If you need some info on FF8 script or backgrounds just hit me up on the IRC.
Thank you very much for release.
But, it cannot start Deling.exe.
It seems libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll & mingwm10.dll are required in same folder.
I copied them from Makou Reactor.
How does FF8 differ to 7 in terms of programming and design?
This program is great. In the latest version maybe possible, the psx disc write, not just read?
Seens can extract backgrounds! Good tool! Ah the data is only stored in CD....
Starting work.
congratulations on your excellent tool myst6re
will be possible to write the texts of the *.bin and *.iso files?
Is it possible to support Greek characters... I'm interested in beginning a translation. Thank you. :)
I'm not an expert but I'll try. Which program should i have to use to create such a texture? Can't I just use already created fonts from windows?
You can create just an image with Photoshop like the one I showed you in my last post, not a Windows font.
Each character is 12*12 px.
This is the part a little difficult because you have to create your own characters.
very nice tool, congrats!
(just tested here on a linux 64bit system, svn checkout).
I see some unused backgrounds... 8-)
btw, is the ff8 script stuff documented somewhere?
I'm actually wondering now if it would be possible to add new 2d scenes...
For example, modify one background a bit so a new path becomes available (probably need to modify 3d walk-path as well), then when the user walks over the new area trigger a change to some new scene.
before I forget this great Tool will be edit Kernel.bin in the future version?
I can add a new script?
myst6re the psx format of text are in lzss(compressed) and i'm uncompress to *.dec but an editor don't recognize this format ...can you add this formats i'will be grateful ...thanks guy
before I forget this great Tool will be edit Kernel.bin in the future version?
Brilliant piece of software! Congratulations. I tried today the beta version, I made some changes in the very beginning in the infirmary scene, but when I saved it said that an error occured, probably because I used more than seven characters in the name of Squall, or some other change that I made which exceeded the limit of the text. Anyway I restored after the original fsi file in the directory of the game, but what happened next was that my pc didn't recognize the cd roms of the game. It said that the cds are empty. I restarted windows but the problem persisted, until I put some another cd in the tray which it did recognize, and after that it was able to recognize the FF VIII cds again. That seemed to me strange so I thought to let you know, if you are still working in this project.
This editor is both intriguing in design and in make; do you ever plan on releasing a source code as you did for Makou Reactor, because as of now I am quite curious to root around and see how you made all this :).
I was also discussing with a friend how we both appreciated how you showed dialogue tid bits in game, in real-time through the editor itself. Which is rather invaluable. So a big thank you!
Also, I do not think your first post is fully up to date; your to-do list matches the change log of the latest release, if I am not fully mistaken. Which I might be.
Where do you plan on taking this next, if I may ask? :).
Thank you for this awesome program.
How can I export font into an image format and re-import in to .tdw? because I want to localize ff8.
Thank you.
What is the function of the tdw file is it used for character declaration and character width?
If I want to edit the texture of the font should I edit sysfnt.tex in menu.fs?
[Some question about 3D models]
[Some questions about dat files]
I do not think you are in the right topic to talk about that ???.
I have a question about your program: When i click the down arrow for dialogs that have more than one window, nothing happens. is this intentional?
Also, what's the difference between the light grey and dark grey next to "Text##" in the dialog tree?
It's dark when the text is found in scripts. So when it's the light grey, the text can be unused.OK, I figured it was something like that. SO there are cases where it's light grey and it appears in the game, or are you just unsure?
Hey guys, are we at the stage of being able to replace the textures on any of the character models yet? If so, can someone please explain how to do it? And if not, can someone tell me how I can help? I'm a software engineer and this project really interests me! :DWhen replacement of textures and model of city/gardens will be avaiable I'd be glad to make new ones and share them :)
Hello!PSX version of the game doesn't have FS/FL/FI archives ;)
Somethings news about psx version fs/fl/fi archive (read/write)?
PSX version of the game doesn't have FS/FL/FI archives ;)
Can we add sounds to areas that have no sounds?http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/FileFormat_SFX
Please can someone tell me how to modify the start screen letters (New Game, Continue, Memory card...)? Thanks!
