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Messages - Timber

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Releases / Re: [REL]Menu Reconstruction Mod
« on: 2010-11-10 05:56:23 »
I know you are hard at work on the FMV's, so you are probably going to hate me for this, but..

Bug report:

The equip effects aren't lined up with the abilities. The first 2 lines are ok, but as you can see, starts getting worse further down.

Also, PLEASE centre the contents of the Limit screen :P

Releases / Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
« on: 2010-11-10 05:04:35 »
I tried it.  But would need the exact font and even then it would be a task in vegas

In Vegas? I was thinking doing it directly on the PNGs before they are put back into vdub.
But yeah the font thing is an issue. Oh well just throwing out ideas.

Releases / Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
« on: 2010-11-09 04:54:12 »
I have hand painted "Midgul" on the car to "Midgar" (not amazing...  but it isnt even seen it goes that fast).

Haha that's pretty cool. Makes me wonder what else can benefit from being touched up manually.

Looking at your jenova_e.avi video, for the subtitles, it may be possible to simply paste a higher res font on top of the existing one.
Or possibly a high res FF7 logo on the opening?

This was a bug in the hardcore mod, but I thought it was fixed in the latest version.
The same version had a crash on the last screen of the Ancient Forrest, so be warned lol, you should update.
Since there is no save point in the forrest, and there is a boss battle now, its quite inconvenient.

Releases / Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
« on: 2010-11-08 02:30:46 »
At 800*600 window mode, these fmvs are now better than the prerendered backgrounds.

Perhaps using Genuine Fractals on the matching pre-rendered background would help towards your goal of blending to the field graphic better?

Releases / Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
« on: 2010-11-06 04:48:59 »
I am doing more tests with ff7/aalis driver/vegas output due to a few faults creeping in.  Like opening.avi with a pause half way through.

FYI, I just tested your opening.avi in my FF7, and the sound is quite distorted.

Completely Unrelated / Re: In which I attempt voice acting
« on: 2010-11-06 03:54:52 »
Wow, that's a really impressive snake voice!!

General Discussion / Re: Shrink your PNGs
« on: 2010-11-05 03:01:28 »
nearly lossless compression of PNGs, i had success in decreasing the total size of the WMRP by around 12%(10MB) using the slowest algorithim.

Nearly lossless? No thanks :P
I'm sure most people won't mind downloading 12% more to ensure good quality.
It's not like file hosting or hdd space is an issue these days.

Releases / Re: [WIP] Final Fantasy VII FMV Update
« on: 2010-11-05 02:52:27 »
Awesome, I still have some of the videos from when I think you guys were testing it, and they really do look much better.

*Sigh*, I should have known these fancy shaders would break alot of sh*tty drivers..

Just an FYI, I get the shader error on ff8, and I have a GTX 470 with the latest nvidia drivers (260.89).

This update doesn't seem to touchup FF8 much , so I'll just list some of the issues mentioned in the previous thread, so they are not lost and forgotten:

- show_fps doesn't work on my ff8.
- The battle transitions are just thin black lines.
- Squall doesn't have a shadow on the world map.
- At the very start of the game, when Elone talks to Squall, you can't see the glass.
- The game seems to be running faster than usual on my PC, I checked with Fraps and it says 31fps, and battles are 16fps.
- In battle, there appears to be feint blue boxes around the 'dust' that is kicked up when characters run.

If you need any more information, let me know.

May be a good idea to have a 'known issues' list.

Releases / Re: [REL]Menu Reconstruction Mod
« on: 2010-10-26 02:46:40 »
personally I think a left hand menu looks pretty ugly....  Looks strange and out of place and the benefits are minimal.. if any.

Haha fair enough, I think the same about the right hand menu. Also my opinion aside, when I made that mock-up in photoshop, everyone loved it.

Anyways I noticed in the readme that the battle menu will be included in the next version :D
Is this an actual redesign, or just alignment fixes?

Hi Aali, I have a feature suggestion.
FF7 PSX had a feature that reset the game if you pressed L1, L2, R1, R2, Start, Select buttons at the same time.
As far as I know, FF7 PC does not have that (I could be wrong, but it has never worked for me).

Would you be able to implement it into your driver?
It's really nice to be able to load another save quickly, I have seen a lot of people want a 'load' option on the menu, but this is better since you can do it in battle.

Releases / Re: [REL]Menu Reconstruction Mod
« on: 2010-10-25 16:30:28 »
Cheers DLPB, nice work.

I just gave it a whirl, and here are some thoughts:

- The contents of the Limit menu look strange, too left. Probably due to the fact it isn't a normal menu, it's like 4 lil square shaped sub menus. Centred may look better.

