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Messages - The SaiNt

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 14 ... 36
Quote from: MMiller8
I don't have mighty guard

Can you cast shell, protect or anything?
If you can't you can use an item that casts shell.
Or just use Rikku's overdrive mix, to cast it on your party.

Quote from: MMiller8
this guy wipes out my entire party in one move, even if their hp is perfect.  (and if by chance one is still alive he just kills him with his lance of atrophy.

Wait a second. Is lance of atrophy that attack that makes you get the zombie status?
If it is then equip some armour that has zombie ward. (Can't remember if it's available yet)

Hmm....I don't think I used any strategies for him.
The battle seemed pretty easy.

If you have plenty of money
Spoiler: show

Just go get the Aeon Yojimbo and pay him to do Zanmato :)

Have you tried casting Mighty Guard on your party? Kimhari should have it now.
Before he does his "huge attack", he usually casts dispel on your party I think.
When he does that, quickly switch to Yuna and use your Aeon to take the damage.

General Discussion / FFX Follow ups
« on: 2002-07-06 18:39:22 »
Quote from: Qhimm
Expert grid has more forks. More paths to choose from, which intertwine to a greater degree than the default grid.

Oh, and stat maxing is cool. Maxed out strength on Tidus, Auron, and Yuna so far - meaning all the aeons' strength stats are maxed out too. Passado packs one mean punch, I tell you... 18 x 99,999... mmm....

Yeah, but you actually have less spheres in the new grid.
Which can turn out bad if you really want to max every single stat

The Magus Sisters are cool though it's pretty annoying when they decide to take a break. They did that once and I got slaughtered.

General Discussion / FFX Follow ups
« on: 2002-07-06 16:02:56 »
Qhimm's right, FFX PAL doesn't have the FFX : Another Story. I just checked it a while ago. You can however find a fansub on FFX : Another Story. I know it exists cause I have it :P

Personally, I think that FFX : AS is unlikely to be released in English cause it would be a waste of resources. IF and I really mean IF they decide to release FFX : AS in English, it will only be released together with "FFX : Yuna" & "FFX : Rikku" (again this is a big IF and a rather wishful IF)

However, FFX PAL is based on FFX International (FFX : I)
In other words you get to choose to use the FFX : I sphere grid
You will also get to fight the dark aeons.
Sadly, saves from FFX NTSC (US) can't be loaded into FFX PAL. :(

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Battle Locations
« on: 2002-07-01 10:04:06 »
Quote from: ShinRa Inc
:)  It's nice to feel somewhat useful.

Does anyone know if Saint's been around recently?

I do :)
I'm still around, just a little busy playing FFX.
I check by everyday or 2, if you're interested to know.

General Discussion / Interesting...........
« on: 2002-06-10 14:13:54 »
Damn, the perception of the M'sian average IQ level has dropped dramatically on this site again.

*hides in a corner*

General Discussion / Interesting...........
« on: 2002-06-07 08:07:20 »
Quote from: FFTactic_Boy
Well yeah I am pretty sure 'bout it; because I have a friend from Imperial London who has just went back to KL, he bought himself a PS2 (His is original though) and he told me that it is possible to mod it. I've also got a few Penang contacts in my ICQ (my ex-schoolmates) who told me that it is possible to mod PS2 as well.

I don't think you quite get what I meant.
If you mean "modded" PS2 instead or "pirated" PS2 then you are right, we do have pre-modded PS2's here in KL as well.
The term "pirated" PS2 refers to a PS2 that was wholly created by a 3rd party and not Sony.
Mind you, "pirated" PS1's do exist in M'sia. They're about RM100 cheaper than the originals.

Quote from: FFTactic_Boy
I don't understand the bit where you say about price.. I mean if it costs RM12 for a game (DVD), wouldn't you save more than buying an original DVD (Probably RM170 for new titles??<Conversion from UK pounds>)

I meant the price of the PS2, not the DVD's.

Quote from: FFTactic_Boy
And a PS2 costs RM800 now (that's according to my Imperial friend heh  :) )

And he is right.

General Discussion / Interesting...........
« on: 2002-06-06 18:06:59 »
Quote from: FFTactic_Boy

Yes we do have it in Penang, Saint. It costs around RM1300 (~USD 300)
But it has some mods, first is the lens (obviously...) <to play DVD> and a VG mod for the memory card as well lol  :lol:

Uhm, you sure about it?
Who would buy it if it costs just as much as the original?

General Discussion / Interesting...........
« on: 2002-06-05 07:36:32 »
Quote from: Sephiroth 3D
Hmm... How much is a PS2 in Malaysia, in USD? I wonder if I could import it & play it... :wicked:

Also, how much is a Gamecube? Just curious...