#WRITE(MyPtr, $DD6)
These text locate in mngrp.bin
PSHN_L 0 ;message channel (0 is most common)
PSHN_L 0 ;dialogue box ID (ie the text# in the dialogue list)
PSHN_L 30 ;X position of window
PSHN_L 30 ;Y position of window
This might look very foreign if you have no experience with assembly language, and even with exposure, it's hard to wrap your head around sometimes because the only control structures are jumps (especially since you can't use comments in Deling to remember things)
It's all on the wiki (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes). To show dialogue, you just need the AMESW command preceeded by other functions that place values on the stack (typically PSHN_L). To show the "Faux Pas!" dialogue in that field, you'd just insert this where you want it (without the commented parts):Code: [Select]PSHN_L 0 ;message channel (0 is most common)
This might look very foreign if you have no experience with assembly language, and even with exposure, it's hard to wrap your head around sometimes because the only control structures are jumps (especially since you can't use comments in Deling to remember things)
PSHN_L 0 ;dialogue box ID (ie the text# in the dialogue list)
PSHN_L 30 ;X position of window
PSHN_L 30 ;Y position of window
Deling is a great tool, I must say.
There's many lzs image in the main.fs file, is there any way to convert these to image file with Deling?
Here is the changelog:Does it also add it to the file list? I'm assuming yes, but just want to make sure.
- When a file is missing in a field, you can edit it anyway, it will be automatically added
Does it also add it to the file list? I'm assuming yes, but just want to make sure.
No, I meant if you add a particular file to a field that doesn't have one, does the file list (FL) for that field get updated to include it? (I think it already did this for MSDs)
Is there a specific structure needed for the directory import?
Also, when can we expect this new version to be available? I'm really excited to get my hands on it :)
Is the new version compatible with the Steam re-release and if yes can we edit the text with this tool and change the fonts for my translation? Thanks!
[...] I was wondering, if it's possible adding more actors or entities to the scenarios.
Oh and for last, I had a suggestion. Is there any posibility to enhace the walkmesh editor in a way that we can edit the points by dragging with the mouse?
Oh, I almost forgot it! Deling didn't allow me to change any coordinate of the point number 3. It's read-only or something.
Also want to clarify something. When I say "is it possible adding more actors or entities to the scenarios?" I'm not referring to Deling capabilities but if it's feasible or will be in the future. Imagine... to be able to add more actors... We could do a complete rework of the game! New situations and interactions! Could be pretty revolutionary :D
Feasible in the future, I just need time, or someone who has time. It is not very difficult if that's what you ask :).
One more question for the Steam release... If we edit the text with the Deling editor will this affect the HD mods installed (Eden, Tripod, Seed Reborn etc.)? I remember reading that we must not have used the Deling editor before for the mods to work. And what if we just edit the palette created in Seed Reborn mod. Do we need to edit the game files with the Deling as well?
Oh my gosh! I'm so fuzzing excited!
the bad news is that launchpad does not support submodules (yet?) so importing fails. and as a result autobuilds are broken.
The good news is you do not need the submodule to build Deling on Linux. Can you force the compilation if the git repository has an unitialized submodule?
I was looking in the files if there was some kind of documentation like doxygen, but didn't found something. Is there some kind of documentation available?
There is no documentation, is that it makes you afraid? ;D
Afraid? I'd better say LAZY. But don't be bad with me man, this is a big project and anyone could be a little lost :-[
Yes, yes... there is a documentation for some file formats here (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8). Hum... I know there should be more. This is MY lazy side :)
Replace file does not work, use remove and add instead
The one does affect the screen title's text is in mngrp.bin.
Exactly, it locates at $101A for "NEW GAME" and $1023 for "Continue". Screw the text with an hex editor and you'll see the change.
Hey folks, I worked to a new feature last week!Yay! Now I don't have to finish mine!
Defeat Ifrit
Raise flag
[I don't recognize any of this stuff on this map and it looks cool!
Perhaps I just never used computer terminal - DLPB]
Event in the works!!!
That's it for today's CD.
Thank you.
This is it for today's CD.
This is the end of DISC 3.
Map is not connected.
Go to control room where Seifer is waiting.
”Originally, the game was supposed to go to
where the lifter is stationed but it will
jump straight to the lab.“
Remove items for debugging
Temporary dialogue
”The master fisherman's motions
are all temporary. They're not connected.“
After events,
go to Party setup menu.
