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Messages - Shankifer

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9
Completely Unrelated / Re: The Vending Machine
« on: 2010-07-26 22:04:39 »
you get raisins!

*Inserts child* (it wasn't easy  :P )

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Ban Thread
« on: 2010-07-26 22:02:37 »
i feel banned >.<

Completely Unrelated / Re: Final Fantasy 7 and RPG maker.
« on: 2010-07-26 22:01:06 »
If it was made, I would play it  :)

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Ban Thread
« on: 2010-07-26 20:22:22 »
I ban you because i'm sorry for not being able to see order of posts. It's like forum dyslexia ^.^

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Ban Thread
« on: 2010-07-26 18:42:48 »
I ban you because I'm not that guy, and because Phil Collins was the original lead singer of Genesis and did so much more than Disney songs in his career :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Ban Thread
« on: 2010-07-26 03:38:36 »
I ban you because I never got to see Phil Collins live  :'(

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Vending Machine
« on: 2010-07-26 03:34:34 »
You've received the meaning of life. On the back are two warnings, 1. Good for one proving of a point. 2. Not for resale.

*Inserts 3 bags of Cheetos and a Mountain Dew*

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Ban Thread
« on: 2010-07-26 02:41:24 »
I ban you because you keep posting games that I can't help but reply to >.<
Damn these gamer-impulses!

Completely Unrelated / Re: The Vending Machine
« on: 2010-07-26 02:37:32 »
You get the master track of the donkey kong rap, on CD and a .45 ^.^

*Inserts 1,000,000,000 Gil*

I'll probably shoot myself in the foot for this one, but if we're talking about characters that don't get much coverage, Yuffie would probably bean interesting plot for a side-quest, seeing as she's a thief, and almost any story can fit into thievery  :P She also has a very undeveloped backstory in FF7

Hey, she has side quests! Two of them, actually ;D (although one is somewhat mandatory if you ever go to Wutai)

I rebuke that last statement then, no Yuffie! :P

She is just way too happy. She fits in well, but sometimes... way too happy.

[Off topic]
She fit well in the game, but in the movie she was just too over-happified, while everyone else was ready to give up and jump off a cliff or blow up the world. She always remains 100% happy. Idk why it annoys me... it just does  ;D
[/Off topic]

A note to the kind of quest, Red XIII would be a great storyline to do... and (prepare for character bias coming up...) throwing some Vincent in wouldn't hurt too much... Since they both have to do with Hojo from their back-stories. They also both have a quiet and reserved part of the group.

I'll probably shoot myself in the foot for this one, but if we're talking about characters that don't get much coverage, Yuffie would probably bean interesting plot for a side-quest, seeing as she's a thief, and almost any story can fit into thievery  :P She also has a very undeveloped backstory in FF7

Just some ideas.

As for making things compatible, it would probably be accomplished a lot easier by first developing a stand-alone mod, and then maybe asking the creators of the other mods if they know a way or not. That way you have a base mod that can be backed up and then altered. Unless you plan on incorperating other mods with it, which you would have to ask permission first :]

The entire DBZ series from dragonball all the way up to GT- 237GB.

Pretty sure that's the one I got, didnt remember it being that big, maybe i was wrong lol. Did it include all the movies too?

Colt Ford - Nothing In Particular

From the album Chicken and Biscuits

Not too bad for a country rapper lol.

I like all genres though, even classical and jazz ^.^

the entire rurouni kenshin series.....
I have no idea how large it was, all I know is that that computer doesn't work anymore...



'nuff said.

Please, Try not to laugh at my nerdiness. But I downloaded a 90 GiG compilation of Dragonball, the entire series. I haven't even made it past watching the entire first season yet! lol

It took like two weeks on my on/off internet connection. But still. Huge file.

I downloaded all 6 or 7 seasons of Digimon too(like 40GiG)... but I only wanted the first season... I swear!  :P

Completely Unrelated / Re: Umbrella Corp. Theme
« on: 2010-07-24 05:06:14 »
Haha I like the MGS sounds for lab sounds. They are like, the perfect generic MIDI files you'd think to find in an old "looking through the lab" part of a game.

A few Ideas that hit me while reading your ideas lol:

Log-in sounds : The clicking keyboard and then boot sound you hear in a lot of old games when accessing a computer, if you don't know what I'm talking about let me know and I'll try to find something. I think Fallout three uses a somewhat "modernized" version of the sound OR The sound of the footsteps walking up and opening a door lol (that always was just an addition to the creepiness

Log-out : definitely some type of zombie groad, Possibly even the dying sounds from RE1  ;D Or possibly a Nemesis moment (I was a huge Nemesis fan back in the day :P)

And some things like the sound of unlocking doors and jangling keys here and there. All those little sounds that made the game as spooky as it is.

Just an opinion. I'm sure you will come up with some awesome stuff!

