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Messages - Kylos

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Would like to thank everyone for the kind words to my guide.

I am about to install FF7 once again, but for a friend of mine. I recently finished off my hardcore mod save for this game, and killing Sephiroth was a real challenge! If any of the links are outdated, I apologize for that, just try and look for the most recent download, and you should be fine :)

I knew it was something simple! Thanks so much :D

ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\ff7input.cfg

This is what I see when I start FF7, and it comes up very bright, with pure white screens. If i try to play the game I can see the characters but everything else is white.

It did this, and I completely reinstalled FF7, patched up to 1.02, installed Remix, installed the latest Aali Driver, installed Gjoerulv hardcore mod, but it still does this...

What can i do please? :) thanks

Releases / Re: [Release] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.4
« on: 2011-07-07 17:30:02 »
Thanks Gjoerulv, i figured you didnt change anything too drasticly, might actually finish off my save sometime soon and finish up on my feedback which i gave you as i was playing before.

I see you fixed the pyramid mobs, they were really annoying! :P

Releases / Re: [Release] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.4
« on: 2011-07-04 18:29:13 »
It was not playable because it was a well known fact it would crash on Omega, i attempted multiple times and it did not work, however i am awaiting a reply from gjoerulv, who i am sure would have known what i was talking about.

Releases / Re: [Release] gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod. v1.0.4
« on: 2011-07-04 08:00:06 »
It has been a long time since i played on my FF7 Hardcore, i got up to Omega but it was not playable.

Can you let me know what has changed since i was last here please? And if patching up to the latest release would be alright for my save, would be cool to finally beat on Omega then head on to Sephiroth to finish it off.

Aali your a genius! Simply the texture compression was causing it, thanks a lot man :D

Its uploaded, im not sure how long it takes til you can download it, but heres the link.


ok im uploading that to megaupload now in a .rar file, should be done soon :)

Oh sorry, total blond moment there, how do i open crash.dmp?? :P

Thanks for replying so soon Aali, here is the app log from the last time i tried, it did not give the vsync error though this time, although it still crashes the same way

Code: [Select]
INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.7.10b
INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
INFO: ATI Technologies Inc. ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200  2.1.8787
INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
INFO: Found swap_control extension
INFO: Max texture size: 8192x8192
INFO: Number of texture units: 8
INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1600x900, output resolution 1200x900, internal resolution 1280x960
INFO: FBO extension detected, using fast scaling/postprocessing path
INFO: Shader limits: varying 64, vert uniform 1024, frag uniform 1024
INFO: vertex shader compile log:
Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.

INFO: fragment shader compile log:
Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.
INFO: main program link log:
Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
selecting device 0:Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth, mid=1, pid=27,
midi data type: GENERAL MIDI
using midi data file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\midi\midi.lgp
midiOutGetVolume returned: ffffffff
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
set music volume: 127
MIDI set master volume: 100
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
INFO: C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\movies\eidoslogo.avi; rawvideo/null 364x353, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 0.066667, frames: 1
INFO: C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\movies\sqlogo.avi; mpeg4/mp3 640x480, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 247.466667, frames: 3712
INFO: vertex shader compile log:
Vertex shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.

INFO: fragment shader compile log:
Fragment shader was successfully compiled to run on hardware.
INFO: yuv program link log:
Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
MIDI set volume trans: 127->0; step=60
MIDI stop - OK
MIDI stop - OK
Entering MAIN
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
Exiting MAIN
ERROR: Texture could not be compressed
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
-=-=[START OF WORLD MAP!!!]=-=-
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
cross play music: 0
set music volume trans: 127->0, step=4
MIDI cross fade: 71, time: 4
MIDI set volume trans: 15->127; step=4
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
MIDI play: 71
reading midi file: KITA.mid
current volume: 127
set music volume: 127
-=-=[END OF WORLD MAP!!!]=-=-
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
Field Start
fade music volume: 80->127, step=30
set music volume: 80
set music volume trans: 80->127, step=30
MIDI fade volume: 80->127, step=30
MIDI set volume: 80
100% of 80 = 80
MIDI set volume trans: 80->127; step=30
MIDI play: 56
reading midi file: MURA1.mid
current volume: 81
MIDI play: 63
reading midi file: JUNON.mid
current volume: 127
fade music volume: 80->80, step=1
set music volume: 80
set music volume trans: 80->80, step=1
MIDI fade volume: 80->80, step=1
MIDI set volume: 80
100% of 80 = 80
MIDI set volume trans: 80->80; step=1
MIDI set volume: 80
100% of 80 = 80
UNEXPECTED: zero count
set music volume: 0
MIDI fade volume: 127->0, step=0
MIDI set volume: 127
100% of 127 = 127
MIDI stop - OK
MIDI stop - OK
fade music volume: 80->127, step=30
set music volume: 80
set music volume trans: 80->127, step=30
MIDI fade volume: 80->127, step=30
MIDI set volume: 80
100% of 80 = 80
MIDI set volume trans: 80->127; step=30
MIDI play: 83
reading midi file: WEAPON.mid
current volume: 83
Field Quit
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
Swirl sound_effect1
End of Swirl sound_effect1
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
[BATTLE] Scene# 280
[BATTLE] Begin main battle loop
ERROR: unhandled exception