Rinoa's proud pose.
We know that the sound
is not timed well.
No need to report it as a bug.
[Was this ever fixed? - DLPB]
Motion, placement are temporary
Loud noise
Loud gunfire
In development
Character not in motion with movie
Please wait
[This was obviously fixed. In the final game, the camera pans and squall's position is correct. - DLPB]
Movie&event in development.
Test movie
What to do in the parking lot
Go to the desert
Do not return to prison. It crashes.
810 and 811:
Electric shock
No motion
No motions are included.
They are floating.
[Instructing that Rinoa and Squall are floating at this point - DLPB]
Event in development
No lift implemented
Match character with sound
Report only bugs for this scene
Thank you, all QA personnel.
That's all for today.
947 and 950:
Dragon's roar
Any chance also of a pseudo-code search too? And a search that can search for 2 opcodes at a time and not one? Finding a music load was difficult because the value is pushed beforehand.
1) In the encounter section, formations, what are they? monster types? is there an option to edit the those? (by export? or can I access to the binary code?)
2) Can I change the magic type of a draw point? (with the last version of Deling) if posible how?This is the hardest one if you want to edit the magic drawn from magic ID.
3) Can I edit the starting exp points of Squall from 6500 to 6000?Use Kernel editor: https://github.com/alexfilth/doomtrain
4) And last one, can I edit some GF special abilites like Str Bonus (so instead of given 1 pt per level it gives 2 or 3)?
Maki is correct but with one clarification, if you want to just edit the initial exp points of Squall, you need to edit the init.out file - you can change the exp formula with kernel.bin but it'd give a different result, it's basically the initial save file and it's in this format: http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/GameSaveFormat (http://wiki.qhimm.com/view/FF8/GameSaveFormat).Indeed I didn't found starting exp in kernel.bin with doomtrain, I was overwhelmed by the things that I can edit with it, and start playing like a child with the enemy attacks, the devour results... But i want to keep it simple, so thanks for this tip of init.out it will help me to make my desired mod.
If I remember correctly, the init.out file doesn't contain the preview stuff listed in the wiki and starts at the GF data.
If I recall, you can't actually change the amount with Str Bonus in Doomtrain, I think you can only edit if an ability has that effect or not - I think the actual ability stuff is done in the game code.Yes the only bonus that can be changed (from what i found), is the amount of HP gained with Devour. The rest is fixed.
PSHN_L 128
PSHN_L 253
+0x04: Shows the timer on battle. Like in dollet withdraw combats, or missile base.
Hello myst6re I have a question about your program...
I edited the font in my language in font manager (Arabic.tex & Arabic.tdw)
in Deling-0.9b and then rename Arabic.tex to sysfnt.tex & Arabic.tdw to sysfnt.tdw and replace the file sysfnt.tex in menu.fs & sysfnt.tdw in main.fs
But I don't know how to edit the file sysfld00 & sysfld01 & sysfnt00
Using photoshop BMP or PNG Or etc... and replace them again in tex...!
is there a tool to convert tex to tdw to edit the font in font manager not on photoshop and then convert them in tex to replace them in menu.fs
c:\ff8\data\eng\menu\hires\ ...
1- sysfld00.tex
2- sysfld01.tex
3- sysfnt00.tex
How do you use this editor to edit the encounter rates on the world map?
How do you use this editor to edit the encounter rates on the world map?
I see the world map encounter subject is quite hot now.
can this tool actually edit anything? cuz i cant find any field bin files on pc ff8 and psx iso are read-only. if someone has a CLEAN field bin that loads with this can someone pm me a link pls
btw i was looking around and old ff8 cannot be obtainable anymore. soo any updates to these tools or place dl each file aka field.fs or field.bin?
ive looked around and there is no guide on how to use this tool or obtain the files needed....
Do you have tvglen1.fi and tvglen1.fl files next too the fs?Yes, the files(tvglen1.fi tvglen1.fl tvglen1.fs) are next. I put them in a separate folder, but get an error:
Yes, the files(tvglen1.fi tvglen1.fl tvglen1.fs) are next. I put them in a separate folder, but get an error:Question withdrawn. sometimes deareator zzz unzip with an error. =)
"Unable to open the archive."
