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Topics - Giffen1

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General Discussion / looking for FFX art (not CG renders)
« on: 2003-03-12 19:18:46 »
does anyone here know of a good FFX site that showcases Tetsuya Nomura's take on the FFX characters (not ingame models rather his drawings)??

i'm curious as to what the "not so important" NPC's look like. (U'd probably notice that not a lot of detail in terms of facial structures went into them) Jus wanted to see what maybe Dona (very ugly ingame lol), or the other summoners look like.

first of, thanks for any help u can provide...

i noticed that in ur pics, when u render in lightwave u lose the pink highlighting the eyes edges (alpha-ed out right?)

how do i do that?

and how do i make it so that the light cast is balanced both back and front coz i noticed that when i load the object only the front part is lit well

thanks again...and oh btw that tip u gave me about baking the vertex colors work :D ...only when u bake the lighting also affects the vertex maps outcome and when i bake due to lighting not reaching the back side of the battle models it's comes out dark

A Different Look at FF7's Story  

by Bart  

Okay, this is my first editorial, so bear with me while I do the obligatotry introduction. My name is Bart, and I love RPGs. I am not an old-school or a new-school gamer, I just like to play the games. Anyway, I wrote this because I've seen a lot of people talk about the story of Final Fantasy VII and very few, if any of them, seem to realize what I'm about to point out. So, without further ado, here's the editorial:

Lets start off with a little quiz here, to refresh your memory in case you haven't played the game in a while:

1) When is the first time, outside of the flashback in Kalm, that you see Sephiroth in the game?

2) Who did Cloud give the Black Materia to at the Temple of the Ancients?

3) Were you upset when Sephiroth killed Aeris?

Now, I know you think these are very simple questions, and here are the answers most people probably gave. 1) The boat from Junon to Costa del Sol. 2) Sephiroth, and 3) yes. However, every single one of those answers is wrong. Sephiroth was not on the boat, or at the Temple, and he did not kill Aeris.

But wait, you say: I remember all of those things happening. And yes, you saw them, but you probably did not think about them enough. The real answer to number 1 is the North Crater, just before the Weapons are released. Prior to that scene, it is not Sephiroth you see, but Jenova. How many of you remember this quote, "The ability to change one's looks, voice, and words, is the power of Jenova." It is given by "Sephiroth" in the Crater, while Cloud is being shown his "true" past.

Once you realize that it is Jenova you are chasing everywhere on Discs 1 and 2, a lot of things in the game begin to make more sense. Going back to answer 1 above, do you remember how Sephiroth didn't remember who Cloud was in that scene? That's because it was Jenova there, and she had to reach into Sephiroth's memory to see who this person was. When you meet again in Nibelheim, she knows who you are. Jenova is also responsible for the massacre at the Shinra Building, the killing of the Midgar Zolom, and many other acts attributed to Sephiroth in the first half of the game.

So, does this mean Sephiroth is blameless in everything that happens? No, it does not. He chose to destroy Nibelheim, he chose (or agreed with Jenova) to try to absorb the Lifestream. It was Sephiroth who summoned Meteor. But he was killed in Nibelheim, by Cloud. It was only his great will that kept him from joining the Lifestream. Jenova was merely using his form to travel around because she knew it was powerful and would have a great psychological impact on people she met.

edit----i dunno if u guys saw this editorial already...but i jus got to find it quite by chance while looking for an FF7 story i could read to refreshen my memories about the actual storyline of the game (4 year absence from it) makes a lot of sense...storywise and it's something i never even thought of before i read the article ( i know...i know...a bit daft..yeah?)


Scripting and Reverse Engineering / FF8 model extractor
« on: 2003-01-12 13:52:53 »
I heard that Qhimm did a program it still available? Can it be made available?

is there such an extractor in existence?

any plans on making one? anyone?

i know it's the least loved Final Fantasy game...god knows..but acquiring the models would b cool nonetheless.

Hi i'm new here.

Just like to thank all u decoders/programmers in advance for all the great work u've been doing to make FF7 pc as customizable as possible. :)

Ok with that outta the way i'd just like to ask if only Cloud has a high poly battle model (more akin to the FMV Cloud models)

if the others FF main characters have them too where can i find them? And if the others don't hav high poly models , why? And why only Cloud?

another question...why does Barret and Vincent have multiple battle models where as the others don't.

See i don't hav the PC game version of FF7 so i can't check the other LGP folders and stuff...I only hav FF7 main character battle models which Ahlexx was kind enough to send to me (THANKS again!!) all those months back...(only got back to being interested in FF7 again...that's me short attention span)

anyway those renders above were made in 3dsmax which is obviously below par due to the buggy texturing.. :)
(i've just started using 3dsmax so i'm not that knowledgeable about the program)

a question for Mirex : first off, THANK YOU!! Biturn's a really helpful app. I hope u continue to develop for the other file formats like 3ds, ms3d, obj. so that they can export textures and bones and whatnot.

I've seen ur renders/pictures of the FF7 characters like safer sephiroth and Cloud's friend? Do they export that way in Lightwave or do u use some tool to smooth out the textures?

I don't hav lightwave so i use file format converters....unfortunately my converter doesn't have support for lwo 6.5+ so when i convert the battle models in biturn i use lwo and when i generate them in the file converter the textures appear blockyhence above there anyway around this besides retexturing them on my own by making new maps?

thanks for any help u guys could give me.

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