure is important to their functionality within Deling).  I'm a little worried about screwing something up and not being able to revert back to an earlier version...or maybe there's a way to do that but I'm not sure how?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-07-15 08:15:21
A field archive is three files: field.fs, field.fl and field.fi, you need to backup the three.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: faospark on 2020-07-15 08:41:14
is it possible thought to inject cid's low poly character model on that scene on Balamb?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-07-17 11:18:19
You currently can't add or remove a model with Deling. Maybe one day, that's not really difficult, you need to inject the model into the chara.one subfile.
But Deling can handle script edition for the new model  :) .
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Takigan on 2020-07-25 01:00:57
I was editing a script.  I hit compile and got the following message:


I deleted the change I made and hit compile again, and it gave me the same message.  I've added over a hundred different lines to over a dozen different fields and this is the first time I've seen this.  Maybe it's an issue with the compiler I'm using with how it handles "0"?

(sorry for the hyperlink.  I tried embedding the image a few different ways but couldn't find anything that worked.  Normally I know how but this forum is weird compared to other ones I use)

EDIT: It also does this with TEMP7
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Callisto on 2020-07-26 02:01:51
Remove the "TEMP" so only the 0/7 remains, then it should compile again. Deling sometimes can't handle it for some reason.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Takigan on 2020-07-29 23:42:12
Remove the "TEMP" so only the 0/7 remains, then it should compile again. Deling sometimes can't handle it for some reason.

So, to be clear, delete the 'temp' in front of the number.  Then add in the necessary push/pop/opcodes, then compile.  Then re-add 'temp' in front of the number and compile again?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Callisto on 2020-08-03 20:54:21
Just removing "TEMP" so the script looks like this (https://imgur.com/yQwkmC0) should do the trick. In earlier versions of this tool, such additions weren't displayed and they aren't even needed in newer versions at all. They sometimes prevent successful compiling if they are present, so make sure to remove them if that happens. The same goes for "VAR" and "Model", for example.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: Sega Chief on 2020-08-08 00:09:26
You currently can't add or remove a model with Deling. Maybe one day, that's not really difficult, you need to inject the model into the chara.one subfile.
But Deling can handle script edition for the new model  :) .

Is this functionality on the cards for Deling? It'd open a lot of doors, as from what I remember doing this manually involves updating hex offsets in various different files and it was easy to lose track of them during the process; I managed it once but it was in a field with very little pre-existing field scripts:
Spoiler: show


I have a lot of notes from the process that I could write up if they'd help in implementing it as a process into the tool.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: lyokoffx on 2020-08-29 09:27:55
I want to know the extension of the sounds under deling to export them, and is there a way to convert them to .wav
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-08-29 16:59:18
Currently you can't export sounds
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: lyokoffx on 2020-08-29 17:11:34
thank you for your part

I managed to find how to extract sounds using this link


I forgot to ask you also

1- the Backround models of the and the Character combat models, are also in The same case

if so give me how to convert them to .fbx or .obj

2- and also if you have any idea how it works with the music of this game = extraction and conversion
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-08-30 13:29:31

1- the Backround models of the and the Character combat models, are also in The same case

Yes :)

2- and also if you have any idea how it works with the music of this game = extraction and conversion

On the PC version, the game uses midis stored at Data/Music/dmusic directory. The Remaster version uses oggs stored in zzz archives.
To open and work with FF8 PC midis, you can use DirectMusic Producer https://www.ff8.fr/pub/Microsoft_DirectMusic_Producer.7z but the software is a little old.
On the PS version, the game uses special midis (I name it AKAO) stored everywhere it is needed, you need to emulate to PS1 sound chip to play it. Someone did it long time ago and converted known akaos to it own midi format: PSF. You can download them here: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=19968.0
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: lyokoffx on 2020-08-30 19:02:19
thanks a lot for your help

