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Topics - peteey07

Pages: [1]
Completely Unrelated / PS3 vs 360
« on: 2008-07-17 15:09:49 »
Hi guys. :)
I've been thinking that it's about time that i bought myself another next gen console, the Wii just dosen't have much that interests me.
I've been telling myself since the PS3 came out,
"I'm gettin' that."
And im still pretty intent on getting it, however as I'm getting closer to the purchase.

I'm getting doubtful and unsure.

People say that the 360 is better than the PS3, it's sales are better, has a wider game variety, and it's games aren't just crappy movie rips and sequels.
I think that the PS3 is yet to see glory, but at the moment, the PS3 in ones eyes is seen as (excuse me) shit.

I'd like to hear 10 real good reasons why to buy the PS3. Looking forward to your replies ^^

On my last note, things i don't want to hear.

-Awesome graphics
-PS3 sucks.
-Bluray capapility

I've heard it all and I know it all.
Now we wait =]

Completely Unrelated / warcraft 3 hosting?
« on: 2008-05-12 12:28:43 »
hello anyone who plays warcraft 3 on battlenet :D
its been a pain in the ass for ages to me,
how the heck do i host on!
ive done the following::
-forwarded the necessary ports
-set up a static ip
it still aint working!
btw, im running a laptop which gets its internet access off a wireless network.
could this be the case?
looking forward to an answer ;)

Archive / Switching Cloud and Sephiroth around??
« on: 2008-04-21 06:32:12 »
Hey guys =]
Recently on youtube i found a video. Search for FF7 Movie or something along the lines of that.
The guy made a tweak to his game, and when Cloud is meant to jump out of the train, Sephiroth jumps out instead, and Sephiroth chases the crazy Cloud around the world. Anyone else know of this mod?
If so, where can i get it?
I'd find it fun to be able to play the game from a different perspective.

General Discussion / FF7 Remake for PS3 - Whats the deal??
« on: 2008-04-21 03:43:50 »
Well, we all know that FF7 is definately a game worth remaking,
and after seeing the Tech Demo of FF7 on the PS3 i was drooling everywhere..
I know that Square/Sony have said that it was nothing more than a tech demo blahh blahh..
I have even signed the petition for the game to be remade. i forgot where it was though,
i found the link somewhere at FF7Citadel. (google yourself)
Does anyone know any news about Square or Sony changing their mind?

Archive / Odd problem with FF7.
« on: 2008-04-18 09:17:43 »
Hey everyone :)
This is my first post. Probably not the only either. Well while browsing through the net i found this awesome concept of recreating FF7 on Pc, so i thought i'd give it a shot. Which led me here. After reading many posts, such problem has not been come across or explained. So here we go:
Game starts up fine. No drama with that. I start a new game, and the opening FMV begins. all seems well. At the end of the FMV when the train pulls up at the reactor, the screen blanks out. All i can hear is the sound effects of Jesse kicking the guard, the train doors opening, and Cloud jumping out of the train. The screen is completely blank. Now heres the weird part. After a few seconds, a textbox with the first line in the game, "C'mon newcomer, follow me." so i press space and go past that dialog box, only to see a blank screen again. I press the shift key, and the party menu pops up!
It seems that the blue boxes with all the info and text are showing up, but not the actual maps and characters.
Heres a list of the patches/mods i have installed.
-TrueMotion Codec
- AC Avatar Patch
- Official 1.02 patch
- and the Ficedula FF7 Music patch, which was installed via the Cetra patch.

I think the problem came from the last patch, as i am not sure Cetra installed the music patch correctly, but when i configure the FF7Music patch, i cannot configure the input box in the setup menu.
But what about the characters and maps?
Please help, i will be heartshattered to find that i won't be able to play my all time favourite classic :(
Any help whatsoever is greatly appreciated
BTW: i'm running Vista Home Premium

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