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Messages - EQ2Alyza

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Is the battle fields link supposed to be the 3.17 version?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] [7H] Enhanced Stock UI (1.0)
« on: 2019-11-23 09:05:12 »
Is it safe to enable other mods that modify the .exe like the Animations mod for example? As long as it's nothing Menu related? Thanks again for the awesome work. I finally got it working in game by itself and it looks fantastic.

It's safe to enable any mods that don't alter the same hex values as in this mod. Pretty much anything not related to the menu should be fine (TM).

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] [7H] Enhanced Stock UI (1.0)
« on: 2019-11-22 22:06:21 »
Congrats on the release, Chrys! I am a little confused, though, because earlier in the thread, when I asked, you said a modified .exe (such as being changed by White Chocobo or TouphScript) can be used with this mod. But just a few posts up, you said it can't. So which is it? And I still think you might want to provide a non-7H version as well. Not everyone uses 7H, and forcing it to go through there alone cuts off those people who don't use it who might want to try out the mod. The choice should be up to the user to decide how they want to install it.

I'm sorry but your wants don't dictate our time and effort to spend. That is acting entitled to something you haven't put any work into yourself. If you want more out of it then open up the modding tools section and get crackin'. Modders are much more inclined to teach others how to mod then to simply bend to everyone's requests.

The reason there isn't a non 7H version is because it's not feasible right now. This is not something you can just request and we whip it up on the spot. If that were the case, then it would have already happened.

This will require only the FF7.exe. The days of using modified exes for certain mods are over.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC] [7H] Enhanced Stock UI (1.0)
« on: 2019-11-22 06:02:01 »
1.0 is now released. Enjoy!

7H is not dead.

Set the x/y to 0 and report back.

7th Heaven / Re: Driver Config Wont work
« on: 2019-11-12 21:16:47 »
This happens when the game converter isn’t used.

Troubleshooting / Re: Converter won't stop patching
« on: 2019-11-12 21:14:40 »
The FAQ shows how to properly do a clean reinstall. You need to use the registry cleaner tools it lists.

Lower the internal resolution.

put all of the texture files of remako into the mods folder   

Did you put them into... \mods\Textures?

Every mod mentioned above will be updated in catalog 3.0. Just slowingly working on the preview files and server uploads at this point.

Hmm, I can't get it to run unless I tick Compability Settings and use Win 7 or below.

But movies have no audio, and I have no sound effects, just music once the movies are done playing.
And the image is 16:9 and streched.

Any ideas?

Post a new topic in the Troubleshooting section since your startup issues are not actual issues with this mod itself.

The 7H means 7th Heaven, so you can only use that converter alongside 7th Heaven.

You may want to try the original beta converter:

General Discussion / Re: Mod Location Help!!!
« on: 2019-11-01 01:59:22 »
The mods are located in the Release section for each category. If you're finding stuff from a Google search, then there's a good chance it won't be released here since we don't allow ripped content.

7th Heaven / Re: Catalog isn't populating?
« on: 2019-11-01 01:55:23 »
That error code is reported many times in the 7th Heaven section and in the FAQ.

What is the name of the game converter file you used?


7th Heaven / Re: Catalog isn't populating?
« on: 2019-11-01 00:27:39 »
You need to put the subscription link in the Workshop settings for the Catalog to show.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-10-29 07:09:23 »
I have pretty much come up with the perfect mod order in 7th Heaven for FFVII to play with pretty much perfect HD graphics and gameplay, and was thinking of sharing it on these forums to help newbies at modding get a good up-to-date install guide for the latest mods available. The only problem is the gameplay mod I want to recommend in my install guide is New Threat, but I cannot recommend it at all because it has those two bugs in the basement of Shinra Mansion and the Temple of Ancients where the dialog breaks when used with Menu Overhaul.  There is no good way to mod FFVII using Tifa's 7H unless you use Menu Overhaul, it's basically pointless.  So because your mod doesn't work along with Menu Overhaul without breaking those scenes, it's basically still not fully compatible with 7H.  I could never recommend anyone mod FFVII unless they use 7H with MO, so therefore I can't recommend your mod to anyone unless those buggy scenes are removed from your mod.

