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Messages - xLostWingx

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Completely Unrelated / Know about Droid CPUs?
« on: 2013-08-24 06:46:54 »
I'm planning on selling my old crap tablet and purchasing another crap tablet (though slightly less runny).  In my research I am finding most of the feasible options I am finding run either the rk3066 (dual x 1.6mhz) or the A31 (quad x 1.5mhz).  The interwebs is frustratingly sparse in benchmark information about these two chips (if you find that's not the case, my hat is off to you).  I simply want to know how these two CPUs compare (and the corresponding GPUs [PowerVR SGX544MP vs Mali 400 {which claims 1GB dedicated memory...I have my doubts, but maybe this means something different than I interpret}]).  From what minimal information I've been able to acquire, it would seem the 3066 has more raw general processing functionality, but the A31 has better 3D Graphics performance.  In most cases the A31 seems to come out on top, but then again the Tablets utilizing this proc generally seem to be of lower quality than the ones I'm looking at that use the 3066.  Maybe the difference here is marginal, and I should lean towards the cheaper build with the A31, but my gut tells me that the better looking tablet with the 3066 would ultimately be the better choice.  Nobody I know has any useful insight to offer, but I figured someone here would be able to help.  To avoid vaguery, I'll post links to the two tabs I am strongly considering - though I predict some degree of heckling.  Oh well.

Azpen A721


NinjaEdit: I approved it for you, not sure why it did that though

NotNinjaEdit:  Thanks!

Gameplay / Re: Making playable bosses
« on: 2013-08-21 05:39:08 »
I'm sure we all felt like jumping in on this thread in order to provide dasmucho with some...perspective.  I also think that has been accomplished.  That being the case - dasmucho, as you and others mention, with the right amounts motivation, dedication, and raw time, you can learn how to, and eventually accomplish your goal.  We all hope that you treat the responses you received as an educational experience and not as personal attacks.  You'll learn and assimilate the culture here, and when you do you'll find that you'll receive virtually any and all help you may require.  Yeah, you got smacked in the nose with a rolled up newspaper, but now you know not to crap on the living room floor - and that will be appreciated.  Good luck in your endeavor, but keep in mind that the people here have had hundreds of ideas that have never made it past the drawing board for good reason.

Gameplay / Re: Making playable bosses
« on: 2013-08-19 19:30:30 »
This may be the closest thing you'll find to what you're describing. Though it's definitely not exactly what you were trying to do.

General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy VII The Promise
« on: 2013-08-19 19:28:00 »
Cool - and welcome to qhimm.

General Discussion / Re: Aeris vs Aerith.
« on: 2013-08-15 02:35:24 »
@Iros:  I applaud you sir.

@Vgr:   ;)

Great thread, really.

General Discussion / Re: Aeris vs Aerith.
« on: 2013-08-14 17:13:26 »
Final Verdict:  Aeris is preferred, but incorrect.  Aerith is correct, but not preferred. (something we all knew to begin with lol)

General Discussion / Re: Low Poly FF7 figurines for sale
« on: 2013-08-14 06:02:29 »
Pimp as F**k indeed.

General Discussion / Re: Aeris vs Aerith.
« on: 2013-08-14 05:51:19 »
This is a good thread.  May-Ko absolutely.

On a related issue:  Given my profession, it's extraordinarily interesting to me to observe the various positions of spectrumy people regarding "Correctness" versus "Resistance to Change".  You all know who you are  ;) I certainly do.  On these forums it seems "Correctness" actually wins out over the "Resistance to Change" which is something that I am rather surprised about (I'm thinking some of you Aspys are actually HFAs).  But then again, some diagnostic systems are trying to eliminate these distinctions - which I think is a mistake.  And then there is always massive variability regarding professional judgement.  Damned inexact sciences.  And semantics could also be responsible.  Of course I mean no offense to anyone whatsoever - just in case anyone did feel offended in any way.  Sociological Lingustics are also probably at play here.  Such a thought provoking me at least.

