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Messages - James Pond

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Completely Unrelated / Re: Super Nintendo (updated)
« on: 2006-07-21 12:57:42 »

Completely Unrelated / Re: Super Nintendo (updated)
« on: 2006-07-21 08:12:39 »
1000 words.

A pricture is worth 1000 words.

Also, what are you trying to acheive? Some kind of pimped out snes?

Completely Unrelated / Re: PSP Advice
« on: 2006-07-21 08:11:20 »
I wouldnt touch non official firmware if you have any value to your PSP.

Or any sense for that matter.

Completely Unrelated / Re: PSP Advice
« on: 2006-07-20 14:20:32 »
The ghosting is the screen, cant do anything about it

Completely Unrelated / Re: Logic Game
« on: 2006-07-18 12:51:32 »
Stuck on the one that says "sept" :/

Completely Unrelated / Re: PSP Advice
« on: 2006-07-18 09:06:30 »,crid=2362,contentid=10181

Get one of those, and your PSP wont get any scratches at all.

Im currently kicking myself for upgrading my PSP to 1.71 so I could get the LocoRoco demo...  Especially now Gitaroo Man has just been released in Japan, and it works with Devhook.7 >_<

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post Your Desktop
« on: 2006-07-15 15:28:39 »

Completely Unrelated / Re: The death of MxTabs
« on: 2006-07-14 13:17:15 »
No, what im saying Alhexx, is that you made a point of fans not knowing the lyrics at a gig.

Why would you go to a gig, if you only liked one or two songs? 
If you went to a gig, you (should) have their CD so that you know more of their music, and therefore their point for lyrics sites being taken down is justified.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The death of MxTabs
« on: 2006-07-12 09:30:36 »
Well thats a moot point Alhexx.

In theory, fans should buy the CD's if they are there for the band.  Ergo, they print the lyrics inside the inlay, as 99% of bands do now anyway, so they'll still know the lyrics.

Completely Unrelated / Re: The death of MxTabs
« on: 2006-07-11 16:52:51 »
Some already are.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post Your Desktop
« on: 2006-07-02 19:15:35 »
And the person that commented on WoW.

Whats wrong with it?

Completely Unrelated / Re: Post Your Desktop
« on: 2006-07-02 17:57:49 »
Hells yeah, Very strange, but good for a laugh

Completely Unrelated / Re: Crysis Video
« on: 2006-06-20 17:01:28 »
In all fiarness, the guy was speaking Brazillian or something, you can't expect him to have an overly large english vocabulary realy..

*Emerald Weapon drools a little over James Pond's keyboard*

Then realizes he's actually pretty happy with his current one (MX 3100 set). It get's the job done.

Then also realizes James Pond will probably not like him drooling over his keyboard  :-P

Last time I drooled over a keyboard ( i fell asleep on it -.-)  I had to buy a new one >_<

Completely Unrelated / Re: Blu-Ray Launches Next Week!
« on: 2006-06-17 08:44:34 » hate sony...but like the PS2 and want a PS3?

Your logic fails me.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Blue-Ray Launches Next Week!
« on: 2006-06-17 07:55:59 »
Actually I think that He was referring to me  because I said Blue ray would fail.

Just in case it wasn't just his inner fanboy speaking, how about the great list of Sony's successful proprietary formats? :-P

Granted, there usually is a first time for everything. :-)

I'm not a fanboy of anything really, I just hate Sony,  trying to eat all my money.

Dont buy any of their stuff then fool.

Theyre "G keys"

You can prgram macro's into them to do whatever you want.  They can also be timed, hence why the use of them beyond reasonable use in WoW is banned.

Basicly, it was my birthday in february, and I was bought an import of an Iron Maiden Boxset, the only CD's im missing from my collection. Long story short, After 2 months waiting for my present, I cancled the order and ordered this keyboard from Dell.  (Logitech G15 Gaming grade keyboard)
A week passes after ordering, and its not here, its not even been ordered by them, apparantly they cocked up the day after I ordered it, and no orders went through, they also put the price up. so I ordered from a shop named "Futuremedia". This was 3 weeks ago.  After one week of waiting, I phone up to see where its got to, as it still said "processing" on the webform.  Aparrantly THEIR system had a glitch, where the money was taken from the accounts, but no actual orders were made.  I said ok, and expected it within the next fortnight. 