I have a problem with your second link

1- I downloaded these two files


2- I copy the "psf folder" from the "FFNx-FF8Music-v1.3" archive to the root of my steam games folder like this

(https://zupimages.net/up/20/35/cv3b.png) (https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=20/35/cv3b.png)

3- I edited the FFNx.cfg like this

Code: [Select]
#use_external_music = yes
external_music_path = psf
external_music_ext = minipsf
winamp_in_plugin = psf/in_psf.dll
#winamp_out_plugin =

### HOW TO: ###################################################################
# Options may be commented by default with an initial # character.
# Remove the initial # character to set the configuration flag.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Unless options are specified, you can either disable or enable a flag.
# Enable: yes
# Disable: no

# =============================================================================



# Available choices are:
# - OpenGL ( default )
# - Direct3D11 ( valid alternative for OpenGL)
# - Vulkan ( Tech Preview: Not Recommended )
# - Direct3D12 ( Tech Preview: Not Recommended )
#renderer_backend = OpenGL

# If off, it will run in window mode.
#fullscreen = no

# Resolution of the game.
# Default (value = 0):
# - Window mode will use 640x480
# - Fullscreen mode will use your desktop resolution
#window_size_x = 0
#window_size_y = 0

# The scale is in multiples of 640x480
# The scale factor is used to render internally at a larger size then the display, this will then be downscaled to the games current resolution
# This is required to avoid visual glitches that may happen when the game is not rendered in a 4:3 aspect ratio
# Default = 4
# NOTE: Scaling starts always from 2. If you set a lower number, this will be automatically reset to 2.
#internal_resolution_scale = 4

# Preserve original game aspect ratio of (4:3) by adding black bars on the left and right side (if needed)
# When off the game will be stretched to fit the window's aspect ratio; Be aware the game may look wrong though.
#preserve_aspect = yes

#enable_vsync = yes

# Screen refresh rate.
# Default is 0 = use current screen refresh rate
#refresh_rate = 0

# Allow the usage of linear filtering for textures.
# Please note: some things look slightly better with this option on, but alot of textures just lose their detail.
# This option only affects low-res textures, high-res replacements will still be filtered where appropriate.
#linear_filter = no

# Enable antialiasing filtering, this is done in the last pass when downsampling from the current supersampled rendering ( based on internal_resolution_scale logic )
# Available choices are:
# - 0: Disabled ( Default )
# - 2: 2x
# - 4: 4x
# - 8: 8x
# - 16: 16x
# If you set any value that is different than those, it will pick the higher option ( eg. if you pick 6 it will be 8, if you pick 1 it will be 2, and so on ).
#enable_antialiasing = 0

# Enable anisotropic filtering, for high-res textures and overall rendering
#enable_anisotropic = yes


# This flag will enable/disable the support of an enhanced music layer to reproduce music in-game.
# If you leave out the default configuration
# FFNx will autodetect your environment and will set it to the best available option.
#use_external_music = no

# Path of the external music files
# Will try to load from this path before using the default for your Version of the game
# Defaults:
# - FF7 1998: music/vgmstream ( 7h-era compatibility )
# - FF7 eStore: data/music_ogg
# - FF7 Steam: data/music_ogg
#external_music_path =

# The type of file to search for. By default is ogg.
# Supported extensions:
# - https://github.com/losnoco/vgmstream#supported-file-types
# - Any additional or any type supported by your loaded winamp_in_plugin
#external_music_ext = ogg

# These flags will allow you to make use of compatible in_* and out_* DLL plugins you were used to load on Winamp itself.
# Through these flags you can for example decide to use an input plugin to play something FFNx never though about ( like MINIPSF files )
# and output the sound data to your custom plugin which may add custom reverb and much more.
# By default winamp_in_plugin will use the built-in VGMStream layer.
# By default winamp_out_plugin will use the built-in output layer.
#winamp_in_plugin =
#winamp_out_plugin =