Could you please correct your 7H IRO version by removing those edits you made to those scenes so I can recommend it to people who use 7H and Menu Overhaul (which is the best way to mod the game if you know what additional IRO mods to get as well as what options and load order to choose.)

Wait for Catalog 3.0 release. MO will be out, replaced by an updated UI (similar looking to MO) that doesn't require any modified exe. It works off the same FF7.exe that NT was built on.

Download -> Activate -> Configure -> Launch Game

On a side note:  I'll be happy to see if 7th heaven goes down.  Not becasue I hate it, but because it's convoluted and made from way back when ff7 modding was new and misunderstood. Having a new framework from which people can implement new mods would be exciting. 

Many people have spent years and endless hours working on all that exists for it. Your personal happiness doesn't make the decision to just give it up and throw it all away. They will both exist, for now, and it's the user's decision what they want to choose.

Yes, the main issue with 7H is that Iros vanished before things could get fully ironed out. It was picked up by a few afterwards to try and continue, but work is slow on it. None of that means it's a bad program. It's just had an unfortunate development path.

Everything leading up to now is water under the bridge at this point. MO and Because will be out of 3.0, and your program will release. There's no reason they can't co-exist, and we're going to have to anticipate the "Can R06 mod be used with 7H?" question to pop up despite how much we write it out publicly that it can't.

A few things:
1. 7h is an awful, convoluted, badly designed, gimmicky solution that tries to be an all size fits gauntlet.  Even installing the cretinous thing is a chore. I hated it from the start, but hoped it would get better.  When I realized it wouldn't, I decided to make my own solution.

2. You've caught me on a very bad day.

3. I didn't like the fact you or someone else decided to add Reunion without my permission to that pile of turd to begin with - but, that aside, the biggest problem is that an old, crap version of Reunion is out there and I can't stop it being installed and used when my intention was for it to die.

4.  The co-existing is my decision. R06 will check for 7h and will refuse to load when it's detected. Disabling R06 is VERY easy.  It's an option at the top of the Options.ini file.  So, if people want to disable it and use 7h, they can at any time. 

5. Until your response, I was willing to work with you to come to some sort of compromise.  That's gone now.  My aim is to kill 7h off.

6. It's nothing to do with "taking control"  It's the following:

a. 7h causes confusion and problems and I get bug reports because of 7h. Nightmare.
b. It takes MY control of MY mod away from me.  The same way it takes away control of any modder's mod.
c. People start to believe 7h IS the mod.  That the work was done by 7h team.
d. My solution gives control to the modder and to the end user in a more or less painless way.

1. Yeah, I know. For years, you've scattered posts throughout this forum stating your distaste for 7H. It wasn't hard to figure that out.

2. What is the point of saying this? Is it your way of apologizing ahead of time for the rude comments you're saying? You've always spoken out this way towards other people, so I'm not buying it as justification for what you say. You have A LOT of bad days with people on these forums. It's who you are, or at the very least, who you're known to be.

3. The whole point of 7H was to move Bootleg forward in a new way. Bootleg had Reunion, but I don't remember the issues from you then. Public mods are meant for the public, especially when where you host it is built on the idea that we're a modding COMMUNITY that shares its work with each other. Bootleg was a tool to bring all the mods together for the user to pick what they want. 7H is no different in that regard.