Anyway...there are a few pronunciations I've been able to change from the way I initially pronounced them.  I used to say "Ko-Ko-Bo" but now I am fine with saying "Cho-ko-bo".  Anyone else have any good ones?

Completely Unrelated / Re: A solid ground
« on: 2013-08-14 01:41:25 »
Concur with timeout.

Your good job has been officially withdrawn.
Bad Vgr, BAD!

Ha!  Hilarious.  Also, making me want to try out Nightmare to earn my own official Good Job from Kuugen.  Damn my affliction of only being able to play through VII once every 6 months or so.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Android RPGs
« on: 2013-08-11 20:48:05 »
I'm enjoying Knight of the Earthends right now.  Symphony of Eternity will be the one I check out next if you highly recommend it.

Gameplay / Re: Modding in / out Materia commands
« on: 2013-08-11 05:21:33 »
Does that mean I imagined my one star Summons casting twice per battle?  It's entirely possible lol, I just wanted to be sure.

This is inspiring me to experiment with materia modifications again.  I have so many mod ideas, so little motivation to bring them to reality,

Gameplay / Re: Modding in / out Materia commands
« on: 2013-08-10 17:47:40 »
Of course. I was thinking of possibly adding effects to materia that would normally be found within that materia's "family" (ie, Steal becoming Steal-As-Well with sufficient levelling, since they're both Yellow abilities).  Makes sense that depending on the color involved it would change what you're able to do.

In the case of Summons, I note that the Modifers 2-6 are "1" to "5" respectively - Presumably this is the "allowed number of uses per level". Does changing these do anything? Ie, would doubling each result in twice as many summons per level?

Steal is Yellow...Steal as well is Blue.  I've never had any luck with "Cross-Family" Materia commands.  Any magic materia will accept any magic ability afaik.  I haven't tried tossing an extra summon onto any Red materia (Level 1 Shiva > Level 2 Iftrit >Level 3 Rumah), but I suspect it won't work.  I've tried sticking Summons on Green Materia and they tend to show up in the Menus, but not in battle.  I don't think you can get Blue materia to have multiple effects either.  I do think I've been able to get Yellow materia to have multiple commands from within the same "Family" before though...but I could be wrong.

As far as Summon levels go, isn't it 1, 2, 3, 4, Infinite (or whatever the max value would be)?  Although...I do think that I've managed to make One Star Summon materia able to cast the summon twice - so maybe you can manipulate the number of possible castings until you reach the Max.  But once again...I'm far too rusty to be able to provide any definitive answers.  Clearly the others posting in this thread know more, but I thought I'd add my hazy recollection of my own experimentation with Materia in WM.

EDIT  Just remembered, I have successfully added Effects to Purple materia for use with Added Effect materia pairing.  So for example, I'm pretty sure you could make an HP Plus Materia that when paired with Added Effect could add the Poison status to your weapon or armor.  And you can make "Blank" materia that carry Elements and Statuses.

Looks like it's tail and it's head are the same body part.  That's pure fail in my book.  Then again, I only ever paid any attention to the first 151 pkmn and that was years ago, so my opinion doesn't matter very much lol.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Android RPGs
« on: 2013-08-03 05:30:40 »
Hahaha!  Yeah these Kemco games are priced at $3.99 - 7.99 right now -  been playing most of them for 20-40 minutes stints.  Good for just running around killin beasties.  Rackin up skill points, gold, and component items for forging.  Once I sit down and play one for real should be able to obliterate things.  Is it legit FFIII?  I think that's the only one I have yet to play.