# Video Player Options

# This flag will enable/disable the support of FFMpeg layer to reproduce movies in-game.
# Default Value depends on game version.
# - FF7 1998 - yes
# - FF7/FF8 Steam - yes
# - FF8 2000 - no
# It is suggested to keep the default behavior unless you really know what are you doing.
#enable_ffmpeg_videos = yes

# The type of file that the ffmpeg layer will search for. Default is avi.
#ffmpeg_video_ext = avi

# FF7 2012   FF7 STEAM
# FF8 2013   FF8 STEAM
# The folder name in your game Documents path ( for eg. for FF7 is "C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\Square Enix\FINAL FANTASY VII Steam\user_XXXXXXX")
# Use this only if you have MORE THAN ONE user_* directories. If not, just leave this commented as the driver will autodetect the directory.
#steam_game_userdata = user_12345678


# Mod directory where textures will be loaded from
#mod_path = mods/Textures

# Show every failed attempt at loading a .png or .dds texture
#show_missing_textures = no

# Dump internal textures to PNG files in the mod_path
#save_textures = no

# This path is where the Hext patching layer will look for txt files.
# The path will ALWAYS have appended:
# 1. The game name ( if FF7 it will be "ff7/", if FF8 will be "ff8/")
# 2. The game language ( for eg. if ff7_en it will be "en" )
# The resulting path will then be "<hext_patching_path>/ff7/en", if you run for eg. FF7 English
#hext_patching_path = hext

# This path will define where the driver will look first, allowing you to override core game files, if needed
#override_path = override

# These options are mostly useful for developers or people reporting crashes.
# Please do enable them only when required.

# Display the verion of FFNx in upper right corner ( when fullscreen ) or in the title bar ( when windowed )
#show_version = yes

# Display frames per second counter in upper right corner ( when fullscreen ) or in the title bar ( when windowed )
#show_fps = no

# Display Rendering backend in upper right corner ( when fullscreen ) or in the title bar ( when windowed )
#show_renderer_backend = yes

# Display some real-time debug information
#show_stats = no

# Enable logging
#show_applog = yes

# Show on screen error messages ( only on fullscreen )
#show_error_popup = no

# Enable this flag if you want to see more verbose output from the backend renderer.
# Usually useful for debug pruposes. Do not enable otherwise.
#renderer_debug = no

# Creates a full crashdump file if the game crashes. Useful to be analyzed with WinDbg when reporting issues.
#create_crash_dump = no

# Various flags which will help in further debugging the game engine logics.
# Some flags may not generate any output depending on the game you play.

# trace_all - Dump in the logs whatever APIs is being called from the Engine in FFNx. Overrides all the others below.
#trace_all = no

# trace_movies - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with movie playback
#trace_movies = no

# trace_music - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with music playback
#trace_music = no

# trace_fake_dx - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with directdraw emulation
#trace_fake_dx = no

# trace_direct - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with LGP loading
#trace_direct = no

# trace_files - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with filesystem operations
#trace_files = no

# trace_loaders - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with internal textures overrides
#trace_loaders = no

# vertex_log - Dump in the logs current engine vertex data being passed to the GPU for drawing
#vertex_log = no

# uniform_log - Dump in the logs current engine uniform data being passed to the GPU shaders
#uniform_log = no

# Show debug info regarding movie synchronization.
#movie_sync_debug = no



# Make all dialog boxes transparent.
#transparent_dialogs = no

# Include armor in magic defense calculation
#mdef_fix = yes

## ADVANCED OPTIONS - Don't fiddle with these unless you know what you're doing.

# Enable alpha blending for textures without an existing blending effect
#fancy_transparency = no

# Skip movie frames if necessary.
#skip_frames = no

## MODDER OPTIONS - These options are mostly useful to modders and should not be enabled during normal play.

# This is the path where files where be read directly, instead then reading them inside the LGP archives.
# For example: if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd first,
# If this file doesn't exist it will look for the original in the LGP archive
#direct_mode_path = direct

## DEBUGGING OPTIONS - These options are mostly useful for developers or people reporting crashes. Please do enable them only when required.