We have no "pirated" PS2's in Malaysia, so it'll probably be more or less the same price. :P

General Discussion / Leviathan
« on: 2002-05-30 17:34:02 »
Why don't you ask Qhimm?
He *might* say yes :)

General Discussion / The New Guy!
« on: 2002-05-30 03:48:32 »
AFAIK, you can drag and drop files into LGP tools

General Discussion / Interesting...........
« on: 2002-05-28 02:57:24 »

Let's just say the PC uses the brute force approach to everything.
"It can't do that yet? Let's just add more power to the chip"
PC makers just seem to care less about perfection.
They release broken games cause they know the can release patches.
They don't bother releasing proper drivers and proper hardware cause they know they can get the users to upgrade it.

In the case of the PS2, they've pretty much done all the optimization they can. Since the PS2 was meant to play games and nothing else (besides DVD's and CD's), everything in it is optimized to do just that. So, all the game developers have to focus on is using the current features available.

*forgot what he wanted to say cause he was busy reading the article in the link below*

Archive / Avatar sizes
« on: 2002-05-19 12:43:28 »
The standard 60x60 ones are best :)
Slightly larger should also be okay.

The main problems with large avatars:-
1. File Size (Load times)
2. Table stretching
3. People using low-res monitors (I have to use 800x600 in college on a 14inch)
4. Avatars that take up more space than the post :P

Quote from: Goku7
If that's the case, then would it be possible to have a option in the user prefrences to have the site auto-scale to the resolution you select (via a drop-down box, not thru windows itself)?

Possible, you can even scale the text if needed. But this also means more work.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Strange....
« on: 2002-05-10 05:25:01 »
FF7 version 1.0 runs fine on my PC.
(CRC-32=E79D5195, 5,820,416 bytes)
I don't even have to use the TNT patch

I'm using WindowsXP
Nvidia 28.32 Drivers
The latest comp. update from Msft via Windows Update (It won't work without it)
FF7 Config Ver1.02 (Direct 3D Hardware) Nvidia TNT checked
I don't even need to switch off 8 bit palletted texturing support.
4XFSAA is on.

What is extremely surprising is that FF7 runs only if the exe is named. FF7.exe, if I name it anything else, the game will load but it will crash everytime I try and access the menu system.

General Discussion / what the remake scene so far :)
« on: 2002-05-10 05:16:12 »
No problem.
The remake staff are always busy, so we understand :)

Archive / New forums!
« on: 2002-05-09 14:43:51 »
Quote from: mirex

How about to disable 'Notify me when a reply is posted' by default in Post a Reply ? When i reply to something, and forget to uncheck it, i have my mailbox full in no time.

*hint* Profile

General Discussion / Game Pop Quiz #3!
« on: 2002-05-07 02:16:08 »
Uhm, I doubt anyone can answer that quiz without external help.
Unless of course you have no life and have been constantly playing ONLY those games repeatedly.

General Discussion / Sephiroth Patch <*again*>
« on: 2002-05-02 09:17:57 »
I cheated, cause I did it with a program I wrote.
It searched for all references replaced them with the "correct" ones.
Don't ask me for the program cause it and the source got lost thanks to the last hard drive wipe out.

You can try this program.
I'm not sure if it works.

General Discussion / Sephiroth Patch <*again*>
« on: 2002-05-02 07:57:01 »
IIRC, changing the whole body is no problem but changing the hair involves changing all the references in the field files.
And I mean every single one that Cloud appears in.

General Discussion / Sephiroth Patch <*again*>
« on: 2002-05-01 08:02:43 »
Sorry to say that my hard disk was erased recently as well, so I don't even have a single version of it. (Not that I can't make another one) :)
If I get the time, I'll get onto it but I've been very busy recently. Sorry.

Archive / New forums!
« on: 2002-04-27 08:14:24 »
I wont start messing with all the settings and adding and readding feature until Qhimm has finalized with what he wants to do :)

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Remake Inquiry
« on: 2002-04-18 13:05:00 »
Well, check you mail :)
Sorry for the delay, I just came back from my maths exam. :P

General Discussion / Game Pop Quiz!
« on: 2002-04-18 07:30:00 »
Can I make a suggestion?
This thread is getting a little too large :)
I shall close it when it reaches 300 posts.

Unless someone can give me a good reason why not to :)
See, ain't I nice? I didn't make another post to increase the post count. :)
[edited] 1 2002-04-18 14:10

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Yatta!!
« on: 2002-04-13 16:33:00 »
Btw, the title wasn't bestowed by me.
I don't go around doing things like that.

BTW, important note in FFR forum. FFR members, please give me a prompt reply.
[edited] 1 2002-04-13 17:39

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / A call to arms!
« on: 2002-04-11 12:25:00 »
Halkun always works in bursts, so I have no idea what he's doing now.

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