It should be correct :) I used it to match locations in Chocobo Forests: https://www.ff8.fr/quetes/forets-chocobos#foret_fun
How to convert tex format to tdw? Tdw is only format that can be imported to program. Or how 8 png files (colored fonts) from folders sysfld00.tex and sysfld01.tex can be converted to tdw? I did not found any material on web.tdw используется только для настройки ширин и вроде бы как, deling привязывает ее к таблице символов.
Спасибо большое за подсказку. Я не обратил внимание, что шрифты можно рисовать самому.
Remove the "TEMP" so only the 0/7 remains, then it should compile again. Deling sometimes can't handle it for some reason.
You currently can't add or remove a model with Deling. Maybe one day, that's not really difficult, you need to inject the model into the chara.one subfile.
But Deling can handle script edition for the new model :) .
1- the Backround models of the and the Character combat models, are also in The same case
2- and also if you have any idea how it works with the music of this game = extraction and conversion
#use_external_music = yes
external_music_path = psf
external_music_ext = minipsf
winamp_in_plugin = psf/in_psf.dll
#winamp_out_plugin =
### HOW TO: ###################################################################
# Options may be commented by default with an initial # character.
# Remove the initial # character to set the configuration flag.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Unless options are specified, you can either disable or enable a flag.
# Enable: yes
# Disable: no
# =============================================================================
# Available choices are:
# - OpenGL ( default )
# - Direct3D11 ( valid alternative for OpenGL)
# - Vulkan ( Tech Preview: Not Recommended )
# - Direct3D12 ( Tech Preview: Not Recommended )
#renderer_backend = OpenGL
# If off, it will run in window mode.
#fullscreen = no
# Resolution of the game.
# Default (value = 0):
# - Window mode will use 640x480
# - Fullscreen mode will use your desktop resolution
#window_size_x = 0
#window_size_y = 0
# The scale is in multiples of 640x480
# The scale factor is used to render internally at a larger size then the display, this will then be downscaled to the games current resolution
# This is required to avoid visual glitches that may happen when the game is not rendered in a 4:3 aspect ratio
# Default = 4
# NOTE: Scaling starts always from 2. If you set a lower number, this will be automatically reset to 2.
#internal_resolution_scale = 4
# Preserve original game aspect ratio of (4:3) by adding black bars on the left and right side (if needed)
# When off the game will be stretched to fit the window's aspect ratio; Be aware the game may look wrong though.
#preserve_aspect = yes
#enable_vsync = yes
# Screen refresh rate.
# Default is 0 = use current screen refresh rate
#refresh_rate = 0
# Allow the usage of linear filtering for textures.
# Please note: some things look slightly better with this option on, but alot of textures just lose their detail.
# This option only affects low-res textures, high-res replacements will still be filtered where appropriate.
#linear_filter = no
# Enable antialiasing filtering, this is done in the last pass when downsampling from the current supersampled rendering ( based on internal_resolution_scale logic )
# Available choices are:
# - 0: Disabled ( Default )
# - 2: 2x
# - 4: 4x
# - 8: 8x
# - 16: 16x
# If you set any value that is different than those, it will pick the higher option ( eg. if you pick 6 it will be 8, if you pick 1 it will be 2, and so on ).
#enable_antialiasing = 0
# Enable anisotropic filtering, for high-res textures and overall rendering
#enable_anisotropic = yes
# This flag will enable/disable the support of an enhanced music layer to reproduce music in-game.
# If you leave out the default configuration
# FFNx will autodetect your environment and will set it to the best available option.
#use_external_music = no
# Path of the external music files
# Will try to load from this path before using the default for your Version of the game
# Defaults:
# - FF7 1998: music/vgmstream ( 7h-era compatibility )
# - FF7 eStore: data/music_ogg
# - FF7 Steam: data/music_ogg
#external_music_path =
# The type of file to search for. By default is ogg.
# Supported extensions:
# - https://github.com/losnoco/vgmstream#supported-file-types
# - Any additional or any type supported by your loaded winamp_in_plugin
#external_music_ext = ogg
# These flags will allow you to make use of compatible in_* and out_* DLL plugins you were used to load on Winamp itself.
