Author Topic: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial  (Read 28102 times)


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[Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« on: 2010-07-03 21:31:34 »
Please note: If you have no idea how to set up or use FF7Music, you should probably read Covarr's excellent tutorial first:

So Timber, how do I make my MP3s loop properly?

MP3s can't loop. However, OGGs can. This tutorial will show you how turn your existing MP3s into looping OGGs, and how to play looping OGGs in FF7Music.

OK, how should I set up FF7Music to play looping OGGs?


1. Download Timber's FF7Music Loop Pack:
2. Extract the contents to somewhere that makes sense, such as your Final Fantasy VII or Ficedula directory.
3. Open FF7Music, and click Configure.
4. Select in_vgmstream.dll for the Input Plugin.
5. FF7Music will now play looping OGGs! (remember to select your ogg files in the files tab).

Sweet, but I still need to turn my MP3s into looping OGGs...

Here's a very quick way to turn MP3s into looping OGGs using Audacity:

1. Open Audacity

2. At the bottom where it shows Selection Start click the drop down arrow and choose Samples
Also at the bottom toolbar make sure the term "Length" is chosen.

Samples are the numerical value used to identify where the loop will start and end.

3. Open any mp3 file into Audacity
Listen intently for any possible looping points within the song.
Once you find an area you can loop with, delete the rest of the song.

Delete the rest of the song, it's just a waste of hard drive space!

The idea is for the song to reach the end of it's file. FF7Music will then loop it to a certain sample position number.

Protip: Zooming in helps alot with deleting sections of a track.
Protip: You can also click on a position in the track and press Shift+K [audacity 1.3.7 and up] which will select to the end of the track, this makes a very clean deletion.

4. The next step is to find the sample positions.
Click the position where you will begin the loop and make a selection all the way to the end of the track.
If you use [Shift+K] it will make a selection from the position you clicked to the end of the track.

Protip: Do you want to hear what your loop sounds like before you actually import it into FF7Music? Hold shift and press the Play button for Loop Play.

Now that you have your selection, don't move it because we need the sample numbers.

5. You can see your selection numbers at the bottom toolbar. You do not need any of the zero's that start before the number. For example:

Your selection start in this example is 1626852, and your length is 5772241.

6. Click File > Export >
Under 'Save as type' choose Ogg Vorbis, and click Save.

Under Meta data type under Tag Name type LOOPSTART in CAPS
in Tag value Type your selection start number
Underneath Type LOOPLENGTH in CAPS
type the selection length number

Click OK

7. Done! Your new OGG file will loop in FF7Music.

I actually tested this by using the looping OGGs in Final Fantasy XIV, and it worked perfectly.
Hopefully, someone with a good musical ear can make use of this, and upload an OGG looping version of the Remastered OST for everyone to enjoy.
« Last Edit: 2010-07-06 16:21:12 by Timber »


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #1 on: 2010-07-03 21:48:37 »
Can I do this with the psf files?


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #2 on: 2010-07-03 22:37:58 »
I have no idea.

I was under the impression the psf's looped already? I don't know, I have never used them.


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #3 on: 2010-07-04 03:23:29 »
Well they do loop, but badly.


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #4 on: 2010-07-04 04:35:21 »
Covarr's excellent

Hopefully, someone with a good musical ear can make use of this, and upload an OGG looping version of the Remastered OST for everyone to enjoy.
Not something I plan on doing myself (don't have the time or patience), but if somebody else does it, I'll update my FF7Music bundle with an OGG Vorbis plugin and a new profile for the OGG soundtrack.

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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #5 on: 2010-07-04 09:53:31 »
Covarr's excellent

Oh... I see what you did there.

Thanks for this tutorial, Timber!


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #6 on: 2010-07-05 21:01:51 »
As an example, I have made a looped version of Fighting battle music, from the Remastered OST. Download here:

Protip: You can actually enjoy this OGG together with your MP3s and PSFs at the same time. Simply put in_mad.dll and in_psf.dll (found in Covarr's pack) in the same folder as in_vgmstream.dll, and they will all work! (Make sure in_vgmstream.dll is the Input Plugin in FF7Music, also you will want to keep the 'Loop custom files' option ticked if you are using MP3s or PSFs.)


