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Messages - EmperorSteele

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can you create an patch for the resoultion 1280x800 to play it on notebooks?

That'd be cool, i have to play FF7 in window mode, but i lose the bottom 160 pixels of the screen  :oops:
Couldnt we just squeeze the game a bit?

FF7 is not charmin toilet paper >=O

You could try angermax.  It hits so fast that you could probably get away with adding an extra several hits.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: REQ* Opcodes?
« on: 2006-07-10 06:28:01 »
Why not just "force" Qhimm to find the documentation he made while making his script editor? :P IMHO, it's not a good idea to "guess" the meaning of the opcodes.

if(reader == Qhimm)
else if(reader == EmperorSteele)

...You're making fun of me for always misspelling your name, aren't you? =(

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-07-08 18:51:25 »
Well, i wanted to compare it side-by-side with the original models

For instance, i suspect the models are the right size, but they only LOOK smaller becasue the heads are smaller than the normal field models, but I just wanted to look and make sure =)

Troubleshooting / Re: JENOVA failing to open saved game?
« on: 2006-07-08 18:47:41 »

whered did you get JENOVA from?  Qhimm's site?

it SHOULD work.  You;re not running the game while you try this, are you?

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-07-08 05:36:37 »
Chibuuchan (guh, annoying jap-fan name): can you proveide a screenshot of this?

Mmm, no, no movies play at that point.  it's at that point where Cloud walks deeper into the library and finds Sephiroth, so it's definitely the field file not loading

Archive / Re: Cloud wearing Daedric armor
« on: 2006-07-05 19:49:47 »
More fanboy gushing ahead:

Awesome work, Reunion!  keep it up!

Archive / Re: ff7 help me plz
« on: 2006-07-03 20:17:57 »
Sounds like you messed up editing the registry.

Go back and make sure you pointed the movie-path to the correct location, and that you put the final slash  ( \ ) in.

And don't mind Sad Jari.  Just use commas and periods, could ya?  It will save us all a huge headache.


I don't wanna sound like i'm mini-modding, but, just as a frienly suggestion, I think these kinds of questions would get a better resposne in the Tech-Related forum.  Halkun, who'd be best suited to answer your queries, doesnt really wander into GT that much, it seems.

Gattz: Are younot  using TNT mode in ff7config?

Archive / Re: help with spell damage
« on: 2006-06-29 07:08:04 »
.... now THAT is kickass.  Damn, man, you make this stuff look easy.  You some kind of genius or something?

Archive / Re: Texture Problems
« on: 2006-06-26 04:22:06 »
See?  Doubt not my near infiite wisdom, mortal =P

jk, glad everything's workin' for ya ^_^

The fort condor game works fine for me o_o

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-06-26 00:22:19 »

That should be the latest, unless borde and stormy have been holding out on us ;)

And I think they said there should be a new one soon, so, yeah.

Hey, uh, i just noticed..

some of the likns in the first post are no longer working.  Probably due to the forums being moved around.  Might wanna fix that, Aaron =)

Archive / Re: Texture Problems
« on: 2006-06-25 21:45:18 »
If your monitors support high resolutions, try the saints high-res patch.  It fixes background gridlines and stuff.

Also, update your video drivers by going to or

Archive / Re: help with spell damage
« on: 2006-06-25 21:31:12 »
Well, it's just that no one's looked into changing spell damage all that much. Hell, terrance's party mechanics doc i think is missing the spell section (or was, last i looked) The closest thing I know of is Dziugo's 9999-cap breaker, which lets characters deal and recieve mroe than 9999 damage... but i don't think that would affect comet 2.

I think your idea #1 would be best, finding and adjusting its base.  Sadly, I wouldn't know how to do this.

[edit] I hate it when i misspell Dziugo's name ;_;

Archive / Re: help with spell damage
« on: 2006-06-25 07:38:24 »
I know it wouldn't have the same affect, but why not just mime it over and over??

Or, if you wanan be real nuts, just equip w-magic and 7 combos of comet+quadra magic.  It should cast 56 times, which would make 224 hits.  i tried to put this theory to the test, but, mosnters kept dying.  I'll try i on a WEAPON when i have some free time.

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-06-23 05:22:27 »
Heh, I was just bein' silly.

Lemme know when you have a new patch ready so I can toss it up on ff7-u.

hmm, ok, because if the courser is moving by itself, there's some kind of control/input issue, and I can assure you that it is not a bug that is native to the game itself.

I would suggest you back up all your important stuff (pictures, save games, homework, etc), format your HD and reinstall windows.  Because there's some kind of system conflict (virus?  other program?) and I'm not sure how to pin it down, unless someone else comes in with another idea.

Releases / Re: NPC Reconstruction Project
« on: 2006-06-22 05:33:55 »
That, and the huge effin knockers.  Couldn't you have used yuffie's chest or something?

.... You, uh, don't need to all-caps your title threads.  Things liek that will make people ignroe orflame you here.

Sounds like a control issue.  Are you trying to use a gamepad?

Also, with 1.02, go into ff7config and select TNT mode.

General Discussion / Re: Random Question Please Help
« on: 2006-06-19 05:35:10 »
when you uninstalled, did you manually delete your ff7/saves directory? Because just using the Uninstaller won't get rid of your saves folder.

In other words, you may still have your saves.

If not, lemme know, i got saves there. (might wanna PM me, I usualy don't come to this part of the forum)

Archive / Re: is that possible to have Reno in the party?
« on: 2006-06-19 02:52:00 »
I thik he means making custom breaks or mixing in different ones.

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