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Messages - The Seer of Shadows

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Completely Unrelated / Re: Post Your Avatar!
« on: 2010-10-01 06:22:21 »
VG Cats + Sephiroth... It doesn't get any better than that!

(I used to use Super Effective avatars of Red.  Yeah, I'm a real advocate for that cartoonist.)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Get a geek boyfriend
« on: 2010-09-30 23:34:21 »
Geek girls and geek boys make the cutest couples ;D

Troubleshooting / Re: Final Fantasy VIII, weird problem.
« on: 2010-09-30 05:37:57 »
... you'll most likely receive a warning from obesebear.

There's actually a reason for that, fyi.  The Rules are strict, but easy to find - there's no excuse for the number of times that they're broken.

...Are we able to embed video on here?

Don't believe so.

(I know I can be a real nuisance with these things, but I see a double-poster!) EDIT: Not anymore.

It means you're one step away from being loved. To attain that status, you need to give up your life.
Don't be fooled. I had no life long before this forum acknowledged that fact.

Does that mean I'm already loved, but the forum software doesn't acknowledge that yet, or am I just trying to flatter myself
you are trying to make a forum love you. how strange is that?

I'm a sad and lonely person, I have to take what I can get.
well, you definitely made a wrong choice about what do you want to get.

you need to get a life. it's a hard level quest, but very satisfying.

Oh, believe me, I have a life...  I just don't like it that much, I find very little satisfaction in it, and it usually leaves me sad, lonely, and depressed at the end of the day.

Could it be that no one likes you because you quote everything?

It's fine if they misunderstood.  Even if they did care enough to visit, they'd see that you're only a freak :P

lol this surprised the hell outta me.Halkun is a moderator at my FF7 modding forum at

"... at my FF7 modding forum..."

Um... excuse me?  lol :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: Get a geek boyfriend
« on: 2010-09-27 23:22:10 »
"Hi!  Wow, cool laptop!  Is that a Mac?"
"Yeah!  Isn't it awesome?  It's got 4 GB of memory!"
"Is it a 13-inch or a 15-inch?"
"It's a 17-inch!  And it's got four USB slots!!"
"OH MAH GAWSH!  You've GOT to marry me!!"

... Just... no.

GO GO GO!!!! :D

(And don't double-post.)

I'm having no issues at all.  I've occasionally had trouble with other sites, but I don't think there's any relationship there :P

This topic doesn't belong in Tech Support, but okay.

In the Tech Support forum, you'll see that there are two stickied threads.  One of them is "an up-to-date guide for newbies playing FF7" or something like that.  The first post in that thread links you to various editors that you can use to tweak your Final Fantasy 7 game.  It also gives you information on what existing mods you should use, which ones you shouldn't use, which programs are now obsolete, etc.  'Tis all very useful, I'm sure you will agree.

Completely Unrelated / Re: sephiroth vs kefka thread
« on: 2010-09-20 08:46:10 »
Nothing wrong with having a little bit of intelligent discussion.

Heh.  "Intelligent discussion".  Yeah.  "Durr, Aeristh's howt, you can't deny it, end of story durr!"  That pretty much sums up what I've posted :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: sephiroth vs kefka thread
« on: 2010-09-20 08:04:09 »
I must be the only one who thinks that Tifa looks better in her AC appearance.  Black hair > Brown hair, she has a boob reduction (which I thought was necessary), and the appearance simply matches her personality better.  Tifa as she appeared in the original FF7 just looked like a total prostitute, and prostitutes turn me off.  I'm sorry.

Aerith is still better than Tifa.  She's got a better name, she can cast magic better, she's more relevant to the storyline of FF7, everyone rage-quitted when Sephiroth killed her, and she freaking stopped Meteor (with a little bit of help).  Oh, and did I mention?  She's hotter!  (No justification required or necessary.)

And Tifa?  She didn't tell Cloud about the Nibelheim incident until after Sephiroth screwed him up, she freaked out like a mad chicken when Cloud went into a coma, she travels the whole world looking like a hooker, and she had a sad little slap fight with Scarlet when she could've just Dolphin Blowed her off the cannon, killing her and averting the Proud Clod battle later -.-' Also, her skirt's super short, but we never see anything underneath.  What's up with that?

Sephy-san > Kefka
Aerith > Tifa > Yuffie

Yuffie sucks.  Don't even make me go there.

I think from now, I'm going to be keeping more things secret.