Hey there :) my father is currently trying to play FF7 on his laptop, i upgraded his Aali driver and fixed his FF7 as it suddenly stopped working for some reason.

Since then he has got up to Mideel, with Cid, what happens is that Cid and party will get into the 1st fight with Ultimate Weapon, they will load up, and just as the menu comes up the game completely freezes, sometimes it does not even say that an error report has been made.

I had the disable popup command in his opengl settings, i took that out, tried again, and i noticed on the next time going into the fight with the Weapon, it come up with a message saying something along the lines of:

Glitch: Vsync was forced OFF, battleswirl framelimiter may not work

He is using Windows 7 64 bit system with good processor and memory, also he is using ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200.

Please let me know if anything can be done, i tried to change the graphic cards settings, and im not having much luck, i know you guys here at Qhimm are so much smarter then i am, and can point out some simple fix im overlooking.

Thanks, peace :)

Aali thanks for that, ill see if i can find it somewhere, but to be honest my FF7 works alright anyways, its only a few graphical errors, nothing major.

Zombie you can thank me for the guide, but the real work on all the mods should go to those who made them :) That is where the real hard work came in, glad you like it.

After I installed the whole things, loaded my save and entered a battle.
A message was show:
"Error: could not open file:earith.T09"
It seems that I didn't install all the file properly.
Will this make any crashes at the later of the game??
Can I do anything to solve this?
Thanks very much!

Ace if you read my walkthrough guide properly, you would have noticed i mentioned these messages, Read this please.

Turning off the error messages

This version of FF7 still has a number of known issues, and Aalis driver tells you when they occur on the screen, this helps for modders, but for some players it may be annoying, so use this command to get rid of it if you wish.

-Go into your openGLconfig text file, and add the command 'disable_popup = yes' into the bottom of the file, and save it.

i dont see how my game can be faulty it works fine until i install remix.  is it possible my remix is faulty? im going to try again and this time not install remix and see what happens with just 7.10b

That is a strange problem, maybe you should download remix again, and test your FF7 out before installing remix, also make sure that when you install ff7 remix that it goes to the correct folder, it is not wise to try and change where FF7 is installed, as Remix will not work properly if you have done that.

try completely uninstalling and try again.

If it keeps doing something wrong, it might be your graphics card, or your ff7 files are faulty.

Releases / Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2011-02-03 16:57:42 »
Lol I can't use my beloved Ribbon... If i want to use it then I must prepare to not use Barrier's on the said character.

Damn you clever gjoerulv you!!!

Oh and can you still morph master tonberries for more ribbons?

Yes he is pretty clever, made me think a bit more about it when playing through this mod.

I think tonberrys can be morphed, but they are even harder then before, so morphing them is not an easy task

Yes i noticed no easy to use guides on the site, there are a ton of smart people here who know how to install these, but of course some people have trouble with it, even myself when i started playing with mods.

Nice to be helpful, enjoy your game :)

May need to update this guide slightly, seen as Aali has been awesome and updated his custom driver lately. :)

Edit: Updated the guide with Aalis new custom driver options, 0.7.10b, if anyone has any problems with this part of the guide please let me know

Releases / Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2011-02-01 07:21:38 »
Oh well i past those birds ages ago, and no idea they could be manipulated for angel whisper lol.

Yes it seems its been disabled, or i would definitely have that enemy skill by now :P

The prize is Battery??? Lol thats the most useless prize ever, i said Ribbon because there is no enemy on the game which drops it, and its only found in chests in the game, i was going to say Ziedrich or something, but armour seems somewhat ok at this stage, and already got all the ultimate weapons, im constantly having to protect barrett in battle from status effects which is annoying.

if you really wanted a trophy though, maybe you could make a new piece of gear if thats possible?

I was thinking something like a Ziedrich or Mystile, those kind of stats but with 8 materia slots, as the Ziedrich and Mystile is still pretty much like paper to some monsters in this hardcore mod, they just dont seem enough sometimes

Releases / Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2011-01-31 11:39:05 »
Yes but this petrify thing should not be allowed to happen with mobs which can steal lol :)

Where exactly is this simurgh? i have not seen this so far.

