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Messages - Armorvil

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General Discussion / Re: Renaming a status effect ?
« on: 2011-03-21 07:33:46 »
Oh, it's just another status effect that Remedies, Tranquilizers, Esuna & Frogsuna (the E.Skills that removes ailments, since White Wind don't remove them anymore) can cure. FF7 AV made it part of the Poison status, but in TG (=Total Grudge) they're separated.

General Discussion / Re: He just pwned lots of FF7 gamers
« on: 2011-03-21 01:17:19 »
Yeah, the guy has merits thinking about such a set-up, but don't expect me to spend 10 minutes watching this...

I've never been the kind of player looking for accomplishments / being amazed by other gamers' gaming accomplishments anyways. So, I'll say it Miles Straume's style (from LOST) : "This guy killed Ruby by entering a single attack command ?!?!... ...WOW"  :)

General Discussion / Re: Renaming a status effect ?
« on: 2011-03-21 01:02:54 »
Neo doesn't support .tbl files though... I ended up using Windhex, just like Bosola ^^

As a side note, after turning the only 'Dual' into 'Seizure', in FF7.exe, I'm glad to say it works perfectly. When hit by Dual in battle, the status displayed below the character's HP/MP is indeed 'Seizure' :)

Graphical / Re: sl1982's Field Enhancement
« on: 2011-03-21 00:49:27 »
Just experienced Part 2 in-game. They look great, bravo !

I second DLPB. Also, because I finally updated my graphics card drivers (and thus, can use 0.7.10b), your battle scenes now work in my game :D (so ignore my previous posts). They're beautiful, your work is stunning ^^

I can't wait to admire your work on the world map :)

Graphical / Re: Mago chocobo Battle Scene Enhancement
« on: 2011-03-20 23:43:17 »
As far as I know, nothing should now keep you from doing the same as Felix Leonhart (ie, distributing .PNG files as opposed to LGP files), because my problem is fixed ^^

In other words, you can ignore my above post (and even this one :P ).

Never mind about my previous texture problem, Aali (you know, related to my ATI graphics card). I finally got off my lazy ass and updated my drivers, and it works now  :-[ Shameful, I know...

Anyways, I can now appreciate this magnificence that is 0.7.10b ! :D

Graphical / Re: Mago chocobo Battle Scene Enhancement
« on: 2011-03-20 17:53:34 »
i try this way tomorrow.

Please don't  :cry:
...Just kidding. If that's what the majority wants, I'll abide to it ;)

Ha, thanks guys. Looks like I'll just have to wait for a new version of the custom driver, or buy another graphics card to enjoy FL's works of art :)

Graphical / Re: Mago chocobo Battle Scene Enhancement
« on: 2011-03-20 15:43:53 »
Fabulous work ; I just edited the LGP archive with your files, and it works great ^^
I hope you'll make some more in the future :)

I tried everything, and they still don't work  :cry: Installation is very simple, so it's impossible that I messed up (as I previously said, SL1982's or YarLson's field enhancements work perfectly, as all of Avalanche's menu graphics, and I put your battle folder in the same folder as the field one).

Magochocobo's corel reactor works though, since it modifies the LGP archive itself. Maybe it's a problem with Aali's 0.7.8b driver ? (because of my ATI card, I can't use 0.7.9b *battles don't load* - or 0.7.10b *battle textures messed up*).

It might be selfish, but would it be possible to transform your PNGs into lgp files (like Magochocobo's rjaa, rjac, etc.) ?... ...I'm almost sure you can't do that, but I figured there's no harm done by asking ^^

Graphical / Re: [WIP] FL's Battle-Scene Enhancement
« on: 2011-03-19 22:48:08 »
Oh btw, it seems something was wrong with my download before, I re-dlled it and the missing one works now.

It might be my problem, too. I followed the instructions and placed the battle folder in my modpath subdirectory (next to the Field directory), and none of the scenes work :( Still, all of SL's field enhancements work, so it's definitely not a configuration problem... ...This is weird. I'm re-downloading the file as I type this.

General Discussion / Re: Renaming a status effect ?
« on: 2011-03-19 21:29:00 »
True that. And it's too bad HxD doesn't support .tbl files :( So yeah, Bosola's question still stands (Gold Finger's table support kinda sucks).

General Discussion / Re: Renaming a status effect ?
« on: 2011-03-19 21:06:33 »
Oh, that explains it. Thanks ! The wiki doesn't mention this, since it says that it's a particular format Square chose, for FFVII.

General Discussion / Re: Renaming a status effect ?
« on: 2011-03-19 20:28:09 »
Thank you again Bosola ; you really are a great help :D

General Discussion / Re: Renaming a status effect ?
« on: 2011-03-19 20:17:09 »
That's not what I meant, about the table. Look at KM's screenshot of his hex editor, just above. On the left are the bytes, which is normal - but on the right, you have the actual text. And for the text to display, as far as I know, you need to load a table (a .tbl file) into your hex editor. Or is this screenshot from a program I do not know about ?... ...I tried Ficedula's FF7 Text and it works (I just turned the FF7.EXE.FF7 it created into a text file, so I can edit it and turn it back into a normal FF7.EXE), but I would have liked to use KM's method.

...Or perhaps my hex editor just sucks (I use Gold Finger) - but I don't know of any hex editor who can by itself intelligently turn bytes into the correct characters. You should need a file to do that, or to manually enter the correspondences between bytes and characters. Something I can't do with Gold Finger.