Probably a good idea.  Then run and hide when you release your mod, in case the storyline Nazis don't like it :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: sephiroth vs kefka thread
« on: 2010-09-19 09:22:48 »
Which is a wonder, given how often he spells things wrong.  Internet "though" guy must've popped up in his posts 10,000 times.  How many times did the correctly-spelled tough guy show up?  Zero!

(Jaitsu will have to forgive us for derailing the thread yet again.  I blame Hermoor.)

Completely Unrelated / Re: sephiroth vs kefka thread
« on: 2010-09-19 09:15:56 »
Oh, and guess what?  "Snor" is yet another character from Norse mythology.  How predictable was that?

The creators of Norse mythology turn in their graves as we speak.  Some social outcast is murdering their creation.

Completely Unrelated / Re: sephiroth vs kefka thread
« on: 2010-09-19 05:20:34 »
How could anyone post saying Aerith is ugly?  You best be trolling.  Besides, I liked her personality.

1. Who the sells a flower for 1 gil?. How could you maintain a living given that the average potion is 50 gil?. (Sounds to me like somebody had a little side business going on) >_>.

She sells flowers for varying prices depending on who she's selling them to, as you can find out at the Honeybee Inn.  I rarely approve of such unfair and corrupt behavior, but I can make an exception in Aerith's case.  She's hot and naughty!  And as the main character, she only charged me 1 gil.  I appreciated that :)

2. She is extremely self serving, Here we are on a quest to save the planet from destruction and you wan't to ride a roller-coaster...need I say more.

She just wants to have fun.  Every guy likes a girl who wants to have fun.  Even when the planet is in danger.  (Did the party even know that the planet was in danger at that point?)

3. She is ugly I mean come on her perm must have cost a fortune to maintain (can't do that on 1 gil see point 1) I mean seriously you live in the slums!.

I'm sorry, but she is hot.  To each his own, I guess.  Only you're wrong and I'm right 8)

4. Personally I think she is very flat chested.

Big boobs is what Tifa is for.  At least Aerith is secure enough in her own physique to not get implants.  Besides, a large bosom will get in the way from time to time :P

5. Unless she had some weird attraction to people with seriously wacky hair, she was suffering from cataracts.

Difficult one.  Not sure how to counter that.

Oh.  Well that's different :|

Some of the older versions of Wall Market don't require the power packs and are probably still suitable for whatever you want to do.  You can download any version of Wall Market in human history from the links in that post I linked you to.

A few of those links may be broken.  If you can't download a version of Wall Market that doesn't require the power packs, pester NFITC1 ;)

Now then, what do I use to edit Weapon and Item data?

You mean you want to edit the kernel.bin?  Everyone should know what's needed to do that.

See this thread.

Meh.  It was just a passing comment.  It should be allowed to pass without someone derailing the thread.  He wasn't literally asking for someone to post in defense of Kefka.  He was showing that he looks down on Kefka, something he's allowed to do.

FF7 Tools / Re: Loveless - a FF7 text editor [v2.5]
« on: 2010-09-18 09:51:04 »
That looks ethically questionable.  A thread-reviving double post.

But then again, a bug report is a valid reason to revive a thread, and you need a new post to bump it, so I guess it's fine.

[/pretentiously playing moderator]

??? You seem to be a little over-involved in the game.

No need to apologize for your post - there was nothing wrong with it.  I'd like to say, however, that as a fictional character, it doesn't matter whether Aerith has a happy or a sad ending, or whether she is dead or alive.

(Or does it?  Am I under-involved in the game? :P)

Reading over my post, I sounded like a total ****. I'm sorry if I came across as harsh.

At least you're upfront and honest ;)

Anyway, I do not vote for releasing different versions.  What's the point?  People can edit dialogue individually if they don't like what happens.

If it were up to me, I would have it so that the power of Holy temporarily revives Aerith after her death by Sephiroth.  She then lives on as a sort of "living dead" existence until the execution of the Holy spell is complete.  She therefore dies/fades immediately after defeating Safer Sephiroth and unblocking Holy.  (Does that also sound like a bad fanfic?)

Otherwise, just have her disappear without explanation following the Safer Sephiroth battle.  I think that's easiest.

General Discussion / Re: Dissidia II announced
« on: 2010-09-18 01:17:58 »
Reks was an incredibly minor character.  And not all FF characters are meant to look like heros.  Just look at Bartz, Squall, Zidane, and Tidus.

I would personally choose Ashe because she was the real main character of FFXII.  The other characters only had what I would call side stories.

Having Ashe in the game would mean that Vayne would have to be her opposing villain.  Basch would have to oppose Gabranth and Balthier would have to oppose Dr. Cid.  (Vaan, Penelo, and Fran don't have any obvious opposing villains.)

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