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Messages - Shankifer

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SSD Hard drive. Theres like 300 bucks alone lol. and 12Gigs, that's got to account for about 600 depending on the brand, maybe more. The i7 is probably running it up about 800. Ultimate 64 bit really only adds like 100 bucks of value to it. GTX480 Probably accounts for at least a grand (if not more), that card will blow most others out of competition.

Ideal for FF14? I sure hope it's more than Ideal... If that's true, I'd love to see what the PERFECT FF14 computer is packing.

So who's ordering one to check it out? :P

Edit: Forgot to mention, probably 500+ in a motherboard that can handle 12 Gigs and the i7 processor.

and furthermore... what kind of power supply is thing (thats right, THING, it is no longer a computer) sucking up with all it's high end equipment, am I going to plug it in and watch my meter go? :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-31 10:21:37 »
The reason there's a basic logo, is because the flag is the original Avalanche logo in the game. So it is just another way TA wants to show that they stick to the original  :D

I think it's going to be one of those... "Easier said than done" kind of things, adding dialogue, scenes, could be a lengthy process, but still, definately a good idea

If you would go down Ajox's road. Having her come back later would be kind of awesome. Like, they leaver in the lake, she doesn't come back to life. They leave. And then having to do like one or two quests without her and IF the player takes time to revisit the Ancient Ruins, they would find Aeris either being ressurected or already resurrected and just kneeling or something like that. I think that kind of fits the story with the way characters come and go.

Troubleshooting / Re: Newbie Question
« on: 2010-08-29 09:16:52 »
As for the Highest quality of gaming, I think you'd be experiencing the best of FF7 with TA's overhaul when they complete it. PRP and other projects are compilations of other mods thrown into one mod with all the compatibility issuse *kind of* fixed lol

TA is basically starting with nothing but the Original FF7 and improving it from scratch, on the install I believe the only Model in the current patch is Barret. I know the hardest part is waiting, but if you spend some time in Team Avalanche's Forum, you can get a general idea of what the improvements are looking like.

TA is a graphical overhaul. Not just of the models, but the menu's, text, battlegrounds, feilds, and so on. Like I said, checking out their forum really helps to see what kind of effort is going into this project.

TA's goal is also to stick to the original as much as possible, which means instead of an Advent Children FF7 experience, You are guaranteed to have the same feel of the entire FF7, with higher quality graphics.

I really hope you head over to TA's forum to look around and see what's in the works.

Their next release will be when they complete the bombing mission (up to the reactor explosion)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post Your Desktop
« on: 2010-08-29 07:58:58 »
My Desktop Computer is running on a 32 inch Sony Bravia through HDMI 1080P on a Nvidia GT220. It's a self-built computer... I think a pure dream would be dualscreening or triscreening multiple 32 inch screens... ^.^

Troubleshooting / Re: Newbie Question
« on: 2010-08-29 07:47:52 »
Your best bet to get the highest quality out of your experience. Is to run two different installs. Run PRP on one, and use TA with the other. This avoids Compatibility issues. It also gets you the best experience without any of the errors from overlapping.

Also, you won't get much help with Apz Cloud here due to the fact that his models were kind of banned from these threads with the whole ripping ordeal. Sorry.

As for TA's models. The Models are still being made and you are only using a BETA, the first release is yet to be announced and is still in progress. It's looking promising for the near future though.

If you search the forums you can find a fix for the FMV's being upside down, I promise :D

One last thing, try to refrain from double-posting, there is a "modify" button at the top right of your box, it works, and it will keep you from getting warned  ;)

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-28 02:25:54 »
Reminds me of Texaco Gas.

Both versions look terrific!

There's a little bump on the upper side of the bottom right bone peice. Nothing huge but if you're TA skull gets selected that might be a tiny detail to clean up :D

Other than that though, I really like the coloring, and I think I almost prefer the circle, although it's not quite the original. I think a modernized version of the original is required considering we modernized the graphical aspect of the game. But all in all, I love the logo! haha  ;D

If they post that they use it, yeah they will. But its for those people that are like "Hi, I use your mods and they make my game act up" which for some mods could be true to the real ff7 version so it's just a way to curb some of the ultima players. It's all about evolution of the forum to eliminate as many of the problems as possible. Yes some will always be there, but it's nice to be able to cut down.

whether anything here is implicated or not is fine by me. It was just a thought and will be up to those in charge to decide action. :P

Honestly I do not see why people advertise the fact that they use the ultima edition or any other pirated version. Has pirating become so morally acceptable these days that people have no qualms with flaunting it? I guess it comes down to the fact that these people are idiots that do not realize that they should be quiet about this.

