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Messages - strife98

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-05-27 09:20:49 »
So I started a new game with the latest 1.4 IRO, and there's a minor bug? I guess? You start off with 54/57 mp.

Edit: Also, can I just say, the scene after Cloud explains Materia to Barret is the single greatest thing I have ever seen. I absolutely loved it.

I have a few suggestions if this is the acceptable place for suggestions....(not sure):

1. Possibly add auto organization to the Active Mods or Library tabs to cut down on the simple fix of keeping mods in the correct order.
2. Add a Help tab next to Workshops that gives basic "To do's" if the game doesn't start. Ex: Install, or reinstall Overwrite Game Converter, or make sure your graphics card is up to date. Then add a link at the end that leads to the correct help forum if you are still having problems.
3. Add images to the "No Change" choices (if that's you all doing that) That way it'll give more of a comparison of what you are changing. Like, what the Highwind looks like normal compared to Costa07's Highwind.

Edit: Edited for easier viewing I guess?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-05-24 02:40:13 »
Does Anyone have a list of mods compatible with The New Threat ?

Here's the list of mods that I use while playing: (and the order they should be in on 7th Heaven)

Team Avalanche Fields
Battle Models - Weapons
Field Models - Objects
Battle Textures
Field Textures - satsuki
Gameplay - Difficulty and Story |The current version of this mod doesn't seem to have the latest New Threat as while playing through I noticed it didn't have the ability to reset Tifa's Lvl 4 Limit Break
                                                  Quest like the latest Iro for New Threat. I think you'd put the New Threat Iro here as well, but it also prevents other mods from working so I might be wrong. Either
                                                  deal with the older New Threat, figure out where the New Threat Iro goes, or wait till it updates. Though EQ2Alyza would know better than me since I've had to get
                                                  help over 7th heaven not working cause of super simple problems and my own ineptitude.
Gameplay - Tweaks and Cheats
Media - Movies
Media - Music and Sound
Menu - Avatars and Backdrops
Minigames Collection
Spell Textures
The Reunion - Beacause and Menu Overhaul (don't use Beacaus, I don't think it's compatible and will over write some stuff)
World Models - Characters
World Models - Enemies
World Models - Vehicles
World Textures

If any of the other info is wrong lemme know and I'll fix it, but this is what I play with, and I think thats all the mods on the Catalog that are compatible. There might be a few I missed, but I'm pretty sure these are all of them. Stuff like Field Textures are interchangeable while others like Dynamic Cloud Weapons won't work cause Cloud has a custom model from New Threat and that interferes with the needed model in Dynamic Cloud WeaponsI actually remember why I don't use the mods that change character field models. It's because the custom models that are default in the mod don't get changed by stuff like PRP so they still have the Chibi look. Running around and seeing polygonal chibi's while you look like a semi normal person really pulls you out of the immersion.
Spoiler: show

It just looks wrong.

 Course I haven't tested this out in a while. So I might be wrong, but this list of mods is a good starting point me thinks. Again, if any of this is wrong and I'm completely ruining everything lemme know and I'll fix it.

Edit: Actually going through this list I've noticed some of the mods that I had on weren't actually doing anything so I removed them.

Edit 2: Also out of curiosity to Sega Chief, is there, or will there be a plan for anything to happen once you are fully upgraded? Cause the way Mr. Smiley is done kind of makes me feel like he wants you to get stronger so he can take you on at full strength.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-05-17 16:09:27 »
Geeze I had no idea I would go back once I get to dark cave. Only reason I was so frustrated was cause I thought that would be the only time I'd get to fight him and I didn't want to give up on it. That's what I get for purposefully skipping over anything about it lol. I'll probably finish off Midgar then. Thankfully though because of grinding and Gil plus I don't have to worry about maxed items since I always have enough money to Max them out. Heck I had about 800k before doing the rocket materia mission (at least I did before I bought AVALANCHE Villa lol.) I'll probably give Curator a few more tries with this knowledge, thanks very much!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-05-17 09:27:45 »
OK wtf. I need quick run down on how to deal with the Curator. I've watched videos, and he is doing no where near the damage he's doing to me, and I made sure everyone was in the back row with sadness to make sure I take the least amount of damage possible. Though those video's were 5 months to a year old so Curator has probably changed since then. He starts with Warning Shot which halves my health, then almost finishes me off with Lapis Lazer, usually killing off one of my guys. Oh, but he's not done yet. He comes in and swings at me with his arms, or taking one of my characters and killing the other, leaving me with a dead team, and a super frustrated look on my face. I even sneak attacked a Wall in there and it didn't do JACK. I can't even set up preparations because he kills me before my characters can react, and I'm level 87 - 89! I was feeling pretty good especially when I found out the beauty of Aerith's Healing Rods and Slash-All. I mean I'm enjoying the difficulty. I regretfully had to force myself into Wait mode once I got into the Midgar Raid cause Dual Drain is everywhere and super ridiculous. But this guy is rediculous. I managed to get my team to stay alive ONE time, and he uses this Missle something move (i can't remember the name unfortunately) and it does more damage than my team has health. I need strats, something, anything cause good lord. I'm pulling my hair out on this one. There's gotta be something I'm missing.