Pollensalta? If this is the women which does cold breath, fascination and other moves, i tried to manipulate her with a Hypnocrown on a number of times, and it never worked, although in the original version of the game it is allowed.

Omega should drop ribbon... Why? Because so far i have 2 Ribbons, and i really really would hate it to hell if i have to morph a tonberry for a ribbon, as they take forever to kill on this version of the game.

Releases / Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2011-01-31 10:10:48 »
Oh now thats annoying, pots shouldnt be able to steal things, and then not let you get the items back, its not even fun in the slightest.

What does Omega give? Is it worth it trying over and over to get through that fight?

Where is Angel Whisper enemy skill?

Releases / Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2011-01-29 23:48:40 »
Ok feedback on the northern crater, after splitting up into groups.

Decided to start by going right, and played around with some of the monsters along the way.

-The monster which does Pandoras Box and Shadow Flare is dam strong, but luckily Hades puts this straight into a slow petrify and stop, so it is easily beaten this way.

-I tried to manipulate the woman who does ice breath and fascination, but it seemed impossible, im sure you normally get Angel Whisper from this, how do i get it??

-Marlboro was easily beaten with Hades and attacks.

-The wizards are interesting, and seems more of a challenge now, can be manipulated still for Roulette, but the move recovers the monster now instead of killing it off, and seems to have extra moves, good stuff :)

Got down to the bottom and went through the door on the other side.

-Ran into an Armoured Golem in the next area, it scared me to hell when it forced both Barrett and Cid out of battle, so i used Clouds Bahamut Zero + Quadra Magic + Double Summon, this thing just did not want to die as it kept doing golem laser and getting its hp back, kept attacking it and trying to keep myself cured with Full Cure (when it lands) and after a while the laser just kept missing, so i attacked it for a long while until it died.

Also noticed that although Cid and Barrett were supposed to be knocked out of battle, they were still both stood there on the battlefield further back then usual.

-Behemoth was a tough battle, ton of hp, hades and bad breath has no effect, and the bite recovers a ton of hp, luckily i got Barrett with a strong 4x cut at the moment, and eventually managed to beat it

Went into the areas with pots and movers next

-Movers seemed very easy, hades and bad breath gives them a ton of effects.

-I do not like Pots now, the first fight i did i give them an elixir each and started attacking, one of them ran away... then i managed to beat the other one.

Then the second fight, i did the same thing, and one of them stole my only circlet from me, so i did hades and beat them by petrify, but i did not get my circlet back :( :(

I went on to attempt Omega, got through the first stage, the fight was proving to become difficult but i was hanging in there.... then it crashed, and i aint saved it recently as the save point is back near the intersection :(

Releases / Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2011-01-27 17:39:51 »
What about mystile? W magic etc?

I suppose it is easy to morph the cactuar, and jumbo would be quite difficult at a lower level, but when i got to it, it was really no match at all lol.

Might try and do more of the crater tonight, been feeling really ill though so just gonna take it easy.

Releases / Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2011-01-26 17:50:07 »
Oh i never even thought about fighting there, whenever im on that small part of sand im on the choco, jump off and go straight in the cave.

Im guessing thats what the majority of other players would do too, would much rather just fight it on cactuar island and make it rock hard lol, because cactuar island is completely useless now on the hardcore mod and a waste of time to anyone who goes there for a tetra elemental, just my opinion.

Also i wouldnt mind if u fought it every battle, having jumbo cactuar on that island would be similar to the jumbo you fight on FF8 and would just make more sense then having it outside that cave.

Edit: Ok just some feedback as i just got on the game for the first time in a bit, heres my thoughts.

Jumbo Cactuar was pretty easy, the moves it did were interesting, but clearly this is not meant to be fought at level 99 with all the materia i got, actually found this easier to get tetra elementals then in the normal game.

After this i decided to try out Northern cave once again, got my dragon force, and i have to say that the red devil thing is so annoying, the only way through this is Bahamut Zero x8

Ran into the Master Tonberry too, and it has such a huge amount of HP. not sure if its been increased or not but it took a while to kill it lol.

Got to the point where the parties split off in different directions, planted my save point and left it there, not sure if the glitch will work here to get extra materias and items.

Simply go into the start menu > All programs > Final Fantasy VII > Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy VII Hardcore depending on what kind of game you want to play.

ff7.exe is the normal game, h_ff7.exe is the hardcore, and you dont need to worry about the ff7 remix bat file, leave it alone :P

Another note, if you start a game on normal or hardcore, its best to keep with that, switching between normal and hardcore on the same save could cause some major problems lol.

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