In truth, Pirating is widely socially acceptable.

It's ironic really, if you look at bands like metallica, rappers like P. Diddy, and other musical artists of the 70s-90s a huge concept was "Rebel!, fight the power!" or in rap music they rapped about robbing banks, stealing, and breaking the law. and really, who were the first people to get nationally recognized for complaining about people downloading music? Metallica is one of the biggest, and most ironic cases in their fight against Napster back in the day.

But more on topic with what you said, so many people of fame promote this anti-government way of living. Watch America's Daily shows and see how often show-hosts rant or make an ass of the government. In the U.S. We're told the government is a joke by our celebrities. Even in family and school environments, you might get sent to counseling for bringing a gun to school or stealing money, but nobody cares if you're downloading movies/music etc

Also, the reason it is so readily available as well, is the fact that some countries don't enforce copyright laws of other countries, so the websites are free to be hosted.

For the pirated version prevention, the word detection method will probably help. An alternative might be a mandatory question during sign-up with a dropdown box: "Where did you acquire your copy of FF7?" [ebay, Craigslist, pawn shop, Salvation Army, used game store, a friend, The Pirate Bay, Rapidshare, Mega Upload, other download, etc.] Maybe have a box for "If other, please explain..."

This is a terrific idea. Especially giving lots of places where you might obtain the Ultima version, it's kind of baiting... but at least it will get rid of A LOT of idiots. xD

Only the smart pirates will get through :P

yeah but what I'm saying is, how many times does someone on here sit down and try to help someone, who is listing all these problems, and if the poster is really incoherent or ignorant, the attempt of help could go on for a while before it is realized they are using Ultima. The nice thing about Ultima is that it gives a title with a download, so people KNOW what it is, they just will be ignorant of the rules here. They would probably be more than happy to tell us something they can figure out lol.

Also with listing the edition, you could curb compatibility problem help by looking and saying "oh this mod doesn't work with the ______ edition"

I think the word warning would be the best idea, especially since it seems like something that could be edited quickly if there is a new edition produced, or even if a word needs to be taken out.

The thing I proposed wouldn't necessarily be a signature, it would show up underneath your post count or something over there. If you check out and look at a members name you'll see what I'm talking about. The forum does have a lot of bugs, but they also have a lot more stuff to access.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-27 02:59:47 »
Not saying it's a bad thing at all... but strangely, everytime I look at your TA flag I am reminded of a lava lamp haha  ;D

I like it though! I agree with the modern thing though, it reminds me of something I'd see in something like... MODERN warfare 2 haha, Ironic but true lol.

I was thinking, after scanning the forums for a while and finding all the times where time (like whole pages worth of questions) has been wasted due to someone not saying they have pirated edition or some pirated edition that the mods don't work correctly with.

I use a forum called ClubCivic to talk about my Civic, and they have a part of the profile that shows up under your picture that states things like


and that feature helps people who take time to fill in those peices (there are a lot more than that) avoid questions like "what model, what chassis, " and so on.

I was thinking, if it would be possible, to add something like

FF7 Edition:

and then a lot of questions could be avoided. Something would have to be linked to a "what edition do I have" link or something but even with that hassle I think in the long run, this could save people a lot of time. Especially when people are oblivious and put "Pirated" "Ultima" and other illegal keywords in the Edition selection.

Just a thought, really didnt know where to go with this thought lol, Sorry if this isn't General FF related material  :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-26 23:46:39 »
True, but still, whether they get picked or not, huge kudos to all the logos in this thread. A lot of nice work and pieces of potential for any future Team Avalanche picture needs. It's nice to see what variety people can come up with when you give them the vague order of, "Make a Team Avalanche Logo" lol. I think anything in here would look nice somewhere in an installer to make it look official/Intresting/very cool  ;D.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-26 23:07:04 »
Damn, that looks nice! haha  :-D

The only thing that could possibly be worked on or removed is the shadow of the "waves" in the flag. The original picture included the waves which is half the reason of the deformity of the flag. Is there any way you can shop in kind of like  wrinkle/wave to the pic to make your flag look less sideways-prison-cell-shadowy? :P

Or Removing the stripes and using burn to darken some areas and create a "wave" effect that kind of accents the deformity of the skull.