7th Heaven / Re: Error Crash At Start
« on: 2017-05-17 00:56:25 »
Alright I fixed it. Apparently my driver updater decided to stop updating my drivers. My graphics card was under a few versions. Once I updated it everything started working fine.

7th Heaven / Re: Error Crash At Start
« on: 2017-05-15 07:24:31 »
I tried that already since that seemed to fix every other problem I had, but it didn't work. Just tried it again, and it didn't work either.

7th Heaven / Error Crash At Start
« on: 2017-05-15 03:01:16 »
Started up the game through 7th Heaven and it gives me an error at black screen before anything starts, and then crashes after hitting ok. Worked fine before, but maybe the Windows Update broke something? It's the only thing I can think of that's different from yesterday.


Spoiler: show
[00000000] INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.8.1b
[00000000] INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
[00000000] INFO: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2 4.5.0 NVIDIA 381.89
[00000000] INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
[00000000] INFO: Using PBO
[00000000] INFO: Found swap_control extension
[00000000] INFO: Max texture size: 32768x32768
[00000000] INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1920x1080, output resolution 1920x1080, internal resolution 3840x2160
[00000000] INFO: Shader limits: varying 124, vert uniform 4096, frag uniform 4096
[00000000] INFO: postprocessing program link log:
Fragment info
0(133) : warning C7050: "refractedColor.w" might be used before being initialized

[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
[00000000] INFO: VGMStream music plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: Loading external library Multi.dll

Profile Details
Spoiler: show
Miscellaneous - Team Avalanche Fields
   ID: 72152e09-7b5c-4942-8465-afa154e20b08
   Version: 2.0
   field_ta = 1
Battle Models - Weapons
   ID: fe92e17c-f60d-4cf5-9c79-889f93d1edcb
   Version: 2.1
   weapons_aerith = 3
   weapons_caitsith = 1
   weapons_cloud = 1
   weapons_sephiroth = 1
   weapons_yuffie = 1
Field Models - Objects
   ID: 7f1274cf-3bf8-4ae6-a722-d2f374c902fc
   Version: 2.1
   huge_materia = 1
   materia = 2
   potions = 2
   save_point = 1
   ID: 653bb2b6-3999-4bb0-bc21-2ae299bb7b87
   Version: 2.1
   f_animation = 1
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   fed = 1
   fs = 0
Battle Models - Characters
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   Version: 2.1
   models_aerith = 0
   models_barret = 4
   models_caitsith = 1
   models_cid = 0
   models_cloud = 2
   models_redxiii = 1
   models_sephiroth = 1
   models_tifa = 1
   models_vincent = 3
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Battle Textures
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   Version: 2.0
   battle_bg = 2
Field Models - Non-Player Characters
   ID: d329bc05-3dc0-4f35-94aa-632986f47194
   Version: 2.34
   models_base = 2
   models_biggs = 1
   models_jessie = 1
   models_wedge = 1
Field Textures - satsuki
   ID: 63c6df8c-971a-47f0-aac5-da4290f36058
   Version: 2.3
   field_bg = 1
Gameplay - Difficulty and Story
   ID: af709876-588e-4865-84e3-0ac0bd662fb2
   Version: 2.391
   gameplay = 6
Gameplay - Tweaks and Cheats
   ID: 3dbdfa3b-d97f-4cfc-9db8-223dbe0152bc
   Version: 2.2
   ar = 1
   cf = 1
   dm = 0
   isl = 1
   i = 0
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   nrb = 0
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   sbo = 1
Media - Movies
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   Version: 2.1
   movie = 3
Media - Music and Sound
   ID: 2bdd4a94-4b06-46ca-af0a-37b9dfef25aa
   Version: 2.1
   music = 5
   sound = 0
Menu - Avatars and Backdrops
   ID: aec06415-0f12-410b-ac43-f4e89e363729
   Version: 2.1
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   avatars_vincent = 2
   avatars_yuffie = 2
   game_over = 1
   prelude = 3
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Minigames Collection
   ID: ee718ab3-0aa5-43b2-b7bc-82c69fcd19d0
   Version: 2.31
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   motorbike_models = 3
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   coaster_textures = 1
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Spell Textures
   ID: b97373a2-aa9f-40e3-9a3d-aeaa846391d4
   Version: 2.1
   magic = 2
   coin = 0
   limit = 9
The Reunion - Beacause and Menu Overhaul
   ID: 3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652
   Version: 2.1
   beacause = 0
   menu = 1
   break = 1
   hand = 0
   nbb = 0
   ncb = 0
World Models - Characters
   ID: a5b9a2f3-c9e3-4cbb-947a-1489ebeeb921
   Version: 2.1
   cid_world = 3
   cloud_world = 2
   tifa_world = 2
World Models - Enemies
   ID: 0d0cc481-4cc3-4e7e-9529-fa7077b38615
   Version: 2.0
   diamond = 2
   emerald = 1
   ruby = 1
   ultima = 1
World Models - Vehicles
   ID: 0e056cf4-7b37-49e1-aa9e-c57bc73db954
   Version: 2.0
   buggy = 1
   chocobo = 1
   highwind = 1
   submarine = 1
   tiny_bronco = 1
World Textures
   ID: 35e0906d-7da4-4da2-b10d-87149d291a38
   Version: 2.0
   world_bg = 2

