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Messages - ManuBBXX

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Hello everybody..
I have a little 'menu difference' in battle between my ff7 bootleged, and thoses of I can see in video. As you can see in the screens, I haven't like other guys the rectangular blue boxes where there is the commands : attack, magic, etc.. but no box.
Here is a screen from MY config :

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And here is a screen taken on a video of others :

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Am I wrong before running bootleg ? Is it a choice to check( FF X battle style checkbox for example ? ) Thanks a lot

This is I have, a Radeon HD6970. What is supposed to be a good choice between them ?

Just for the setup, in the plugin tab in the configuration of bootLoader, what post-processing shader have you set ?
I tested many of them and can't see a difference between them.
Here is mine :

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Releases / Re: apz cloud field/ apz buster with new tex id
« on: 2012-09-08 11:19:55 »
I'm sorry for that. I thank you

Releases / Re: [REL] Anxious Heart
« on: 2012-09-08 11:16:02 »
Thanks to you ajthedj747, I have it and I can say : Wooooow, that songs are just awesome ! It changes from my precedent 'bootleg' choice in ff7 music  :)

Releases / Re: apz cloud field/ apz buster with new tex id
« on: 2012-09-07 22:57:40 »
Is it possible anyway to change the sword style of cloud ? Cause since I use this awesome APZ cloud field, I don't like the look of the sword in battle mode, as this image shows :

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Thanks a lot

Releases / Re: apz cloud field/ apz buster with new tex id
« on: 2012-09-07 11:14:10 »
no v4 include models for the field world high us and chocobo. not battle. the head is slayernext. look at an apz picture. its an issue with the textures in the battle lgp. to install these mods you never toouch the battle lgp. install the latest battle model for apz that will fix you problem end of story.

post in bootleg with the screen cap with your settings. apz model with slayernext hair and millenias weapon set theyll give you a full list of things to change

Yes, problem resolved with installation of 'APZ Cloud Re-Release FINAL' ! I forgot it.
Thanks a lot dude

Releases / Re: apz cloud field/ apz buster with new tex id
« on: 2012-09-07 01:49:07 »
First of all that's not the APZ head. Something must've been gotten wrong while replacing files inside the battle.lgp

Awesome idea though, having a model with glasses :P :P Reminds me of Cloud in the beginning of AC :D

lol !! Isn't it ?  :D

this shouldnt touch battle lgp at all. Ill check once im home

you picked apz and a hair mod. theres a texture issue. reinstall apz's rereleased battle model should fix it. your post belongs in bootleg thread.
battle models have nothing to do with the models on this thread.

APZ re-released ? It's not APZ_Cloud_Field_Full_V4.rar ?

Releases / Re: apz cloud field/ apz buster with new tex id
« on: 2012-09-07 01:47:05 »
First of all that's not the APZ head. Something must've been gotten wrong while replacing files inside the battle.lgp

Awesome idea though, having a model with glasses :P :P Reminds me of Cloud in the beginning of AC :D

lol !! Isn't it ?  :D

Releases / Re: apz cloud field/ apz buster with new tex id
« on: 2012-09-06 23:19:10 »
Little problem for me with this model.
I installed your last V4, but now my Cloud likes 'this' : ( I precise that in the world map, the field model is the good, but he's different in battle, and worse : that horrible 'black glasses' on eyes lol )

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I would mention that I restarted with a 'fresh' install of FF7 and Bootleg, and choosing the AZP cloud in Bootleg.
Where am I wrong ?

Releases / Re: [REL] Anxious Heart
« on: 2012-09-06 16:33:32 »
Can't connect to the tracker anymore..

Releases / Re: [REL] Anxious Heart
« on: 2012-09-06 11:08:23 »
I can't download this on torrent for the AH.exe, it can't connect to the tracker..
Is there other way than torrent to get it ?

Don't understand all ..  ;D but.. Whith this method, we could have better graphics than the 2012 ff7 converted to 98 and all modded with bottleg ?
It already looks fantastic like this  8)

Okay, thanks Pitbrad !  ;)

Nothin' really to see but, a strange thing between normal and hardcore mod :
In normal mod, I have materia lokking like this :

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And in hardcore, not very beautiful, I have :

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This is my bootleg settings before running it :

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I would like to have the 'normal' mode materia lokking style in hardcore mod.
Is it caused by the Romeo AC Materia checkbox checked ? And if yes, why it differs between normal and hardcore modes ?
Thanks a lot

Releases / Re: FF7Music Installer
« on: 2012-09-03 19:00:03 »
You always if you want convert the game to 98version and then patching it the way you want

Thanks for your answer. And for bootlegged option ? What option do you recommand between facePalmer or blackfan+1982+... / or bootlegged ?

Select these:

Did you try the 'Face palmer' option for the field texture field ?
Is 'Bootlegged' option looks better ? Does the different option change significantly the game appearance ?
Thanks a lot by advance. I play with 'Face palmer' option personally.
Don't try the Blackfan+sl1982+palmer. 'Face palmer' choice uses Omzy's texture pack is it ?

Releases / Re: [WIP] Nightmare 7, Beta Testers wanted
« on: 2012-09-02 14:07:46 »
Sure !

A little question : I checked the 9999break in before installing bootleg. When I launch the bootloader, I don't check the 'Break limit 9999' case in the plugin tab configuration. Cause I don't know why, it makes the battle
menu broken between his lines.. SO does the limit 9999 broken anyway ?
And secondly, nothin to see but, no possible to keep the translation( fr for me ) by checking 'Aeris revival'. Is there a way for this ?
Thanks a lot
( Sorry for my english )

Releases / Re: [WIP] Nightmare 7, Beta Testers wanted
« on: 2012-09-02 01:10:04 »
Is ot possible to test a little ?
When approximatively do you plan to release this 'looks interesting' modd ?  :)

Releases / Re: [WIP] Nightmare 7, Beta Testers wanted
« on: 2012-09-01 01:24:06 »
So there is the same difference between normal and harcore, compared to hardcore and this, approximatively ?  oO

Hardcore mode is just fantastic and offers a little challenge, it's just awesome !

You need to play better if Hardcore turns into:
(Woah!  Can't survive the first two fights!  And enemies take forever to kill!)

It's harder but far from bone breaker difficulty. Only Nightmare 7 does bone breaker.
I believe there was a toned down version of hardcore but no idea where

personally I never bothered with any of the difficulty mods that AREN'T the hardcore mod so I dont know what they're about.
What is the bone breaker / nightmare7 you talking about ? Very harder than hardcore ?
EDIT : okay, saw on the forum. Just crazy amazing harder modd ! oO

For fun, I played the PSX version on an ePSXe emulator, and same with shaders and opengl effects activated, I laughed of the difference, graphics and difficulty of 'original' game !
With thoses mods, we taste the best, and forget the past of or 'old' FFVII, waaawwww

Releases / Re: [REL] Anxious Heart
« on: 2012-08-31 18:06:05 »
Okay, thanks. What do you think of 'bootleg' selection on the FF7music.exe ? It's the option where we have the fantastic black mage theme as boss theme.
Personnaly, I like !  What 'audio modd' do you prefer ?

Releases / Re: [REL] Anxious Heart
« on: 2012-08-31 14:34:40 »
I would like to know what this modd offers more than the ff7music_installer included in bootleg 0039 ?

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