- Now that the headings are gone from each menu page, some of them look like there is a lot of wasted space up the top. The Magic menu especially, could have an extra line of viewable magic if the top stuff was moved up! I imagine this would be extremely hard though :P

That's all really, pretty hard to fault this, it's very nice. The installer worked perfectly, although I didn't really like the readme going to the desktop, made it hard to find. Couldn't it just be in the zip download?

Oh also, now that the magic menu can be placed anywhere, would you consider adding a 'left hand main menu' option on the installer? :D

FF7 Tools / Re: World Map to .Obj Converter (and back!)
« on: 2010-10-25 15:14:46 »
Wow awesome work! So this will the the underwater / snow maps too?

General Discussion / Re: Music - Not using Midi
« on: 2010-10-23 07:49:01 »
I was also reading about loopable OGGs, I didn't realise there was a slight delay with mp3, is this just a case of exporting the song to OGG? Or is there an option to make it loopable?

Well like sithlord said, you don't always want to loop back to the start of the song, so you actually need to specifiy the loop points in the meta data of the OGG files.

See here for an examples:

General Discussion / Re: Music - Not using Midi
« on: 2010-10-22 12:51:30 »
I believe the midis are located in data\midi\midi.lgp
lgp files are archives, you need to use Aali's UnLGP to extract it.

I look forward to hearing what you come up with :)
Also please note, that if you plan on sharing your music here, please make them looping OGG files, so we may use them in the game.

General Discussion / Re: FF14 panned by critics and users
« on: 2010-10-21 06:58:14 »
I know you guys love bashing squenix, but you need realise that being an online RPG, it will be constantly updated, for the next 10 years or so.

Now I agree the game shouldn't have been released in its current state, but Squenix have even already detailed a patch that fixes a majority of the issues that reviewers and players mention, that will be released in a few weeks. They have also extended the free trial period.

If you guys actually read the reviews, you will find the important things such as story, graphics, the class and battle systems, are actually good.
The major gripes are with the horrible interface and menus, the economy, the maps. These are things that can, and will, be fixed.

Releases / Re: [REL]Menu Reconstruction Mod
« on: 2010-10-21 06:40:25 »
It shouldn't be long now...  it is just very annoying.  The menu is a bit crap to begin with and although this is 3X better than it was, I can't help but wish we could completely overhaul it.

Sounds like you have ideas in your head. You seem to be getting better at the menu modding, maybe one day you can overhaul it! :)

Releases / Re: [RELEASE] FF7Music Installer
« on: 2010-10-21 06:27:18 »
The new VGMStream still has the infinite looping problem, I have the latest build.

I can provide you with my version that has 999 as the default number of loops.

And making in_psf.dll default infinite loop is easy, just provide the default plugin.ini with ForceIndefinite set to 1.

And, like he said, make the installer create a plugins folder.

Ok, I'm confused. Or you are confused. This is confusing. :P

I was talking about vgmstream, not psf.
As in, all you have to do to have vgmstream loop properly, is include a plugins folder, with a plugin.ini that has:

Code: [Select]
[vgmstream plugin]

Troubleshooting / Re: Black bar across bottom of screen
« on: 2010-10-21 05:46:50 »
Hmm I still don't really understand what's so bad about this solution (other than it being a lot of work to implement correctly).
Is there a better solution?
And wouldn't the only reason to not make it the default option is for people not using a widescreen monitor/resolution?

Releases / Re: [RELEASE] FF7Music Installer
« on: 2010-10-20 09:33:55 »
I'm well aware of the looping problems with vgmstream.

Huh? There is no looping problem.
If the setting are not saving, that means there is no 'plugins' folder.
Should have used my loop pack :P

Troubleshooting / Re: Black bar across bottom of screen
« on: 2010-10-20 09:16:32 »
Possible but the result would not be great. You would have to pretty much change the resolution for the whole game to match. This in turn would also lead to multiples of 640x480 no longer being the optimal resolution. Instead you would have something that doesn't fit any common native resolution.

I don't really see why that is so bad? Or am I missing something?

Yeah it would be a strange resolution, but who cares?
I would much rather the game use more of my widescreen.

No, the gap at the bottom of that screenshot, when Aali's new battle interface is turned on.

Don't forget Kranmers battle interface patch, to get rid of that awful gap at the bottom!

FF7 Tools / Re: FF7 PSX Background Converter in Java
« on: 2010-09-21 10:17:10 »
How do the quality of these compare to the PC version, or is it the same?

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