# Dump in the logs more verbose error messages coming directly from the engine
#ff7_more_debug = no

4- and I have copy the files from the archive "FFNx-Steam-v1.7.2.0" that I have modified in the same directory

(https://zupimages.net/up/20/35/fgvl.png) (https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=20/35/fgvl.png)

and I have that

(https://zupimages.net/up/20/35/s4b3.png) (https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=20/35/s4b3.png)

there is no sound modification in the game nor data extraction
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-08-31 00:03:17
Answer here (http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=19968.msg281736#msg281736)
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: andreasaspenberg on 2020-11-24 23:48:41
i found an executable but, it is all in french and its english language file is not in the archive. where can i found an english language file for it?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-12-09 22:35:14
Hello, go to Options > Langue
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: andreasaspenberg on 2020-12-09 22:47:00
i tried that already but, my only option is french, because i do not have additional language files. you clearly did not read my post. if you had done so you would have seen that.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2020-12-10 00:31:52
Sorry I didn't understand the issue here. Please download the official release from here: https://github.com/myst6re/deling/releases/tag/0.10.1b
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: andreasaspenberg on 2020-12-10 09:10:29
that archive contains the english language file. last time i downloaded it from github, i found an archive that did not contain the english language file. the problem is now solved but, try to include the english language file in all archives of the editor.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: piano221 on 2021-03-16 06:14:12
Is it possible to modify squall (as the leader field character) for another character like Edea or Rinoa with the editor? If yes, how can I do this?

Nvm, I forgot to compile after modifications.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.10.1b)
Post by: myst6re on 2021-04-13 08:08:34
New version!

Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: myst6re on 2021-09-05 07:28:21
New Version https://github.com/myst6re/deling/releases/tag/0.12.0b

Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: ERAISERZEE on 2022-01-15 00:07:58
liblz4.dil gives me error can you help me?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: albert on 2022-01-16 10:42:08
liblz4.dil gives me error can you help me?

See this link as follow to get that.

https://www.dllme.com/dll/files/liblz4_dll.html (https://www.dllme.com/dll/files/liblz4_dll.html)

Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: ERAISERZEE on 2022-01-31 14:24:43
See this link as follow to get that.

https://www.dllme.com/dll/files/liblz4_dll.html (https://www.dllme.com/dll/files/liblz4_dll.html)

Thank you very much
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: homersimson on 2022-04-13 21:20:49
hi , thank for this program , but can you update the latest version in order to work without that .dll file ? i installed that .dll component but the program still give that error when you open it and so it can't be used , maybe it is looking for something that is set only in your computer
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: aqegul18 on 2022-12-28 01:25:01
Hi, I have a few questions regarding the PSX version of the game and this software.

Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: Maki on 2023-01-03 09:44:57
Hi, I have a few questions regarding the PSX version of the game and this software.

1. Check the source code for sector indexes or clone the source code, compile it in debug mode and make a breakpoint on addresses
2. No, that's totally not right. It works completely differently. PSX disc sector works on completely other structures than Windows NTFS/FAT32 file system. For LZSS-> it's possible to unpack LZSS manually. Check unLZS tool here in tools section. As for dumping sectors you have to go on your own with HEX editor. Putting everything back is doable as far as you don't exceed the sector count and make sure to NULLify all data up to next sector that is used for something else (so if you dump 5 sectors you have to reinput maximum 5 sectors. If smaller then fill remaining with 00). This is also the same as translating SNES games where everything you could do was to work with HEX editor and do everything manually
3. It can, but that's a huge amount of work with possibility of breaking everything easily. PSX and PC files are not the same. They don't have FL/FI/FS files.

