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Topics - King Mod

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Final Fantasy Tribute
« on: 2006-09-19 14:02:53 »
Hey have any of you guys seen this?
Just choose the watch this movie option.

Archive / High Res
« on: 2006-09-14 14:28:02 »
this may have been coverd already but i cannot find a direct answer anyeay so i started a new topic. when i try ti use the (saint high res patch) it tells me that the file size is wrong. followed by  the error no patch installed. it also says that CRC32 check failed can anyone help?

Troubleshooting / Jenova
« on: 2006-09-12 17:20:10 »
Yeah i was just trying to mass cheat no lie. but Jenova won't allow it I was wondering why The Jenova won't allow you to increase levels. I'll put cloud from Lv.13 to 20 and it the save file stays at 13 am i doing something wrong?

Archive / Fuzzy Backround Graphics
« on: 2006-09-10 23:56:31 »
im not really sure if this is the propper place to post but I was wondering if anyone could lend me a hand. My FF VII has great graphics in all areas axcept the backround like houses,trees,and goodluck reading any signs in the game. SO if anyone thinks they can help thank you in advance.

Mod Edit: Moved to Game-Tweaking.

Pages: [1]