# Through these flags you can for example decide to use an input plugin to play something FFNx never though about ( like MINIPSF files )
# and output the sound data to your custom plugin which may add custom reverb and much more.
# By default winamp_in_plugin will use the built-in VGMStream layer.
# By default winamp_out_plugin will use the built-in output layer.
#winamp_in_plugin =
#winamp_out_plugin =
# Video Player Options
# This flag will enable/disable the support of FFMpeg layer to reproduce movies in-game.
# Default Value depends on game version.
# - FF7 1998 - yes
# - FF7/FF8 Steam - yes
# - FF8 2000 - no
# It is suggested to keep the default behavior unless you really know what are you doing.
#enable_ffmpeg_videos = yes
# The type of file that the ffmpeg layer will search for. Default is avi.
#ffmpeg_video_ext = avi
# FF7 2012 FF7 STEAM
# FF8 2013 FF8 STEAM
# The folder name in your game Documents path ( for eg. for FF7 is "C:\Users\JohnDoe\Documents\Square Enix\FINAL FANTASY VII Steam\user_XXXXXXX")
# Use this only if you have MORE THAN ONE user_* directories. If not, just leave this commented as the driver will autodetect the directory.
#steam_game_userdata = user_12345678
# Mod directory where textures will be loaded from
#mod_path = mods/Textures
# Show every failed attempt at loading a .png or .dds texture
#show_missing_textures = no
# Dump internal textures to PNG files in the mod_path
#save_textures = no
# This path is where the Hext patching layer will look for txt files.
# The path will ALWAYS have appended:
# 1. The game name ( if FF7 it will be "ff7/", if FF8 will be "ff8/")
# 2. The game language ( for eg. if ff7_en it will be "en" )
# The resulting path will then be "<hext_patching_path>/ff7/en", if you run for eg. FF7 English
#hext_patching_path = hext
# This path will define where the driver will look first, allowing you to override core game files, if needed
#override_path = override
# These options are mostly useful for developers or people reporting crashes.
# Please do enable them only when required.
# Display the verion of FFNx in upper right corner ( when fullscreen ) or in the title bar ( when windowed )
#show_version = yes
# Display frames per second counter in upper right corner ( when fullscreen ) or in the title bar ( when windowed )
#show_fps = no
# Display Rendering backend in upper right corner ( when fullscreen ) or in the title bar ( when windowed )
#show_renderer_backend = yes
# Display some real-time debug information
#show_stats = no
# Enable logging
#show_applog = yes
# Show on screen error messages ( only on fullscreen )
#show_error_popup = no
# Enable this flag if you want to see more verbose output from the backend renderer.
# Usually useful for debug pruposes. Do not enable otherwise.
#renderer_debug = no
# Creates a full crashdump file if the game crashes. Useful to be analyzed with WinDbg when reporting issues.
#create_crash_dump = no
# Various flags which will help in further debugging the game engine logics.
# Some flags may not generate any output depending on the game you play.
# trace_all - Dump in the logs whatever APIs is being called from the Engine in FFNx. Overrides all the others below.
#trace_all = no
# trace_movies - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with movie playback
#trace_movies = no
# trace_music - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with music playback
#trace_music = no
# trace_fake_dx - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with directdraw emulation
#trace_fake_dx = no
# trace_direct - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with LGP loading
#trace_direct = no
# trace_files - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with filesystem operations
#trace_files = no
# trace_loaders - Dump in the logs only APIs that has to do with internal textures overrides
#trace_loaders = no
# vertex_log - Dump in the logs current engine vertex data being passed to the GPU for drawing
#vertex_log = no
# uniform_log - Dump in the logs current engine uniform data being passed to the GPU shaders
#uniform_log = no
# Show debug info regarding movie synchronization.
#movie_sync_debug = no
# Make all dialog boxes transparent.
#transparent_dialogs = no
# Include armor in magic defense calculation
#mdef_fix = yes
## ADVANCED OPTIONS - Don't fiddle with these unless you know what you're doing.
# Enable alpha blending for textures without an existing blending effect
#fancy_transparency = no
# Skip movie frames if necessary.
#skip_frames = no
## MODDER OPTIONS - These options are mostly useful to modders and should not be enabled during normal play.
# This is the path where files where be read directly, instead then reading them inside the LGP archives.
# For example: if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd first,
# If this file doesn't exist it will look for the original in the LGP archive
#direct_mode_path = direct
## DEBUGGING OPTIONS - These options are mostly useful for developers or people reporting crashes. Please do enable them only when required.