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-05-12 21:29:34 »
Also, quick question, for the Boss at the Quadra Magic Materia, is there another strategy besides:
Spoiler: show
Confuse all the little bombs with Hades/Bad breath/Confuse and then cast Demi 3 on them one by one and hope that random chance is your friend and they use their insta kill/eject on another confused bomb death attack to continue the chain reaction until only the big boss is left instead of using it on you.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-05-12 05:44:21 »
Came back and oh god I am dying. So glad beating Ultima Weapon before midgar raid is still a thing. Also holy cow the bosses for the Materia Caves good lord. Anyways, I have a few bugs to bring up. None too game breaking or anything, most just visual or something simple:

 In Shinra Mansion Ying and Yang still have the SP Gained text that pop up.

After fighting Tseng at the Rocket, if you go back to the save point after fighting the guard inside the rocket, he is standing up.
Spoiler: show

While fighting the Adamantaimai he attacked me after death animation. Pretty sure it's because he was Manipulated when I killed him. I did Manipulated, had him use Heavy Shell on himself, and used Quake 3, and repeated till he died. You can kind of see his Heavy Shell hitting Cait with him being gone.
Spoiler: show

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-05-03 00:28:47 »

My rationale for it is that higher numbers are a nightmare to balance when %-based damage-reductions are present; Back Row, Sadness, Barriers, and Elemental Defence are all capable of shrinking damage down by 30-50% each and their effects stack.

To trouble a character with 9999HP, you need attacks that deal damage somewhere in the region of several thousand HP. Apply %-based reductions to these attacks that are dealing higher numbers, and you get a scaling return on these reductions that become more and more effective as you progress through the game. Lower cap numbers means the scaling return on mitigation isn't as pronounced.

Using the cap for stats is arbitrary anyway, and it homogenizes characters/builds; they should only be reachable, if at all, through the very extremes. You can get 255 in some stats with some characters in NT but only by building the characters a certain way and then augmenting them with specific pieces of equipment.

That works the other way as well. Enemy balancing can be done much more moderately when extreme values aren't in play. If every character is capable of 9999HP and 255 in their stats, then you end up in a lose-lose situation where you either spec the end-game/super bosses to handle those stats, making them a requirement, or you spec them normally in which case they're a pushover.

Makes me really curious how your FF8 mod is going to work that then. I'm not sure if it'd be easier or harder since everything scales with Squall and magic having such a huge change on stats, but it's got me super interested in it.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-04-27 14:43:03 »
It might just be my play style, but in both vanilla and new threat I always went with a physical build, except for on Aeris. I'd always equip things that boosted my attack, or gave me elemental advantages, and I almost always stayed in the front lines unless a character like Barret or Vincent had a long range weapon, then it would only make sense to use that advantage and put them in the back to save them on some damage. I also always play on active, even though stuff like Barriers won't be super effective, it gives a bit more challenge and quick thinking (especially in New Threat). There would be times where I would throw out some magic here and there, but that was mostly Bio, healing spells, and enemy skills (mainly big guard, white wind, and matra magic if i'm grinding limits at Junon/Fort Condor forests.) I've noticed in New Threat it's a bit harder to do that, but still very possible. I mean sure, if I hit someone with a physical attack that doesn't have the elemental weakness needed on it, yeah, magic will do more damage. It's really in how you spec yourself. Of course, I'm also the type of person to grind for hours till I get to around the point I can one or two shot every normal enemy, so take this how you will.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-04-16 10:26:15 »
Absolutely loving the mod!!  Quick question, and I apologize if I've missed it, but does Cloud have an innate in the most recent version?