I have uploaded a pack of songs that I have looped, download here:

This includes:

Bombing Mission.ogg
Fanfare 2.ogg
Good Night, Until Tomorrow.ogg
Makou Reactor.ogg
Still More Fighting.ogg

Use these with the upcoming Team Avalanche Bombing Mission demo :D
« Last Edit: 2010-07-12 09:40:47 by Timber »


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #7 on: 2010-07-12 09:45:41 »
Double Post: Why did the thread not bump when I modified my post?


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #8 on: 2010-07-12 15:14:44 »
It only bumps with a new post.


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #9 on: 2010-07-12 17:24:41 »
You can loop mp3's, you just have to turn off the buffer time between reloading one...


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #10 on: 2010-07-13 00:18:04 »
titeguy, did you read his post? This allows you to loop back to a point in the song other than the beginning. For example, using one file for opening/bombing mission, you can only loop the bombing mission part. Or, have the music after a battle fanfare loop indefinitely until another song starts playing.

This is one of the cooler features of the OGG format, in my opinion.

Actually, Super Smash Bros Brawl modders do something similar, when getting custom music to loop seamlessly. It's pretty cool.


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #11 on: 2010-07-13 11:22:28 »
For example, using one file for opening/bombing mission, you can only loop the bombing mission part.

I have a question, FF7 has the full opening/bombing mission midi (oa), as well as just the bombing mission midi (ob).
Is oa actually used anywhere in the game? Because the opening video has the music on it, it doesn't use the midi.

Also, does anyone want to try looping JENOVA? I'm having trouble getting it to be seamless.


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #12 on: 2010-07-13 16:58:43 »
For example, using one file for opening/bombing mission, you can only loop the bombing mission part.

I have a question, FF7 has the full opening/bombing mission midi (oa), as well as just the bombing mission midi (ob).
Is oa actually used anywhere in the game? Because the opening video has the music on it, it doesn't use the midi.

Also, does anyone want to try looping JENOVA? I'm having trouble getting it to be seamless.
You know, I don't think it is. The easiest way to check would be to replace oa with something obviously wrong in FF7Music (I'm thinking Yakety Sax), and play through the first portion of the game.


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #13 on: 2010-07-13 21:35:45 »
For example, using one file for opening/bombing mission, you can only loop the bombing mission part.

I have a question, FF7 has the full opening/bombing mission midi (oa), as well as just the bombing mission midi (ob).
Is oa actually used anywhere in the game? Because the opening video has the music on it, it doesn't use the midi.

Also, does anyone want to try looping JENOVA? I'm having trouble getting it to be seamless.
You know, I don't think it is. The easiest way to check would be to replace oa with something obviously wrong in FF7Music (I'm thinking Yakety Sax), and play through the first portion of the game.

It's not.

My setup doesn,t even have a song assigned to it.


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #14 on: 2011-05-04 18:54:46 »
Question: Were I to restore the loop points of the PSX OST (and a few OCremixes and alternate versions of songs), would it be legally feasible to hand those out as a downloadable package?


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #15 on: 2011-05-04 20:12:05 »
Well, I already distribute the PSF version, as Squaresoft (and just about every other company) has turned a blind eye to this. I can't speak for the official OST though.

As for the OCRemixes, it should be okay as long as you get the okay from their respective remixers.


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #16 on: 2011-05-04 21:27:25 »
Why are PSFs ok but not CC OST, which is like PSF after all.


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #17 on: 2011-05-04 22:18:36 »
Why are PSFs ok but not CC OST, which is like PSF after all.

VGR stop questioning why you can use this but not that. It cannot be distributed here because the administration has decided to not allow it. That is all you need to know. If you wish to use this stuff in the game buy it.


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Re: [Tutorial] Timber's FF7Music Looping Tutorial
« Reply #18 on: 2011-05-08 12:06:03 »
wooww what a confusing question it is....!!!