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Messages - drfeelgud88

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Releases / Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2010-10-18 14:26:39 »
It's an accessory. It doesn't actually show Haste protection, I beleive it's a glitch resulting from Slow protection.

Anyway I finally managed to beat her. I'm up to Dyne now... and my only comment... WTF, 500 damage from Needle Gun?! o_O
I'm starting to think I'm seriously underlevelled... xD Barret has about 950 HP, Cloud's just broken the 1000 mark.
What the? You serious?

I think by that time I had a lil over than 1100 hp. (kept dying on certain bosses, which was tickin' me off so I started training -- also died on a few randoms). XD

Thank you very much =]

Makes me feel a lot better about noticing little dumb things, and also now I know im only a little crazy XD
Hm. I've never actually noticed that.

I'm a lil rusty on my FF8 (haven't finished it; been on hold to it) walkthrough.

 Where was Watts suppose to be at the time of this happening?

Releases / Re: [WIP] Bloodshot's HQ Motorbike mod V2
« on: 2010-10-17 23:06:31 »
I'll probably just release it with the original buster sword (or hardedge) until i get the PM.
Yeah. I think you should go ahead and release it. Once you get the PM, you can perhaps put it as an add-on.

Maybe some don't like the model (although I can't think of anyone that would dislike it; looks awesome!)  ;D

He is also banned.
Ah okay. Now that that's settled, no need to talk about that anymore. Right Kudistos? Lol.

Time to stay on-topic in an off-topic related forum. Lol.  8)


Wait, I've just noticed: obesebear knew it was Hermoor (unless he was just using "hermoor" as a general insult).

Mind you, it seems that he changed his name after making that post, and since there are so many newbies around, I suppose no-on noticed that Snor had become Hugin.
I think he was just using that as a general insult; since this guy was bringing down on FF7 on an FF7 forum; just like Hermoor did during his last few weeks (or months?).

Well, technically, he's been here for a while now, but nobody did anything about it.

He didn't really provoke anyone nor posted useless trash. He did however post here, which led to the suspicion of him.

Ah, doesn't matter now, he's muted.

Releases / Re: [WIP] Bloodshot's HQ Motorbike mod V2
« on: 2010-10-17 21:11:38 »
Nice. That's better than the sharp ends on the first Hardy.  ;)

Also, any news on the usage of Millenia's Buster Sword?

Releases / Re: gjoerulv's "Hardcore" mod
« on: 2010-10-17 21:08:53 »
Well. When I tried this about 2 years ago, I got stuck on Jenova Birth.

...That's where I'm up to again now, and while I did manage to get her down to 3500 HP once, I still haven't beaten her.

I'm wondering if that battle is just a bit *too* hard... I mean seriously, multiple attacks every turn? Double Tail Laser is especially a pain.

Also, on a slightly unrelated note, is Silver Chocobo glitched? It randomly runs out of MP sometimes, despite having heaps.
Yeah, Jenova-BIRTH was a tad tough! I remember I would have Meteorain at the start of battle, and everytime when I was at low HP, I would pray that Meteorain was almost close to charging. So basically, like gjoerulv said, just keep Cloud alive because he will possibly be the one to defeat Jenova-BIRTH.

As for the Silver Chocobo, check the video on my YouTube. I recorded that one match because his formula for attacking is random and odd. Odd as in it may use that flashing light thing and run out of MP immediately after (it has 65,535), and that flashing light thing does nothing!

Either way, that won't stop it from using Choco/Mog.

My question is, what is the purpose of the light-spell?

It has been done, all global moderators now have banning capabilities. Don't piss us off.
sl1982 is as tough as Barret. :D

On a side note, congrats and may the force be with you.

I'm not a guy.  :P
Well I didn't know that! So I'm sorry!

You should know better than to admit that. Now all the guys will be after you. Except Timu, he's already got a girl here.
I beg the differ. I don't chase after girls whom I don't know.  :P

Well said, I just read all I could without forgetting I was reading.

For background music I'm listening to this man play this

You know, because he plays WILD GUITARZZZ  he can't play anything absolutely beautiful

(P.S. to all who aren't familiar with buckethead, fix that... then listen to his album Electric Tears, my god, it's gorgeous)
Oh, have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard.

Edit: (Hermoor): What about this? Why do you still have this account, in which you used to create these unnatural things? Hypocritical...

Yeah, I'm a lil bored myself.

Just watching some Full Metal Jacket clips on YouTube. Basically.

Covarr: You actually read that? Must've been a pain quoting those small parts.  :roll:

Haha, this should go in the Qhimm rules next to the words, "How much is too much?"
Pretty much, the word I'd use is "too beaucoup" (skip to 1:27, sorry, I've no idea how to put up a link from YouTube with the timer indicated).

tl;dr Can you please give me the short, short, short version please?  :x

Edit: I want some of what he's smoking.

Edit2: Don't you agree that Ronald McDonald looks like Kefka? Your all-time favorite villian? :D

Edit3: Guys, watch out for this guy, for he may be doing this.

At Beztr or whatever!

What does that username mean?

Guise, there seems to be a post incoming!

It's taking a long time, so maybe it's an extra long one. I can't wait!
Look at you... All wet!!  :-P

This theme is suiting don't you think?

Hm, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?  ;)

O Hai Guise
Can someone mute this guy please? :p

Well I for one don't get it. ???
Nvm. You both exchanged posts with this said individual.

I searched -blank-'s name and Norse Mythology happened to be part of a result.

I retract my previous statement -- I get it now.

Well I for one don't get it. ???

Hurry for this (^) guy for staying on topic! :D

Releases / Re: [WIP] Bloodshot's HQ Motorbike mod V2
« on: 2010-10-16 06:24:20 »
Looks cool. Hopefully he gives you permission to do so, now that would be awesome sauce!  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia Duodecim
« on: 2010-10-16 00:01:51 »
almost reason to buy a PSP
if they werent so god darm expensive for a HANDHELD.
Yeah, they are quite expensive. I managed to get around say, what, 2 years ago? Good enough, it's the slim kind and it has PSN (3000 series) enabled on it so that's good enough for me. :D

During our first war, he started off saying he was 18 and later said he was 13.
Oh wow. Perhaps he is in the process of degradation.  :o

Costa, surely you mean "quiet."  :P

As for Leighos, perhaps he is unhuman, to where he can age more rapid than a mere human being.  ;D

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