Cloud does have an Innate, but it doesn't become active until he rejoins the party.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-03-15 17:16:38 »
Would anyone here be particularly against having an option called, I dunno, 'Fast Mode' or something where Boss HP is reduced by a certain %?

If everything else is the same, then I think that'd be fantastic. It would help bug testing, make getting to certain points much faster.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-03-07 01:05:03 »
-) Junon Leagues
I hate this for two reasons: 1) it's too similar to Battle Square except much slower and less versatile with prizes, and 2) it revolves around 1v1 fights which are the hardest fights to make interesting without story context backing it up a little bit. So what I'd like to do is, at a later date, is revamp this completely and make it so that you manage a fighter rather than fight in it yourself (the battles would be organised to be super quick though, with a 3-5min countdown on them so they can't drag out). You'd customise this fighter with different parts to adjust stats/innate abilities and select which attack variants it will use in the AI cycle (so you could swap out a rocket punch with a flamethrower that inflicts statuses for instance).

Given how this might pan out, I'm not planning to do this for 1.5 but to instead keep Junon Leagues as it is for now but I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Honestly, it might be better to have it set up kind of like Chocobo Races are. You can have the choice of participating yourself, or setting up an AI that you can customize. Maybe each give out different prizes, the AI one maybe giving better prizes since I would think it would be a bit harder to do. Maybe have the participated 1v1's give items that would add more customization options to your AI. I honestly really liked the 1v1's. The special enemies there were silly and enjoyable. I would hate to see it have the same thing happened to it, that happened to Blitzball in 10-2. Only thing I would suggest is more variety. Throw in some more enemies to battle. Could be some basic recolors of Shinra soldiers. Maybe make it more like a tournament brackets thing. And maybe have a different set of enemies to fight in the AI fights. Cause that would be a perfect way to implement a kind of side story where you are doing a kind of Robot Wars esque tournament, and have NPC's around Junon that you can interact with that will either help by supplying you with free basic customization options, or just chat about the Tournament. Would be a way to hint at something happening later when you first get to Junon. Maybe a couple NPC's saying how they can't wait for the AI Tournament. Have a guy set as a manager that can see potential in you and gives you a pass to get down into the Junon Leagues area where you can choose to do an AI battle, or a 1v1 to get more AI customization's. Though, saying that I know that is A LOT of work so what you suggested might be the best idea in terms of finishing in a timely manner, if it's even possible to do.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-02-11 21:10:20 »
Geebus, so I -finally- did the Coral Reactor Big Materia part. Good god that part is hell. It wasn't until I realized Aerith with Mp Turbo hooked up to Earth hit the red giant like a friggen nuke that I realized what my strategy was. Even then I had to do it twice cause Cid couldn't help but do a victory pose after beating the last guy causing the train to crash. That fight was ridiculous, and really had me thinking.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-02-11 19:32:52 »
Spoiler: show


Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-02-11 17:22:24 »
There seems to be an issue when certain specific enemies are turned into Frogs due to some unknown cause. I'll set Headhunters to be immune to Frog as well.

I don't think your mod likes having things transformed. It's gained enough sentience to know that, and so it is fighting you.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-02-10 05:15:05 »
This might be noobish, but where is Neo Bahamut?

Unless it was changed since the last time I played he should be where he always is at the Whirlwind Maze in the Northern Crater on the ground after the area Tifa makes her way into the party.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-02-01 21:27:19 »
I want to second what GameGeeks said. It took some finagling, but after a bit of slamming my face into him I managed to interact with him, which then proceeded with a complete stomping of said face.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-01-28 12:40:52 »
Came back after a super busy couple of weeks and picked back up at Junon on disc 2. Went to fight our recurring little friend, and noticed that Cait Sith's Limit was up. Since I had had so much trouble with him before, I decided to see how a Transform would treat him. Holy cow Cait Sith became Boss Killer 9000. He had over 10000 hp and over 1000 mp. He hit like a truck and crit a lot. And because of the 1-1 health drain ratio of the Black M-phone he healed faster then the boss could hurt him. So I decided to tweak his stuff a bit. Gave him the Wizard Bracelet for the extra materia slots. Gave him 2 counter attacks, command counter-deathblow, all the materia that increased health, and put on Silver Refracter so he couldn't be stopped, in every definition of the term. He had 11000 health, and hit for 1-2k each attack, almost 7k sometimes when he crit (which was often). At this point I figured he was unstoppable, and the boss could barely get him down to half health, and when he did Cait Sith hit him once or twice cause of the 2 counter attacks, and healed it all back and then some (command counter-deathblow never went off sadly. I need to level it more.) Only downside really is that he's the only one to get experience and AP, but that's a fine thing to sacrifice if you're having a hard time with a boss. As much as I like Yuffie, Cait Sith is taking her place in my party. Never had a game where I would voluntarily put him in, but damn if that wasn't the thing I needed to see to make that happen.