Completely Unrelated / Android RPGs
« on: 2013-08-03 01:52:04 »
Just trying out some RPGs for Android.  These Kemco games seem to be pretty good so far.  I had been playing Machine Knight and was liking it a lot.  I just got Infinite Dunamis, End of Aspiration (which also seems pretty good), Silver Nornir, Bond of the Skies, and Aeon Avenger - all Kemco.  I also enjoyed Inotia 3.  Really I'm probably only gonna play the ones that let me use my slide out keypad, just makes it so much easier to play. - - It'd be awesome if I could remap the keys!

Anyway, I was just curious if anyone had anything to say about these games, if anyone had any other good suggestions, and listing a few that some others could be interested in.  Anything anyone has to offer is appreciated!

Your logic seems sound.  Hopefully there is enough talent involved with FF8 that this will become a reality.

Completely Unrelated / Re: Octane
« on: 2013-08-02 02:06:49 »
Holy shit that looks good!

General Discussion / Re: How to make mod work
« on: 2013-08-01 23:32:05 »
Shadow:  Are you saying that you loaded files from a clean iso with Makou Reactor, then modified the text, and saved the changes and when you tested it on your PS1 emulator, the emulator refused to load the game?

Often it is helpful to spend some time just messing around (AFTER you have backed up your VII files) with the tools you are learning to use, so you learn what works and what doesn't  Often this process takes a good deal of time, and unless you have either extensive modding experience, or background in software engineering or a related area - you're simply not going to be able to produce your ideal results the same day you decide to attempt to mod the game.

What ps1 emulator are you using?

What changes are you trying to make to the game?

What is your desired final result (what is it you're ultimately trying to accomplish)?

Have you read through the threads for the Tools you are trying to use?

I can't provide you with all the answers and help you will need, but PM me if you get stuck again and I can point you in the right direction.

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: BCX/BSX viewer?
« on: 2013-07-31 16:31:31 »
Does this help you at all?

Yeah that Battle Scene thing sucks.  I tried for a long time to get Lessaloploth's Avalanche animation working outside of Great Glacier - but was ultimately unsuccessful.  Hell, I got a pair of Midgar Zolem's to cast Shiva (minus the Shiva model) before I ever made any progress whatsoever with Battle Scene specific Attack Animations.

Graphical / Re: PSX/PSP Sephiroth and Shinra MOD
« on: 2013-07-31 15:43:26 »
Vincent>Sephiroth ( im trying to find a way to modify his limit break, i  have bizzaro sephiroth and safer sephiroth working so it will be great if i find a way to put these two bosses model into vincent/sephiroth limits breaks)

I saw a video where this was done before (with Seph turning into Safer).  I will try to find it and see if it provides any clues.

Also, in my attempts to force Sephiroth to have Vincent's Limit Breaks, I never got him to actually transform.  Instead Seph would perform a little animation and then his stats would change according to which of Vincent's Limit Breaks I had tried to use (as indicated by changes in his max HP).

General Discussion / Re: Aeris vs Aerith.
« on: 2013-07-31 15:34:37 »
Cait Sith is the only character I consistently mispronounce. Technically it should be "ket shee", but I always pronounce it "Kate Sith". IDGAF.

I didn't know this was even a point of contention!  That atrocity's name will always be "Kate Sith" for me too.  Though usually in my saves he gets named "Kitty Sith" or "Cait Shit"

Shadow, I think this is pretty...make that very unlikely.  It's rough to get many mods working on PSX version, it's even more difficult to get them working on PSP.  Like Kaldarasha said, file sizes are important - and injecting the Remastered music into the psx discs, and then converting them to eboots...unless I'm sorely mistaken, you might wanna forget about this right now.

To my knowledge, nobody has attempted to use different music with the psx version of the game.

Graphical / Re: PSX/PSP Sephiroth and Shinra MOD
« on: 2013-07-31 00:18:00 »
I really like this.   A lot.  I'm glad you took the time to figure this out, and if you got this damn thing working on the PSP, that's just plain impressive.  You are planning on some type of release right?  Although...I'm not sure how that would even work.  Keep up the good work, and find a way to let others play this!

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