# Dump in the logs more verbose error messages coming directly from the engine
#ff7_more_debug = no
liblz4.dil gives me error can you help me?
See this link as follow to get that.
https://www.dllme.com/dll/files/liblz4_dll.html (https://www.dllme.com/dll/files/liblz4_dll.html)
Hi, I have a few questions regarding the PSX version of the game and this software.
1. Check the source code for sector indexes or clone the source code, compile it in debug mode and make a breakpoint on addresses
2. No, that's totally not right. It works completely differently. PSX disc sector works on completely other structures than Windows NTFS/FAT32 file system. For LZSS-> it's possible to unpack LZSS manually. Check unLZS tool here in tools section. As for dumping sectors you have to go on your own with HEX editor. Putting everything back is doable as far as you don't exceed the sector count and make sure to NULLify all data up to next sector that is used for something else (so if you dump 5 sectors you have to reinput maximum 5 sectors. If smaller then fill remaining with 00). This is also the same as translating SNES games where everything you could do was to work with HEX editor and do everything manually
3. It can, but that's a huge amount of work with possibility of breaking everything easily. PSX and PC files are not the same. They don't have FL/FI/FS files.
However it's all possible-> for reference see balamb.pl -> they released tools for PSX translations, but as you might have guessed it's hard even to work with the tools and some don't even come up with pre-compiled binaries. Have fun!
You are limited by the game :)Ah, too bad.... Wait, the game has only #01 to #99 tracks or are there unused music that I can reinsert?
First You Get Cards From NPC Modifier:0x000EACD1
Get Card GM ??00-0007-3601-DA01
Create Character But Lock 2E00-0007-5601-0000-??00-0007-8C00-0000-??00
Add Character To Party 2E00-0007-5601-0000-??00-0007-8C00-0000-??00-0007-8600-0000
Delete Character From Party 2E00-0007-5601-0000-??00-0007-8D00-0000-??00-0007-8600-0000
Remove Character From Party 2E00-0007-5601-0000-??00-0007-8D00-0000-??00-0007-8700-0000
Empty Party 0300-0007-0901-0000
Out World 0100-0007-0D01-0000
Move ID Field Model ??00-0007-1401-0000
Move ID Field Model ??00-0007-1501-0000
Swich Member 0100-0007-1B01-0000
Show Save Game 0100-0007-2E01-0000
ON Save Game 0100-0007-2F01-0000
Add Gil ????-??07-5101-0000
Show Shop City ??00-0007-1E01-0000
00 Timber Pet Shop
01 Balamb Shop
02 Dollet Shop
03 Timber Shop
04 Deling City Shop
05 Winhill Shop
06 FH Shop
07 Trabia Shop
08 Esthar Shop
09 Balamb Shop
0A Dollet Shop
0B Timber Shop
0C Deling City Shop
0D Winhill Shop
0E FH Shop
0F Trabia Shop
10 Man from Garden
11 Esthar Pet Shop
12 Esthar Book Store
13 Esthar Shop!!!
14 Unknow Shop - Empty
15 Unknow Shop
Show Name ??00-0007-2901-0000
00 Squall
01 Rinoa
02 Angelo
Add GF By Vaule Digits ??00-0007-2901-0000
03 Quezacotl
04 Shiva
05 Ifrit
06 Siren
07 Brothers
08 Carbuncle
09 Diablos
0A Leviathan
0B Pandemona
0C Cerberus
0D Alexander
0E Bahamut
0F Doomtrain
10 Cactuar
11 Tonberry
12 Eden
13 Boko
14 Griever
15 Griever
16 Griever
You are limited by the game :)
Here: https://ff7-mods.github.io/ff7-flat-wiki/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes.html
Here: https://ff7-mods.github.io/ff7-flat-wiki/FF8/Field/Script/Opcodes.html
Do I need to edit the .tdw file with another programme?
The version 1.0 of Deling is now available! Don't expect to much of this release, I just upgraded lot of internal stuff and added some features for the world.fs