Update: Cait Sith vs Alpha Zolem
 (Warning, quite a read)
Spoiler: show
Decided to test my limits with this. I flew back to the Chocobo Ranch to see if I could get take on the Alpha Zolem, and to also hopefully get that Alpha Enemy Skill. I went in with the build before without really thinking, and I wouldn't say I got destroyed, but I didn't win. Instead of stop, he used paralysis. And the poison was whittling me down faster than I could heal. So I went back to the ol' drawing board. Tried a few things on the monsters outside. Wanted to see if I could use Hp Absorb on Counter Attack, unfortunately can't, so I had to stick with the Black M-phone which really drained my damage output. I equipped the Gem Ring to negate his Paralysis, but I still had to deal with the Poison problem. I switched out Command Counter-Deathblow with Added Effect-Poison, donzo. He still did a lot of damage, and while having those extra materia's on to give me more money and exp are nice, I can do without them. I switched out Wizard Bracelet for the fancy new Crystal Bangle I just got to buff his defense some. Mag Def would take a bit of a hit, but it was worth the change. Since I was no longer immune to Time effects from Silver Refracter I threw on Time to help get an edge in and to help since Cait Sith is incredibly slow. After that, I started the fight. Transformed, used Haste on Cait Sith, and Slow on Alpha, used a quick x-potion to heal him, and then threw him into berserk! Since his damage was still really low, I had to compensate. And since basic attacks were by far his greatest asset, and would most likely keep him alive, I figured giving up control for more damage was a pretty good idea, and for the most part it was! Alpha would bite (headbutt?) me and Cait, and Cait would punch him right back. Unfortunately, I did not know that having him in berserk would prevent counter attack from going off, and that probably cut my damage a bit, but it wasn't enough to matter too much. It was a back and forth for most of the fight until Alpha started getting angry and stretched up. Then the real fight began. The only real advantage I had on my side was that Alpha's physical attacks didn't heal him anymore, but his new attacks gave me status effects, and his new stance increased his attack and defense. I think one of the status effects was blind, cause Cait started to miss quite often at this point. It was looking pretty grim to be honest. Cait wasn't hitting hard enough to heal back all the damage from Alpha's attacks. When Cait hit about 4k health, I pretty much lost hope, but Cait had other plans in mind. After taking a headbutt(bite?) that crit, he stood up top his mighty Fat Mog robot, ran right up to that giant snake, and crit him for about 2k, landing the final blow. In what could only be described as the greatest fight I've had the pleasure to enjoy to date in FF7, I came out victorious. I took that Elixer with pride. The fight was absolutely fantastic from start to end. Much thanks to Sega Chief, one of the best times I've had with this mod so far.

Edit #2: Also, putting reflect on big guard is evil. Evil I say!

Sorry about the reply time. Got real busy all of a sudden and didn't get a chance to test things out. Either way, went to test it out and it's fixed. I didn't have any character field models installed at all opting to use NT's built in models. Which is also why I started the game with NT only installed, and still got the problem. I dunno, either way it's fixed now.

Gameplay - Difficulty and Story
   ID: af709876-588e-4865-84e3-0ac0bd662fb2
   Version: 2.37
   gameplay = 6

I normally have more mods on, but for the sake of making sure it wasn't other mods causing the problem I removed them, but there is still the problem.

Posted about this in the NT forum without knowing it was a 7H bug apparently. But Barret's Model in NT is a bit broken. He is missing his face, and most of his gun.
Spoiler: show
(Hahaa figured it out)
Have tested it with just the Gameplay - Difficulty and Story mod by itself. Using the NT IRO does not cause the bug to occur.

Edit: And also a couple other features apparently. Looking at the NT IRO version gives Barret a lot more detail that I didn't know about.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.4)
« on: 2017-01-17 12:17:10 »
Are you using the IRO in the OP or the NT option from the Catalog?

Oh, wait, you're right my bad. I just tested out the IRO, and it worked fine. I'll go do that in the 7H forum. Sorry, wasn't aware that it was a problem with that.

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