However it's all possible-> for reference see balamb.pl -> they released tools for PSX translations, but as you might have guessed it's hard even to work with the tools and some don't even come up with pre-compiled binaries. Have fun!
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: aqegul18 on 2023-01-03 18:23:30
I was able to figure it out somewhat since then. Thank you

1. Check the source code for sector indexes or clone the source code, compile it in debug mode and make a breakpoint on addresses
2. No, that's totally not right. It works completely differently. PSX disc sector works on completely other structures than Windows NTFS/FAT32 file system. For LZSS-> it's possible to unpack LZSS manually. Check unLZS tool here in tools section. As for dumping sectors you have to go on your own with HEX editor. Putting everything back is doable as far as you don't exceed the sector count and make sure to NULLify all data up to next sector that is used for something else (so if you dump 5 sectors you have to reinput maximum 5 sectors. If smaller then fill remaining with 00). This is also the same as translating SNES games where everything you could do was to work with HEX editor and do everything manually
3. It can, but that's a huge amount of work with possibility of breaking everything easily. PSX and PC files are not the same. They don't have FL/FI/FS files.

However it's all possible-> for reference see balamb.pl -> they released tools for PSX translations, but as you might have guessed it's hard even to work with the tools and some don't even come up with pre-compiled binaries. Have fun!
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: Hazedge on 2023-02-16 06:29:44
While I was discovering how to use Deling correctly, I figured out how to change musics for certain scenes.
I have a question: Is there a way to add more musics? Or I'm limited to use only those already in the game?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: myst6re on 2023-02-16 20:55:29
You are limited by the game :)
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: Hazedge on 2023-02-20 04:49:56
You are limited by the game :)
Ah, too bad.... Wait, the game has only #01 to #99 tracks or are there unused music that I can reinsert?
There were magics that the game didnt use and I could edit and re-use them. Maybe I can do the same with musics if there are some unused ones?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: EditorMaster on 2023-11-16 03:35:45
Hello everyone

How is extract FF8DISC1 ?, I want edit in file rom to change events data ?

I found some sciprt commands

Code: [Select]
First You Get Cards From NPC Modifier:0x000EACD1

Get Card GM ??00-0007-3601-DA01
Create Character But Lock 2E00-0007-5601-0000-??00-0007-8C00-0000-??00
Add Character To Party 2E00-0007-5601-0000-??00-0007-8C00-0000-??00-0007-8600-0000
Delete Character From Party  2E00-0007-5601-0000-??00-0007-8D00-0000-??00-0007-8600-0000
Remove Character From Party 2E00-0007-5601-0000-??00-0007-8D00-0000-??00-0007-8700-0000
Empty Party 0300-0007-0901-0000
Out World 0100-0007-0D01-0000
Move ID Field Model ??00-0007-1401-0000
Move ID Field Model ??00-0007-1501-0000
Swich Member 0100-0007-1B01-0000
Show Save Game 0100-0007-2E01-0000
ON Save Game 0100-0007-2F01-0000
Add Gil ????-??07-5101-0000

Show Shop City ??00-0007-1E01-0000
00 Timber Pet Shop
01 Balamb Shop
02 Dollet Shop
03 Timber Shop
04 Deling City Shop
05 Winhill Shop
06 FH Shop
07 Trabia Shop
08 Esthar Shop
09 Balamb Shop
0A Dollet Shop
0B Timber Shop
0C Deling City Shop
0D Winhill Shop
0E FH Shop
0F Trabia Shop
10 Man from Garden
11 Esthar Pet Shop
12 Esthar Book Store
13 Esthar Shop!!!
14 Unknow Shop - Empty
15 Unknow Shop
Show Name ??00-0007-2901-0000
00 Squall
01 Rinoa
02 Angelo
Add GF By Vaule Digits ??00-0007-2901-0000
03 Quezacotl
04 Shiva
05 Ifrit
06 Siren
07 Brothers
08 Carbuncle
09 Diablos
0A Leviathan
0B Pandemona
0C Cerberus
0D Alexander
0E Bahamut
0F Doomtrain
10 Cactuar
11 Tonberry
12 Eden
13 Boko
14 Griever
15 Griever
16 Griever
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: Rattitatti on 2024-05-12 23:29:38
Hello, I've been trying to move from Balamb Garden to Esthar using Hyne, but I can't find the coordinates. I always end up on the ground somewhere. I'm trying to figure out how to do this. Also, I found Deling, but I can't find the .fs file. I only find a temp file and can only see small clips of the characters as images in the program. How do I find field.fs, or , how do I get to Esthar without ending up far down on the ground?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: albert on 2024-06-01 09:15:37
You are limited by the game :)