Your "biggest problem" is not a problem. I'm not buying it. Catalog 2.0 launched with the latest Reunion at that time, so it's intentions were never to cause you problems. You're treating it like modern day PC culture, where someone famous gains traction in something they're doing, only to be publicly destroyed by bringing up a topic that happened decades ago because it fits the new "destructive" narrative for modern day culture. It's irrelevant to what is happening now, and I assure you that the intentions of Reunion in 7H was, and still is, to simply promote the mods it hosts. Reunion wasn't even going to be in 3.0 because I wanted to work together with you to get it installed from your method, and then use 7H over top it for anything extra the user wanted. I realize it's a difficult task that might not be attainable, but you never gave it a chance when:

A) You crap all over 7H for years on this forum.
B) You tell me ONE time that you'd be willing to share R06 to see what we can do, only to go completely silent and never send me anything.
C) Approach me ONE time on Discord, only to derail the conversation with, "oh fuck it.  I'm gonna go my separate way..."

4. Whatever you do with R06 is your decision.

5. I'm not buying it. You never showed any pattern of wanting to work together. Just 99% silence while I sat back and had to read your distasteful comments about 7H spread around this forum.

a) Again, not buying it. Majority of Reunion related reports are either using the wrong .exe to run Menu Overhaul or wanting Beacause and New Thread to work together. MO is out in Catalog 3.0, so that's one issue resolved. Beacause and New Threat won't work until you both complete your mods and work together to combine them. That's on you guys, not 7H. Besides, NT gets automatically disabled if users choose the Beacause option, so users can't even make the mistake of trying if they wanted. Any other user reports in are client related due to stupid Windows 10 updates changing the way it calls to 7H. Also, there is an active group on Discord trying to resolve this with possibly a new client build, and I'm very open to their work. There are other small bugs and fixes needed, but nothing to worry over for a public release.

b) Nope. 7H was always a tool meant the same way as host mods for promotion and easier access. It essentially got rid of aimlessly searching the Qhimm forums or ctrl+F the Big List of Mods. When a mod is added, it's put in as-is (with a few exceptions). If you think it's for taking control away from the modders, then you have a warped way of thinking that was developed by yourself. Nothing publicly says that its meant to take control away from the modders.

c) Says no one.

d) Yes, it gives more control in downloading and placing the mods manually. In a more or less painless way? It's not released to the public yet, so who knows.

All of THIS is just a headache that active modders shouldn't be talking about. It's not healthy. I don't want it. Which is why I'm still willing to swallow each others pride and compromise. But you have to step up and communicate more. And perhaps tone it down a little. It's not hard to tell people that things are a bit of a problem, but that you want to help fix the problems. Even if the problem means taking out Reunion completely from the 7H Catalog...just ask for that. Not once in the past did you ask for that, but your argument clearly shows you wanted it.

Well? What say you now...

Very easy.  Easier than you can imagine.  And it's not IRO form.  In fact, I am hoping R06 will be largely used instead of 7h.  I haven't made up my mind whether the two can even co-exist.

Yes, it's known by now that you want 7H to sink and your work to take sole control. Them coexisting is not your decision though. The public will use what they want to use.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-10-17 11:17:46 »
Why don't you do it? Do you think we exist to be your slave?


Whoever did the "arrange" mod is a lazy ass......  i have to fight 2 ferning blast by president shinra who have 3600 hp and  i have 0 ferning MP!!!!!!!
I TRIED GRINDING MONSTERS they drop 0 "tent" or "ether" so how in the ferning c ocksucking dicks am i gonna get mp to move forward? should i farm mobs with normal attacks til i go 100 lv to proceed or ferning what dude? get a ferning grip.  Yall make so many ferning mods its been what 25 ferning years since this game been out? "This supposed to be a good mod?"   How about u fix the overcomplicated stats oh no nono non instead u made it more complicated with retarded stats like what the fern dude. 

Take some time off to think about how to act in public. It’ll do you some good moving forward in life.

STEP 3 has the subscription link. C'mon, this is not rocket science or DaVinci Code deciphering.

Solved Problems / MOVED: "ERROR STARTING FF7"
« on: 2019-10-14 02:29:43 »

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