I really do like yours though :D
Sorry for the OCD going on here but the stripes just kind of looked out of place to me :P

Edit: Thought just hit: Using clone stamp to create the waving effect. Like using it to break up the lines so they are off-alignment and it looks like the patchwork fabric is actually curling and "waving" :D

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-26 21:39:26 »
*sl1982 uses VETO POWER*  :P

It's going to be the flag from the game. If someone wishes to make a high res version of this it would be appreciated.

Do you have a Size, like length by width, that you want it to be? So everyone knows what kind of space the flag has to fill and look good at?

I don't want to make it too small and then have a sh*t copy when you stretch it. If you know what I mean. :)

EDIT: A few Trials>

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-25 02:29:16 »
An edit to the last one, thought it looked alot better, regardless of how the decision of the logo goes.

The Original flag, enlarged a bit and edited to get rid of some pixelation. Not the greatest picture, but it's the original flag.

I dont beleive yer locking off materia, so perhaps making some way of making enemy skills more effective with red, or easier to learn (dunno how ?.?)

I believe it was mentioned about really limiting Red's use of armor/materia. soooo....
Would it be possible to give him Enemy skill as an attack or something? you could then eliminate the need for the materia by increasing the rate of success with the attack and you wouldnt have to make it for Red only, since the materia would be obsolete.

I have no idea if this is possible or not, but I thought it would be very interesting to experiment. :D

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-23 05:29:26 »

Along these lines? lol
I have the original as well.
I was really trying to get Barret's tattoo. I think that would be a kickass logo. But alas, I have difficulty finding a decent picture :P

I second Miseru on this one haha.

but at the same time, It's hard not to be a fanboy sometimes.

For example, I enjoyed Mass Effect very much, watched all these videos that talked about *proposed* additions and such, the game came out, and, though I still loved it, they didn't follow through almost half of the proposals.

As for Graphics over substance, I belive it's a 50/50 thing. Some games, yes, graphics took over the gameplay. Going back to the most common issue on here, FF13, I'm on the third disc with 30hrs into the game (I'm not a "beat this game ASAP" kind of person) and I feel like I spend more time watching cinematics or cut scenes than playing the game. That made me kind of disappointed.

Another great example of great games-turned-sour is The elder scrolls. Morrowind and Oblivion were great. but Morrowind, had flexibility, modding the game to your own liking was easy as you could imagine it on the PC. Oblivion was geared toward consoles and lost a lot of it's edge, in fact, if you buy Oblivion for the PC and have a decent Graphics card, the picture will look better than a PS3 or 360. So overall point here : Making changes from one console to the next is a guaranteed way to upset some fans.

Well thanks for giving me a reason to complain about my gaming experiences :P

For Vincent, as relieved in Dirge of Cerberus, he was Hojo's failed experiment, who was saved by Lucrecia by giving him Chaos cells, so I'm thinking low HP, med-low Str, high Mag and Dex, and some built in status immunities.

I would also say that his Chaos forms should be handled with care, if using Valnus' idea, Making them a kind of polor opposite would probably work well, that way he can tear through regular opponents, but opponents with magical attack should be able to clear Chaos quickly, a sense of the magic energy kind of depleting the Chaos energy.

Also, I wasn't a big user of vincent during playthrough... rarely ever actually, Cloud/Barett/Red was usually my setup, but does Vincent's Limit kill Vincent if it dies, or does it just turn back into Vincent? Either way its something to think about while setting up the HP for the limits.

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-23 02:56:16 »
I'm not saying that character art is better. but what does Meteor have to do with Avalanche? Their main goal is to break the dependency on Mako Energy because it saves the lifestream. Eventually, yes their goal is to stop Meteor, but since right now this is the Bombing Mission anyway, I see no reason that the Meteor is a major representation of Avalanche.

Edit: Don't want anyone to think I'm b*tching or anything, I'm just curious about the reasoning :P

Team Avalanche / Re: Team Avalanche Logo
« on: 2010-08-23 02:17:36 »

Just a base Idea, Thumbs up, down, to the left?

I was thinking of running it through some filters to make it a little more old.

I was also thinking for load screen you could change the pictures periodically and add some of TA's concept art if there is any :D

EDIT: I want to make a few variations of this but i don't want to hog page-space. please let me know if you're interested in seeing. :)

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