General Discussion / Re: Renaming a status effect ?
« on: 2011-03-18 23:49:23 »
Thanks for the help, KM ;)

On a side note, where did you get the FF7 text table ? I tried to download it from the link on the wiki page, but it doesn't work anymore :(

General Discussion / Re: Renaming a status effect ?
« on: 2011-03-18 21:31:01 »
Ha, thank you very much for the info ! I'll see what I can do :)

General Discussion / Renaming a status effect ?
« on: 2011-03-18 20:41:52 »
I'd like to rename Dual into Seizure, so that when you're inflicted by Dual, you actually read the name 'Seizure' in battle. Logic told me that I could do that with Wall Market, in the Battle Text tab, but status effects are nowhere to be found :(

Any idea ?

Releases / Re: FF7 Disc Extension Patch (W.I.P) - v0.1
« on: 2011-03-18 09:22:29 »
This is grand. I was worried I'd have to create three different scene.bin for each disc, for my mod... ...Not anymore :)

Thanks a lot for this great patch, Bosola  :D

It's probably a good idea to fork discussion of the item anims into a separate thread. That's not because I don't want to discuss them - it's because they might get missed otherwise!

Alright, I understand :) Still, I just edited my above text file so it would be more small resolution-friendly. I'll just edit my previous links to link to the new one.

We really need to document both the item and the limit animations.

Ha yes, I almost forgot about the limits...

If 9A for an item creates Water Gun in the PC version, that means item animations start 0x48 before spell animations for that platform. Leviathan has absolute index 53 on the PSX (at least relative to spells), which confirms that again, item anims come 0x48 before spell animations.

Interesting. Let me come back after my lunch (!) and I'll put together the clues...

I can't wait for more technical info  :D

Most excellent. It's true we really need a complete file with all the attack animation indexes for both the PC and the PSX versions.

As to improve it, I see you listed the Kernel Magic indexes, but may I suggest to also add the Scene indexes (which are the same for PC & PSX) ? I have a file on my comp which lists them all. Here it is **LINK REMOVED - use the updated one at the end of the post**. They are in the ID column, of course (the IDs listed to the right are the PC Kernel IDs you already listed).

I also noticed that the animation IDs for the Item command are also different in the PC version, from the PSX version... ...It'd be cool to add them, but I don't have much documentation =/


OK, I did some testing. First, in case anyone is confused when I said that the PSX and the PC versions don't share the same animation IDs for items, allow me to be more precise : they do share the same animations, but for the 'item' effects the original game uses. For example, the ID '1A' is the Sleep effect, for both the PC & PSX, since this effect is used by the item 'Sleep Powder'.

What I mean is, after a certain point, the animations ID diverge. For example, if you give an item an animation ID of 9A and test the item in the PC version, you'll see the Water Gun effect. But if you test this item in the PSX version, you'll see Leviathan (but without Leviathan himself) - the huge tidal wave attack with Lev's scream and all.

I just tried many attack item IDs in the PSX version, and it seems the logic of the PC version doesn't exist. As such, while the ID 'C0' calls Sewer Tsunami (the normal one), the previous byte (BF) isn't Twin Burner as one would expect from the Enemy attack list, but the lightning attack Schizo uses (I don't remember the name, atm), while the 'B7' and 'C2' animations don't exist, etc... ...I can tell that it will be a pain to map the PSX item animations indexes.

Anyways, I updated my "sorts ennemis.txt" (translate as enemy spells.txt) with the Item Animation indexes for the PC version :) Download it here **LINK REMOVED - use the updated one at the end of the post**. I just hope you make the text file fullscreen and have a high resolution so each line concerns a different spell :P (it won't look good / be easy to understand with a low res)


Here is a better text-file, more English & low resolution-friendly.

Battle consideration 41 works the same as battle consideration 40. IE, 16 = no effect ; 24 = +50%, and 32 = +100%.

Just take note that battle consideration 41 (gil plus) is glitched : even if one of its levels is set to 24, the gil obtained will always double (+100%, as if it was set to 32).

A RPG at least needs some kind of world map, yeah. I really like FFX, and even its world map is satisfying, somehow.

The funny thing is, before FFXIII was released, I thought that world maps weren't important. I kept reading the previews of FFXIII, and since many people compared it to FFX, I was convinced I would enjoy the ride. Sadly, I didn't. FFXIII is nothing like FFX.

Still, what kills FFXIII IMO isn't its lack of a world map, but its lack of a good story combined with actual gameplay meat. It also doesn't help that there are not many things you can do, in battle, except the usual "Buff/Debuff, stagger the enemy, then unleash full power". And it gets tiring after a while. I also don't like the fact that they're going with a more Action-RPG approach (I like to sit back and take my time, when I play a RPG - I hate button mashers like Kingdom Hearts & co).

Anyways, I'd love a world map reminiscing of IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX to come back - but I don't see Square making this U-turn, since they're more worried about realism nowadays.

Here are the correct descriptions :

Additional effect 15 : modifies the target's Strength/Magic/Defence/Magic Defence by [M] - 100%

Additional effect 16 : modifies the user's Def% (=physical evade) by [M] - 100%

Additional effect 17 : modifies the user's Strength by [M] -100%

Additional effect 1C : modifies the target's Defence and Magic Defence by [M] -100%

So, if [M] = 200, the above stats will double (+100%, the maximum). And if [M] = 75, you get -25. So the stats will be reduced by 25%, etc...

Also, there are two things to note with Additional effect 16... First, I'm really not sure it works on enemies. I tried to give Rufus a high Def% that would decrease everytime he'd laugh, but I never felt he was easier to hit, even after his 10th laugh. Not only that, but just like in RedXIII's Lunatic High, giving this effect to a multi-party spell will further increase the caster's Def% as more allies are hit by the spell (Lunatic High's [M] is 150, but it will likely double Nanaki's Def%, if at least two allies are alive).

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