Completely Unrelated / Re: Useless Information :D:D:D
« on: 2010-07-24 02:59:09 »
I'm loving the Boot, it looks so official. Like Resident evil went ahead and said... "you know what, let's make an operating system for the hardcore fans" lol

Can't wait to See a finished product in action.

Keep the updates coming!  ;D

Completely Unrelated / Re: Other than Final Fantasy
« on: 2010-07-24 02:53:39 »
Monkey Island Games (with Guybrush Threepwood? Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who spent hours looking at pixelated characters in the 90's  :-X)
I see your Lucasarts and raise you a Humongous Entertainment.

Ain't no '90s adventure games better than Pajama Sam.

Holy hell... I used to play Pajama Sam all the time! Did you see they re-released for the Wii? It was like 10 dollars and I almost bought it just to have it... but I felt just... a taddddd too childish haha  :P

Pajama sam was amazing, and it had the greatest minigames, cheese andcrackers, the sock machine, all of them. Good stuff, great times.  ;D

I prefer my way, but I can live with that.

What we need are two things; clarity and logic. One of my biggest problems with the current rules and the way they are enforced is that they both leave grey areas and there is little logic to what goes where.

Ideally, the forum layout and board names should be such that people wouldn't even need to read the rules to know what goes where; it should be so clear and intuitive that, if people post in the wrong board, it would be acceptable to punish them just for the sheer stupidity and lack of common sense.

The problem with the rules is not really clarity in my opinion. I do agree though with Kudistos on the forum titles though.

The real problem is just ignorance, People spend about 3 minutes and 3 searches looking for a solution to their problem and can't find it, so they post a question. I'm not totally sure a way about making it easier to answer questions. Catagory/Keyword searches, even though since this is a forum, it is sort of categorized on a base level.

A lot of people using this site found it while typing their problem in google search, therefore they click a link, see all the walls of text and decide "I'll post the question, sure to get help then!" which of course isn't always a bad thing to think but it is annoying, I'm guilty of it too so I know what the mindset is going into it. and after spending a while on here you start to get the feel for things.

I don't think there is an end-all solution to new members necroposting or double posting or even asking already answered questions.

Maybe adding a really small forum piece like  "new to qhimm" and maybe even a "new to forums" for people who have never really forum-searched before.

I hope this all makes a little bit of sense.

@ Seer

 I was only mentioning Project forum because of the amount of work this sounds like it is going to take lol.

Especially if it goes down the path of making new scenes and NPCs and other things thatwould end up beingvery large and time consuming. Of course game tweaking forum is the place to start though, kind of slipped my mind up there... sorry  :-X
And thanks for calling that one lol  :P


When have a basic outline of what you want to do, send me a notepad or something so i can see what's in store.
Thanks   :-D

Completely Unrelated / Re: Other than Final Fantasy
« on: 2010-07-23 04:50:00 »
yeah, gotta admit though, that game was so random. it almost got gamers as pissed off as the real trail-goers (very wild exaggeration  :P)

Completely Unrelated / Re: Useless Information :D:D:D
« on: 2010-07-23 04:48:12 »
Some Zombie sounds here and there I hope?

A little nomming on flesh whenI log out maybe?  ;D

Gunshots for some things that barely ever happen on your computer.

Some of the sounds from combining items... not 100% sure if there were anybut it would be cool :P
When you finish,def post something because the sound scheme alone has me sold. :P

right now the most interesting scheme i found on win7 is the guitar sound... and its more like a banjo lol

Completely Unrelated / Re: Other than Final Fantasy
« on: 2010-07-23 04:41:17 »
(Self-opinionated) List of Best Games:
Monkey Island Games (with Guybrush Threepwood? Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who spent hours looking at pixelated characters in the 90's  :-X)

Warcraft 2 and 3 (I'm also a WoW nerd but I play 2month cards every now and then so not an addiction... anymore ^.^)
Red Alert 1 and 2 (for me, after that,i tjust kind of died, although Tiberium Wars was okay)
Oblivion(Over 200 hours of my life my lifewere... spent... on that game xD; learned a lot about modding with the PC version)
Fallout 3
Crimson Skies
Diablo (only the original, Psyched for three, but at the same time disappointed with the changes)
Metal Gear
Kings Quest

And a hell of a lot more but I just wanted to start naming games ^.^

Completely Unrelated / Re: Useless Information :D:D:D
« on: 2010-07-23 04:27:14 »
The Fallout 3 thing, O.O Awesome. I want a real Pip Boy. Just becauseI was an addict for over 150 Hours of my life lol, I should get a nerd award or something ^.^.

Oh and I wanted to ask, are you going for realistic "lab computer sounds" or were you thinking ResEvil Sounds?   8-)

Graphical / Re: [WIP] Battle-scene Enhancement
« on: 2010-07-23 04:19:19 »
Just wanted to offer up some CC:

Just a general "smog" in the city BG would be a nice way to blend everything, same with the roads, just darkening spots here and there. It would take away that. "omgosh they just restoned a road in the slums!" feeling :P

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