Last night I phoned up again, and was told that due to more system complications and because my order was messed up, they couldnt send me one, because they no longer had stock, and that I could be assured "No one in the country can sell one to you, unless its at a stupid price" (They were charging £39.99 for it by the way)

I cancled that order, and went hunting for somewhere that may have it in stock.  I came across a little shop named "Microdirect".  They had "loads" in stock, and were priced slightly more expensively, at £44.99, but it was in stock, and my old keyboard was now dead.  I ordered it at 5 PM last night,

I was woken up by the doorbell this morning to see a nice man from Amtrack with a keyboard sized parcel for me :D

>_> After 4 months of waiting, I finally have a birthday present :o  And a damn nice keyboard too.

I must warn though, If you ever decided to buy from either "Futuremedia" or "" please think again, they have both been incredibly hard to deal with.

>_> on another note, This keyboard is godly, the backlit keys, the inbuilt USB ports and to top it off, the LCD display that natively works with some games is awesome, and it can be customised too!

If anyone is thinking of getting a Logitech G15 gaming keyboard, I can only reccomend them, and

<_< Sorry for any spelling mistakes Jari, Learning to use a new keyboard is annoying >_<

Completely Unrelated / Re: Blue-Ray Launches Next Week!
« on: 2006-06-16 15:18:23 »
Want to back that up with....say, A reason?!
Just in case it wasn't just his inner fanboy speaking, how about the great list of Sony's successful proprietary formats? :-P

Granted, there usually is a first time for everything. :-)

Now now, the UMD isnt *that* bad..  Infact I quite like it :D

Completely Unrelated / Re: Blue-Ray Launches Next Week!
« on: 2006-06-16 08:13:23 »
Want to back that up with....say, A reason?!

It didnt really worsen the weekend really, infact its quite entertaining to say to people "Oh yeah.. I got twatted across the face by riot police and neutralised with tear gas... How was your weekend?" >_>

I've heard some pretty grim stories however of both the police and the festival "security" getting VERY agressive for no reason.

Apparantly, this year there were 102 thefts, 53 accounts of GBH, 25 accounts of propriatery damage, and 3 accounts of rape.

Im absaloutly appauled at those figures, especially the last one...

Having just come back from Download Festival 2006, I have many stories to tell, one of which being caught up in the riots that ended this years festival, and possibly ending Download Festival perminantly.

22 : 15 PM : Guns and Roses just finished their comeback gig in the UK, Everyone was amazaed by the performance, amazing atmosphere.

01 : 30 AM : fires are started, bangs are heard and the fire department are called to put out the fires.

2 : 30 AM : Burger van set on fire. can cannisters are thrown into the building, and expldoe, causing damage and lots of firey rain of debris

3 AM : A 30 foot watchtower, made of steel scafoldin, cemented into the ground is somehow toppled infront of my eyes, and hits the ground, more explosions can be heard in the distance

3 : 30 AM : Riot police arrive.  Regardless of who is standing where, they get attacked. Myself, I got attacked with a batton and slammed to the ground with a riot sheild. I was standing next to another burger van chatting to the people working there.

4 AM : Police take more action, Tear gas is deployed. I only got a back end of it, however for 20 minutes, It was agony to do anything.

4 : 30 AM Riot police retreat, Arrest 32 people. Recall attack alsatians ( I think they were Alsatiations)

Now I ask this.  Was this action justified, or over the top?

Alot of innocent bvystanders got hit to the ground by the Riot cops, and a CC Shotgun was being carried by about 1 of 5 cops.

They also had what looked to be tazers and pepper spray.

What a shit end to a great weekend tbh....

Completely Unrelated / Re: Looking for an article...
« on: 2006-06-07 06:47:31 »

Completely Unrelated / Re: Looking for an article...
« on: 2006-06-07 05:49:06 »
Google maybe?

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