Do you have an experience of opcode?

I can not find any information.

Thank you.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: myst6re on 2024-06-01 15:24:52
Here: https://ff7-mods.github.io/ff7-flat-wiki/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes.html
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: albert on 2024-06-03 09:09:52
Here: https://ff7-mods.github.io/ff7-flat-wiki/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes.html

Thank you ;)
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: albert on 2024-06-11 14:47:08
Here: https://ff7-mods.github.io/ff7-flat-wiki/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes.html

I found a bug in your deling.

opcode CAL DIV actually is MOD, and MOD actually is DIV.

I compared several times to sure about that.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: myst6re on 2024-06-13 18:41:57
You're right, I'll push a fix

Done: https://github.com/myst6re/deling/releases/tag/continuous
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: Meph on 2024-09-04 19:03:49
back then I used your Tool to heavily edit my game script for a few friends and now I'd like to revitalize it for a Remaster Run.
Is there a way for me to export my editded OG 2013 FF8 Script to the Remaster's Field.fs without doing it all by hand with your tool?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: alchemess17 on 2024-11-17 08:23:59
Hello, I'm trying to translate the game into Turkish, but I can't start because some characters are not available. Can someone write in detail how to add the Turkish letters ı, İ, ş, Ş, ğ, Ğ to the font file and which tools to use?
I changed some letters to Turkish letters in the Font manager section of the Deling programme. Then as sysfnt.tdw I exported it, but when I import it again, Turkish characters do not appear, I do not understand what to do. Do I need to edit the .tdw file with another programme?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: Sebanisu on 2025-02-10 01:59:13
Do I need to edit the .tdw file with another programme?

I think depending on the version of the game. The .tdw doesn't do as much. I believe it's mostly storing the font character widths that are like scaled up to what ever texture your using. And there is another texture at higher resolution a .tex file that is what is drawn to the screen. I'm not sure the remaster uses the .tdw at all anymore.
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: jwlee8707 on 2025-02-22 06:05:09
I'm translating "ff8 remastered 2019" into another language.

This is an issue regarding character spacing.

I used the deling program to extract the Japanese sysfnt.tdw, then changed all the width values in sysfnt.tdw to 12, and replaced the main.fs and menu.fs files in
\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered\DEMASTER_EXP\data\lang-jp
with the re-imported sysfnt.tdw file.

Theoretically, the modified character widths in sysfnt.tdw should be reflected, but they remain exactly the same as before. Are the character WIDTH values in the sysfnt.tdw file not being applied?

If so, how can I fix all character widths uniformly?
Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: myst6re on 2025-02-23 16:30:45
It is possible that for the remastered they use their own way to set character spaces.

The version 1.0 of Deling is now available! Don't expect to much of this release, I just upgraded lot of internal stuff and added some features for the world.fs

Title: Re: [PSX/PC] Field editor - Deling (0.12.0b)
Post by: Skat_N1 on 2025-02-24 07:34:08

The version 1.0 of Deling is now available! Don't expect to much of this release, I just upgraded lot of internal stuff and added some features for the world.fs


How do I change the answer options in testbl9? Are they somewhere in the background now? Do I need to edit the testbl9 map and/or mim files somehow?
And also, world.fs only opens in French.